一例Vmware Server版本不一致导致的问题

在新的电脑上安装完Vmware Server2.0.2后,导入以前的虚拟机文件。在左边的虚拟机列表中选中虚拟机后,右边的窗口空白一片, 无法查看虚拟机的配置信息也无法启动虚拟机。


然后到目录:C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMware\VMware Server下查看虚拟机的日志信息。依次查看hostd-0.log到hostd-9.log日志文件的内容。


[2011-04-17 00:46:37.859 'Solo' 1264 info] VM inventory configuration: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMware\VMware Server\hostd\vmInventory.xml

[2011-04-17 00:46:37.875 'VmMisc' 1264 info] Max supported virtual machines: 512

[2011-04-17 00:46:37.890 'Vmsvc' 1264 info] Foundry_CreateEx failed: Error: (4000) The virtual machine cannot be found

[2011-04-17 00:46:37.890 'vm:I:\virtual-systems\RedHat5.4\Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.vmx' 1264 info] Failed to load virtual machine.

[2011-04-17 00:46:37.890 'vm:I:\virtual-systems\RedHat5.4\Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.vmx' 1264 info] Failed to load virtual machine. Marking as unavailable: vim.fault.NotFound

[2011-04-17 00:46:37.890 'vm:I:\virtual-systems\RedHat5.4\Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.vmx' 1264 warning] Failed to find activation record, event user unknown.

[2011-04-17 00:46:37.890 'ha-eventmgr' 1264 info] Event 1 : Configuration file for on liuzhenfu in ha-datacenter cannot be found

[2011-04-17 00:46:37.906 'PropertyProvider' 1264 verbose] RecordOp ASSIGN: latestEvent, ha-eventmgr

[2011-04-17 00:46:37.906 'vm:I:\virtual-systems\RedHat5.4\Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.vmx' 1264 info] State Transition (VM_STATE_INITIALIZING -> VM_STATE_INVALID_LOAD)

[2011-04-17 00:46:37.906 'PropertyProvider' 1264 verbose] RecordOp ASSIGN: disabledMethod, 112

[2011-04-17 00:46:37.906 'vm:I:\virtual-systems\RedHat5.4\Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.vmx' 1264 info] Marking VirtualMachine invalid

[2011-04-17 00:46:37.906 'PropertyProvider' 1264 verbose] RecordOp ASSIGN: disabledMethod, 112

[2011-04-17 00:46:37.906 'PropertyProvider' 1264 verbose] RecordOp ASSIGN: runtime.connectionState, 112

[2011-04-17 00:46:37.906 'PropertyProvider' 1264 verbose] RecordOp ASSIGN: summary.runtime.connectionState, 112

[2011-04-17 00:46:37.906 'Vmsvc' 1264 info] Loaded virtual machine: I:\virtual-systems\RedHat5.4\Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.vmx

[2011-04-17 00:46:37.906 'PropertyProvider' 1264 verbose] RecordOp ASSIGN: childConfiguration, ha-root-pool

[2011-04-17 00:46:37.906 'PropertyProvider' 1264 verbose] RecordOp ADD: vm["112"], ha-root-pool

[2011-04-17 00:46:37.906 'PropertyProvider' 2440 verbose] RecordOp ASSIGN: summary.runtime, ha-root-pool

[2011-04-17 00:46:38.203 'Libs' 1848 info] Reloading config state: D:\Virtual Machines\Node1\Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition.vmx

[2011-04-17 00:46:38.546 'Libs' 1848 info] VMHS: Transitioned vmx/execState/val to poweredOff

[2011-04-17 00:46:38.687 'Libs' 2128 info] CnxAuthdConnect: Returning false because CnxAuthdConnectPipe failed

[2011-04-17 00:46:38.687 'Libs' 2128 info] CnxConnectAuthd: Returning false because CnxAuthdConnect failed

[2011-04-17 00:46:38.687 'Libs' 2128 info] Cnx_Connect: Returning false because CnxConnectAuthd failed

[2011-04-17 00:46:38.687 'Libs' 2128 info] Cnx_Connect: Error message: Failed to read vmware-authd port number: Cannot connect to VMX: D:\Virtual Machines\Node1\Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition.vmx

[2011-04-17 00:46:38.687 'vm:D:\Virtual Machines\Node1\Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition.vmx' 1264 info] Upgrade is required for virtual machine, version: 4

[2011-04-17 00:46:38.843 'DiskLib' 1264 info] DISKLIB-SPARSECHK: [D:\Virtual Machines\Node1\Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition.vmdk] 16384 excess bytes at end of file

[2011-04-17 00:46:38.875 'DiskLib' 1264 info] DISKLIB-SPARSECHK: [D:\Virtual Machines\Node1\Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition.vmdk] GT Error (EE): GT[46][271] = 6814336 / 6814336

[2011-04-17 00:46:38.875 'DiskLib' 1264 info] DISKLIB-SPARSECHK: [D:\Virtual Machines\Node1\Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition.vmdk] Resolving GT[46][271] = 0

[2011-04-17 00:46:38.875 'DiskLib' 1264 info] DISKLIB-SPARSECHK: [D:\Virtual Machines\Node1\Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition.vmdk] GT Error (EE): GT[46][272] = 6814464 / 6814464

[2011-04-17 00:46:38.875 'DiskLib' 1264 info] DISKLIB-SPARSECHK: [D:\Virtual Machines\Node1\Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition.vmdk] Resolving GT[46][272] = 0

[2011-04-17 00:46:38.875 'DiskLib' 1264 info] DISKLIB-SPARSECHK: [D:\Virtual Machines\Node1\Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition.vmdk] GT Error (EE): GT[46][273] = 6814592 / 6814592

[2011-04-17 00:46:38.875 'DiskLib' 1264 info] DISKLIB-SPARSECHK: [D:\Virtual Machines\Node1\Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition.vmdk] Resolving GT[46][273] = 0

[2011-04-17 00:46:38.875 'DiskLib' 1264 info] DISKLIB-SPARSECHK: [D:\Virtual Machines\Node1\Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition.vmdk] GT Error (EE): GT[46][274] = 6814720 / 6814720

[2011-04-17 00:46:38.875 'DiskLib' 1264 info] DISKLIB-SPARSECHK: [D:\Virtual Machines\Node1\Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition.vmdk] Resolving GT[46][274] = 0



[2011-04-18 13:59:07.281 'Libs' 2204 info] CnxConnectAuthd: Returning false because CnxAuthdConnect failed

[2011-04-18 13:59:07.281 'Libs' 2204 info] Cnx_Connect: Returning false because CnxConnectAuthd failed

[2011-04-18 13:59:07.281 'Libs' 2204 info] Cnx_Connect: Error message: Failed to read vmware-authd port number: Cannot connect to VMX: C:\Virtual Machines\DNServer\Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition.vmx

[2011-04-18 13:59:07.281 'vm:C:\Virtual Machines\DNServer\Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition.vmx' 2900 info] Upgrade is required for virtual machine, version: 4

[2011-04-18 13:59:07.671 'PropertyProvider' 2900 verbose] RecordOp ASSIGN: summary, 64

[2011-04-18 13:59:07.671 'vm:C:\Virtual Machines\DNServer\Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition.vmx' 2900 info] State Transition (VM_STATE_INITIALIZING -> VM_STATE_OFF)


在网上寻找了很久,这篇博文解决VMWare Server 2.0 出现 Cannot Connect to VMX的问题的方法也不奏效。而且,vmware社区http://communities.vmware.com/index.jspa的很多帖子也没有给出有效的方法。这个Cannot connect to VMX问题也是个比较棘手的问题。

解决方法:原来我犯了一个低级的错误。曾经下载了vmware server 1.0.6 和 vmware server 2.0.2这2个版本的安装程序。因为以前的虚拟机环境不存在了,在新的电脑上安装的时候,就选择了vmware server 2.0.2。出现了上面的问题,曾经还重装了两次。 最后看了一篇自己曾经写过的文档《在VMServer1.0.6中配置SQL Server 2005故障转移群集》,才意识到自己选错vmware的版本了。多么低级的一个错误啊,白白折腾了一天多的时间。


曾经还出现过如下的无法登录的问题:The server was unable to process your log in request.Please check with your server administrator.



  • 本文链接地址:http://www.sybrepair.com/vmware-server-version-cannot-connect-to-vmx-file.htm
  • 本文为dbainfo个人原创,请在尊重作者劳动成果的前提下进行转载;
  • 转载务必注明原始出处 : Sybase数据库技术,数据库恢复专家
  • 对《一例Vmware Server版本不一致导致的问题》有何疑问或见解,请在本文下方发表;
  • 对网站还有其他问题或建议,请提交在留言板,谢谢!
  • 目前还没有任何评论.
    :wink: :twisted: :roll: :oops: :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :evil: :cry: :arrow: :?: :-| :-x :-o :-P :-D :-? :) :( :!: 8-O 8)