SAP PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(1)
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在SAP Support Portal网站或者google上搜索Targeted CR List for ASE,可以看到针对不同版本的CR(CR表示Change Request)简单描述信息列表。
需要注意的是:Targeted CR List for ASE列出的CR虽然绝大多数是BUG,但有一些是更改需求。
以下提供SAP ASE/IQ/RS/SDK/SQL Anywhere/PB等产品的BUG信息!
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(1)
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(2)
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(3)
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(4)
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PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(6)
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(7)
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(8)
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(9)
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(10)
CR Number |
Description |
146833 | Enhancement. Datawindow support for TIFF (TIF) files. |
146940 | On the Control menu on a datawindow, the dropdown menu says "Close" is Alt-F4. Choosing "Close" from the menu with the mouse or with keyboard closes the datawindow control correctly, but if you use "Alt-F4", the shortcut, it closes the application instead of just the datawindow control. |
146949 | when you click the arrow in a dropdown datawindow it does not depress. This is a windows standard and the customer thinks this is a bug in powerbuilder. |
146950 | Difficulties with cut/copy/paste in the datawindow painter PBL on network. |
147037 | Enhancement. Make the additional operands from the SQL Painter available in querymode and querysort and in Prompt for Criteria. It's a real restriction not to be able to use "between" or Basically all operators available in the SQL Painter should be available in Querymode and Prompt for Criteria.
Others are Between Exists Not Between Not Exists Not In Not Like Is Is Not |
147046 | Datawindow with a very large summary section. When you page down to the bottom of the datawindow, if there is a page break within the summary band, there are 2 problems: the page number and page count are incorrect and the column values in the header section of the last page are missing. |
147053 | When previewing a datawindow with Grid lines on, clicking the column header selects all items in the column, With Grid lines off, clicking the column header selects the first item only. It should selecteither no items or all items. |
147087 | DATAWINDOW, runtime. This is a problem reported agianst 3.0a (bug # 113244) and still exists in 4.0 V#4.0***BOBT Customer has a column defined as type Number with 10 positions, 2 of which are decimals. He set a display format of General for that column in the datawindow painter. If he does a test in the datawindow painter with the value 5.00, the value returned from the test (in the Display Number Formats window) is 5. (zeroes removed). When he previews the datawindow or runs his application, numbers with zeroes after the decimal show as format 12.00, for example. This is incorrect. It should display 12. |
147177 | Font mapping issues between platforms.
Developer: added font mapping pb6.0 the following files will have a [FontSubstitution] section: pbfont60.ini - Wintel (where win.ini goes) Powersoft Font Preferences - Mac in the preferences folder .pbfont60.ini - UNIX in the users home directory |
147231 | Using enable/disable of a menu item cascade using Popmenu() when the menu exists on an open window (m_edit for example) only disables or enables the menu item that is used with Popmenu(). It never also updates the enabled attribute on the sheet menu pulldown.
A good example of this is using the Edit Cut Copy Paste Ideally if you allow the presentation of Cut/Copy/Paste as a Popmenu(), you would want the pulldown off the sheet menu to match. For example, if nothing is on the clipboard, paste can be disabled by using: // rightmouse event on sheet m_edit.popmenu() // some action causes Paste to disable. Now Paste is disabled on the popmenu but not on the sheet pulldown menu. |
147239 | 1. Create a Grid Style Datawindow (real simple using watcom)
2. Put a dw control on window and associate with the new dw object 3. Run the window and change thewidth of one of the columns so that it's no longer visible 4. Save the syntax of thiswindow using dwsyn.dw_1.dwDescribe("datawindow.syntax") 5. Create a new datawindow based on this syntax dw_2.dwCreate(dwsyn,errors) It's done two things... (and this isn't consistant behavior.) 1. It over laps the header Text items... (this is almost expected after looking at the old and new syntax.) 2. Sometimes it will switch the order the columns appear in. (I had another example where the columns did show up in the correct order but in the pbl for this issue it switches them. Cannot recreate during 6.0 beta. |
147240 | Drag and drop between datawindows. Inside clicked event in datawindow he is setting a singlelineedit into drag mode. Inside the dragwithin event of the other datawindow he is using getobjectatpointer to find the row number that they are over sohe can h highlight it. As he drags around, there seems to be painting problems because parts of the outline of the dragged object show on rows that have been passed over. |
147247 | Has a dwc with only one column that is dddw. After selecting an entry in dddw, and then tab away, the value in the dddw moves ever so slightly.
When I tabbed onto the sle there was a "miniscule" movement in the value in the dddw. (when the person submitting this said it moves "ever so slightly" - they meant "ever so slightly") - butit does move when the dddw is editable and it doesn't move when the dddw is non-editable. (I set the priorities as 5 because I think it is such a slight movement that I can't see it causing a problem - but I don't know what goes on under the covers thatcould cause the movement so I am leaving it open since it does indeed move.) PER DEVELOPMENT: Works as designed, in edit mode we leave room for the caret. |
147255 | Has a DW with 2 columns, one is a DDDW that is a computed column. When doing the retrieve, the data value, not the display value appears in the DDDW. The tab order of the dddw is 10 and the data value appears on the retrieve. If tab order is changed to20 the correct display value appears. |
147278 | Customer is seeing differences in the height of columns when using autobuild options in a stored procedure. |
147345 | A ddlb sytle dw column is retaining its current selection between new rows.
Cannot recreate using 5.0.04 and 6.0 |
147411 | Window with DW control and has checkboxes and push button to populate the DW. Using dwCreate --- dwSQLfromSyntax he can define the style of the Window.
Want to be able to dynamically populate DW with a graph as well. Wants to be able to changes the style of the DW dynamically from grid to graph. He is able to switch it dynamically from tabular --- freeform ---- grid, but when try to get to graph style it comes up without data. He does the X and Y co-ordinates the vertical one shows 0---5---10 and the horizontal comes up as 0. |
147413 | I am able to open an ancestor window and its direct descendant in two different window sessions. |
147440 | |
147468 | Has a DDDW in a "secondary" DW - Has retrieved data into the host (primary) DW - click in DDDW - it display values, BUT the SLE portion in the DDDW displays the CODE value - not the DISPLAY value! |
147489 | linesperpage and unitsperline -DW - way to scroll vertically - based on those parameters - needs to scroll in chuncks - retrieve, just recieving dwmodifies that are creating text, and artificially inforcing a grid. |
147504 | He has created a freeform datawindow in PowerBuilder with AutoSizeHeight on the detail band and on the column to allow for automatic word wrap. It works fine if he runs the report in PowerBuilder, but if he copies it over to InfoMaker it doesn't work. |
147545 | In the dw painter go to the sql painter, Go to Option , Then Show turn off data type, labels and comments, convert to syntax back to option convert to graphics go back to show and there will be a check mark by data type and labels. Click again they will reset |
147547 | Using XDB to get to DB/2. PowerBuilder's retrieve-as-needed when used on mainfram. When doing something in a 2nd transaction object the transaction object for the retrieve-as-needed gets disconnected.
PER DEVELOPMENT: XDB driver is no longer supported. |
147565 | Inconsistent results from getrow function depending on value of taborder attribute. |
147595 | Customer has 2 datawindows, both with losefocus and getfocus events that call a function to set the background color of columns on the dw based on whether it has focus or not. If the function uses a do-while loop to modify the background.color for all columns, the losefocus event of dw_1 fires the function, and processes, and seems to eat the getfocus event of the second datawindow. If the function instead does the modify in one statement, (fast enough) , the getfocus event of the second dw will get fired ok. |
147610 | 'Prompt for Criteria' dialog comes up one too many times. Condition is when a column has an edit style of dropdowndatawindow and the dddw has the prompt for criteria. |
147643 | 7.0 Regression. Placing a custom UO saved as ''UO_1'' on a window as a first User Object causes a GPF. The user object name is colliding with the default control name for the 1st visual user object placed on the window (uo_1).
This could happen anytime a user object named UO_<n> is being placed on a window where <n> is the next number for a visual user object control assignment since the painter just increments (uo_1, uo_2, etc). This works in all versions of 6.0. The patch must be brought forward. Workaround: The problem isn't the Visual User Object but the collision between the UO_1 global user object name and the fact that the 1st user object inserted (by default) onto a window takes the name "uo_1" (or uo_<n>). This is what causes the GPF. You can: |
147687 | Fetch leaking on multiple iterations.
Developer: Cannot reproduce in 6.0 |
147704 | Informix. Syntax generated in our Export/View Syntax to Log option in the database painter shows garbage for the syntax for the create view... Example shown below:
CREATE VIEW a_view AS select x0.column from "informix".tablename x0; PER DEVELOPMENT: This isn't garbage; it's correct syntax pulled from the viewtext of informix.sysviews generated by informix (the x0's are just aliases). Only if you create a view for log only will PB construct generic SQL. |
147713 | Has a dw that has a column that is like a mle type, No vertical scroll bar. If he tabs to a command button and comes back to the dw he looses the logic to go back in the dw column. By setting the default on any of the objects on the window, it changes the behavior of the enter key when entering data into the long varchar column. |
147720 | When using a retrieval argument of type stringarray or numberarray on the composite datawindow and linking the composite datawindows retrieval argument to the retrieval argument of the datawindow within the composite, user receives an error message "expression is not valid" error message.
Development: Development has decided this is a no-fix for 6.0.00 but we changed the dialog for retrieval arguments in nested and composite reports to not have "String Array" or "Number Array" as selectable choices. |
147777 | Pie chart pieces don't add up to 100% |
147815 | To make things consistent, all cases of dealing with the year portion of the date variable should work with ranges of 0000 - 9999. IsDate(), Date(), Editmasks and literals.
The IsDate and Date functions successfully work with a range of years between 0000 and 9999. Literals against a date variable work with values between 0000 and 3000. The Edit Mask of mm/dd/yyyy accepts year values from 0000 to 2999. |
147850 | Parentwindow() function sometimes returns a drawing object handle if a drawing object exists on the window. Workaround: Use TypeOf() to make sure the object is of type Window! |
147903 | If you set the Round Maximum To: to 1 and then set Scale to Log10 or LogE on the "Value Axis" tabpage of a datawindow graph, then you GPF in WIN87EM.DLL or PBBGR050.DLL in Win95. Easy to reproduce. |
147943 | Selection of a destination library is difficult when doing a take on an object if the directory structure is bigger that the window as there is no horzontal scroll bar. |
147947 | A dddw (dropdowndatawindow) with the option to 'always show list', stays open when the sheet is then minimized. The same thing happens for ddlb (dropdownlistbox).
Even if you open another sheet the dddw will be on top. WORKAROUND: //In the RESIZE EVENT of the sheet, code the following: string ret // Check the window state to see if the user // has minimized the sheet. // If the sheet has been minimized, modify // the dddw column ShowList attribute to No. // Otherwise, set the ShowList attribute back to Yes. if this.windowstate = Minimized! then ret = dw_1.Modify("column_name.DDDW.ShowList=No") if ret <> "" then messagebox("ret",ret) end if else ret = dw_1.Modify("column_name.DDDW.ShowList=Yes") if ret <> "" then messagebox("ret",ret) end if end if // end script |
147953 | Date fields should be saved as dates, not strings, when using the SaveAs function to save to Excel format. |
148010 | Enhancement. Would like to use the operator "BETWEEN" in querymode. |
148019 | A datawindow column with multiple lines and AutoSizeHeight turned on will not display leading spaces for each line unless the column has focus.
PER DEVELOPMENT: The AutoSizeHeight DrawText code is doing exactly what it was written to do -- strip out leading and trailing 'white space' (i.e. tabs and spaces). Microsoft has a DrawText function in its Windows API, but it had trouble wrapping text in our text boxes. A PB DrawText function was written to wrap the text, but with white space removal. It has been this way for 3 years. Changing it would impact everyone else that is using AutoSizeHeight. The proper solution is to add more flags to the AutoSizeHeight check-box in the DataWindow painter property sheet for columns. The user would have the option of stripping out tabs and spaces, or retaining them, as entered. This has been submitted as an ENHANCEMENT REQUEST. |
148093 | Nested report on label-style datawindow prints incorrectly. On a 2x5 label, the nested data associated with row 1 prints on row 9 and rows 1-8 nested report information is empty. Nested reports don't work on labels - inconsistent behavior.
Workaround: Use a tabular or Freeform dw along with Newspaper columns, Nest the required child and simply make sure the measurement of each row fits on the appropriate Label. |
148213 | When using "Prompt for Criteria" on a DDLB (dropdownlistbox) edit style column, the vertical scrollbar does not display in the "Specify Retrieval Criteria" popup dialog even when there are many rows. It does work in normal preview mode for the DDLB column if prompt for criteria is not set. |
148256 | Enhancement. Conditionally changing or specifically setting the background color of the detail band in the datawindow painter previews correctly. When you use print preview or print to hardcopy, the background is ignored and always prints white.
The datawindow was invented when there was no such thing as a desktop color The workaround is to set a rectangle up in the detail band where you want it. Change the color of the rectangle to whatever you want and make sure you set "Send to Back". You can either: - make the entire detail band background grey by doing nothing but setting the rectangle color to ButtonFace. |
148349 | Clicking on the ToolBar or PainterBar and missing an icon (i.e., clicking directly on the ToolBar or PainterBar) causes the ToolBar or Painter bar to move and reposition itself in the Top position if it was in the Left or Right position. |
148368 | GPF in PBRTE050.DLL trying to modify a variable passed by reference to a global function.
cannot reproduce with pb60 build 152 |
148390 | Grid datawindow column select (click on header to select all rows for a particular column) mode causes characters typed into edit control (not in column selected) to be "invisibly" held in buffer until you tab. The text in the buffer is then dumped into the previously highlighted column. Difference in behavior from 3.0 to 4.0/5.0.
PER DEVELOPMENT: I can see how it would be confusing but with a complete column selected (and highlighted) determining and indicating focus is problematic. The sensible thing is to turn off column select when they have done the insertrow and setcolumn. |
148404 | Enhancement Request: Place a border around a DW column, Set Autosize Height set to ON, and Be able to show that border even when the column was empty. The customer would like the code to be able to determine whether the border attribute was set to ON, and in that case, override the Autosize Height behavior. |
148433 | Viewing/Printing a datawindow that was created wider than the page width. When you destroy the columns that go beyond the rightmost bounds of page, the datawindow engine still thinks the column is there and doesn't adjust the page width.
This means the horizontal scrolling still thinks the column is there and if printed, the printout still prints the blank page for the missing columns. NOTE: This happens in the datawindow painter as well. If you remove columns that go beyond a horizontal page, you will still see horizontal scrolling to the area where the columns were removed and printing will still print out a blank page - just like runtime. If you close and reopen the datawindow, it will recalculate the width correctly. April 1999 - Development |
148464 | Passing array by reference GPFs in local variable same as function argument. Problem doesn't occur if you pass the argument by value. |
148469 | Enhancement. Wants a property to Set 'Empty String to Null' for an EditMask. |
148495 | Pipelining from Sybase shows varchar as char (Sybase) in the painter. 4.2 or System10 CTLIB. Workaround is to change the incorrect definition to varchar in the painter.
This issue also applies to MS SQLServer 6.x (MSS). If you use a MS SQLServer 6.x db as the source db, to any other destination db (including a MS SQLServer 6.x db), varchar columns get converted to character columns when you go from the SQL painter to design mode. |
148524 | LibraryImport() returns a -1 after you've assigned any datawindow in the same PBL you're importing into to a datawindow control. The act of assignment affectively locks the PBL at runtime. This happens somewhat in development.
Could not recreate in build 5.0.04_61 or 6.0 Beta build 223 |
148750 | Deficiency for dropdowndatawindow that has 'allow edit' on. When you enter a new date or modify an existing date and tab out of the dropdown data window, it changes from whatever format you've entered - example: '01/01/95' to '1995-01-01'. The dddw formatting might be mm/dd/yy or [date] so the datawindow engine is definitely not using anything there to over-ride when the user tabs off. 1995-01-01 is a raw date format.
PER DEVELOPMENT: You cannot specify two types of edit styles for a column. Customer wants BOTH editstyle DDDW and editstyle editmask on a column and we cannot do this. |
149040 | ENHANCEMENT: Need DBParm PBTrimCharColumns='NO' to return spaces padded on the end of CHAR column values. Today, a character column even with a single space would return a NULL. |
149068 | Titles with multiple lines overlap. Problems with the title in graph. If the title has two lines (~r~n), the lines can overlap. |
149151 | Using browse library entries in library painter and searching for accented characters causes a GPF in PBLIB040.DLL 000D:1505 in Powerbuilder 4.0.
This works fine in 5.0 and 6.0. NOTE: This won't be fixed in 4.0. |
149372 | Getting the data column instead of the the display column when using GetText(). Related to dw_1.modify(" = UPPER"). |
149396 | |
149731 | The case of pbl names acts inconsistently on NT. In the case in question, I opened a pbl containing the application object and it appears in the list in UPPERCASE when I add entries in the Libraries tab via browse it comes in as LOWERCASE if I re-add that same pbl.
Both NT and 95 seem to correctly respect the case of the filename as it appears in the filesystem. This is the desired behavior. No changes made. |
149758 | ENHANCEMENT: Ability to create 16 bit Pcode in the 32 bit environment in the project and library painters.
Solution: Implemented in 6.0 |
149863 | If you create a new application and genapp in a pbl that already contains a gepapp, your existing sheet and frame, and menu's get overwritten without notice. An overwrite existing dialog should occur.
Developer: Added code to check if current main library conatins any objects that would be overwritten by doing a gen-app. Presents dialog box with warning if overwrite would occur. In 5.1 builds >= 105. pbapl051.dll |
149901 | Enhancement. Current behavior when printing a composite datawindow uses the print specifications of the composite for ALL the nested datawindows instead of the orientation (for example) of each individual one.
The enhancement would be when printing, if a portrait orientation of a nested report is followed by a landscape orientation, and 'start on new page' is checked, honor the orientation of the nested report as specified in the "print specifications". |
149932 | Enhance registry functions RegistryGet and RegistrySet to operate only on data types other than string values in the registry. If a value has a data type other than string, the RegistryGet function returns nothing for the value parameter. The Windows95 registry can contain values of string, dword (number), or binary (blob) data types. We need to also support dword at least. |
149951 | Using Mixed Case for column names in an external datawindow. The first time you add a column to the result set definition with the mixed case, the Sort and Group dialogs will give "Expression is not Valid" message for the newly added column. After saving and re-opening the datawindow, you can then use the columns. |
150023 | Scrollbars which continuously generate events when the mouse is above it without beeing clicked |
150062 | The problem occurs in the window painter when trying to assign a bmp (size 111k) to a picture control and have the original size attribute unselected. The bitmap will show in it original size even though that option was not selected. |
150165 | GPF in Preview mode (Crosstab). Taking computed field "Grand Total" out of the summary band (dw painter put it there) eliminates the GPF.
Works OK in 5.0 |
150173 | Scrolling is doing something, but the values are not being displayed properly. |
150236 | Has a group in report and the group sort has been applied. While in preview mode she goes into rows..sort and clicks OK. Gets a GPF in "PBDWE040.DLL @ 0006:A581" - only if there is a computed field in the summary band with SUM or COUNT. |
150252 | When creating an RPC, the painter often paints subroutine instead of function in many cases. It often defines the arguments incorrectly as well. Not database specific. |
150271 | Idle() coded in the open event for the application but while typing in data on the dw the idle event isfired even though typing continuously for a time > idle().. This behavior only happens when the edit control hasn't moved and no mouse activity.
Delta Private Desc: Idle() coded in the open event for the application but while typing in data on thedw the idle event is fired even though typing continuously for a time > idle().. This behavior only happens when the edit control hasn't moved and no mouse activity. StephenD: You have to stay in the edit control (don't move focus or use mouse) and keep typing. This may be related to messages not being sent or swallowed up by the edit control. Used 4.03.15. NOTE: You need to type VERY SLOWLY (1 char/second) in the dw edit control so that 8 seconds will go by (idle event triggered) - while you'restill on the SAME column. Objects and Controls says: ''When the Idle function has been called from an application object script...with no mouse or keyboard activity.'' Workaround: In EditChanged event of the dw control (since this fires with everycharacter) - turn the idle event off via triggerevent of a custom event on the app object for every character typed. In the ItemFocusChanged event, perhaps trigger an event on the app object to re-execute the idle() function. |
150305 | DeletedCount() function returns incorrect data against secondary datawindow when using sharedata after RowsDiscard(). It reports the previous number of rows in the delete buffer. Should report same number as if using primary datawindow.
Workaround: Use primary datawindow for deletedcount() after RowsDiscard() |
150325 | Print fonts are not relevant when in the window painter. However they are within the data window painter and the report painter. Both the display and print fonts should be loaded in each case. Fonts were not being properly loaded in this case. |
150363 | Has a static text field showing a number(decimal). How can that be converted to hex?
There is no direct way in PowerBuilder do convert from Decimal (or Integer) to Hex. Told customer Funcky has conversion functions DEC2HEX and HEX2DEC to do conversions back and forth. Customer would like to enter an enhancement request (even though Funcky can do it) that would convert from Decimal or Integer to Hex. Another choice would be to have an edit mask that supported Hex. |
150484 | When going a second time into querysort mode, you can no longer edit column. This only happens when you use "<column>.edit.displayonly=no" before turning querysort on again..
Fixed in 5.0 and 6.0 builds after 6/17/97 |
150576 | ENHANCEMENT: TABBED DIALOGS = NON-MODAL - One is the Object Browser that can be made available from the PowerBar and from the Script PainterBar. |
150582 | Using enable() and disable() functions on sub-menu items in datawindow is not working.
Example: On a menu item on a popup menu, the Enable() and Disable() functions will not enable or disable a menu item which is a sub-menu under a menu item which is disabled. Edit (disabled) Insertrow (enabled) If the Edit menu item is disabled, and the InsertRow menu is enabled at first, then doing an m_edit.m_insertRow.disable() will not disable the InsertRow menu item although m_edit.m_insertrow.enabled = false does work. |
150596 | The behaviour of the ReselectRow between 2 datawindows which share data is strange on the secondary datawindow. After the ReselectRow, the current row of the secondary datawindow is set to 1.
Development: This is currently correct behavior, the reSelectRow causes the shared DW to be resynchronized and within the re-sync routine it's current row and column are set to row 1 col 1 |
150601 | Label style datawindow. Using background.color expression doesn't work on drawing objects such as rectangles, etc. They stay the default background color set in the datawindow painter. |
150694 | TreeView control does not set colors properly. The control uses WindowText on WindowBackground for the font regardless of what is chosen. The background of the control will display as whatever the font background selected is, but the label background remains WindowBackground. |
150728 | When defining a Group Report and including a column with an edit style of type radio button, the height of the generated detail band is not wide enough to accomodate the radio button edit style. It is easy enough to widen the detail band, but it is not consistent with other presentation styles. |
150964 | Enhancement Request: It would be really nice if we could have the option to center an object or a group of objects. Center them in a window, tab or groupbox. Center them Horizontally or Vertically |
151048 | Enhancement. Mixing different resolution bitmaps (256 color & 16 color) on the same PB window causes high resolution bitmaps to flicker (depending on the bitmaps). Please see below. This is not just a 16 bit problem, it can be reproduced if your system is set up for 256 color whether it's NT 4.0 or Win95.
This requires palette merging and can't be implemented in 6.0 |
151053 | SimpleFrameSite interface requested.
Developer: Added to pb6.0 |
151062 | RowsMove/Rowscopy to empty dw control cause dw row/col functions (getrow(), etc) to fail because these "moved" or "copied" rows, though in the buffer, don't 'bubble up' to the display as happens when the rows are retrieved. (ie: no edit control appears either). There are several cases where the buffer data does not get refreshed into the datawindow control.
WORKAROUND: Issue a Filter() to bubble up the contents of the buffer into the display. PB6.0 build 245 & PB5.0.04_65 - fixed. |
151063 | String computed columns not seen as identical to database columns using unions. You will get the error "Not union compatible". |
151228 | |
151274 | |
151297 | Multi-cell selection in grid style datawindow does not work if tab order of column is greater than 0. It worked in 3.0, but not in 4.0 or 5.0.. |
151334 | Calling External DLLs which make use of thread functions: thr_key, thr_data, thr_data_len, thr_keycreate, thr_exit, thr_setspecific, thr_getspecific, _thr_main, or thr_self will not work in PowerBuilder for UNIX 4.0. |
151342 | SQLServer under some conditions - creating new datawindow with sp_help as data source, the describe (in trace) gives 'Object does not exist.'
Development: Database errors may occur when defining retrieval arguments in the SQL painter. This is due to the fact that we issue a "PREPARE" on the SQL before going to datawindow design. |
151345 | The "original size" attribute of the picture control is getting lost - or not "holding". When you change the bmp for the picture control, the control is not resizing itself for "original size" and the picture comes out all fuzzy. To fix the "fuzzy picture" problem, RMB click on the control, click on the "original size" attribute, and the picture looks great. But, it you try and change the bmp (especially dynamically) you will see that the picture is now fuzzy - until you go in and turn "original size" back on.
Development:Original size is a design-time property. It is not meant to be used dynamically. See the following quote from the help file: "Note :In the painter, if you use the mouse to resize the control or if you set the Width or Height properties on the Position tab, the Original Size option becomes unchecked. Scripts The OriginalSize property cannot be set during execution." |
151416 | Graph object on datawindow. Setting value axis min/max values with Modify(). "<graph>.Values.MaximumValue" or "<graph>.Values.MaximumValue" causes the maximum value division not to be drawn in (ie the tick mark) on the value axis in some cases |
151441 | 3d border problem with sle control. The border of box on an sle looked like 3d lowered. Also, on a tab control, the border of shadowbox looks just like a box, there's no shadow |
151445 | When you double click on a library from browse, it comes back with the path and filename in all CAPS. when you select multiple library entries, the path comes back in CAPS butthe filename is in lower case. when you save the info and then go back into the profile settings tab, everything shows up in lower case
Developer: Made a Win16-specific fix to coerce multi-selected filenames to be consistent with their path component. |
151507 | If you have a dw column that has autosizeheight on, and the detail band has autosize on, depending on the height of the resultant column, in PRINTPREVIEW only the last row of data is partially cut off. IE, the bottom half of the letters is cut off. In preview its okay, also when the dw is printed, its ok.
PER DEVELOPMENT: Works as designed, print preview shows the printer dimensions which don't translate exactly to screen units. |
151565 | Sun Sparc. Window Painter, Groupbox controls leaves select indicator on groupbox, have to do a screen refresh to remove 4 little squares on groupbox.
PER DEVELOPMENT: Not reproducable in 5.0.03 |
151592 | Using the Oracle 7 interface and creating a dynamic dw, when you modify the attribute readonly=NO, PB still doesn't allow you to edit the dw. On the PC, after the modify I can do insertrow(),Update(), etc, but not on the MAC. |
151779 | The following error message displays when doing an update on one DataWindow: "Rows changed between retrieve and update" He's selecting from 6 tables, has a table alias. On two of the tables, he has a column name that is the same.
As far as the Rows/Column Specifications goes, the DataWindow that uses aliases, the DBName is not reflected properly. It also exports the same way. As for the DataWindow that does not use aliases, the DBName looks fine. |
151819 | PB UNIX executables consume large amounts of memory on UNIX server. |
151820 | Print child reports in composites after using:
Datawindowchild dwc dw_1.Getchild(dwc,"columnname") dwc.print() only prints the headers of the child report. |
152163 | If you have a window with a tab control with generically named tab pages, and go into the script painter for the window, Paste Object shows tabpage_1, tabpage_2, etc. However, if you paste in tabpage_1 and put tabpage_1.visible =TRUE, it won't compile.
C0014 - Undefined variable. |
152166 | |
152287 | ALT-<char> to use menu accelerator doesn't work as expected when a child sheet is visible. It doesn't drop the menu items unless there is a keyup of the ALT before pressing <char>. |
152288 | Enhancement. Mixing different resolution bitmaps (256 color & 16 color) on the same PB window causes high resolution bitmaps to flicker (depending on the bitmaps) because they're getting an extra paint message..
Development: Hi-color images in a 256 color environment will repaint when the palette changes which is usually when the active window changes. Functions as Windows was designed. |
152336 | Syntax Highlighting problem in script painter: Open() and Close() are not highlighted consistently with other functions.
From Development: This is not bug. The language cannot distinguish between a reserved word and a function name |
152390 | In the Library painter, if you select an object in one pbl and copy it to another pbl that already has in it an object by the same name, PB does not prompt you ''OK to write over xxxxx?'' Needs to prompt for overwrite.
Fixed in 7.0 |
152412 | DDLB's in the datawindow for a lumn object with an edit style of dropdownlistbox have a different look and feel than ddlb controls placed on the window painter for PB4 running under Win 95. |
152424 | String(number_column) in computed field for very large decimal numbers such as 77000000000000 adds .01 to the value in some cases. |
152471 | The application and EnglishQuery! pictures are there twice.
Cursor and selectreturn have the same Icon. In DDPLB and PLB controls. PER DEVELOPMENT: Though app and EQ pics are there twice (app pics are actually slightly different), they have diff. names. For all these, once the product is released they must stay in because of backward compatibility. Pics are now added rather than replaced. |
152683 | RTL-Need right-to-left property for menus in Hewbrew and Arabic. |
152684 | RTL - Need a Slide Right option in the DW painter like the Slide Left |
152693 | You cannot change the background color for a text object in window painter in NT 3.51 |
152705 | New 6.0 feature for SignalError. SignalError should automatically populate the error object. |
152719 | *BRC* 3/14/96 5.0+
Using build 4.119 on Win 3.1 client - Sybase V 10 . Export Syntax to Log feature of Database Painter produces redundant syntax - which errors on execution. I have a table with a primary key defined for it. If I export that syntax to a log file and later try to reexecute it, it results in an error indicating that the unique index that I am trying to create in the third SQL statement already exist. It appears that defining a primary key results in the definition of a unique indexas well so we don'tneed this addiotnal create. Here's the DDL in the log: CREATE TABLE dbo.timesheet (employee_id smallint NOT NULL, work_date smalldatetime NOT NULL, task_id char(5) NOT NULL, weekday tinyint NOT NULL, hours decimal(5,2) NULL, timestamp timestamp NULL); ALTER TABLE dbo.timesheet ADD CONSTRAINT prim_idx PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED (employee_id, work_date, task_id); CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX prim_idx <----thisis the redundant SQL. ON dbo.timesheet (employee_id , work_date , task_id ); |
152735 | Retrieval arguments are available under Data Source in the "Specify Sort Columns" dialog box when you're in datawindow design mode. If you're selecting a particular column based on the value of a retrieval argument, you can simply select the column itself for Sorting. Remove Retrieval arguments from "Specify Sort Columns" dialog. |
152740 | A window has a dropdownlistbox (ddlb) control on it and two command buttons. Command button 1 for which the script for the click event is ddlb_1.selectitem(0) . Command button 2 for which the script for the click event is messagebox("test", ddlb_1.text)
Dropdownlistbox Possible related issue: ptrack 142401 ** 3/4/96: Work Private Desc: France 9956: If you choose an item in the listbox, and click on cb_2 then it shows the text attribute which is displayed in the listbox's editbox. If now you click on cb_1 the listbox's edit box is blank but ddlb_1.text attribute has not changed. Just click on cb_2 to see. |
152741 | When you set a taborder dynamically to all dw's columns and then code setcolumn, the cursor goes into the desired column. But if you click on the dw control before, the setcolumn doesn't have any effect. |
152743 | Not a bug; numeric computed fields are floating point numbers. If the values being calculated involve decimal points, there will always be trailing decimals. Only certain decimal point values can be represented exactly in binary fractions. Only the user knows where the rounding point should be, and when to apply it -- i.e. add a Round () function call to the computed field formula. |
152744 | Sybase CTLIB. (PBSYC050.DLL) Edit style maintenance showfocusrectangle automatically turned on. Blanks out dw column using this edit style when focus is on the column. |
152751 | Information of trailer band is cut in datawindow with group. Datawindow with one group, two nested datawindows and information in the group trailer band. If you print preview, you only get page 1 of 1. The information in the group trailer is cut off, only half of the information appears at the bottom of the page. If you print it, you get two pages but they are both identical; and the information in the group trailer is still cut off.
If you force a second page (i.e., by adding another nested dw in the detail band, etc.), all of the information in the group trailer appears. NOTE: Autosize height has been turned on for the nested dw's and the detail band. Per Development: |
152835 | Application Painter. When the General property sheet for the application object appears, the comment field is completely highlighted, giving the impression that you can change the comments to the application object, but the "Apply" button is disabled.
In 6.0, this field is greyed out. |
152893 | SyntaxfromSQL using the "presentation" string parameter containing a specific font point size (12) specification doesn't supply a datawindow syntax string containing the 12 point font when using Native drivers. Works OK using ODBC datasources. |
152966 | fixed in pb60rtf.dll. Fix also applied to deal with the toolbar's bottom being partially obfuscated by the help bar, when bar moved to bottom.
Subsequent movement over buttons was also removing the help bar top. |
153034 | If you lasso several columns in the dw painter and change the border, you have to lasso them all again before you can use Shift+arrow to resuze them. However, other changes are accepted without having to lasso a second time.
Cannot recreate during 6.0 beta. |
153123 | PBEOL and PBSCC- Save Configuration File dialog HELP button wasn't invoking PB_HELPID_H0263 under Win95 and NT 4.0. Old code only invoked helpid under Win 3.1 and NT 3.51. |
153125 | Library painter: Clipped text in Build Runtime Library dialog (Select Build Runtime Library from Library menu). Text is clipped when path wraps to second line.
Cannot recreate using 6.0 |
153173 | No login box using pipeline painter when "Prompt for database information during connect" selected in DB Profile dialog. You just get a 'ct_connect' error and can't correct your login. |
153174 | Retrieval arguments on composite to nested dw not being saved correctly when you add or change arguments.
If you delete and re-add the report(s), everything should work fine. Seems like the painter is a little touchy about adding retrieval arguments to the composite after the nests have been added and associated to existing retrieval arguments. |
153178 | Scattergraph doesn't plot ALL values given to it.
Per Development: |
153193 | Fully qualified pathnames in setlibrarylist() cause odd behaviours.
Developer: Will not be addressed until 7.0 |
153213 | When placing an integer into a blob variable, the Blob must be sized with 2 extra bytes. For example, if you define an integer variable with value 1, the Blob must be initialized to 4 spaces in order for the integer to be stored. |
153310 | Problem exists in the Library Painter. where the same accelerator key "r" exists for 2 different operations - "Properties" and "Print Directory" when you right-mouse on the PBL (not objects in the PBL..
Others: Project Painter - Design->List Object & Options use the same "O" accelerator key All Painters the HELP option Help-> Welcome to PB 6.0 & Web express use the same "W". Datawindow Painter under Edit->Copy & Format share the "O" accelerator key. Object->Group Box and Page n of n shared the "P" accelerator key. In the Pipeline Painter Design->Undo All & Custom Design shared the "U" accelerator key. In the Browser under View->Breakpoints & Source Browser the "B" is the shared accelerator key. |
153329 | Floating toolbar problem when sizing from left side.
Float a painter toolbar by dragging it into the PB workspace. Then, move cursor over left border of toolbar until it changes to double-arrow. Click to resize toolbar. Instead of resizing, the toolbar sort of drags and leaves bits of pixel garbage on the screen. Right side resize seems to work fine. |
153341 | DataWindow: Preview: Label style resets zoom to 100% |
153353 | Compiler Obsolete warnings etc come up during the build executabe in the project painter. |
153487 | Customer has a Grid DataWindow with two groups on it. In the two group header bands he as put a text field and a column field relating to the group. ie group is dept id - column field is dept id.
In preview mode, the top group header lines are not separated by a line. All other groups are. When you scroll down using either the down arrow or the vertical scroll bar, the top group lines are not separated by a line where all the other groups are. |
153511 | Distributed PB. Overflow on long returned from a DPB function returning zero not the rolled over negative function that a local function returns.
PER DEVELOPMENT: The result is obtained locally or remotely. The result always wraps to zero. long val1 long rs1 val1 = 65536 rs1 = val1 * val1 MessageBox("result of squared signed long value of 65536" ,string(rs1)) |
153516 | Win95 only. 3D Pie Chart DataWindow when printed prints the same cross-hatch style for the different categories and is not distinguishable. Still a problem in 6.5 and 7.0 |
153526 | Powerbuilder allows user objects and variable names which begin with underscore (even though identifier names must start with a letter): for example _myuo. Can't create them with name which begins with a number, for example 2be.
PB5.0 sometimes doesn't like it: In script editor if you refer to classes or variables with a name beginning with underscore, Powerbuilder puts the brown rectangle over underscore, but compiles OK, and runs OK. |
153559 | Made fields of lib list section of painter auto sizing so there's no longer a gap between right-most field and edge of frame. FYI ALSO DID: Added browse buttons (really cool'o), removed useless horz splitter in lib section. |
153587 | Window Painter - StyleBar, text remains in StyleBar when Object (Static Text, Command Button, SLE) is deleted. |
153599 | the ddlb if you have a column on a dw, and make it a ddlb and set to automatic horizontal scroll. It doesn't live scroll anymore. |
153640 | 16 bit bug ONLY. If you click on a datawindow control, the value of command buttons above the datawindow control (i.e. numeric and alphabetic values) display in the MicroHelp. |
153686 | Project painter failing to find datawindows in pbdwo that it needs and it starts with a blank canvas. Intermittent - generally occurs when SETUP on NT has not updated path properly. Product starts but when you enter the project painter, its entire ui is blank whitespace. |
153700 | A computed field calling a global function expecting a date input/output argument gives "Invalid argument to function" in the datawindow painter "Expression" dialog. The datawindow engine is converting the DATE argument to the global function to a DATETIME causing a mismatch with the function prototype. |
153729 | Using a composite datawindow with newspaper columns (doesn't matter the type of the child datawindow) has painting problems if the datawindow is small in width (so you have to horizontally scroll) - scrolling back and forth creates painting problems - doesn't happen when newspaper columns are off. |
153758 | Cannot import an UO if that UO refences another object that references the original UO. In this case, the client has two UOs. The first, UO_1, calls a function that is defined in the second UO, UO_2. UO_2's function is passed as an arg an instance of UO_1.
Could not reproduce in 6.0.00 |
153785 | >> Problem (2):
Although clicking Up and Down ScrollBar controls scroll the 'Table Columns' view, hitting the Down arrow (on the keyboard) when focus is on the control does not scroll the view. THIS IS IMPORTANT FOR THE AUTOMATION EFFORT WHICH RELIES ON THE PROPER OPERATION OF THE UP AND DOWN KEYS. Up and Down arrow keys do scroll similar controls correctly on the 'Create Index' and 'ForeignKey Definition' dialogs. |
153814 | Horizontal ScrollBar on a DataWindow column doesn't work correctly when it's clicked between the Thumb and Arrow. 16 bit only. |
153870 | Enhancement. Allow correct display of embedded tabs in datawindow column. Current behavior is: FOCUS ON: Tabs are interpreted correctly by the edit control. FOCUS OFF: Tabs become "square or rectangular boxes". |
153889 | Fixed in 6.0 |
153951 | RTL - There should be a right-to-left attribute for the EditMask. |
153966 | Dynamic call of update method will not compile.
To reproduce: In script painter, paste the following code: PowerObject l_Po // This won't compile: Incompatible property Update for type powerobject l_Po.Dynamic Update() // This compilesfine l_Po.Dynamic ResetUpdate() |
153988 | Applications conflicting under 16-bit NT. A 16 bit application works fine as long as there is not another 16 bit PB application running. If there is and you move the application, get an error in pbrtf040.dll. Used with NT/32 bit and it works fine. Use with 16bit/NT and get the error. On windows 3.1 and windows '95, works fine.
Developer: Cannot reproduce in 6.0 |
153996 | 'Select Tables' dialog in 4-5 places doesn't support horizontal scrollbar for long table names. Makes it difficult to look at tables in the database, datawindow and script painter. |
154002 | Problem when a nested report has newspaper column set to be 2. That is, in dw painter - design - print specifications - newspaper columns - across is set to be 2. In such a case, the dw which has this nested report, has a blank second page after every record. If it set to be 1 across, that works fine. According to customer this was working fine on 4.0.03, but not in 4.0.04, and 4.0.05. And he is connecting to Sybase system 10.I tried it on 4.0.05, connecting to Watcom (psdemo.db) |
154030 | Getting compiler error trying to use dw dot notation for the text in a messagebox.
The error message is: C0144: Multiple routines named 'messagebox' were found that match this set of arguments causing an ambiguous match. The script for a command button was: string my_string my_string = dw_1.object.dept_name[2] sle_1.text = dw_1.object.dept_name[2] messagebox("the dept name in row two is:", string(dw_1.object.dept_name[2])) //compile error on the next line messagebox("the dept name inrow two is:", dw_1.object.dept_name[2]) messagebox(dw_1.object.dept_name[2], "was the dept name in row 2") Assigning a string variable to the dept name worked fine, as did assigning the sle text to the dept name. The first messagebox also works,as does the third. But the second one gives the error. |
154039 | The following code will not compile:
GetFocus ().dynamic Undo () |
154059 | PBSYT doesn't support decimal and numeric datatypes.
Developer: That was a design decision that we purposefully made back in 4.0. PBSYC is our System 10 and System 11 interface, so only PBSYC supports the new datatypes. PBSYT is a SQL Server 4.x interface, so it doesn't know about the numeric datatype. |
154074 | Browse object window showing an "untitled" window that doesn't exist. |
154099 | |
154109 | When using the SelectRow() function on a datawindow displayed in Print Preview mode, the row selected is rendered invisible (white-on-white), rather than in reverse video, or displayed as it would print, i.e., no indication of selection. This is fixed in 8.0 |
154112 | Preview: Page fault after validation fails. Happens when data source is External for Graph datawindow and date data supplied is invalid format. Happens on WFW, WIN95, and NT. |
154116 | In a crosstab summary band, a computed object which totals a column other than itself works correctly for the first iteration of the values. For subsequent iterations of the values at runtime, the computed object always displays the sum of the first iteration. |
154119 | The customer is connecting to Sybase system 10 through a modem and finds that when the modem drops, then they close the application that windows is dead in the water for 4 minutes.
SOLUTION: This is not a bug. We perform a commit before every transaction we disconnect at runtime. The long delay is caused by dblib waiting for a return code from the backend... |
154151 | Enhancement. Windows 95 allows the color of buttons to be changed. The treeview and the listview provide for the bitmaps within these controls to have their colors masked, take the backgound of the control and replacethe background color of the bitmap. The picture needs this same functionality extended to it. |
154223 | Datawindow painter: Graph style: External data source:
Preview shows extra series key in Legend only for this data source. Only happens in 16-bit. Red box displays by itself. Blue and green are associated with values in series axis data column. PER DEVELOPMENT: User error - if you look at the external file included in the zipped file you'll see that there's an extra line in the data .. i.e. an extra newline character .. thus, there's a piece of null data being added to the series |
154227 | If you set the Windows95 shortdate in the regional settings to dd-MMM-yyyy, then 01/01/96 should come out as 01-Jan-1996. Setting thedate Format in the dw painter (properties - format - date) to [shortdate] gives a result of 01-01-1996 but it should be 01-Jan-1996
PER DEVELOPMENT: This is a quirk of the Windows95 Control Panel. When a change is made to the Regional Settings for Dates, the Registry file is updated correctly, but the WIN.INI file is also updated with the change. However, the Control Panel seems to refuse to put MMM in the sShortDate setting of the [intl] section of WIN.INI -- even though it does write the MMM clause in the Registry. PowerBuilder still references the WIN.INI settings for the format of a short date -- to remain compatible with 16-bit Windows. While Windows95 refuses to write the MMM clause to the WIN.INI file, you can manually set it. An sShortDate setting of 'yyyy MMM dd' in the [intl] section of WIN.INI, will be respected by PowerBuilder, but you have to set it yourself. |
154242 | When I select a column or other object on a datawindow and start autoscrolling it, it seems I can only go about two screen widths to the right before I have to drop the object and then pick it back up again before it will go further. |
154277 | In the library painter - when copying objects from one PBL to the another, the painter will not prompt the user and ask if they want to overwrite it --it will just automatically overwrite it.
This was fixed in 7.0 |
154284 | Customer is doing an InsertRow and a SetItem in a DataWindow using special ASCII characters in strings and seeing black boxes if he uses a ~t.
Developer's comments: This is not a bug. It is working as designed. |
154336 | ISUG Enhancement Request e15_124:
Would like an enhancement such that the SAVEAS() function has the option of saving to the PDF format. |
154349 | Function return type is decimal. Compile a window function which returns a null decimal in machine code and get an error: "exception access violation hex value of" The function works OK when compiled in p-code. 32 bit on NT. Using WIN95, same EXE could not be created. GPF in project painter in trying to build the machine code EXE.
Function Example: decimal lc_null setnull( lc_null ) return lc_null Powerscript Example: decimal lc_value lc_value = wfc_null(<arguments>) Workaround: Check for null return before assignment. |
154356 | |
154359 | Visible attribute expression in an NUP datawindow has unreliable results. If you have 2 rows across, for the first "visible row" of the nup data containing 2 logical rows, the visible attribute seems to get applied to all columns in rows contained in the "visible row" even though it shouldn't because the expression in the Properties for the visible attribute should control it. The same is true for the last row.
PSE Update : |
154371 | Informix 7.xx. When creating a stored procedure source dw from a stored procedure with input arguments, none of the arguments are found in the dw the painter creates. The syntax is also: execute informix.sp 0; - with no arguments. This affects both painting datawindows and the SPUD utility.
Workaround: The execute syntax for the stored procedure comes back: execute informix.sp_test ;0 by changing it to execute informix.sp_test ;0 arg1=:arg1, arg2=:arg2 and adding two retrieval arguments of type "string", it seems to work fine as a workaround but this should build the datawindow correctly up front.. Per Development: Changes required some re-architecting so it will only be implemented in 6.0 |
154372 | If you insert a RichTextEdit into a window and then do a preview anything you type in the preview will remain when you return to the window painter. The text should be gone. |
154382 | The drop-down listboxes in the script painter all display black text on white background, except the "Select event", which displays white on black. |
154416 | Rich Text Edit. Datastore and secondary RTE and try to insertrow on secondary RTE - GPF in PBDWE050.DLL @ 0008:1B04. T |
154458 | inserting a RTF file created or modified by Winword into a RTE control doesn't work properly when the file contains some input fields. The input fields are not recognized by the RTE control.
See PB Product Management Support Statement : PowerBuilder Rich Text Support |
154463 | Second instance of the pipeline doesn't have a status line. |
154473 | Whenever you click a scrollbar in a RTE datawindow, the cursor position within the datawindow jumps to the last visible line (scrolling pageup/pagedown) or moves with the scroll direction if moving left-to-right.. |
154474 | When the PasteRTE function is used to copy text from an RichTextEdit (RTE) control to an RTE DataWindow, the pasted text does not wrap according to the margins in the DataWindow. |
154483 | Implement the SQLCache DBParm to the Informix driver as it is in Oracle and ODBC. |
154487 | Customer creates a DropDownDataWindow (dddw) with 1 row and uses the keyboard to access the dddw. She uses Alt-DownArrow to drop the DataWindow down and then presses the space bar. This causes a GPF in PBDWE040.DLL at 0017:0A5A. |
154493 | Pipeline memory leak. 750 records from a simple table leaks around 20,000 bytes. Long running applications with many more rows end up crashing. |
154495 | UpdateBlob( ) does not set the proper sqlcode when it fails. |
154496 | 16 bit Machine code executable. When doubleclicking, I get a GPF in KRNL386.exe @ 0001:7B49 when using a windows 3.1 system.
Fixed in 5.0.02 final. |
154508 | VerticalScrollPosition set by Modify() is different when immediately Describe()'d. 1000 becomes 973. In print preview, a Describe() always returns 1. |
154511 | If a datawindow has three levels of nested reports. If the second level datawindow contains a nested datawindow (third level) which is also on the parent datawindow, the third level datawindow will not show on the parent datawindow. |
154539 | You can't use a date datatype for a retrieval argument with Informix and PB 5.0. When you try to go into design mode, you will ge the following error message: "SQL error -282 : Found a quote for which there is no matching quote. has occurred. Do you want to correct the errors?"
WORKAROUND: Declare the argument as a string then use the DATE() Informix function in the SQL where clause to convert it to a date |
154550 | PB 5.0 (16 and 32 bit) issue. The Default command button clicked event is not triggered if a DropDownListBox has focus and its list is showing. |
154567 | Datawindow attribute expression of if(<boolean-exp>,1,0) containing global function call with argument of datatype TIME in the boolean expression portion compiles OK in the expression dialog but fails at runtime due to what seems to be a datatype conversion done internally - causing the global function call to be invalid due to mismatched arguments with the TIME argument. This causes the if(b,t,f) to always return NULL (error condition - which ends up taking the "FALSE" condition of the if(b,t,f)
Workaround: You can get the function call to work by making sure the functions argument declaration is of type DATETIME when passing in a TIME column or value. There is a similar issue with passing a DATE datatype to a global function taking a DATE datatype. It will also convert the DATE to DATETIME under the covers. The problem with the workaround is once we fix the bug, you'll be back where you started from (having to fix all your computed fields). |
154568 | GPF when trying to print a Nested DW with an OLE object to a PostScript Printer.
GPF: "PB050 caused a GPF in module PScript.drv @ 0004:00000020" PScript.drv is version 4.00.950 on 7/11/95 9:50 am NEC SilentWriter 95 and HP 4 ML Postscript. Drivers are NCSW_951.PPD and HP4ML_V3.PPD. |
154575 | Stored Procedure source dw with numeric retrieval argument using SQL Anywhere... SQLSTATE = 37000 [SYBASE] [ODBC Driver] Syntax error : near... can also GPF during manipulation in PBODB050.DLL. Seems to be related to binding and the retrieval argument.
Solution: Could not reproduce in Fixed by bug 41529. |
154579 | If a Response window is open and the users depress the control tab on the keyboard, it gpf's. pbrtf050.dll..... 000c:3e61. |
154583 | MOD function does not return the same number in 5.0 as it did in 4.0. EXAMPLE:
in the following script fragment, no matter what is entered fro em_1.text, Id_mod never equals 0. This worked under 4.0 dec Id_test, Id_mod // Get the value that was entered in the em Id_test = dec(em_1.text) // round to 2 decimals before mod-ding Id_test = round(Id_test,2) // Look at Id_mod using the debugger -- it never equals zero. Id_mod=mod(Id_test,.05) Id_mod=mod(Id_test+.01,.05) Id_mod=mod(Id_test+.02,.05) Id_mod=mod(Id_test+.03,.05) Id_mod=mod(Id_test+.04,.05) Development: The following functions are affected: ABS, CEILING, MIN, MAX, MOD. All of our math functions are prototyped with doubles, and only with doubles, so the compiler casts all arguments to double implicitly--losing the precision of the decimal datatype. Will not be fixed in 5.0, next release instead. |
154584 | Cannot pass an array of structures by reference to function in distributed object: PowerBuilder gives Application Execution Error R0050: internal error, or else PowerBuilder just disappears. In this case, he structure has only one element, a string.
Solution Per Development: This is a user coding problem that we don't handle very well in 5.0. Is not a problem in 6.0. This problem is not a distributed Powerbuilder problem but a compiler problem. The problem is the array being passed is a bounded array while the function declaration takes an unbounded array. Since you are passing it by reference this is really not valid to do. This is because since it's by reference you could do whatever you want to the array including change the size. Changing the size of a bounded array is not a good thing. The PB compiler should be catching this but doesn't in 5.0. We have fixed this in 6.0 but have decided that the fix is far too complicated to introduce into a maintenance release. The developer must change either the declaration of the function to take a bounded array or change the array definition to be an unbounded array. Either way when passing by reference the arg must match the definition exactly including if an array is bounded or not. |
154586 | Perspective, Elevation, and Rotation properties introduced to PB 5.0. It seems they can never be changed once the initial graph is set. These Properties were not available in 4.0. This is for 3D graphs only! 3D Area, 3D Bar, 3D Column, 3D Line, and 3D Pie only. For all other graph types, the Perspective, Elevation, and Rotation properties are not available to be changed. |
154602 | dw made column border attribute 'resize' then made the attribute 'none'. When he runs the app if he puts the arrow over the column he is still able to resize the column.
PER DEVELOPMENT: This issue involved a grid style datawindow. This is trying to override the featured behavior of the grid style, and will not be implemented. |
154610 | RTL - Cannot change the column font in a DW expression. |
154613 | Customize PainterBar doesn't allow you to add PowerBar buttons. |
154623 | Shadow Direct ODBC driver to connect to DB2 on mainframe (16 bit). Can connect to 4.0 successfully. Cannot connect to PB 5.0 (16 bit). The cause appears to be that internally the connectstring is not long enough to hold all of the client's connection parameters, thereby truncating his parameters and messing up the connection. |
154625 | Change text for 3d radiobutton or checkbox causes it's border to temporarily change to 'none' |
154634 | Use Sybase System 10 server, CTLIB. Has a problem when retrieving error code of SQL server. in dblib mode, it is ok, error code is well transfered, but in ctlib mode, the value is non significant. Use native drivers and open client 10.0.3. |
154646 | User gets a sqlca.sqlcode of -1 and a sqlca.sqldbcode of 100 when deleting a non-existant row from a table. User should get a sqlcode of 0 and a sqldbcode of 100. DB2 |
154648 | Copy from datastore to rtf datawindow using dot notation GPF PBDWE050.DLL. 0137:115962d6. 16 bit address
PER DEVELOPMENT: USER ERROR: The included pbl copies data from a datasource to a datawindow using a line like = In order for that to work the column specifications of both datawindows MUST MATCH!! In the included PBL the columns appear in the two datawindows in different orders. If one is altered so it has the same columns, IN THE SAME ORDER, as the other then the supplied example works. |
154660 | **PRX - 5.0.1d31: You can slide a table under the columns area at the top of the sql painter such that you can't grab access it's titlebar or get it back. On Windows it comes close, but there always seems to be a 1 pixel wide area you can grab and get it back. (possibly it whould be changed on windows not not let it get as far as it does, and that would take care of the Mac too?)
PER DEVELOPMENT: The 1 pixel works fine and will remain in the Sql Painter as is for WinTel. Any issue with the MAC will not be addressed |
154668 | GPF in PBSHR050.DLL saving a pipeline in the painter. The pipeline is a Paradox5 table and pipes to a Sybase 10 database. The pipeline runs fine after creating it but you can't save it.
Cannot recreate in 5.0.03. |
154675 | Using an Edit Mask with date format or datetime format. If text typed in is right at the edge of control a GPF will occur in: kernel32.dll@0137:bff9a07c. If you resize the control to make enough room for the text typed in, it works fine. |
154680 | selecttab(<tabpage>) returns -1 in script under window control scripts although it does select the correct tab page. Placed in the open event of a window it doesn't work but does work if you post an event to use SelectTab().
Cannot recreate using 6.0 |
154724 | Problems when printing to an HP Laserjet from win95 using 4.0.05 16 bit. He has a static text field (Submit~rStatus) that when in print preview looks fine but when printed has a blank line between Submit and Status. This does not happen on win3.1 or win3.11.
WORKAROUND: Make the static text box a little bit bigger and then it will print fine. PER DEVELOPMENT: Not a bug. This is a printer driver issue. |
154726 | Menu option for Design/Preview of Rich Text report disabled in report painter when it shouldn't be. If you create a Rich Text report in report painter and select Design, Preview is disabled. The preview button on the toolbar works.
Works OK in Datawindow painter. |
154727 | Locked menuitem becomes 'unlocked' after adding menuitem at lower level.
Created a menu. Change and Lock the menu object name. Cascade to a lower level and change something. Return to a prior level and the name has returned to the default, and is now unlocked. |
154728 | MessageBox's are not being displayed consistantly in the Clicked Event when the column clicked has a Tab Sequence of 0. |
154730 | Focus On Button Down check box and property don't seem to work properly. Once the focus rectangle around the text is removed, clicking twice (not double clicking) will make the focus rectangle reappear. It seems that setting the FocusOnButtonDown property to False within the Window Open event or the Tab Control Constructor event does not work.
PER DEVELOPMENT: This is not a bug. The tab control is modeled after the Microsoft Custom Control tab control. When the FocusOnButtonDown property set to FALSE the first click on the tab triggers the display of the tabpage and focus is given to the appropriate control on the tabpage. If the same tab is selected again, that tab gains focus as indicated by the focus rectangle. When the FocusOnButtonDown property set to TRUE the fist click on the tab triggers the display of the tabpage and focus is given to the TAB as indicated by the focus rectangle. |
154731 | Create a global variable called junk1.
Create a function and enter the line: ls_mystring = junk Save function and get error junk is undefined variable. From Function painter, go to global variable junk1 and rename junk Now try to exit the function (should work because global junk1 is now named junk) Save out of function and you get gpf on pbrte050.dll. |
154734 | Unclosed, cascaded menus stay visible when parent sheet is closed. If you have a cascaded menu of a top level menu item and close the sheet containing the menu, the cascaded menu remains visible and you can't remove it with Setredraw().
PER DEVELOPMENT: A user click must occur for any popmenu to close that is already open. This is MS windows functionality,which we have no control over. Additonally, I tested against win95, nt 3.51, w3.11 and nt 4.0 and found the behavior to be the across all platforms. |
154735 | Horizontal scrollbar disabled in database painter when it's necessary: If you go into dba notepad from database painter, paste insert statement, and enter data which is more than a screenful wide, upon return to the database painter, the horizontal scrollbar is disabled, and you cannot see the entire line. Vertical Scrollbar works fine. |
154736 | Presentation Style in datawindow painter (Design/Options, Generation tab, Presentation Style) is showing up as Crosstab for all styles of datawindows. Datawindow export shows correct processing number, and datawindow displays in the correct style. Changing the Presentation Style in the dropdown listbox, saving the datawindow and reopening still shows up as Crosstab.
PER DEVELOPMENT: The Generation tab of this property sheet affects new generated datawindows and not the one currently open in the painter. This is the intended behavior. |
154739 | Overloaded uo functions, when called dynamically, are not resolved correctly when run. get message saying that argument list is incorrect, even though it matches one of the function declaration argument lists. Most test cases are working. In test case where problem was recreated, argument list included window, powerobject, boolean, boolean, boolean vs. window, powerobject, string, boolean, boolean. Simple case of boolean vs. string is fine when run.
Cannot reproduce during 6.0 beta. |
154742 | When you print a RichTextEdit (RTE) DataWindow containing an input field with fixed size in the detail band, extra characters print after the end of the line. Preview Mode is ok. |
154745 | FixedSize property for Input field for header band of RTE doesn't work.. The text doesn't wrap as it should and remains on a single line. Using FixedSize in the detail band works fine.
Fixed during 6.0 beta. |
154748 | Color printing the same whether dw is monochrome or color in dw_1.Modify("Datawindow.print.color=<1 or 2>") |
154752 | The active sheet list is ending up under 2 different top-level menu items when you hide an item in a top level menu. This only happens when the sheets have no menu and are inheriting from the frame. |
154759 | Sybase System 10 (or 11) - DB painter, open a table that is owned (prefix'd) by dbo and select memuitem Object and then Data Pipeline results in Error 107 - The column prefix '<tablename>' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query. Either the table is not specified in the from clause or it has a correlation name which must be used instead.. |
154761 | Simple listbox problem in datawindow: selected character isn't being put into the listbox if selected using keyboard and it is the highlighted selection.. Create a new external/tabular dw develop one column of type string one character. Populate with two values 'y' and 'n' with data values of 'y' and 'n'. The customer has checked 'Always show list' and 'Empty String is Null.' Preview the dw. Insert a row. Using only the keyboard select 'y' or 'n'. The selected letter will appear. Hit <enter> and the value is recorded, the ddlb moves down and the previously selected value in the ddlb is highlight. Hit <enter> again to select the highlight value from the ddlb or simply enter the character that is highlight from the keyboard. It will not appear. If the other character is selected and then the previous character is once again selected the value will then appear.
PER DEVELOPMENT: Cannot recreate in 6.0 |
154770 | Rich text control not interpreting TAB characters when displayed or printed. In Word, the tab character from the RTF file created from the RTF control SaveDocument() function is interpreted as a dot and does not print either. This problem is intermittent. |
154773 | Building a crosstab report, If you right mouse button on a crosstab dw to view or modify the crosstab data then return to the datawindow, any computed columns, functions and groups that were created are deleted! |
154776 | If all columns in the datawindows are defined with the Protect attribute set to 1, the SetRow() function returns -1 and the row in focus does not change. This is contrary to the fact that users can change the row using the mouse, or programatically if you set the TabSequence attribute to 0 instead of using the Protect attribute. |
154781 | 16 bit only. Passing a structure by reference to a function causes a gpf in pbrte050.dll when function is called repeatedly (thousands of times). Happens only using 16 bit Powerbuilder. Workaround is to pass structure by reference instead.
Memory is leaking slightly but even with memory left, it GPFs eventually. Product Support Engineering: The behavior exists using 5.0.02. 5.0.03 and up through 6.0 work fine in 16 bit. |
154791 | Missing Win95 events. WM_CTLCOLOR, WM_CTLCOLOREDIT, WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX, WM_CTLCOLORBTN, etc. Must code these manually in the OTHER event which isn't recommended. |
154793 | Distributed Powerbuilder: when customer retrieve data > 3700 bytes he gets an error: "connection error 50 " , "distributed service error: Object interface mismatch".
If he does not use DPB (Proxy), everything works fine. Seems to have been fixed in 5.0.02 PBSMI050.DLL |
154794 | When doing a SaveAs on a DataWindow to a text file, the information is not being treated properly when the file is used in the Pipeline Painter to pipe data. |
154797 | |
154810 | In the db painter, pointer on a column name, right mouse click and choose properties. Click Edit Style tab, select a style name, click Edit cb. In Edit Style window click Help cb, does not bring up Help. There is also no Help for New edit style. |
154813 | PB 5.0 16 bit - Oracle 7.2 RPC Inserts a negative number into table if number passed to the stored procedure is greater than 32767. The number is defined as a number(5,0) on the db, a long in the RPC declaration, an integer (4 bytes on an Oracle db) for the stored procedure definition, and it's converted using the Long() function in PB when the stored procedure is called. |
154818 | Created a command button and script for clicked event and put on a window.
Did a copy/paste of command button to another window and the button works fine. Then go into Declare->User Events of the command button it will display MessageBox: "Duplicate event name". |
154838 | 32 bit machine code problem. If a window's initial state is set to maximized or minimized and it is opened from the application open event, it will open in 'normal' state. |
154844 | Setitem to an RTF datawindow does not refresh the display. One workaround is to issue the dw_1.Filter() directive - even if a filter doesn't exist - to force the buffer to bubble up values to the display. |
154845 | MS SQL Server 6.5. Using Microsoft Client 6.5. Win 3.11 16 bit pb 4.04 - 4.0.07.
Named pipes - the error doesn't happen over tcp-ip. It also does not happen in 4.0.06 or 4.0.07 32bit. Customer has three transaction objects, sqlca and two custom. When he runs the app in development he gets an error while the third transaction is trying to connect: 999 - Request resulted in a bad return code or status but no error message was returned. Tested on WIN95 and NT, error message is: Unable to connect: SQL Server is unavailable or does not exist. Too many open file handles 10004. |
154854 | Script painter bug. If you inherit from a user object of any type and put the first line of any event script containing a semi-colon, you lose all information up to the semi colon. Only happens when you use "override ancestor script" and ONLY on FIRST line of the event script.
constructor // Here is the first line;after semi colon "Override ancestor script" Exit script painter after semi colon <---- truncates everything up to semi colon. NOTE: Will only be fixed in 6.0 |
154862 | PB050 caused an invalid page fault in module MSVCRT40.DLL at 0137:1021d456. This error occurs when trying to connect to a MS Sql Server Via 32 bit ODBC in PB 5.0 32 bit. The driver is SQLSRV32.DLL version 2.65.0201
PER DEVELOPMENT: This error does NOT occur with SQLSRV32.DLL 2.50.0126 or in the newer driver that comes with Office 97 2.50.0213. This has been determined not to be a Powerbuilder problem. |
154876 | Cannot connect to AS/400 database using the Showcase ODBC driver 1.50 version. Gets a gpf in pbshr050.dll 0028:1df7. Can connect fine using 4.x versions of pb with the 1.50 version of scodbc.dll.
PER DEVELOPMENT: This is definitely a vendor bug. Able to reproduce the error using ODBCTest. ODBCTest reports an error that connectoutstr is getting truncated. |
154883 | Solaris - On-line books are experiencing a conflict if loaded along with Sybase SYBOOKS. The customer believes a conflict exists with a file called .ebtrc, if accessing both Sybooks and PB On-Line Books. If SYBASE or PBHOME is first in the path, SYBOOKS or PB Books are shown. |
154901 | Using .RLE files (RunLenghEncoded) for the pictures on a menu. Some work, others do not work. Same results for picture controls on a window.
Developer comments: Because of color mapping introduced in 5.0, there were problems with 256 color images. Toolbars still do not support 256 colors images (never have), however, the display has been improved with this fix. The problem with the pictures is that 256 color images scale very poorly when using a 256 video mode. If you set the pictures to full size, they work just fine (this was a difference between the 4.0 and 5.0 pbl). |
154907 | Once you activate a .psr file from within Word you can not gracefully close out of the psr and get back to Word. |
154910 | Pipeline using MS SQL Server 6.0 as source to SQL Anywhere creating wrong syntax for transferring BLOB columns. Example would be 'dbo.dbo.pub_info' instead of 'dbo.pub_info'. This will give you a Database error 208, Invalid object 'dbo.dbo.pub_info'. You can export the source of the pipeline and change the 'table=' parameter and re-import. |
154916 | PB 5.0x. Unstable behavior results in the user object painter if you select custom visual, go to properties, and click the help command button.
PER DEVELOPMENT: NOTE: Works correctly in pre-released 6.0. |
154919 | Connecting to Sybase System 10, CTLIB and SQL AnyWhere 5.0 using ODBC, PB 5.0.02, 32 bit, connecting and disconnecting causes memory leaks. |
154926 | On win 3.11, the treeview control doesn't show any items if the total number of items is greater than around 1840. If the total number of items is 1820, tv control comes up fine with all the items. On win95, and NT, all items are displayed correctly without any limit.
Developer: Fixed for 32 bit. Could not be fixed in 5.0. Unfortunately there is a limitation under Windows 3.x (16-bit) for the amount of objects in the common controls. The implementation is based on the usage of standard windows API rectangle structures that use integer members internally. The integer data type range under 16-bit is -32,768 to 32,767. If, for instance, a list-view holds 1840 rows and each row has a 16x16 pixel image and a 2 pixel margin the overall amount of pixels computes to 1840 * (16 + 2) = 33120 => Overflow! You will always have this limit of about 1800-2000 "viewable" items in 16 bit. Perhaps restructuring the treeview to contain fewer items would help. |
154934 | computed colukmns are sliding over other fields |
154956 | Customer is having problem running RPC's using Oracle 7.2. She is passing a number into the rpt. It inserts a record into the database and the number in the database is not the number she sent in. |
154961 | 5.0.01 (also true in the 5.0 gold release)
Using the keyword "Primary" in conjunction with "Selected" in the syntax to get the values for a column of a dw causes a gpf in pbdwe050.dll. 1) Create a simple, (eg. tabular - employee - psdemodb) dw 2) Declare an instance variable on a window as an array of string (I used string names[100]) 3) I tried using the following scripts - : //names = dw_1.Object.emp_fname.Selected this works //names = dw_1.Object.emp_fname.Current.Selected this works //names = dw_1.Object.emp_fname.Original.Selected this works //names = dw_1.Object.emp_fname.Delete.Selected this works //names = dw_1.Object.emp_fname.Filter this works //names = dw_1.Object.emp_fname.Primary.Selected this causes a gpf //names = dw_1.Object.emp_fname.Primary.Current.Selected this causes a gpf //names = dw_1.Object.emp_fname.Primary.Original.Selected this causes a gpf Note: Anytime the keyword Primary is used, you get a gpf in pbdwe050.dll. Both "delete" and "filter" as the buffer type work properly. When you don't specify any buffer type, the data values come from the the primary buffer. (it is the default, you just can't use the word "Primary") Another note: Seems to be Primary in conjunction with Selected: This works OK: //names = dw_1.Object.emp_fname.Primary.Current Workaround: Omit the word Primary; it's the default. Development: and 6.0 build 226 work fine. The error should be "R1041 Error accessing external object property." Design behaviour. dw_1.Object.emp_fname.Primary resolves to an array of data, not an object, so adding the selected tag doesn't make any sense. You can't select things from the other buffers anyway. |
154964 | Menu Painter - Browse & choose .wmf file for picture causes gpf in pbshr050.dll. |
154966 | GPF in PBDWE040.DLL or PBSHR040.DLL during DESTROY of a nested report using Modify() - the nested report was also PLACED using Modify() - IE not placed in the datawindow painter.. Sometimes it takes 2 iterations of placing and destroying the nested report. Setredraw() of the parent datawindow seems to influence the GPF as well moving it to PBDWE rather than PBSHR. 5.0 GPF is always in PBSHR050.DLL. |
154969 | The behavior between the DataWindow painterbar and the Properties/General tab seems to be inconsistent. The behavior does seem to revolve around Computed Fields. Labels and columns work correctly. After changing the justification of a Computed Field from the StyleBar of the DataWindow painter to something other than Left, selecting Properties from the popup menu, on the General Tab, look at the Alignment box. It always says Left no matter what the justification is set to from the StyleBar.
Cannot recreate 6.0 beta. |
154972 | Connecting to Sybase System 10 with an invalid username/password causes a core dump. |
154977 | Describe("evaluate('page()',rownumber)") returning wrong page when printpreview is on. Evaluate() will always return the page you're currently displaying, not the correct if you were on page 6 (in print preview), it would always return Page 6 for row 52 even though row 52 is on page 2. |
154978 | Problem with X and Y position of a control in a window.
Suppose You have a single static text named st_1 inside a windows names w_move. Set these position for st_1 as: st_1.X = 50 st_1.Y = 50 Execute a move (50,50), result is correct of (50, 50) Then change x's value to 100 and keep y's value the same, execute a move (100,50) and the results are correct (50, 100) The bug exists if Y is set to a negative number: st_1.X = 50 st_1.Y = - 50 Reset the X position to 100 st_1X= 100 Execute a move (100,-50), The Y position is changed to -47 even though the Y coord number was never changed via script Execute another move(100, -50) and the output is a move (100, -43) The negative Y keeps getting incremented each time a move() is executed until Y finally reached the value of 1. PER DEVELOPMENT: The y coordinate no longer changes. Remaining corrdinate differences are do to PBU to Pixel and Pixel to PBU conversions. |
154985 | Object Properties dialogs are hard to access when placing objects on tab pages that have been placed on the window first (ie they're not part of the tab's control array). Right mouse on a datawindow control on a tabpage causes the tabpage dialog to appear as an example. |
154993 | Cannot print several datastores in one printjob using PrintDatawindow().
Workaround: Use an invisible datawindow control. |
154995 | Setseriesstyle is defaulting to the default symbol in 32 bit machine code executables in some instances. Graphs symbols appear as they should in pcode and when run from within in the ide. |
154997 | Some wordbasic OLE functions don't work. Einf黦en (InsertText) and BearbeitenGeheZu (Edit.GoTo) are two examples that don't work in German. Using VB 4.0, these work fine. May be due to the umlaut.
Development: This is not a bug. WordBasic is composed of functions and statements. Sometimes the function and the statement have the same name. PowerBuilder assumes you are making a function call unless you use the keyword, AsStatement!. If a function and statement have the same name you will always access the function unless you use the keyword. This problem appeared a little confusing for the German Word situation because PowerBuilder performs a fixup in certain cases. If a user erroneously calls a statement in WordBasic as a function, PB checks the return code for an error message and performs a retry as a statement if appropriate. This fixup only works in English as it is a string compare. Please remember this is a fixup and the user should really be using the keyword, AsStatement!, if they are calling a statement. See the WordBasic documentation on msdn for more info on statements and functions. WordBasic instructions are composed of statements and functions, which are defined as follows: A statement carries out an action. For example, opening a file, selecting text, and scrolling through a document are all actions. Virtually every action you can perform in Word has an equivalent WordBasic statement. A function retrieves information. A function sometimes also performs an action, but the primary purpose of a function is to return information to the macro. A function can determine the character formatting of selected text, whether a document is in outline view, whether a toolbar is displayed, and many other things. |
154998 | Using SaveRowsAs saving dw as a PSR The formatting is incorrect when the PSR is opened up in Infomaker.
Cannot reproduce during 6.0 beta. |
155002 | Datawindow Expression dialog should flag as an error any column of type date being compared using a datetime expression.
Example: (order_date is a column of type date) order_date < today() Today() as a validation expression or computed field expression in the datawindow is the so-called report function that returns a datetime and is not the same as the Powerscript Today() which returns a date. So you're basically comparing a date to a datetime with the example above. The bug would be, that the expression dialog should flag this as an error. "Expecting DATE Expression" |
155005 | When you embed a tab control on a tab page - say tabpage 3 of tab_master, and place a control such as a command button or datawindow on tabpage 1 or tab_master, the control 'falls through' to the page containing the embedded tab control - tabpage 3.
Cannot Recreate with & 6.0 build 214 |
155008 | Connected to System 10, CTLIB, create any type of DataWindow with a table that contains a timestamp column. Preview the DataWindow. It GPF's in KRNL386.EXE at 0001 4DE7 after it finishes retrieving the data and is going into the Saving Report Data phase (microhelp). When the DateTime column is not included in the DataWindow, previewing the DataWindow works fine. For tables with 32 records or less in them, it will not GPF. |
155014 | Customer is in dw painter creating a Rich Text Format dw in which he wants to put his company's logo, a bitmap. Everytime he tried he gets an error message saying "out of memory" then a white box saying "Insufficient memory" and he is kicked out of PB 5.0. |
155017 | Problem with machine-code exe only. Everything works fine in development (and using p-code exe) but when running a machine-code executable the mdi frame opens twice and the the splash window never appears. Passing in a window by reference. |
155023 | When using stored procedures as a datasource of a datawindow. These stored procedures have to be filled with parameters in order to be executed. Normally, before execution these parameter are being filled with real data. The existing Stored Procedures test the input parameters before execution if they are NULL, so that they can be executed without input parameters. But if trying to create a datawindow using null, get the following error: 'Error Argument has not null-value'. |
155024 | If a dw is nested within another dw, the columns' properties are not reflected when they are defined in the column's property sheet in the dw painter. In this example, the column row should be italized & bolded if the criteria of another column is met. This is done on the expression property sheet of the column. Workaround: Set these properties within a script. |
155030 | Passing array by reference GPFs in local variable same as function argument. Problem doesn't occur if you pass the argument by value. |
155035 | 5.0. 'Return 1' does not work as documented for SQLPreview event of a datawindow. It does not stop processing and the SQL still gets submitted to the database. Setactioncode(1) still works as a workaround. |
155038 | Static text border color property is not working. If border is box, then the color does not show in design...preview, but does if you run an application which opens the window. For 3d raised and lowered, and for shadowbox, the color does not show in either case. |
155039 | Error accessing external object property of MS Web Browser control from PB. The error occurs with any attribute or function that is accessed from PB for this particular control. |
155044 | If you set EditLabels property for TreeView control to true, you will not be able to edit labels while DisableDragDrop property is unchecked.
Cannot reproduce using 5.0.04 or 6.0 |
155045 | If key column modified, Delete then Insert selected, then change col value back to original, and modify row and column status to NotModified! on Update the Delete is still performed. Data is lost. WORKAROUND: If update property is set to Update only, then there is no problem. |
155047 | GPF when mixing array declarations between Window instance and Window function declarations. If instance declarations are: string array1[], array2[], and Window Function arguments are: string array1[5], array2[5], a GPF occurs at different addresses depending on the Operating System used.
PER DEVELOPMENT: USER ERROR: You simply cannot pass unbounded arrays to bounded arrays by reference. WHen you pass by ref, the types must match. |
155048 | Printing blank page instead of datawindow information from inside of the Library painter.
Steps to recreate: 1. Go into Library Painter (PB 5.0) 2. Select any datawindow 3. Click on Entry, then Print. 4. A blank page prints out. |
155052 | Having difficulty with edit masks spin control feature code table in the window painter. If the data is numeric, 68th entry in code table o.k., the 69th blows up, with decimal it blows up on 43. Incrementing by 1. Blows up while clicking the "OK" button of the property sheet: "application terminated" "pb050 called invalid page fault in module unkonwn @ 0000:11003936". |
155060 | Previewing an OLE presentation style DataWindow using Microsoft Chart does not show the chart with the data you selected. It continues to show the example chart. In 5.0.01, it GPF'd. In 5.0.02, it does not GPF but shows the chart. Putting this DataWindow object on a Window and running it also shows the example chart. |
155062 | A column graph dw is placed on a window, and changed to a pie style graph at runtime. When changed like this, it doesn't have the legends, nor the percentages on it.
Workaround: This is still a bug of sorts but graphs (bar to pie) require specific changes with dot notation/Modify due to their nature. -Series on bar graphs are in the legend, categories on the category axis. // Here is some script to change a bar to pie and back. // Change bar chart (type 9) to type 13 pie |
155063 | Edit/Align, Space and Size Controls menu picks in the window painter have blanks where Icons should be. Under NT 4.0 only.
NOTE: This was fixed in 5.0.03 forward and in 6.0 |
155071 | Microsoft SQL Server. (MSS) - Preview View in DB painter and receives the following error message: Data conversion resulted in overflow. |
155076 | Tab character prints okay when it's part of a text object on a data window. It doesn't work if the embedded tab character is in a multi-line editable datawindow (column) field. The tab character then shows up as a box (as if it were a control character) in print preview even with autosizeheight on.
Developer: This is standard behavior with embedded tabs in a DW edit control and it is in line with the standard Win32 UI. Although we create the edit controls as "ES_MULTILINE" and use "DrawText" to paint the text under most conditions - and multiline edit controls can support tabs, to do so requires that we do a DT_TABSTOP to set tab positions and DT_EXPANDTABS to paint them properly. We do not have a function to set tab positions with a DW edit control and it's unlikely that the default of 8 is going to be acceptable. If the column is of "autosizeheight" we use our own DrawText (shWinDrawTxt) to paint the text but we still treat the tabs the same way. Suggestions: Better to use an OLE column perhaps but embedded tabs are always problematic. |
155077 | Informix error -705 "cannot drop/modify procedure - it is currently in use" using INET 5.01 on-line 5 or 7 using native driver PBIN5050.DLL, 16 bit - WJ2, 32-bit - TE1
This error occurs when using the command UPDATE STATISTICS; as an embedded sql command. It is only a problem when you issue the UPDATE STATISTICS for the SECOND time in the script code. |
155078 | While inserting a row in a DataWindow (row status is New!) and modifying one or more columns with Setitem() (column status goes to DataModified!), the developer can't reset the status for a particular column back to NotModified! directly with one SetitemStatus() call. Instead, this setitemstatus() to NotModified! does nothing and the column status remains DataModified!.
From the book for rowstatus: " When a particular status change is not allowed, you can call SetItemStatus more than once to set the row to the desired setting. For example, if you want to set a row with New! status to NotModified!, you can set it first to DataModified! and then to NotModified!." This refers to row statuses but it also applies to column statuses.
Development: This is the correct behavior. Use setitem() into a column in this new row; the row status is now NEWMODIFIED!, column is DATAMODIFIED! When a column is set to NOTMODIFIED! with setitemstatus(), PB checks to see if there is "original data" available for the column. If there isn't, we do not touch the status. When we do set a column status to NOTMODIFIED! we want original data to put back in the column value - NOTMODIFIED! implies "undo" in this circumstance and there isn't anything to undo. << The workaround is to set the column status to DATAMODIFIED! FIRST, then set the status to NOTMODIFIED!>> When the developer sets the column status to DATAMODIFIED!, PB saves the contents in an "original column" value, therefore the subsequent NOTMODIFIED! will work. This is one of the quirks of "newly inserted" rows and the fact that there is no 'original buffer' until you go through the chain of DataModified! (just after newly inserted row) to explicit SetitemStatus() of the column to DataModified! (creates original buffer entry) to NotModified! (can do this now since "undo" is allowed with original buffer value). In this specific case, the only way to set column statuses it to first set them to DataModified! to create the original buffer entry and then to NotModified!. |
155084 | When printing a report with a nested report, it prints several blank pages, but when previewed it is fine. When the customer received pb5 installed pb5 16 bit on win3.11 and the same problem with printing occured, missing several pages in the middle. 32 bit worked fine. |
155089 | Enhancement. In the Project painter, the user would like to be able to specify a home location for created PBD's or DLL's. Right now when a PBL gets converted into a PBD or a DLL, it will reside in the same dir as the PBLs. It would be nice to be able to specify either a single directory or a directory per PBD/DLL. |
155090 | PB 5.0 flushing ancestor classes on window close causing performance problems. The ancestor classes have to be re-loaded into memory the next time a decendent is loaded causing a performance hit. These classes should still be in memory and should not have to be loaded. This bug was reported against PFC and class libraries based off PFC but any windows using inheritence will have the same problem. |
155100 | An external 16bit function call, that opens and closes a file, does not perform properly If a user object is declared as a global variable and that user object resides in the last PBL of a long library list. |
155114 | When creating a datawindow with stored procedure datasource, the list is not sorted in the datawindow painter. In the database painter under Design..Procedure Syntax, the list is sorted properly. This makes it impossible to find a procedure if you have a large number (thousands). |
155115 | Word wrap on a RTE datawindow does not seem to be working correctly using an external source datawindow, and setitems to insert the data. |
155117 | Line color property does not duplicate correctly. To reproduce:
1. On a window, create a line, changing size, thickness and color. I used blue as color. 2. Duplicate the line, using the RMB popup menu. 3. Size and thickness reproduce, but color does not. Cannot reproduce during 6.0 beta. |
155125 | Can't access computed field of row in filter buffer. Brings back Primary buffer information instead.
Developer: We actually do not support expressions which require data (ie. and implied row # and column) from other than the primary buffer. |
155126 | 5.0 Editmask behavior for invalid date entry inconsistent. 07/31/96 in an mm/dd/yy editmask is valid. When you try to use "overtype" mode and enter a month of '11' or November, on the second '1', focus jumps to the 'dd' part. Since 11/31/96 is an invalid date, it probably should beep at this point and put back the 07/31/96
PER DEVELOPMENT: As designed. The editmask control checks to make sure that an mm has an appropriate value for dd if it is already present thus, if you have 07/31/97 and go to the mm and try to type 11 we will force it to 01 (the first month with 31 days). |
155129 | PB5 allows you to call protected and private functions in another object class if the DYNAMIC keyword is used in the function call.
Cannot recreate during 6.0 beta |
155134 | Customer is trying to modify the escapement of the value label and it is not working.
Customer is using: gr_1.values.labeldispattr.escapement=some value (0,450,900,1800,3600) gr_1.category.labeldispattr.escapement=some value (0,450,900,1800,3600) Reproduced using 4.0.06 (16 and 32) and 4.0.07. This does not occur in 5.0. |
155137 | If Allow Edit property for dropdownlistbox is true, the backcolor property does not take effect, whether altered in the painter properties dialog, or at runtime.
Cannot recreate this using 6.0 final |
155143 | GPF in pbshr040.dll when you retrieve a nested child dw (in composite dw) a second time:
datawindowchild dwc dw_1.getchild('nested_rpt_name',dwc) dwc.settransobject(sqlca) dwc.retrieve(61) 5.0 works fine. |
155144 | Application object's open script calls a function that is designed to check to see if the user has the .ini file in their path. If they do, it will be refreshed to be current and if they don't, it will be created for them.
PER DEVELOPMENT: Win95 File caching issue. See bug number 43135 for more details. |
155146 | On Win3.11, problem occurs in menu painter when you try to access the Pictures property sheet for a menu item which points to a D drive and there is no disk mounted in the drive. |
155147 | The RTE Font DDLB lists printer fonts, where other Font DDLB's in other areas of PowerBuilder, don't. |
155148 | If you have an RTF document that contains text that has been added to the document using Insert/Symbol (from the WFW menu), no matter what character set was selected, when the document is put into the RichTextEdit Control using the InsertDocument function, those characters that were inserted using Insert/Symbol do NOT appear.
Those same characters, if typed into the document after changing the font name from the WFW font DDLB, are fine. Also, the single quote/apostrophe (') and the double quote (") don't appear, either. |
155153 | If a menu function is deleted in the menu function dialogbox and the menu is closed without saving the menu function is not removed.
Cannot recreate with and 6.0 build 233 |
155154 | Can't resize response window at runtime. Resizable attribute can be set in the painter for a response window. It doesn't take effect at runtime.
Solution:In 6.0 213, the resizeable checkbox is no longer checkable in the Window painter. |
155158 | Oracle 7. "Select error: column lists do not match" with numeric retrieval argument in select statement. Worked in 4.0.
Workaround: Staticbind=1 |
155159 | If you select Code Table and then de-select Spin Control (without de-selecting CodeTable), you can still modify the CodeTable entries. This is true although the CodeTable checkbox has been disabled. The entries are not saved and are lost. Either the CodeTable enable/disable needs to be independent of SpinControl or the controls for entering/modifying CodeTable entries should not be displayed when the CodeTable check box is disabled. |
155161 | A column on an external datawindow (or any datawindow) with datatype 'date', editstyle 'editmask', justification: 'center' or 'right' causes PB to GPF when the cell loses focus if the cell is not big enough to hold the entire date. It looks as if PB goes into an endless loop trying to center the data. This also happens on a Window Editmask Control with the same characteristics.
This is not fixed until PB 8.0. Workaround: Turn off alignment "Center" or "Right" and use Left or Resize the control or column. |
155163 | Using Constant instance variables in user object which is used for OLE automation causes a GPF in PBROI50.DLL. If you do not use the constant keyword, but just instance variables which are initialized in the constructor event of the userobject, you do not get the gpf. |
155174 | The listview scrolling system does not behave in a desire manner. As you pull the bar of the scroll bar down with the mouse, there is a point when it will begin displaying the first items and when the mouse button is released, it will spring up to the top. To scroll to the bottom, the arrow keys have to be used. Takes about 2000 items in the listview to see this behavior.
Developer: Fixed in 32 bit. This could not be fixed in 5.0. Unfortunately there is a limitation under Windows 3.x (16-bit) for the amount of objects in the common controls. The implementation is based on the usage of standard windows API rectangle structures that use integer members internally. The integer data type range under 16-bit is -32,768 to 32,767. If, for instance, a list-view holds 1840 rows and each row has a 16x16 pixel image and a 2 pixel margin the overall amount of pixels computes to 1840 * (16 + 2) = 33120 => Overflow! You will always have this limit of about 1800-2000 "viewable" items in 16 bit. Perhaps restructuring the listview to contain fewer items would help. |
155175 | Customer has a REAL datatype column on his database. When he goes into the database painter and does data manipulation or creates a new datawindow that uses this column, the column displays extra precision. For example if 1.22 is typed into the column and then you tab away, it displays 1.2200002829. |
155177 | Ole control wizard mechanism for telling the control container that needs to save which is the dirty flag does not seem to be used by PB implementation of Ole control container. In the customers control whenever they change the internal property, the dirty flag is set. |
155180 | OLE container with Excel spreadsheet. When spreadsheet is inserted with InsertFile, the fonts are compressed to the point that they are unreadable. Expanding the spreadsheet does not help. Using the same code in Visual Basic 4.0: the fonts are not compressed.
Solution Per Development: When you use VB 4 or 5 and set up a similar test case you get the following results: 1) If you set the SizeMode property to the "Clip" option the fonts look okay, but some of the data is not visible because it does get "clipped. 2) If you set the SizeMode property to the "Stretch" option (which is what PB does), then you get the same results in VB (4 or 5) that you get in PB, the fonts get "scrunched" up so that they're barely legible. In both scenarios, it's MS Excel that handles the behavior of the fonts. Development was able to put a "kludge" into the code in order for PB to handle this, but if the "kludge" causes any problems for other customers, the code change will have to be backed out. |
155185 | Blob variable not saved correctly in structure painter. Blob{20} becomes blob |
155188 | Enhancement: The only way to scroll the dates of a calendar OCX control is to click on the control itself. Tabbing onto it or using Setfocus() to the control will not allow the user to use the arrow keys to scroll the dates.
PER DEVELOPMENT: This is not a bug. The reason you can't use the arrow keys on the ActiveX control is because you are tabbing to the ole control container and not the ActiveX. The functionality to be able to tab directly to the ActiveX is an enhancement. |
155191 | Modifying header.height in the DataWindow PrintPage event causes printing to either 1) print out each first row column on a separate piece of paper, or 2) always repeat printing the first page.
NOTE: Need property on the header and footer band to print only on the FIRST page. This would keep customers from having to do this programmatically. |
155193 | GPF in PBRTC050.DLL in RTF style dw when clicking on inputfield in header in painter after this field has been pasted from the detail band.. |
155195 | 5.0 REGRESSION. FileRead having a buffering problem with lines of 1023 characters. 1022 and 1024 read in OK. This worked OK in 4.0. Workaround: If line has 1023 characters, add a space at the end. FileRead seems to have a buffer of 1024 characters. 11/25/98 Fbashaw: Verified a problem in 5.0.04, 6.0.0, and 6.5. But in 6.5 build 502 and it did not fail. |
155199 | Library Painter, Design, Options. Check and uncheck various options in the display groupbox on general tab, Apply or OK. They don't all take effect, and if you go back into properties they won't be what you set. |
155209 | Machine code exe compile gives error "number of arguments to function is incorrect " for the generated c file. They have a real_variable = 1.17e-38 hardcoded in application - somewhat obscure
PER DEVELOPMENT: This is because 1.17e-38 is not a valid float although the documentation says it is. This is a dup issue of several others. The docs for 6.0 have been changed to reflect this incorrect range. |
155210 | LastRowOnPage property is not returning the correct values when it's used in the PrintPage event of a DataWindow control. It returns 1, 1, 2, 3, 4,... instead of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,... This behavior is true in both 5.0 and 4.0.
PER DEVELOPMENT: Works as designed. Fundamental to the DW design is the "Row must fit on one page" rule |
155234 | Comparison for equality of structure values without references to the fields of the structures fails in machine code executable even if the data is the same. Not sure whether this is a bug. Example: declare two struct variables struct1, struct2. They have a field/element s_test which is a string. Set struct1.s_test = "foo" and struct2.s_test = "foo". Then do a comparison if struct1 = struct 2 then... which is true in pcode but false in a machine code executable. If the comparison references the s_test field, as in: if struct1.s_test = struct2.s_test then... that works just fine in a machine code executable. |
155241 | Help topics > 32767 give "Help Topic Does not exist" using ShowHelp(). Ex:
ShowHelp("test.hlp", Topic!, various #'s). 32768 bad, 32767 works. Solution: The fix to this bug (changing the definition of ShowHelp( ) in PBTYPDEF would require a migration, so it cannot be introduced in a Maintenance Release. It will be addressed in our next major release, 6.0. |
155245 | System11 bit datatype not painted correctly for RPC. Paints as string, should be boolean. |
155248 | No focus indicators for ddplb and ddlb
PB 5.03_13 - Focus indicators are leaving dots at its last location when the control is moved + indicators do not go away when another control is selected. Note: Solaris Only |
155249 | Trying to access a Word document via ole automation. In single-user mode this works however in multiuser mode - if another user has the same .doc file open - the applications crashes with error "R0035 application error accessing external function" at the FileOpen statement.
oleobject oleobj oleobj = create oleobject oleobj.ConnectToNewObject("word.basic") oleobj.FileOpen("c:\test.doc") |
155250 | Using dw_1.print() from a window without first putting the DataWindow into print preview, the dw prints one column per page. This also happens from the DataWindow painter if you do not go into print preview first, one column prints per page.
WORKAROUND: Either have two DataWindow controls where one can be hidden for printing purposes (using dw_1.modify('DataWindow.print.preview=yes')) and the other for viewing OR before issuing the print for the DataWindow set print preview on and then off after printing. OR modify the size of the columns from the dw painter so all the columns still fit on one page, but large enough to hold all the text. |
155258 | Error message: "function typeof() differs from ancestor only by return type"- cannot create proxy object when modifying existing objects. Will be fixed in 5.03.01 build. |
155264 | Several datatypes selected in the datawindow painter give "columns datatype not supported" when the datatype might be a BLOB column and is supported but not for a SQL Select statement for a datawindow.. A better message has been requested. |
155265 | Assigning a row of a dw object to a structure using structureName.Object.Data. If a column by column assignment is done, a null call be assigned for a column. If a row assignment is done and a column is NULL, the following error occurs: "PBRTE050.DLL @ 0137:10B2F3B3"
PER DEVELOPMENT: Cannot reproduce in 6.0 beta. |
155266 | Where the first column in the tabular dw is protected,When they reverse tab into the dw from another control on the window, focus is placed on the last column of the second to last row and not the last row. When they are in row one of the dw and reverse tabbing out to another control on the window, focus refuses to leave column two on row one, the cursor is stuck. |
155272 | When following a specific sequence of events, the edit mask ####0.000### gives strange results. TO REPRODUCE: Using a datawindow with that editmask defined, in data preview follow these steps: 1. Insert new row.
2. In decimal col enter 111111.1111. 3. Place insertion point to left of decimal point, Highlight the digit to left, press delete key. 4. Repeat several times (should be 2 times) 5. the edit control displays "-(null).000" in 4.0 Under 5.0.01 32 bit I get: -28127225430599912.000 PER DEVELOPMENT: Cannot reproduce behavior in 6.0_203 |
155274 | Datawindow with computed field using truncate function.
truncate( salary ,2) on the employee table in the Powersoft Demo DB - salary column might show something like: Salary Truncate 0.29 0.28 // this is incorrect 2.07 2.06 // this is incorrect 0.05 0.05 // this is correct 0.57 0.56 // this is incorrect 2.08 2.08 // this is correct Workaround: Use a global function. gf_trucate(salary,<precision>) /* global function */ /* gf_truncate script */ choose case precision case 2 decimal {2} dec2 dec2= valuepassedin return dec2 case 3 decimal{3} dec3 dec3=valuepassedin return dec3 case <n> case else Messagebox ("truncate error", "function limit is 8 decimal places") end choose Development: The implementation of representing numercial data as type float (i.e. types float and double) in binary can introduce a degree of imprecision. In performing the "truncate( #, precision)" Powerscript function, the real number (which is "#" above) is involved in a multiplication within the function. The loading of certain real numbers, in this case "2.07", into the floating point register (using the assembly command "fld") in order to perform the multiplication amplifies this imprecision. The represented value loaded into the register in this case is "+2.06999999999999971e+0002", which is dictated by the system floating point representation. A truncation at this point will cause the value to become "2.06". There is not much we can do about this from within PowerBuilder without performing a potentially detrimental side-effect to applications which actually use the trailing decimal places - i.e. scientific data which relies on the proper binary floating-point values. This problem revolves around trying to represent a finite number which cannot be represented exactly in floating point. Other alternatives include integer, long, and decimal, which are designed to represent finite values. The solution to this problem lies in the hands of the application developer. It is required that the developer use their application-specific knowledge of the data, and perform the appropriate logic (such as "truncate(salary + 0.000001)" to come up with numerical representations that are true within the context of their development projects, and can overcome any rounding problems. |
155275 | Stored Procedure does not return output parameter if a cursor exists in athe stored procedure. Microsoft SQL Server 6.0 using native driver pbmss050.dll. |
155277 | Problem with tabpage tab text color setting if color is set to black. It automatically reverts to wndtext if you set it to black. Did not try all colors, but trying several, problem only occurred when color was set to black. Setting on your system for wndtext was not relevant to the problem, i.e., it is not a case of reverting to wndtext if your wndtext is also set to black. wndtext could be white, and if you set the color to black, we revert to wndtext. |
155283 | Using drag/drop between two listviews in large icon view causes drawing problems when you scroll one of the listviews vertically. The next dragged objects' drag icon and the cursor from the 'source' listview become seperated - it seems they are the exact distance you've scrolled the listview. Using DragAuto ON in the window painter for the source listview control.
WORKAROUND: The focus problems seem to be related to using None! as a drag icon or Application! if you have no ".ico" file defined for the application object (which is sort of the same as None!). Once you use a real Icon (Information!, or an Application icon file that exists), it works fine. |
155286 | The Tab Control property "CreateOnDemand" is not recognized when using the OpenTab or OpenTabWithParm functions for a User Object Tab Control. |
155293 | Shortcut assignment operator using strings causes GPF in machine code.
windowname.title += "string" |
155295 | Datawindow plug-in. Gets invalid page fault in mfc40.dll at 0137:5F82E328 if you close down win95 while a web page with a dw plugin is open. In windows 3.11, you get the gpf in netscape at 002B:45C6. KNOWN PROBLEM documented in readme.txt of Internet Developers Toolkit. |
155296 | In 4.0, when a DataWindow user event is mapped to pbm_dwnmousemove, both message.wordparm and message.longparm were set. Customer was using those values to extract x, y, and button positions from the mouse. In 5.0, they are not set. Instead, they are now arguments to the event. Customer does not want to get them from the event but from the message object. This is a regression from 4.0 to 5.0.
Developer: All of this is true, but we are not exposing the flag byte in a maintenance release (would cause compatibility issues). However, the programmer can use the WINAPI function GetKeyState (or GetAsyncKeyState depending) with the virtual keys VK_LBUTTON and VK_RBUTTON to get the state of the buttons. This is a good workaround for 5.0 maintenance. |
155298 | Oracle 7 using SQLNET 2.2. GPF when previewing datawindow containing 16 or more tables. Crashes 32 bit Powerbuilder under NT 3.51 or NT 4.0. |
155309 | datawindow with retrieve arguments does not sort at all when put into query mode, and querysort is turned on. If there are no retrieval arguments it works just fine. WORKAROUND: Instead of retrieval argument use Query Criteria -> Equality Required from columns popup menu in the datawindow painter. |
155320 | Trying to add tab pages using OpenTabWithParm() and creating three tabpages within a FOR loop. Only the first tab page is being created, although the FOR/LOOP does loop through three times. When you use OpenTab(), everything works fine. |
155338 | Trying to override ancestor script in a descendant script, if the first line of code in the descendant script is identical to the first line of code in the ancestor script, you lose your code and override setting on the script. Easy workaround: add a comment to the top of the descendant script. As long as the two first lines are not the same you will not have a problem.
Cannot recreate with 6.0. |
155343 | Tab controls and using multiline. When you resize the tab control to be smaller in the x-direction using resize() or by the width, height attributes, some of the multiline tab pages on the tab control (the ones that would be in "front") are not displayed and setredraw(true) doesn't fix the problem. |
155344 | Preview function of a RichTextEdit control changes the margins of an RTF document. The RichTextEdit control does not restore document parameters (left margin, right margin, top margin, bottom margin) when a file is inserted into the control. |
155346 | Customer has a window which instantiates an NonVisual User Object that has a function whose argument is a window. The NVO function passes back to the calling window an array of strings passed by reference. The NVO is calling the window function dynamically. When calling the NVO function he gets "Bad argument list for function/event" when passing the window by reference in conjunction with the string arrays by reference. If he calls the function statically then no problem occurs.
Cannot reproduce 6.0 Beta. Will not be addressed for 5.0. |
155348 | Enable(), Disable() don't work with popup menus (menus created with popmenu). Must use m_item.enabled=false. |
155349 | The problem is actually that the Message.Powerobjectparm is not cleared well when closing the response window as it does not seem to be supposed to handle autoinstantiate content of Message.Powerobjectparm.
If you code Destroy Message.Powerobjectparm at the end of the open event of the response window, the problem is solved PER DEVELOPMENT: Fixed in 5.0.03. Not applicable to 6.0. |
155354 | Application Painter, Application Property sheet, long Library Path on the General tab truncates the end of the first line of the path, by cutting off the last letters.
You will see that the path is cut off at the end of the first line or if there was a space in the directory name, the rest of the file path goes to the next line, cutting off any text that doesn't fit. |
155357 | 16bit - Connected to Sybase system 10 (Syc). Trying to run two 16 bit applications, they get a pbstub caused a gpf in pbsyc050.dll@0001:086a.
Using 10.0.03 of Open Client. |
155359 | When a crosstab is placed inside of another dw (nested or composite), the visible attributes of its drawing objects and labels is not taken into account. Computed fields and non-crosstab dw's are working fine. |
155363 | Series data is added to a graph control programmatically, then some of the properties of the graph are changed; graph symbols and symbol color to name a couple. If at least one of the series is deleted, the changed graph symbols go back to the default symbol, the changed symbol colors go back to the default, and the data points no longer match up with the category labels. |
155376 | Dot notation not working when you try to get an entire array of data from a computed column in detail band. Could not get it to work with either string or numeric data. Element 2 of array has the data from the last row, and all the rest of the elements are either null or garbage, depending on the datatype of the array. |
155382 | The FILE->Update menu item from an OLE Server (activating offsite!) is not updating the contents in a datawindow for a database OLE blob column, or for an OLE control in a window.
You must close the OLE server to have the changes updated in the datawindow. |
155384 | PFC-16 and 32. of_FindItem()'s on treeview (and probably listview) recursive calls cause a stack fault when there are a large number of items to search through. 32 bit also stack faults - eventually.
Developer: There is a function nesting limit of about 58 calls under win16 due to OS limitations (1453 under win32) . The FindItem() function is called recursively in the object function and is therefore hitting this limit. The customer should change their code slightly or redo the treeview structure to have fewer elements.. |
155390 | Nup datawindow and it has 7 cells across. Clicking inbetween cells should return a "0" in the row argument - instead it returns the leftmost row number of the "visible" row. So you would get row 1, 8, 15, etc when clicking and not hitting an object. |
155392 | Serial Column automatic update with a SQL Insert broken in Just create a table with a serial and a char(10) column, create a datawindow based off it and you'll see it refresh the serial column of a newly inserted row correctly in 5.0.01 but in, the serial column always gets refreshed with a '0'.
Product Support Engineering: Fixed with other similar Identity problems either in the specific database driver or in DWE. Used 16 bit Powerbuilder 5.0.01 and under WFW 3.11. Broken in There is a related issue with multiple updates when there is an error in one of the update statements. |
155397 | To declare a window structure with an element which is also a structure, that sub-structure must have been defined first or you get an error "illegal data type: <sub-structure_name>." Easy to workaround, but if you define a window structure and then decide to alter it by adding a sub-structure element, you cannot do it. You have to declare the new structure which will be the new element, and then create your higher level structure again as a new structure. You can't simply change, for example, a string field/element to the sub-structure type.
PER DEVELOPMENT: A type must be defined prior to use. The order of definition is preserved in the pbl. This restriction prevents 2 structures from being defined in terms of 1 another. Same issue in other languages like C. Workaround : Export & reorder the structures. |
155403 | SetTransPool function for distributed Powerbuilder does not work with SQL Anywhere connections. Should this function work with local database ? With ODBC ?
Solution: If your application connections to the database through ODBC and only sets the dbms + dbparm fields, then you are not going to be able to take advantage of transaction pooling. The following is bad: sqlca.dbms = "ODBC" sqlca.DBPARM = "ConnectString='DSN=NetImpact Dynamo Demo;UID=dba;PWD=sql;'" connect using sqlca; // it will never get a hit in the transaction pool cache The following is good: sqlca.dbms = "ODBC" sqlca.userid = "dba" sqlca.dbpass = "sql" sqlca.DBPARM = "ConnectString='DSN=NetImpact Dynamo Demo;UID=dba;PWD=sql;'" connect using sqlca; // will get a hit The deal is that our ODBC interface will suck the UserID + Password fields settings out of the dbparm and put them into our internal connection data structure's userid + password fields (not the transaction object fields). So by the time that the disconnect does occur on the transaction object that originally didn't have the userid + password fields set, they will be set. If the next connection attempt comes in without the userid + password fields set, then they will not take the cached database connection because the user id + password fields of the attempted connection must match the cached/pooled connection. |
155408 | When viewing a window script, the titlebar shows the specific text, ie. "Script - Clicked for dw_my_datawindow from uo_base_datawindow_single returns long". Under Windows 3.1, the text is getting truncated at around 78 characters.. Looks OK under Win95 and NT.
possibly only the dw. recreated in win3.1, may be windows limitiation ?? StephenD: Reproduced only in Windows 3.11. I saw it only took 78 characters in the script painter sheet titlebar. We can fill the titlebar of a sheet from left-to-right in WFW 3.11 with greater than 78 characters. It does cut off so you can only see 78 characters . PER DEVELOPMENT: vendor bug - the same thing happens in 3.1 with the titles for message boxes |
155412 | This issue has been fixed as a result of another patch we received from Bristol to the WindU libraries. |
155413 | Problems with the pipeline when using the Replace-Drop/Add table option and you are trying to update an informix 7 database using INET7.
User gets a "-310 table x already exists" error despite the fact that they are trying to drop and recreate this table. |
155414 | Customer is using ole automation and is trying to pass decimals and reals to a method and is getting an error "R0051 Bad argument list for function/event calldecimal" when trying to pass a decimal to a method. When trying to pass a real, I get 0.00.
PER DEVELOPMENT: retested this with 5.0.03 and 5.0.04 and both worked using the test scenario provided |
155418 | Cannot print a window structure from File - print in window painter. Prints blank page. Can print global structure from structure painter no problem. |
155419 | Problem fixed in bug #20404 for embedded SQL is not fixed for dynamic SQL: GetDynamicString is returning null for 256-multiple length strings. |
155420 | Crosstab gives a GPF when you use both a sum and cumulativesum in the values section of the crosstab..
PER DEVELOPMENT: Cannot recreate using 6.0. |
155422 | Informix. If the user selects the option to 'prompt for database information on connect', when a database is selected from the 'databases' dialog, the OK button never enables. This dialog contains a listbox containing all the database names and an OK and Cancel button. Sometimes, when the database name isn't supplied in the dialog, you get the same behavior... a dialog to choose a database but once you choose it, you can't connect due to the OK being disabled.. |
155428 | Customer created a powerbuilder template file at begining of his application. Within the mdi sheet he created a child window with 2 sle's on it. He could not gain focus or edit paste on the second sle. Considering this scenario without the template file. i.e create your own mdi frame with sheet and child window then there is no problem at all. You can focus and cut and paste etc.. The problem seems to be with the powerbuilder template.
SOLUTION: This is a duplicate of CR 156272. It is a third party issue. See CR 156272 for details. |
155436 | External source rich text datawindow does not display imported rows (using Rows/Import after preview). You must go back into design mode and toggle back into preview to see the data.
July 8, 1998 - Product Support Eng. |
155437 | Passing structures by reference to userobject functions can cause the return value of the function to be overwritten. Will be fixed in 5.03.01 build. |
155448 | GPF in USER.exe 0004:0000546f with a bad password parameter while connecting..
per development: cannot recreate in 5.0.04. |
155449 | Return (none) from a user event becomes INTEGER return type if you go back into the user event. The source is saved correctly so it's the painter messing it up.
You must reset the return type to (none) each time you edit the event script or it will be saved incorrectly. NOTE: Will only be fixed in 6.0 |
155453 | Customer has a column in a dw with $###,###.00 as the editmask. If the customer changes the international settings in the control panel a strange behavior is observed.
Per Development: This works in 5.0.0x and 6.0.0x. You sometimes have to restart PB to pickup locale changes. |
155457 | The Treeview Property 'DeleteItems' doesn't work, in script, or when checked (or, more to the point, when not checked) in the properties box. Even when you set it to false, the user CAN delete any items they want.
Developer: Expected Behaviour. The deletetitems attribute is for the DELETE KEY only. |
155459 | Bitmaps for menu items Edit|Align, Edit|Space, and Edit|Size didn't appear under NT. |
155460 | Using typeof() function using an ANY datatype in an IF...THEN statement. Works fine in the development environment. When trying to compile to a machine code executable, it gave the following error message:
codegen compilation error,see file c:\temp\cgen_compile_error.log "syntax error, declaration statement follows an if statement" Here is the line of C code generated causing the problem. _boolTemp0 = err NO_TYPE left { _0bP_this, &_obdataARRAY[0 ] } == 8; Offending line of Powerscript: (la_local is a variable of type any ) if la_local.typeof() = window! then /* some code */ end if Workaround: Use Choose...Case statement to take the TypeOf() out of the IF...THEN.. choose case la_local.typeof() case window! messagebox ('window','window') end choose Development: Any datatype no longer supports function calls. Closed a loophole in the compiler. Now gives compiler error - actually 2 for the 2 cases. |
155468 | PBEOL050. PowerBuilder's Object Cycle interface was not updating the [library] userID= entry in PB.INI upon successful connect. This can cause checkout status information for objects in a .PBL to be different from "checked out by" information in Object Cycle Manager. |
155470 | ENHANCEMENT. Save As.. HTML Table loses data occasionally using a freeform datawindow.
NOTE: Will not be fixed in 5.0. Needs re-architecting. |
155477 | PBEOL050. Object Cycle sub-folders are now supported in PowerBuilder 5.0.03 and 6.0. The restriction of only using folders one level deep in a project has been lifted. All sub-folders may be used when registering new PowerBuilder objects to Object Cycle. |
155478 | Informix 7.1 using Inet 5 (and PBIN5xxx.DLL) causing a memory leak on the server using a combination of stored procedures and embedded SQL. Running the same SQL from the DBA notepad doesn't show the leak. There is a client side leak associated with this too.
This bug affects both 4.0 and 5.0 Powerbuilder. 4.0.06 should use WH1, 5.0 should use WJ2 of the 16 bit Informix Client software. |
155481 | Deleting custom user event while the event script is open, causes a function to turn into an event script and corrupts the object.
NOTE: This will be fixed in 6.0 only. |
155483 | The problem is localized to the insertion of a dynamically created dw into a composite dw using libraryimport to create the dw and modify to change the dataobject of the composite datawindow's report. Within the development environment this runs as it should. When a pcode or a machine code exe is created, the dynamic dw is created (this can be seen by going into the library painter, into the pbl that houses the dynamically created dw to view the it) yet the child window that appears that is supposed to have the dynamically created dw does not contain the dynamically created dw, it contains the dummy freeform dw that was used to create the composite dw in the first place. |
155485 | Connect dialog now has a check box - Save Password |
155494 | Pipeline of data sometimes terminates varchar column data - corrupting it and terminating it with a NULL. Oracle varchar to SQL Anywhere varchar columns. |
155498 | Customer has a dw filled with data. There are 12 rows per page. If she scrolls down to the last row and hits the right arrow key the dw scrolls down one row. The customer does not want to redisplay another row.
PER DEVELOPMENT: left-arrow and right-arrow function the samve as shift-tab and tab. This is by design and will not be changed. |
155507 | Simple nested report in header prints correctly on first page only. Doesn't print on other pages. Print or print preview - same behavior. This only happens if there are static text objects above the nested report. Removing the static text objects allows it to print fine as does embedding the text in the nested report or placing the static text below the nested report.
Development: Broken up to 5.0.02. 5.0.03, 5.0.04 and 6.0 Release. Appears to have been fixed by other fixes. |
155508 | Enhancement. Would like the ability to print a datastore using a function similar to printdatawindow. Today, printdatawindow only works with a datawindow control. Most nvos uses datastores but still need printing capability like this.
The workaround of using an invisible datawindow control(s) for each datawindow defeats the purpose of using a datastore to begin with |
155509 | If a string is passed by reference to a user object function which appends to the string using the string() formatting function, a gpf occurs in 32 bit compiled machine code.
string s_buffer s_buffer = "1234" s_buffer += string(fs_override, "@@@@@@@@") Workaround: In the user object function create a temp string variable and perform the string function addition to it. Then assign the value of the temp variable to arg1. For example, replace the existing code in the user function with this code: string temp temp="1234" temp += string("1234","@@@@@@@@@@") arg1 = temp return 0 Now 32 bit machine code will compile and run. |
155510 | In a datawindow with groups, in the detail band, create a computed field defined as first(<column> for group 1) or last(<column> for groupg 1). If the computed field references a date column, the column behaves as if Suppress Repeated Values is turned on for that computed field, even though it is not. If the column is number or character, it behaves as expected, i.e. repeating values are not suppressed, and the computed column displays on each row as desired. Reproduced this behavior in 4.0.07 and in 5.0.02.
============================= WORKAROUND: Use a dummy date column in the datawindow result set and dwFindGroupChange function to loop through the datawindow, then getitemdate of the first row in each group, SetItem(date) to the dummy column. |
155513 | user has a find() (obsolete function name dwfind()) which searches for a string match in a datawindow column. A single quote is part of the text that is being searched for. This single quote causes a parsing problem upon executing the find function.
SOLUTION: replace the embedded single quote with 3 tildes and a quote. For example to search for "O'Connor" parse the search string, and modify it to pass "O~~~'Connor" to the find function. This is probably not a bug, but is being routed to development for forwarding to documentation to clarify the function's behavior, and how it uses all those tildes preceding the quote. |
155514 | When an RTF file is inserted into an RTF Presentation Style DataWindow, previewed, then saved, when the DataWindow is edited again, the margins have moved messing up the original formatting of the RTF document. The reformatting tends to be more severs using Windows NT. |
155524 | 16-bit machine code executable will not run if you create a dll which has the same name as the executable. Application execution error (R0014) Application terminated- error:error opening DLL library <exename.dll> for external function.
Works OK with pbds, or with 32-bit machine code. PER DEVELOPMENT: This is a 16 bit limitation caused by the OS. The call to LoadLibrary is failing. A simple workaround is to rename the .exe. This will only work if you gen everything to use dlls. |
155529 | Locking for Informix 5.x doesn't seem to be working. Locking a record using an UPDATE embedded SQL statement and sqlca.lock= "Committed Read" still allows retrieval of information from the row. Behavior sometimes is a GPF in PBRTE050.DLL after receiving a -246 error. |
155530 | Visual basic control (mscomm) Worked with PB 4.0x, in 5.0x the SendData causes a gpf in pbroi050 @ 0001:0780. |
155531 | Created a machine code executable and checked the trace information box they do not get a .dbg file created when they execute with the /pbdebug option. A .dbg file is created when they execute a pcode executable with the /pbdebug option.
Development: Made it so you only need to check the 1 box. |
155534 | When using the Drag Drop feature for a SLE control, the ICON does not show properly on the Drag Drop Properties Tab, and an outline of the SLE is dragged instead of the selected ICON when running the app. |
155551 | GPF in PBRTE050.DLL when running a window - CONTROL-W - that calls an RPC function. Doesn't happen if you run the application. |
155556 | NUP style datawindow. SelectRow(currentrow, TRUE) selects the entire NUP row horizontally across- which may contain 2,3,4,N rows. It should not highlight across the datawindow - only the row selected. |
155557 | Constants using "This" operator cause GPF only if last variable in computation.
ex: integer_variable = 1 + 2 + this.ic_max //ic_max is a constant. Declaration: Constant int ic_max=10 |
155558 | 5.0.03 Regression - Datawindow blob columns (color or black and white) not printing correctly, the size (font) of the blobs has enlarged which, when using the test pbl, results in the blobs overlapping. Problem exists for both 16 and 32 bit PB and color and black and white printers. |
155566 | 4k Memory leak in PBRCS050 during initialization. Fixed in 5.0.03 and 5.1 code bases. |
155568 | GPF in SQL Server ODBC driver sqlsrv32.dll, Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 version is 2.65.0201. GPF at 0137:04c0b3df when retrieving a datawindow with a retrieval argument of type number. The datawindow does a join but there are no primary keys on any of the tables.
Development: Cannot reproduce GPF in PB6 with sqlsrv32.dll 2.65.0240 |
155570 | Setting the horizontal split scrollbar property to zero, and then retrieves the value of the horizontal split scrollbar property it is returning a positive number, 5. Doing either a describe or direct reference of the property returns the same value, 5. |
155572 | list view object extendedselect= false so as to not be able to do a multiple select of the objects. This works correctly for the mouse control but if the cursor is used while holding the shift key down multiple items can be selected. |
155576 | Blobedit function causing memory leak. Assigning some data to a local blob variable in script isn't releasing memory when the script is completed. |
155578 | Gpf in PBSHR050.DLL at 014f:111115ee when calling setitem() to place an 'any' that was initialized with a decimal value into a decimal column of a dw.
Development: same as fixes for other null problems. PBCMP050.DLL You must compile with 5.0.03 or higher. It's not enough to just use 5.0.03 DLLs with an executable compiled with 5.0.02, it will still GPF. |
155579 | Calling the ChangeMenu function on an MDI frame followed by an OpenSheet call which uses the actual sheet window object name as the first parameter instead of a window variable will cause menu items to shift position after the OpenSheet function call. The Sheet window in this case does not have a menu of its own, there is only a menu on the frame. If the ChangeMenu function is not used, this problem does not occur. |
155586 | win 95 16 bit pb 5.0.02, pb 5.0.04
If a modify forces a re- retrieval of crosstab dw, the formatting of the DW is lost. When the user issues a reretrieve of data using a modify statement on the crosstab the format ( look ) of the datawindow changes dw_1.dwModify("datawindow.crosstab.values='sum(units for crosstab)'") to dw_1.dwModify("datawindow.crosstab.values='sum(profits for crosstab)'") In 3.x, if you did a modify, the formatting was preserved. in 4.0.x and 5.0.x, the formatting is lost when you do the modify. Even though the re-retrieve problem introduced in 4.0.x has been solved, the formatting issue is still a problem. A really ugly workaround would be to write a function to re-apply all the formatting, but this could get complicated really quickly... |
155588 | MKS Version Control Archive Directories located in the XXXXXX.CFG file will not allow large list of file paths to be opened after saved to a file. |
155592 | Treeview attribute PictureMaskColor being saved as StatePictureMaskColor. |
155593 | Columns defined in SQLAnywhere as char are being piped to Informix datatype of nvarchar. If the database does not have NLS (National Language Support) activated, you will get a SQL -201 error: a syntax error has occurred.
Workaround: If you change the nvarchar to varchar, the table will pipe. In 4.0, char datatype is sent to Informix as varchar, and pipeline works. |
155597 | Retrieval argument font underline attribute not painting correctly when placed in a nested report. Works fine when previewed by itself.
Development: No specific fix. Fixed with other problems with painting nests and retrieval arguments. |
155599 | Assigning a row from a DataWindow to a Structure using dot notation and specifying the buffer, results in an error.
PER DEVELOPMENT: If "data" is not immediately followed by "[5]", the code assumes that we're dealing with an array; the fact that we eventually get to "[5]" (i.e.,[5]) says that this is an array with only one value. The doc is correct in saying that both "[5]" and "[5]" access current data for row 5. I suppose the Usage description on page 160 could be beefed up to say "when row number is omitted or not immediately after the data keyword" (or some such thing). |
155606 | Informix INET 5.01 version WJ and WF1 Float Precision is set to 8 decimal places. In db painter indicates the correct number. In a datawindow the 8th position is not the same.
Workaround: The float datatype in Informix is being mapped to "real" in the datawindow. Change to "number" and the problem will go away. Users will old datawindows can either rebuild them from scratch (which will remap the "float" datatype correctly to "number") or delete and readd a column to force Powerbuilder to clean this up. |
155610 | Font.Escapement property settings makes positioning field correctly difficult. There may be a bug as far as what the valid escapement values are. Indeed, if I used 1800 or 2700 there was no display at all. I also created a new freeform datawindow and tested several escapement values for both the column heading and some text objects I added to the datawindow object. In these cases, if the escapement was non-zero, the column/static text did not display.
Per development: |
155612 | Debugger doesn't show shared variables of a window sheet instance declared from a global window type using OpenSheet().
Fixed in 6.0. Will not be fixed in 5.0. |
155635 | When using OpenUserObject() to place a tab control containing tab pages and "createondemand" set to TRUE, the constructor event fires twice - once when the OpenUserObject runs and once when the tab page(s) get clicked on. Workaround: Place the tab control object on the window instead of using OpenUserObject() |
155640 | Since the control being used to display these messages is a listbox, each message will always display 1/line. I did supress the display of the useless CR/NL chars so it looks a bit better. |
155645 | 16 bit Powerbuilder only: Customer using the object browser. If he goes into one of his objects (window, dw, app), expands out events, functions,...clicks on the document cb, the document window displayed is blank. This does not happen for all his objects. |
155647 | The constructor event does not fire properly when autoinstantiation is used for a user object type global variable, nor does it work properly for user object instance variables declared from the application object.
Resolved as a result of fix for issue #382233, Bug #41327. |
155656 | 256 color bitmap placed in picture control doesn't appear when creating a machine code exe. Shows fine in development. |
155691 | Getting Fatal Execution Error R0011 Error Internal Runtime Engine failure. Call Powersoft Tech. Support NOOP. This is due to a multiline comment using the backslash and asterisk. Example (this compiles too):
FOR i=1 to 10 /*johwdfjhdjvbscjcsdcojhsdc pojwdpcojwdpcjwscdpijcoklpkj*/ NEXT Workaround: Reformat the multiline comment. |
155692 | Printing problem with a composite report, in which the nested report
also contains a nested report of type graph. When a graph does not fit on the page, the height of the graph gets compressed in height, but part of it gets printed on the next page, overwritting part of another nested report. |
155703 | |
155706 | Datawindow painter option "Show Table List" not honoring deselection. Works fine in the Database painter. Query painter and report painter also do not work. |
155712 | Migration warning:
"error c0101 referenced object (nvo name), is out of date, must be converted". Using strange construct in instance variable section containing continuation characters and embedded function calls. // Calculated Constants // int s_DOS_max_filename_length = & s_DOS_file_prefix_length + & s_DOS_file_suffix_length + & Len (s_DOS_filename_separator) |
155717 | Memory leak copying structures using dot notation from a datawindow or datastore to a local structure.
str_test mydata FOR ii=1 TO 5000 mydata=ds.Object.Data[ii] NEXT |
155718 | Uninstall of PB enterprise, custom install with everything selected on NT 3.51. 5.0.02. Left behind the following files in pwrs\compglry directory:
vcf1net.cnt vcf1net.hlp vcfiu.cnt vcfiu.hlp. There are from the visual components. |
155724 | Datawindow problem. When you create a datawindow against SQL Anywhere 5.0, you get lower case and quotes. When you try to run this datawindow against Oracle, the driver is smart enough to UPPERCASE the SELECT but not the WHERE clause..
When you paint the WHERE clause in Oracle (using quotes or delimitidentifier='yes'), you get the column list for the where clause in UPPER case automatically. ''DEPARTMENT''.''DEPT_ID'' = :dept_id SELECT ''DEPARTMENT''.''DEPT_ID'', This is important if the developer is going multi-platform and wants to use just one datawindow. |
155728 | Tree view: want event arg for DeleteItem event that would disallow the deletion. |
155729 | The customer has defined an edit mask with 19 digits (############.#######). When he enters some values, they are rounded. Some values are corrupted. |
155730 | If I open 2 instances of the dw painter then tile them the rmb doesn't work correctly when I move between instances. If I click on an object in window 1 (window 1 is active) and put the mouse over a column or static text object on window 2 and press the right mouse button. Window 2 does not become active and the status bar does not reflect the name or coordinates of the newly selected object. However, if I select the properties option on the rmb menu I get the properties for the object under the mouse pointer. If the object on window 2 is a dw control nothing happens (no rmb menu pops up). |
155731 | There is a memory leak when using dot notation in machine code only
155741 | The GetFileSaveName function behaves differently on when run on differrent platforms. It behaves one way running on Windows 3.11 and Windows NT 3.51, another way running Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0, and still another way running on the Mac platform. |
155742 | An array is populated with reference to a computed field using dot notation. Gave a workaround by using a getitemdecimal in a loop. this works, but still a bug. |
155743 | in a composite datawindow, the refreshing of pages is wrong when retrieving data twice with a different argument. The nested report uses page() and pagecount() in its footer. The second retrieve must generate less pages than the first one. Before doing the second retrieve, you must be positionned on a page with a number higher than the total number of pages generated by the second retrieve. |
155750 | Enhancement request. Want access to child DWs in Composite DWs. |
155757 | Printing a datawindow containing a NESTED graph type datawindow loses GDI resources in PB5.0x. This behavior did not occur in PB 4.0x.
This is different than having a graph object on the datawindow. Bug 43752. |
155761 | Declaring a global constant string which is initialized as the concatenation of other global variables causes a gpf in PBRTE050.DLL when trying to create a 16 bit p-code executable. If the variables referenced are not also constants, this is probably not a bug except that it should be an error instead of a gpf. This is because constant values are initialized at compile time and a non-constant variable has no value at compile time. If the variables are also constants, this may be allowed. It still causes the gpf, however. Submitting to development for determination. (Solution of fix: Concatenation of a constant with a constant to initialize another constant should be allowed. This problem has been fixed in the builds noted. Initializing a constant to be the concatenation of non-constant variables is not legal and no changes were made to the compiler relating to this.) |
155766 | Lack of white space around the UNION keyword causes error painting UNION statement. Sometimes with databases such as Oracle, the error is cryptic (ora 933) vs error near SELECTUNION from SQLAnywhere. |
155768 | Using the PBIN7050.DLL (Informix 7) driver, the SQLCA variable SQLNROWS is not being correctly updated during update operations. SQLNROWS contains a zero when multiple rows are updated. |
155779 | Grid datawindow with Selectrow(0,false);Selectrow(row,true) in the clicked event. Occasionally, when clicking on a horizontal line of the grid, it's possible to have one row highlighted but another row(column) which has focus and the edit control. Settings of Mouse Selection and Column Moving don't make any difference. |
155780 | When resizing a dw control with a composite dw attached to it while the retrieve is still going on, and did not end, the results are displayed incorrectly when the retrieval is finished. This does not happen with other types of dw. Resizing the dw control while non composite dw's are being retrieved does not cause any problems. |
155786 | Editmask control on window with or without editmask - you can't enter a decimal number using the number pad and '.' which is really a ',' (comma) in European format. Need to set up your system for Comma decimal seperator in Regional Settings in control panel to see this. |
155793 | Datawindow with an OLE column using Word 6.0. When the document is updated in the datawindow, and then reopened by double clicking on it, the word document format is corrupt: it displays as a very narrow column in Word instead of as a full width document. |
155794 | Customer has datawindow with columns that are beyond the width of page. They destroy these columns in script but when printing, they get blank pages (as if the runtime engine thinks the columns off the page width are still there). Workaround: Use another datawindow for printing with the columns removed and use "sharedata". |
155797 | Listview, report view. Scrolling down to the bottom, then deleting items and re-populate it. The scrollbar does not reset to the top. Sometimes the data will be displayed over the column title and sometimes, if there is a much shorter list of data, no data will display at all until you manually scroll up to the top. |
155804 | When opening two new sheets in a MDI frame, closing the original sheet, then using the ArrangeSheets(tilehorizontal!) function - instead of two sheets each taking approximately 50% of the screen, the new sheets each take up about 1/3 of the screen positioned up from the bottom leaving the top 1/3 of the screen empty. |
155805 | 32-bit PowerBuilder 5.0.01 and 5.0.02 released versions
Getting an access violation when assigning a row from a datawindow to a structure using dot notation where an integer column of this datawindow row has been set to null. In Win95, the GPF is in PBRTE050.DLL Also occurs for decimal and long datatypes. Development: Cannot reproduce in later versions of 5.0.04 and 6.0 |
155812 | Using sharedata between two datawindows. Then turning querymode ON for primary datawindow, retrieving data and turning querymode OFF. Now setting queryclear to 'yes' on primary datawindow to reset the criteria : the PC hangs or a GPF occurs in PBDWE050.DLL |
155815 | Using a crosstab datawindow which has a summary computed field that sums the values of multiple columns. When trying to obtain the data into an array of type ANY, the values are displayed as null however the array size seems to be okay.
i.e. any my_array[] my_array = dw_1.object.computed_field.Original This is documented on page 152 of the Datawindow Reference Guide. |
155823 | User Object painter using user object structure for function arguments is case sensitive. You have to enter lower case for the argument type or you get an error: "Argument type 1 is not defined". No problems if you use a global structure type. Happens with any object structure (Menu Structure in Menu Painter, Window structure in window painter, etc). |
155827 | Gpf at pbrte050.dll 0137:10b16fc6 when dragging and dropping a statictext control on a dw which doesn't have a dataobject associated with it. |
155829 | calling a function which has a powerobject argument passed by reference using DYNAMIC option produces a runtime error : "bad argument list for function/event f_ref..." |
155830 | PB5 Win95 : decimal tabs doesn't work neither in RTE control nor in datawindow RTF. They behaves as left tabs, not decimal tabs.
See PB Product Management Support Statement : PowerBuilder Rich Text Support |
155833 | DPB,after processing data from client to server, and you shutdown and restart the server, PB will crash. This happens in development mode or in exe form, the DPB server is on Solaris, and the client can be on NT or Solaris. Found this when testing the Solaris version of WebPB, once the DPB server gets a WINSOCK_RECV_ERROR, and you stop and restart the server it crashes. |
155840 | LinkTo() using a .bmp file shows black diagonal lines through the bitmap on the ole2 control on a window. Embedding this in the same control doesn't show the diagonal lines. |
155841 | The x1 coordinate of a line object in a dw disappears when the properties dialog for the line object is closed and then reopened and viewed in the expressions sheet. |
155845 | Embedding an ANY datatype variable with the powerscript function Mid() causes a machine compile error:
ot_get_data_any 'has not been declared'. The script would look something like: any current_object ls_CurrentTabPgNumber = MID(current_object.ClassName(),2 ,1) Workaround: Place the return of any_variable.classname() into a string variable and use the string variable with Mid(). |
155846 | A stack fault results when printsetup() is invoked for Xerox drivers and the 'setup' button on the print setup dialog box is depressed in win 3.x with pb 5.0.x.
Cannot recreate during 6.0 beta. |
155850 | When looking at the print preview from the datawindow painter (landscape) all columns over the 11 inch mark that have the visible property set to zero are being previewed and printed as blanks. i.e. blank page.
Per Development: |
155854 | Problem: A composite report with two columns prints with a second blank page. |
155855 | GPF when using run window button from function painter twice in a row.
Solution:Cannot recreate in 6.0 233. Will not be fixed for 5.0. |
155857 | In version 5, the 6th level of nested is not showing up when viewing the psr file although the 5 first levels are showing correctly (without retrieve, isn't that against the manual ?). In version 4, even after a retrieve, psr's with so many levels are not showing the data. |
155858 | When the whole of the nested dw will not fit on the remainder of a page PB starts a new page. This results in pages being left half blank and therefore wastes space and paper For example, if a nested report takes up 1.5 pages for 1 row of the base report, instead of placing the second row (of the base report) immediately at the end of the nested report and hence split the nested report for the second row over the next page, PB places the 2nd row of the base report on a new page. The customer does not want this to happen. He wants the 2nd row to be placed immediately after the nested report and hence leave new gaps |
155861 | Selecting a TIMESTAMP column in the datawindow painter and previewing causes the following error:
Select Error: Data-conversion resulted in overflow. The trace shows the BIND goes from len=8 to len=2 causing the overflow. Found in SYB going against Microsoft SQL Server 4.x |
155866 | Informix. When doing using multiple tables and multiple outer joins, the SQL syntax generated has multiple occurances of the OUTER keyword after the FROM keyword. Ex: FROM <tablename>, OUTER OUTER OUTER <tablename> |
155867 | Datawindow control : unable to capture ALT key and point key of the numpad.
Per development: The ALT key cannot be captured. This is expected behavior. Numpad '.' works in 6.0. Fixed numpad '.' in 5.0.05. |
155868 | Very specific issue with LaserFax (UK) product ( a faxing product like Winfax that uses a print driver concept). GPF in GDI.exe when printing datawindow containing a picture (bitmap) to fax - OK when the bitmap isn't on the datawindow. Also getting GPF in PBRTE050.DLL. |
155869 | Memory leak when using null value in PB 5.0.03. A pibble is available on \\Yipee\PT FIles\Temp\pt383955.ZIP |
155871 | Building invalid string argument for Modify function then calling modify with that arg causes a GPF in PBDWE050.DLL. Shouldn't gpf, but easy to code with error checking to avoid this. |
155874 | in datawindow painter, when editing once again the properties of a column with an editmask style, some attributes that had been checked (like required, spin control) are no more checked. |
155875 | Problem description: Customer cannot trigger or post events from connectbegin and connectend events, in his dpb application.
He is trying to trigger a command button from the connectionbegin . This may be behaviour or bug. Wont work in any version of Powerbuilder. |
155878 | Previewing a composite datawindow causes a GPF in PBDWE050.DLL 0040:2671 when doing a cancel (DBCancel) in the datawindow painter or at runtime. 5.0.02. |
155881 | When placing a Nested report containing a group in the summary band of the parent datawindow and previewing, the first row of the nested report group header is missing. Placing the nested report in the detail section works fine. |
155883 | Lines in Dropdown property of dropdowndatawindow column in a datawindow is ignored the first time that column gets focus. If the value is greater than zero, only one row drops down the first time the column gets focus. If you move focus to another control and then back to the dddw column, then the number of lines that display is correct, i.e. equal to the setting for the "lines in dropdown" property.
Workaround: Set lines in dropdown to zero and then 8 lines will be displayed. |
155884 | WebPB for solaris, WebServer will get a WINSOCK_RECV_ERROR with last error: WSAEWOULDBLOCK when getting environment information from the netscape server |
155885 | SCC Prompts you to overwrite writable files in working directory, if you select No, the file is not overwritten, but it is deleted. |
155891 | Distributed PowerBuilder Server using NamedPipes driver: If you place the DPB Server executable on a network drive, then remote client's will not be able to connect to the DPB Server.
Work-Around: Place the exe on a local drive or use WinSock driver instead. |
155894 | RTF Control on a window does not interpret some special characters correctly when you insert a file that contains them. Example sent includes CTRL-<minus key> , CTRL-<numlock>-<minus key>, and CTRL-SHIFT-<dash/underscore> |
155896 | Create a datawindow using a table with a blob column. Place a blob object on the datawindow. Preview the datawindow and double click on the blob object. When word is activated, place some text into the document, then update it. The text that is displayed in the datawindow is distorted. Update the document again from word and the text appears correctly. |
155903 | Problem with dd/mm/yy edit mask format. If the month entered is Oct, Nov, or Dec and the day entered is 10,11, or 12, the format of the mask switches to mm/dd/yy.
Additional testing showed that there was more to the problem than just testing the 3 months of Oct, Nov, and Dec. My testing showed that whenever the two values entered for month and year were less than 13, i.e. were valid numbers for a month, the editmask simply interprets the incoming string as already being in the dd/mm/yy format and does no checking. If the day number entered was greater than 12, i.e. not a valid month, then further checking was done and the mm/dd/yy format of the string entered was successfully rearranged into the dd/mm/yy format of the editmask control. More details than you probably want follow. Date editmask. Customer wants users to enter a date in an sle in one format (mm/dd/yy), but display in an editmask in a different format (dd/mm/yy). The editmask does not always correctly interpret the entered date. Details follow, but a summary is that we only use the machine system date setting under certain circumstances when interpreting a date passed to an editmask as a string, and the user would like us to always use the system date setting for interpretation. **Note that this issue deals with US English settings, and the problem and workarounds must be dealt with in that context. International system date settings would be handled differently within the users code. The code example for this issue included an editmask control of type date, with an editmask format of dd/mm/yy. The user entered a date in the format mm/dd/yy in a single line edit control. Then the date function was used to convert the entered string to a date, and the editmask.text value is set to the string of that date (editmask.text = string(date_var)) Using different format strings on the string conversion function had no effect on the results. *Per Development*: This is due to function internals, and will be treated as an enhancement request rather than as a bug. The following editmask formats work fine, so unless/until this is fixed, use them instead: dd/mmm/yy dd/mm/yyyy mm/dd/yy WORKAROUND: Here is the existing customer code. There is an editcontrol em_1. There is a singleline edit control, sle_1. The system date format under regional settings is "mm/dd/yy". The editmask format setting is "dd/mm/yy". The application wants users to enter a date in the sle in the format "mm/dd/yy" and then have the editmask display in the format "dd/mm/yy" ////CODE THAT CAUSES A PROBLEM, in clicked event of a command button: date ld_date ld_date = date(sle_1.text) em_1.text = string(ld_date) //WORKAROUND IS TO MODIFY CODE AS FOLLOWS: date ld_date ld_date = date(sle_1.text) em_1.text = string(ld_date,"mm/dd/yyyy") //////////////////// The reason for this is that the editmask control is being passed a string, not a date. It assumes that the string is in the format expected by the editmask definition, unless the length of the string and the editmask format do not match. Then it will look at the machine's system date setting in order to determine what the valid date format is, and so determine which 2 digit value is the day and which is the month, and do a proper conversion to the defined editmask format. Adding the format string with 4 digits for the year to the call to the string function forces a check of the system date format setting, and enables the editmask to correctly interpret which value is the month and which is the day, and then to rearrange them to match the defined mask of the editmask control. The reason that some date values worked the way the user wanted and some don't was that if a date is interpreted as invalid coming in, it would also force a check of the system date format, and would then be interpreted as the user desired. Whenever the value for the day was 12 or less, ie. a valid number for a month, the program would not work as the user desired. If the value for the day was 13 or greater, ie not a valid value for a month, we would check the system date format setting, and figure out that the month was expected before the day, and then do the "swap" from mm/dd to dd/mm desired by the user. This is best illustrated by examples: sle: 01/02/97 goes into the editmask as 01/02/97 since both 01 and 02 are valid month values. The string coming in passes the check for both a valid length, and valid values for a date, so the system setting is never checked, and the string goes in as is even though the mask is defined as dd/mm/yy. sle: 01/24/97 goes into the editmask as 24/01/97, just as the user wants. This is because although the string passed to the editmask passes the length check, it does not pass the data type check because 24 is not a valid month. So the next check is the system date setting of mm/dd/yy. So now the editmask determines that 01 is the month and 24 is the day, and it can put the values in the the dd/mm/yy editmask correctly. Adding the string conversion format does the following to the 01/02 example. sle value entered is 01/02/97. But the editmask is passed 01/02/1997 instead of 01/02/97. Now the length of the string and the mask are compared, and since they differ, the system date format is checked. The system date format mm/dd/yy tells the editmask that 01 is the month and 02 is the day, so the editmask correctly sets the values to dd/mm/yy as 02/01/97. |
155904 | Selectedtab=2 in the constructor of a tab control with CreateOnDemand ON causes the constructor to be fired twice. Workaround: Post the "Selectedtab" outside the constructor event. |
155906 | Using dot notation to copy array elements from an array to the datawindow buffer. The datawindow only shows 1 row when 100 rows should appear and user should get a scrollbar.
Workaround: Issue a Filter() or Setredraw(True). There are many cases with dot notation and SetItem() where changing the buffer doesn't "bubble up" the change to the display. Issuing a Filter() or Setredraw(true) will normally force the display to repaint and you will see all the rows. |
155908 | Re-Retrieving a nested or composite PSR placed in a datawindow control causes a GPF in PBDWE050.DLL. Re-retrieving a non-nested report works fine.
Fixed in 6.0 only. |
155911 | If the user sets the current sqlid and sets pbtableowner='no', the pbcat tables are not found when previewing data in the DBA Notepad or when building a datawindow. The explanation seems to be that PB only uses the pbcatalogowner='blah' when searching for the catalog tables at connect time. It seems that we should at this point be using the pbcatalogowner that the user specified to go after the pbcat tables and not the logid or the current sqlid of the user. |
155913 | Arabic Powerbuider 5.0.02 & Informix: If you use the Retrieve function in script and include Arabic characters, it will return SQL Error: -202: "An illegal character has been found in the statement". In addition, if you use Arabic characters in extended attributes (headers or label) in a table it also displays this error message. |
155916 | Setting the LineRemove property to 'true' or 'yes' for columns in a rtf (Rich Text) datawindow has no effect on empty input fields. Neither dot notation, nor modify syntax work. |
155917 | Problem: System resources leak in PB Window painter in PB 5. |
155919 | Enhancement. Describe() doesn't return the retrieval arguments and datatype. Long standing bug. Need a property that handles this directly. |
155922 | Would like to be able to change the property of several objects at a time. |
155927 | Memory leak when accessing methods of a non instantiated object |
155928 | Enhancement. Want built-in "Find" window for datawindow painter and runtime. Search all or for column. "Find and filter" would be nice too so in one or two clicks, you'd have the functionality to highlight a text throughout the datawindow or find/filter mode which would filter down all rows matching a certain text field.. |
155929 | PB 5.1 - Build 086 - The creation of a DataStore causes an Assertion Failure.
To reproduce: 1. Run the application associated with this bug #, located in the ptfiles directory. 2. Click "OK" on the MessageBox. Assertion Failure occurs: rtStatus != RT_EXEC_SUCCESS In rtPcodeExec, file rtevthnd.cpp, line 1290 NOTE: I believe the assertion failure occurs on the line: my_ds = CREATE datastore. Looking at this in the debugger causes a hang on this line. Running the app. causes the Assert. |
155930 | Visible attribute setting effects behavior of tabbing through datawindow. Second time you tab to the dw control you cannot tab to any other column. First time through works okay. |
155932 | The edit mask control has an incorrect leap year after 1996. It thinks that the next leap years are in the years 2002, 2006, 2012, 2016, 2022 etc... |
155938 | In the open event, calling the getchild function against a composite dw containing more than 1 child dw results on a window which cannot be closed
2/13/98: UPDATE: Issue number 421343 is a dupe of this issue. In that case, the code is in a clicked event of a button. There is an easy workaround. Here is the code that breaks and the workaround code: CODE THAT BREAKS: long ll_row datawindowchild ldwc_1, ldwc_2 ll_row = dw_1.GetChild('rep_1', ldwc_1) ll_row = dw_1.GetChild('rep_2', ldwc_2) ldwc_1.SetTransObject(SQLCA) ldwc_1.Retrieve(100) ldwc_2.SetTransObject(SQLCA) ldwc_2.Retrieve(102) WORKAROUND: MOVE THE 2ND GETCHILD CALL: long ll_row datawindowchild ldwc_1, ldwc_2 ll_row = dw_2.GetChild('rep_1', ldwc_1) ldwc_1.SetTransObject(SQLCA) ldwc_1.Retrieve(100) ll_row = dw_2.GetChild('rep_2', ldwc_2) ldwc_2.SetTransObject(SQLCA) ldwc_2.Retrieve(102) |
155941 | OLE Information not saved in library export/import or by source control vendor interfaces. You lose all the data and the connection to the OLE server (for example Word won't fire up when you doubleclick). When trying to re-save a window with this problem you get the following message:
"Save of OLE Binary information failed. Object must be re-saved to preserve it" |
155945 | ListView property 'ButtonHeader' doesn't work. |
155950 | Dynamic event call with datastore as argument. Event which is called in turn issues a dynamic event call, forwarding the datastore passed in as it's argument. GPF on the attempt to post the call. |
155951 | Computed fields containing CumulativeSum(col for page) or Sum(col for page) shows either nothing or 0 if the report is contained in a composite. It works correctly if previewed individually. |
155956 | Nested datawindows containing filters only work for the first master row of the parent datawindow. All other master rows do not invoke the nested datawindow filter so you end up with a complete child datawindow result set for nests 2-N. Sorts on the nested datawindows seem to work fine for all master rows. |
155957 | ****This only happens on a WIN 3.1 machine****
Run application, open window with datawindow and display data. Click command button to SaveAS() .psr (powersoft report) but the report does not get created and a -1 is returned. Also cannot do Save Rows a .psr in the dw painter, error: Save Rows As Failed message displays. NOT A BUG: You need to run "dos\share.exe" for Win 3.1 to save PSR's. It's some requirement of OLE2 runtime(s). Add c:\dos\share.exe to autoexec.bat file. |
155958 | Composite datawindow with nested. Getchild and retrieve of nested fails on the second retrieve - GPF in PBSHR050.DLL. |
155959 | If color scheme is in high black contrast (black background, white text), PB HELP topics cannot be seen at all in 16bit, 32bit only some topics. |
155964 | After calling CopyRTF() function , the cursor is positionned at the beginning of the source RTE control. After calling PasteRTF() function, the cursor is also positionned at the beginning of the target RTE control if the wordwrap option is set to true.
See PB Product Management Support Statement : PowerBuilder Rich Text Support |
155968 | declaring an instance variable of type constant string in a user object when that variable is referenced within a function of another object, a gpf occurs. Specifically if you try to concatenate it with another string in the script of a command button on a window. If you declare a local var of type string and set it to the value of the constant string in the userobject, you can get the value and reference it that way. |
155969 | At runtime, the client area of the MDI Frame window is painting over the Frame toolbar. |
155970 | In the dw painter go to the sql painter, Go to Option , Then Show: turn off data type, labels and comments, convert to syntax back to option convert to graphics go back to show and there will be a check mark by data type and labels. Click again they will reset |
155974 | Setting dw_1.vscrollbar=true and dw_1.hscrollbar=true in script results in two vertical scrollbars displaying on dw control. If you code only one statement or the other, you either get only 1 vscrollbar or none, depending upon the dw control property setting.
If you code only dw_1.vscrollbar=true and comment out dw_1.hscrollbar=true, then you only get one vertical scrollbar. |
155975 | Creation of a menu in a global function is giving GPF in PBRTE050.DLL.
m_dynamic mi_dynamic mi_dynamic = create m_dynamic destroy mi_dynamic Dies on the create. PER DEVELOPMENT: Cannot recreate using 6.0 |
155976 | Problem: On an insert from a datawindow, columns that have not been populated are not included in insert statements when DisableBind=1. However, if DisableBind=0, NULL values are sent as column values. This forces customers to use the inefficient DiableBind=1 in order to take advantage of default values specified in the table definitions. |
155982 | ***This only happens with 5.0.0x 32bit - MS SQLServer 6.5 (ODBC)***
Assigning an Edit style of type DDDW to a column in the dw painter, as soon as you select a name from the NAME ddlb it gpfs: 5.0 Module <unknown>@0000:004e6aa3 5.0.01 PBSHR050.DLL@0137:111257a5 5.0.02 PBSHR050.DLL@0137:11125300 5.0.03_1 PBSHR050.DLL@0137:11125500 Used ODBC driver version 2.50.0121 & 2.65.021 with same error resulting. Tested with native db driver MSS, no gpf. |
155989 | ****PB 5.0.0x 16bit ONLY ****
Has an instantiated nvo that calls a uf that calls another uf. The second uf concatenates a string within a FOR/NEXT loop. If string is larger than 4100 characters it results in memory being drained and system locks up. |
155995 | ISUG Enhancement Request e15_080:
Support GIF and/or JPEG images natively. |
155996 | Enhancement. Would like TIFF (TIF) support in the product. GIF support and animated GIFs were added in 7.0 |
156002 | RegistryDelete does not behave as documented for NT 3.51 and NT 4.0. Works for Win95. If the second argument is empty string, doc says that the key and all subkeys will be deleted. This happens on Win95, but for NT, subkeys must be explicitly deleted before the parent key. RegistryDelete with an empty string second argument returns -1 if there are subkeys present when on NT.
WORKAROUND: Explicitly delete all subkeys before deleting the parent key. |
156005 | 32 bit PB 5.0.02. PasteRTF GPF's in PBRTE050.DLL at 0137 00c78028 or 00b38028 and in NT 3.51 at 0x006a8028. It does not GPF in 16 bit PB 5.0.02. |
156006 | Crosstab report hangs after retrieval in InfoMaker exe when running 16 bit under WFW 3.11 and as a 16 bit executable under NT 4.0. The sheet titlebar becomes inactive. This is really a Powerbuilder issue with Crosstabs that have Settransobject/Retrieve in the open event of the sheet.
The code looks something like:
dw_report.DataObject = "d_crosstab" It's almost like it doesn't have time to recover from the dataobject assignment before the retrieve happens. If you use postevent for the retrieve() - outside the open, it retrieves fine. It is also fine if you hardcode the dataobject to the datawindow control and take out the dataobject assignment. Again, this is a 16 bit only problem - also in 6.0.01 If you make the datawindow control invisible (so it doesn't have to paint it) you don't have to post the retrieve() so it's something to do with painting and retrieving. For InfoMaker users, this is built into PBTYP050.DLL in 5.0. In 6.0, you can edit IMSTYLE6.PBL with Powerbuilder and change the open event of w_pbstyle_report and use Postevent() for the retrieve(). July 8, 1998 - Product Support |
156007 | Solaris - In the Window painter, after switching into Tab Order mode, either by clicking on the Tab Order icon or selecting Design/Tab Order from the menu, the wrong menu item is enabled after all the other menu items are disabled.
The Design menu item should be enabled, but the Declare menu item is enabled instead. The only way to get out of Tab Order mode it to click on the Tab Order toolbar icon. You cannot get out of Tab Order Mode from the menu system. |
156008 | The RemoveLine property of the rtf presentation style is not working |
156009 | Limit of arrays is not checked correctly when passing a bounded array by ref to a function taking an unbounded array as argument. |
156010 | Group headers/trailers are not accessible using the dot notation. |
156021 | Infinite loop is not stopped when closing the app in development environment. |
156022 | A datawindow with an OLE database blob column placed in footer band : If the datawindow has only one row, deleting it produces a GPF or the PC hangs. The client expression must contains a columm name |
156023 | Incremental Rebuild should work the same in the library painter as the project painter in terms of allowing users to Open objects flagged with errors. This is not the case currently, the project painter isn't very forgiving.32 bit- can't open user object- says to regenerate.
"Open of uo failed. It has been migrated to current version format but must also be regenerated successfully." |
156027 | PageCount function is returning an incorrect value when there are groups on the dw and there is a computed field calculating the number of pages in the dw. The trailer information is not appearing in printpreview mode if the amount of text or the number of columns in the trailer exceeds one page in length, but the dw does print correctly, though the pagecount function is returning an incorrect value.
Dupe bug report: page() and pagecount() return incorrect value. Dupe reported on the last page of a tabular dw. Last page of dw gives 'Page 2 of 1', which is typical of problem. PER DEVELOPMENT: The first issue was fixed earlier this year. The issue with large group trailers is functioning as |
156030 | Composite DataWindow with a Child DataWindow - trying to change the font weight in the Child DataWindow using the Modify function with an expression. On the Child DataWindow, the font weight does not change using Modify. He is able to modify other values in the Child DataWindow. The Modify he is using includes an if statement in the Modify, and this technique works fine on the main DataWindow, but it's not working on the child DataWindow.
PER DEVELOPMENT: and 6.0 build 206 work fine. |
156031 | 5.0.03_01 and 6.0 BETA. Strange happenings when an MDI sheet has had setredraw set to false. Clicking on the MDI sheet causes controls on the MDI sheet underneigh to bleed thru.
PER DEVELOPMENT: The strange effects of SetRedraw are the result of the way Windows has implemented it. SetRedraw makes windows temporarily invisible and disabled. If you activate another window during this time, you are causing window creation or movement. You can not move or create windows with SetRedraw off. |
156034 | Code Examples -- Distributed Powerbuilder. In the client , there is an update button where it brings back data from the server to the datawindow. Notice that datetime columns are obscure and also the location columns are blank.
Per Development: |
156035 | When a structure array containing long or integer data types is populated using the notation, null values from the DataWindow become zero in the structure. String values seem to work fine.
Also, when an integer or long array is populated from a similar integer or long array, and some values within the array contain null, the resulting values become zero. String arrays seem to work fine. |
156036 | Changing the showlist attribute of a dddw to 'NO' causes the filter buffer (if any) contained in the actual dddw result set to be deleted. WORKAROUND: Have to re-retrieve the dddw column.
Development: Not a bug. Must re-retrieve the datawindow. |
156041 | Problem when printing DW on Win3.11 (column content changes, pages disappear,...) |
156044 | The hatching (fill pattern) for a black and white graph is incorrect when a graph dw is printed. |
156045 | Describe returns inconsistent information about the Header bands within a crosstab dw.
The inconsistency can be seen in 3 ways: 1) Describe("object_name.Band") returns 1 off. For example, if the object is in Header[3], then Describe returns Header[2] 2) Describe("DataWindow.Header.2.Height") returns ! exclamation even though the previous step reports that the band exists 3) Describe("DataWindow.Bands") will not list Header[2] even though it exists. The behavior is the same with StaticMode on or off. |
156051 | Using the f_RedirectClient() function in the IDT with Netscape Enterprise, or FastTrack servers, in 5.0 the POST method returns an error "Document contains no data", while the GET method will redirect the client in Netscape 4.0. In 6.0, both methods return the error.
In IE 4.0, receive: "Cannot open the Internet Site http://localhost:80/Webagent.pbw/<app name/<object name>/<function name>" The server returned and invalid response. Workaround in 5.0: =============== Use the GET method |
156052 | With a RTE control or a RTF datawindow, calling selecttextall({band}) function when the footer and header bands are displayed doesn't work properly : the band argument is ignored. The text of the band which has the focus is selected instead of the text of the band specified as argument of the function. This problem is platform independant.
See PB Product Management Support Statement : PowerBuilder Rich Text Support |
156053 | Deleting event e in a user object while script for e is open will result in function f turning into an event. |
156055 | Changing the color to red in a pie chart changes legend color but not the color of the graph. |
156058 | Cursor files are not being copied into the executable. In development, they show up fine but not at runtime.
Workaround: You have to distribute the cursor files with the executable. |
156059 | Filtering on a dw that has groups and computed fields in the trailers for those groups, causes the computed fields to overlap data in the detail band when doing setfilter() then filter() more than once. The workaround for this is to either re-retrieve the data, or setredraw(false) before sort(), groupcalc(), setfilter() and filter() and then setredraw(true) afterwards forcing the dw to repaint correctly.
Per Development - no bug -- user error. The script for filtering the data had the following lines: |
156066 | Datawindow painter. When using MSS and connecting to MS SQL Server 6.5, the SQL painter doesn't show the column information (datatypes, comments etc) when you enter it a second time (pressing the SQL Icon in datawindow design mode). It does show this information when you first paint the datawindow. |
156070 | Calling the external GetUserNameA function seems to produce really inconsistent results. Running from development always seems to work fine. When compiled, results are variable, and change depending on compile options.
PER DEVELOPMENT: User error. External routine to take a ref int. If you look in the docs for GetUserName you will see that you need to pass it a ref long since it takes a pointer to a DWORD which is a 32 bit number. Works in dev becuase we are in an interpreter. |
156071 | previewing a datawindow with a complex computed field produces a stack fault under win 3.11 |
156075 | Sharedata()/ Migration issue. At times, users want to use an external dw to share the data. Sometimes, numeric types cause the sharedata() to fail - esp if the application's datawindows were recently migrated.
Product Support Engineering: Older 4.0 INT columns became ''NUMBER'' in datawindows. 5.0 now uses LONG for an INT database column (we're talking SQL Anywhere here) so in many cases, once something is modified in a ''migrated'' datawindow (from 4.0), the painter automatically changes NUMBER to LONG and this can cause these types of problems when sharing to either older external datawindows using NUMBER or database-driven datawindows that haven't been ''modified'' in 5.0 - modified would mean going to the SQL painter and adding or deleting a column - that forces the painter to re-define the datatypes in the datawindow to 5.0 datatypes... The new datatypes in 5.0 make this sharedata a ''no can do'' even though this would work fine in 4.0. |
156077 | painting problems with dropdownlistboxes and dropdownpicturelistboxes when the setredraw is false.
PER DEVELOPMENT: Redraw should not be false with the user is interacting with the control. This causes windows to be moved or created. |
156079 | Application error is generated if you try to use a constant string from a user object on the right hand side of an assignment expression. |
156083 | Using string concatenation to declare and initialize a variable on the same line of code causes a gpf in PBRTE050.DLL when initialization refers to another uninitialized variable. . Workaround: Make sure any variables referred to in concatenation are also initialized. |
156084 | Problem with the itemfocuschanged event returning a different result then expected with an n-up report.
11/26/97 - Anand KUmar 5.0.04_68 - Cannot reproduce behavior |
156085 | In the Database painter, not able to move a Table object by clicking and dragging on the title bar. Also, moving the sides and corners causes text to be messed up.
Similar behavior abserved in the DataWindow painter. |
156086 | In the Database painter, when resizing a Table object, the object is not outlined with a black border so it becomes invisible on a white background. Same thing is true for the DataWindow painter. |
156087 | When a Table object is resized small enough to make the scroll bars appear, then enlarged, the title bar is sometimes not repainted properly and the text sometimes becomes unreadable. |
156088 | datawindow with very complex expressions set to color and other attributes of the datawindow causes a gpf in pgdwe050.dll when the datawindow source is exported then imported. This worked okay in PB 4.0. An example of one of the complex expressions is: if(is_clr=0, 8454143, if(tc='B', 16777215, if(tc='X', 0, if(tc='M', 16776960, if(tc='C', 8454143, if(tc='S', 16777215, if(tc='U', if(rn=1, 16711680, if(rn=2, 255, if(rn=3, 4194432, if(rn=4, 32768, if(rn=5, 4227200, if(rn=6, 32896, if(rn=7, 8454016, if(rn=8, 16711680, if(rn=9, 255, if(rn=10, 32768, if(rn=11, 8421504, if(rn=12, 16711680, if(rn=13, 32896, if(rn=14, 8454016, if(rn=15, 16711935, if(rn=16, 8421440, if(rn=17,16711680, if(rn=18, 255, if(rn=19, 32768, if(rn=20, 16776960, if(rn=21, 655535, if(rn=22, 8454016, if(rn=23, 32896, if(rn=24, 16711935, if(rn=25, 12632256, if(rn=26, 8421440, if(rn=27, 16711680, if(rn=28, 16711680, 16777215 - (11111*rn))))))))))))))))))))))))))))), 16777215))))))) |
156089 | |
156095 | DeleteRow on dw with groups doesn't release memory. |
156098 | There is a problem sending long character strings to web pb. Getting error PowerBuilder Server Communications error: SMI Error '209'. Believe it's a buffer size problem. |
156102 | Would like to have the list of the messages displayed in the microhelp during the compilation process to be able to know how far compilation went (especially when the it fails). |
156103 | DirList is not working for dynamically opened listbox (openuserobject) |
156106 | OpenChannel() on NT platforms seems to fail going from Server to Client.
Developers NOTE: Found that client window cannot initiate more than one conversation simultaneously with the same server window in NT 4.0. It seems to work in WIN95 ( however is dangerous: when user calls close the connection is terminated for both, can't differentiate between the openchannels and/or starthotlinks) There appears to be some behavioral differences in the windows subsystems between NT and WIN95. Both OpenChannel and/or StartHotlink initiate in the same fashion (WM_DDE_INITIATE). Multiple instances of either/both kinds of calls will break under NT 4.0. This is a Microsoft subsystem problem. The workaround is to manage the connections or use different windows for simultaneous connections, between the client and server. NOT A POWERBUILDER BUG: This problem is due to changes in the Microsoft subsystems, regarding dde, this problem is outside the powerbuilder environment. |
156108 | Panther build 103. Listview. Getting an assertion failure when executing the finditem function. |
156113 | panther 103. Getting assertion failure if I have coded an open(w_foo) in the close event of the application. The assertion failure is:
ob_inst_defined(obinst) ln ob_destroy_obinst file obmanip.cpp line 1878. The same code does not get an assertion failure in 5.0.03. |
156114 | Empty listview in window causes GPF when space bar is clicked when focus is on the listview. This is during runtime (running the window.) |
156116 | The compilation date does not appear on the properties dialog for the entry.
It is unclear as to which date is the modified date and which is the compiled date for the entries. I'm not sure what the best way is to show this. Regenerating an object (except datawindows) from the library painter updates BOTH dates. My expectations would have been that the modified date would NOT have changed since I did not 'edit' the object. Developer: Added compile date to entry properties dialog. No changes made to clarify which date is which in the tree view (that's just the way it works) although having both dates on the prop dialog should help. The issue of the mod date changing as a result of compilation should have already been fixed by an earlier release. |
156117 | Grid datawindow. When you have mouse selection on, typing something into an editable column but then selecting a range outside that column causes the value you typed in to go back to it's original value. It's as if mouse selection doesn't losefocus off the column triggering validation or accepttext(). |
156118 | Halt Close does not immediately close an application that was compiled into 32 bit machine code. |
156121 | Borderline deficiency/enhancement in painter. 'Always Show List' and 'Always show arrow' for a dddw seem to be mutually exclusive. Painter should disable and uncheck 'Always show arrow' when 'Always show list' is checked for a dropdowndatawindow edit style. |
156122 | Database painter Export Syntax to Log is not asking what database format to export to when using native drivers; ODBC has dialog box, but not the same dialog box 5.0 has. |
156124 | Database painter. Can't save a log of System 10 or 11, SYC or SYB connection when this is the FIRST connection made in PB. Only happening on Win95.
Cannot recreate during 6.0 beta. |
156127 | Changing the left and right margin in the paragraph properties to 1", as soon as you click OK the right margin changes to 2+". If you print it out, the output shows the left margin as 1", but the right is 2+".
NOT A BUG:using the paragraph margin setting requires you to select all the text that you want those margins applied to and then perform the set (this can be done programmatically as well as through the Paragraph Dialog box) .. more typically, you use paragraph margin setting to take effect as your typing in text. I think what you really want to do in this case is just set the print margins which are settable via the printspec tab sheet (available at runtime as well as in painter) - or you can set via the dw-modify syntax at runtime. |
156131 | 'Return 1' to cease processing of a script in an sle is not functioning properly when a hot key is used to activate a cmd button.
PER DEVELOPMENT: Not a Bug. Coding errors specific to test case sent in to support. |
156136 | If NULL are passed through retrieval argument to nested report on composite report, nested report will get the data type's default value. String arguments will be "", while numbers will be 0. |
156140 | PB 5.0.0x
PrintCancel() does not work with RTF DataWindows, BUT PrintCancel(printjob) works OK. Both work OK on other types of DataWindows (Tabular, FreeForm...). |
156142 | Panther build 103. When you open a new sheet in an MDI frame, it goes UNDER the currently active sheet, and the currently active sheet remains active. This happens when the sheets are opened from a response window, and using the opensheetwithparm function. This works correctly in 5.0.03_01, but not in Panther. |
156143 | panther build 103. painting problem with datawindows on tab controls within the window painter.
This worked correctly in 5.0.03_01 Cannot reproduce during 6.0 Beta |
156148 | NT 4.0. Datawindow contains red or green (any color) for column data previews fine in color but when printed to an HP IV or 5 printer is blank (invisible) instead of coming out black and white. This was reproduced with v.1.20 or v.1.30 drivers (HP 5L). Other operating systems work fine. |
156155 | 6.0 beta. Problem with adding items to a ddlb from the properties window for the ddlb. Worked properly in 5.0.03. The first character typed in gets "lost".
Cannot reproduce with later 6.0 builds. |
156157 | CTRL+C sometimes cuts instead of copying highlighted test in the script painter. |
156158 | RTF dw with a large text column. If the text is > 1 page, it does not page break and print to a new page, it continues printing on same page. If there is a footer defined, the text prints over the footer, any remaining text that would not fit on one page gets truncated.
PER DEVELOPMENT: This is a feature request and will be submitted to product management as an enhancement request. |
156160 | win 95 only
32 bit {pb 5.0.02_11, pb 5.0.03_25, pb 5.0.04_31} This is a win 95 problem only, no problems with NT 4.0 keywords:: datawindow..reports..alignment of static text labels problem description:: In the print preview a report style datawindow, the alignment of the first static text label is aligned to the right. In the DW design mode all labels are aligned properly under one another. Customer said that this does not happen on all the datawindows of this presentation style and there is nothing really different about this DW from the other ones. |
156161 | PB5 Listview -- Insert order not predictable: When inserting items into a list view customer is not able to determine where insert will occur.
Second row inserted will always jump to first row when autoarrange is enabled. |
156163 | Composite rpt. When previewing dw, he gets application error: pb050.exe. The instruction at 0x115410bd reference memory 0x00000004 cannot be read. An expression in the column NAME for visible attribute: if(gettext() = first(name for page),0,1 seems to be the problem.
*Workaround: Do not use 'for page' in the expression or replace with 'for all' (the default). |
156164 | In the PowerBuilder 5.0 Code Examples, in the DataWindows section --> Copy, Move, Discard Rows option, after moving rows into the Delete buffer DataWindow, they can't be moved out again. |
156165 | In the Powerbuilder 5.0 Code Examples application, in the Window Controls / Sales Order ListView example, double-clicking on any bitmap in the Products window brings up the Edit Product window. The selected bitmap (which appears in the Windows version) is missing on the left hand side of the Edit Product Window. |
156169 | In the Powerbuilder Code Examples application, in the DataWindows / Computed Fields in Attribute Expression example, when the salary column gets focus, the data becomes left justified, as opposed to staying right justified as on the Windows platform. |
156171 | 6.0 build 103. regression from 5.0.03. Painting problem with a custom visual user object on a window. If you move the object around on the window, it doesn't repaint properly.
If you place it over the window itself, you don't see it at all (except for the shadowbox, if you've specified that for the border of the udo). If you place it over another control, you see the part of it that is over the other control. If some of the udo spills over the side of the control, you don't see those parts. Unable to reproduce with 6.0 build 135 |
156172 | Painting problem with controls with shadowbox controls being moved over groupboxes. The shadow of the shadowbox stays behind on the groupbox, even after you move the control off of the groupbox.
Steps to recreate: 1. Open a new window. 2. Place a single line edit on it. 3. Change it's border to shadowbox. 4. Place a group box on the window. 5. Move the sle so that it's just on the edge of the group box. If you try to put it too far in on the group box, the shadowbox disappears. But if you just have it overlap the edge, and then move it in a little more the second time, I was able to get the shadow to appear within the groupbox. 6. Now, move the sle back out of the groupbox. The shadowbox line stays in the groupbox. |
156174 | Win95: Using ReplaceText on an editmask control when the control is not large enough to display the text being replaced causes a gpf in PBSHR050.DLL. Tried the same type of code on an SLE without any problem. There are issues migrating to Win95 where the control ends up being too small for the display because the OS handles the fonts and text placement differently, so we recommend controls be slightly larger than is thought to be required, but Powerbuilder should not gpf. |
156176 | In a datawindow with all columns set to have the auto selection property on, if you modify all columns to be protected, then modify them to be unprotected again, when you tab back to the datawindow, the first column's auto selection property is ignored. All other columns are okay, and clicking on the columns results in the column being auto selected. |
156177 | A composite datawindow contains a report r1. When calling insertrow() function to insert a new row in r1, the PC hangs up. It occurs when a column of the report r1 has an expression for one of its attributes and the expression references another column of the report |
156178 | The same DataWindow, containing accelerator keys, is placed on two different Tab Pages. On a second Tab Page, there are also some command buttons containing accelerator keys. When one of the command buttons on the second Tab Page has focus (when the DataWindow control loses focus), the accelerator keys don't work on that DataWindow anymore. The DataWindow on the first Tab Page is affected instead. |
156203 | Floating toolbar. If you turn the text for the toolbar on and off, each time you switch it, the toolbar moves lower and more to the right. It will move right off the edge of the window, where you will no longer be able to see it, unless you resize the window. |
156205 | Experiencing memory leaks when loading an array. After several calls to load that array, the memory starts to disappear until the memory finally runs out.
However, this is not a real memory leak. Memory is restored after the string array goes out of scope. But reusing the same array elements causes an out of memory message. Since you are reusing the same array elements again and again, you would expect no continued loss of memory. |
156208 | using SetSeriesStyle("gr_1","seriename",var) where var is a variable of type grsymboltype produces wrong results. It's the line style which is modified instead of symbol type. |
156209 | scrolling in MultiLineEdit behaves differently in machine code than in p-code : in machine code, when scrolling to the last line, the last line displays at the top of the mle and you can see some blank space after this line ; in p-code, the last line displays at the bottom of the mle. |
156211 | Cannot load more than 50 dlls in an exe file (machine code executable).
Development: This is an Operating System issue. The LoadLibrary call (the call that opens the dll) fails. To prove it is an OS issue. I created a simple C program that loads 60 dlls and it fails in that as well on both win95 and winnt. |
156212 | SetFocus() in open event of window not working. It does work from a commandbutton. Also works if posted from open event. |
156223 | RPCFUNC with return value: the return value is not returned. Not database specific: tested in Oracle, SYC, SYB, MSS. |
156227 | 5.0.02 Database/Table Painter: When connected to an Informix database some of the properties, including primary keys cannot be set.
Note: Solaris Only |
156229 | 6.0 Beta: regression from 5.0.03. Similar to 400351. Getting assertion failure after adding a command button to a tab visual user object, and then trying to open a descendant of the udo in the user object painter. The error message is:
fieldID < no_fields in OB_OBJECT_LOCAL::getFieldL value file c:\pb051\runtime\h\obobjloc.h, line 222. Verified fixed in 6.0. |
156233 | Modifying the toolbar item text and toolbar tip text of toolbar on a sheet is only refreshed on the screen the first time that an instance of the sheet is opened. Subsequent sheets show the old text and tip text. WORKAROUND: Add this to the bottom of the open event of the sheet: w_sheet.setredraw(false) w_sheet.toolbaralignment = (something other than what it is to start with) w_sheet.toolbaralignment = (whatever it was originally) w_sheet.setredraw(true) |
156234 | Radiobutton and checkbox tabbing in NUP datawindows doesn't work as expected. You cannot tab from one radiobutton/checkbox to another on the last row of the nup - if it's a 2-up this means on the SECOND row of the NUP (across), before you tab from radio button one of the second row to radio button two on the second row, the tab will force it to SKIP to the LAST radiobutton column on the FIRST row. Same behavior with checkboxe(s). |
156236 | Informix IN5 (did not test IN7, but according to development, it will not work there either). RPCFUNC: I am unable to get anything back from RETURNING clause in Informix stored procedure. |
156237 | Verified 3/19
Tested on 503_25 - All 12 native drivers are present when installing Infomaker |
156241 | Year 2000 and editmask: dw with a dateTime field, edit mask of YYYY, cannot accept the year 2000 It zeros out the edit mask. Years other than 2000, including greater than 2000, are okay.
Workaround: Using a mask of mm/dd/yyyy works fine. |
156242 | Editmask on string column that uses 0 in mask definition. 0 (zero) not treated as character. 1 - 9 work fine. (User wants to set (406)@@@- @@@@ as editmask for phone numbers |
156245 | Project Painter. Changing library path for dlls when making 16-bit machine code exe unchecks DLL and you can't check it again. |
156249 | poiuwqeiopruqweroiq uprqwoeir uweproweoru |
156252 | GetItemString on computed field that uses a global function on dw. Field is populated with a function that retrieves a text column from database. Col is 600 characters in size. Computed field displays characters correctly, but GetItemString won't return the entire contents of the field. |
156254 | Pipeline problem with MSS (Microsoft SQL Server native driver and piping blob columns. This issue is a problem with MS SQL Server 6.5 replication of an IMAGE column that is corrupted by PB using the native driver MSS. TEXT columns aren't corrupted during replication.
Development: This is a serious problem as the pipeline starts a transaction and the MSS driver tries to open a new connection for writing blobs causing MS SQL Server to hold a page lock on the created table and the second connection hangs. Workaround: |
156262 | Watcom C++ Dubugger not working when launched from within Powerbuilder. On WIN95 a page fault occurs in WDW.EXE. NT4.0 blinks for a second and then you can't exit out of it.
Developers comments: ================== This issue is purely a configuration issue. The following lists the issues to aid customers in resolving these issues. Windows 3.x & Windows for Workgroups 3.x -------------------------------------------------------------- To address the configuration issues for Win 3.x (includes Windows for Workgroups 3.x) we must examine the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files. These files determine the primary environment which is passed to windows when it starts. For Win 3.x ensure that: 1) the class builder directory is the first directory in the PATH environment variable. 2) the WATCOM environment variable is set to the path (no filename) where the product was installed (eg: C:\WATC). 3) the EDPATH environment variable is set to the path (no filename) where the watcom editors data files are stored (eg: C:\WATC\EDDAT). 4) the INCLUDE environement variable is set to the path (no filename) where the header files are located (eg: C:\WATC\H;C:\WATC\H\WIN;C:\WATC\H\SYS ). If you specify only the header file root directory (eg: C:\WATC\H ) classbuilder will ASSUME that the additional headers are located in WIN and SYS subdirectories. If you have other compilers installed on your system which use the INCLUDE environment variable ensure that the watcom header files are first in the list. 5) no environment varaible exceeds 127 characters in length. With DOS 6.x the PATH environment variable could be 255 characters in length if set in the CONFIG.SYS. 6) wdebug.386 is in the [386enh] section of the SYSTEM.INI. It should be a fully qualified filename (ie includes the path to the file). This is virtual device driver for the debugger. If it is not present or didn't load and you start the debugger you can hang the system. 7) there is enough memory in the conventional memory area after powerbuilder is running. Every windows virtual device driver and application consume some of this resouce. If you receive Out of Memory errors and the system resources indicate that there is still memory then you are out of conventional memory. There are utilites which can monitor this resource and let you know when you are running low. Other symptoms included system hangs. This problem is exasperated when using Windows or Windows for Workgroups on networks as the network drivers usually use substancial amounts of the conventional memory area. any antivirus software is disabled while using classbuilder. Antivirus software interferes with the build process. Windows NT ------------------ To address the configuration issues for WinNT (windows nt 3.x and 4.0 ) we must examine the registry. Note that modifying the registry may result in unrecoverable system failure. You should always uses the control panel applets to modify the registry whenever possible. There are two registry sections or hives that configure NT. The user specific hive HKEY_CURRENT_USER and the system hive HKEY_LOCAL_SYSTEM. The master command environment is determined as follows: 1) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment 2) HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment 3) AUTOEXEC.BAT. 4) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths The "master" environment is built from the local machine configuration and then the current users environment settings are applied. This means that the PATH environment variable is extended with the current users path, and duplicated environment variables take on the values from the current users environment. The processing of the AUTOEXEC.BAT file is controled from the registry. The default behaviour is to process it. Any environment variables not set in either of the registry keys are add to "master" environment space, as well the last path statement in the file is appended to the current users path. To this point we have now built the "master" environment that will be passed to every process created on NT. This is not the end of environment processing however. There is optional information that is stored about applications in the registry. This is information that can only be viewed with the registry editor. This information is stored in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths key. Every application is supposed to have an entry here. It consists of the application name and extension (eg: PB60.EXE). The default data value for this key is a fully qualified filename for the executable (eg: C:\Program Files\Powersoft\PB60.EXE). There can be additional keys to modify - if you guessed the environment your right - the environment. What is important here is that the PATH environment variable is extended with the directories in the PATH entry, but other environment variables are REPLACED. This is relevant since PB launches the IDE from with in its own process space. Thus the "master" environment space will be augmented with the environment information from the App Paths\PB60.EXE key. It is the augmented environment that the IDE will be using and not the environment normally seen in the command prompt. If you experience problems with the classbuilder for NT, you should ensure that: 1) the classbuilder directories are in the PATH environment variable for either: a) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment, or b) HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment, or c) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\PB60.EXE 2) the BINNT directory must always come before the BINW directory. There are both applications and dynamic link libraries that have the same name in both directories. It is imperative that the NT versions are picked up before the windows 3.x versions. 3) the WATCOM environment variable is set to the path (no filename) where the product was installed (eg: C:\WATCNT). 4) the EDPATH environment variable is set to the path (no filename) where the watcom editors data files are stored (eg: C:\WATCNT\EDDAT). 5) the INCLUDE environement variable is set to the path (no filename) where the header files are located (eg: C:\WATCNT\H;C:\WATCNT\H\NT;C:\WATCNT\H\WIN;C:\WATCNT\H\SYS ). If you specify only the header file root directory (eg: C:\WATCNT\H ) classbuilder will ASSUME that the additional headers are located in NT, WIN, and SYS subdirectories. If you have other compiler installed on your system which use the INCLUDE environment variable ensure that the watcom header files are first in the list. 6) the lmain.cpp file contains a dlllmain section and not just a libmain section. The file should look like this: /* This file is generated by PowerBuilder. * You may modify it in any way you wish but do not remove * Libmain and WEP. Without them you will be unable to link your DLL. */ #include <windows.h> #include "pbdll.h" #ifdef __NT__ extern "C" { int __stdcall DLLMain( DWORD, DWORD reason, DWORD ) { if( reason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH ) { extern char __WD_Present; if( __WD_Present ) { // this is a hook for the Watcom debugger. extern void Int3WithSignature( char __far * ); #pragma aux Int3WithSignature parm caller [] = "int 3" "jmp short L1" 'W' 'V' 'I' 'D' 'E' 'O' "L1:" Int3WithSignature( "DLL Loaded" ); } } return( 1 ); } }; #else int PB_EXPORT LibMain( HANDLE, WORD, WORD, LPSTR ) { return( 1 ); } int PB_EXPORT WEP( int ) { return( 1 ); } #endif // PowerBuilder code, do not remove If it does not look like this then replace it with this one. The HELLO sample that shipped with the 10.5 ClassBuilder for NT suffers from this problem. This will cause a variety of problems such as stack faults, Access Violations, or a hung processe. 7) any antivirus software is disabled while using classbuilder. Antivirus software interferes with the build process. Windows 95 ------------------ To address the configuration issues for Win95 we must examine both the AUTOEXEC.BAT and the registry. Note that modifying the registry may result in unrecoverable system failure. You should always uses the control panel applets to modify the registry whenever possible. The master command environment is determined by the AUTOEXEC.BAT if it exists or by the io.sys file. This "master" environment will be passed to every process created on 95. This is not the end of environment processing however. There is optional information that is stored about applications in the registry. This is information that can only be viewed with the registry editor. This information is stored in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths key. Every application is supposed to have an entry here. It consists of the application name and extension (eg: PB60.EXE). The default value for this key is a fully qualified filename to the executable (eg: C:\Program Files\Powersoft\PB60.EXE). There can be additional keys used to modify - if you guessed the environment your right - the environment. What is important here is that the PATH environment variable is extended with the directories in the PATH entry if it exists, but other environment variables are REPLACED. This is relevant since PB launches the IDE from with in its own process space. Thus the "master" environment space will be augmented with the environment information from the App Paths\PB60.EXE key. It is the augmented environment that the IDE will be using and not the environment normally seen in the dos prompt. If you experience problems with the classbuilder for NT, you should ensure that: 1) the classbuilder directories are in the PATH environment variable for either: a) AUTOEXEC.BAT b) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\PB60.EXE 2) the BINNT directory must always come before the BINW directory. There are both applications and dynamic link libraries that have the same name in both directories. It is imperative that the NT versions are picked up before the windows 3.x versions. 3) the WATCOM environment variable is set to the path (no filename) where the product was installed (eg: C:\WATCNT). 4) the EDPATH environment variable is set to the path (no filename) where the watcom editors data files are stored (eg: C:\WATCNT\EDDAT). 5) the INCLUDE environement variable is set to the path (no filename) where the header files are located (eg: C:\WATCNT\H;C:\WATCNT\H\NT;C:\WATCNT\H\WIN;C:\WATCNT\H\SYS ). If you specify only the header file root directory (eg: C:\WATCNT\H ) classbuilder will ASSUME that the additional headers are located in NT, WIN, and SYS subdirectories. If you have other compiler installed on your system which use the INCLUDE environment variable ensure that the watcom header files are first in the list. 6) the lmain.cpp file contains a dlllmain section and not just a libmain section. The file should look like this: /* This file is generated by PowerBuilder. * You may modify it in any way you wish but do not remove * Libmain and WEP. Without them you will be unable to link your DLL. */ #include <windows.h> #include "pbdll.h" #ifdef __NT__ extern "C" { int __stdcall DLLMain( DWORD, DWORD reason, DWORD ) { if( reason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH ) { extern char __WD_Present; if( __WD_Present ) { // this is a hook for the Watcom debugger. extern void Int3WithSignature( char __far * ); #pragma aux Int3WithSignature parm caller [] = "int 3" "jmp short L1" 'W' 'V' 'I' 'D' 'E' 'O' "L1:" Int3WithSignature( "DLL Loaded" ); } } return( 1 ); } }; #else int PB_EXPORT LibMain( HANDLE, WORD, WORD, LPSTR ) { return( 1 ); } int PB_EXPORT WEP( int ) { return( 1 ); } #endif // PowerBuilder code, do not remove If it does not look like this then replace it with this one. The HELLO sample that shipped with the 10.5 ClassBuilder for NT suffers from this problem. This will cause a variety of problems such as stack faults, Access Violations, or a hung processe. 7) wdebug.386 is in the [386enh] section of the SYSTEM.INI. It should be a fully quallified filename (ie includes the path to the file). This is virtual device driver for the debugger. If it is not present or didn't load and you start the debugger you can hang the system. any antivirus software is disabled while using classbuilder. Antivirus software interferes with the build process. |
156263 | There are several interrelated bugs with sles:
1) SLE with more text than fits into sle displays differently on Unix than it does on Intel or Mac. This depends on whether text is set in properties or from script, whether Auto HScroll is checked or unchecked, and whether the sle has focus or not. 2) Even with Auto HScroll unchecked, you can use the Home and End keys to get to the beginning/end of the sle, but you have to press them twice. 3) Previously reported: with Auto HScroll unchecked, you can type more into an sle than will 'fit'. Once there is too much text, the arrow keys move past the displayed text, and you can't see the cursor. On Intel or Mac, arrow keys won't move past displayed text. 4) If the sle text is set in object properties, when you tab or click into the sle, the beginning of the text displays, even if the end was showing when the window opened. If sle text is set from script, when you click or tab to the sle, whatever was showing originally remains showing. |
156265 | Users are unable to insert the value contained within a computed field into an RTE control. All other fields work fine. |
156268 | System 10 SYC RPC: when an uninialized decimal is returned into a decimal and there are more than 2 decimal places, get warning message: scale error during implicit conversion of decimal value 12345.768 to decimal field. The number was returned as 12345.670. Database definition is decimal(18,3)
PER DEVELOPMENT: Change category to enhancement: Want ability to pass how many decimal places we want in the declaration of a Local External Function in User Object Painter |
156269 | Autoinstantiated NVOs cause runtime DLLs to not be released from Memory. Very similar to bug 41327. |
156271 | ole activation (in place!) does not appear to be working correctly. It looks as if the ole control is activated off site. |
156272 | Presence of titlebar on child window changes behavior of cursor positioning within a large column on a datawindow on that child window. You cannot position the cursor within the column using the mouse (clicking) if there is a titlebar on the child window. Tab does work.
Probably related to other child window bugs determined to be a Microsoft bug by development. Possible Workaround: - Map an event to pbm_lbuttonup for each control put on the child window that has this problem with clicking not setting focus to the control. - In the event, code the following "This.setfocus()" RESOLUTION: This is an operating system problem. It has been reported to Microsoft. The reference number for the issue is: SR X99041360189 Datawindow specific problems with titlebars ================================== For datawindows containing titlebars, you will see the same behavior of not being able to position the cursor in the edit control. this problem is a little harder to workaround: - Create a custom visual user object with 2 datawindow controls. One with it's titlebar (dw_titlebar) and one without dw_dataobject (the one that will contain the dataobject). Position and size the dw_titlebar (turn titlebar attribute on, make the control 3D raised and the background color GREY) just above dw_dataobject and make it show only the titlebar (this datawindow control will never actually have a dataobject assigned - it's used solely to simulate a titlebar on the second control 'dw_dataobject.' - Create a custom user event on dw_titlebar mapped to pbm_move (call it "move") - In the Contructor event of dw_titlebar, put dw_dataobject.width = dw_titlebar.width - 5 // accounts for border. - In the "move" custom user event on dw_titlebar, place the following in script: dw_dataobject.x = xpos - 8 // accounting for border again. dw_dataobject.y = ypos - Call the custom visual user object uo_dwtitlebar and place one on the window. Now when you pick up the datawindow control and they will move together AND more importantly, you can type into the SLE's on the datawindow in the "dw_dataobject" control. The scripting is a bit more involved, but it works. uo_dw.dw_dataobject.retrieve() or you could write custom user events or functions so uo_dw.retrieve() will do what you expect. |
156275 | Numeric retrieval arguments are not passed correctly to a child datawindow with retrieval argument. Decimal part of the argument is lost at nested level. |
156276 | On a datawindow, different validation behavior for date column and integer column that don't contain edit mask. |
156282 | Problem using direct notation instead of the GetItem() function when the row number is greater than 32767. Error: "PowerBuilder Application Execution Error (R0039)
Application terminated. Error: Error accessing external object property" Development: Will not be fixed in the 5.0 codebase. Use GetItemXXX functions instead. Fixed in 6.0. 16 and 32 bit problem. |
156287 | The OK button of the prompt for criteria dialog is not a default anymore in 32 bit (works ok in 16 bit and version 4) |
156291 | 5.0.03 and panther 103. RTE style datawindow. When showing the header/footer, I can get PB to freeze.
Steps to recreate using the pbl in ptfiles: 1. Open d_rte_with_2_computed in the datawindow painter. 2. Go into preview. 3. Click on the menu item design, then header/footer. 4. Scroll up the footer, so that you see "page 1 of 5". 5. Click on the 'last' button on the toolbar. It now says 'page 5 of 5'. 6. Now, click on the 'prior' button on the toolbar. PB freezes. When you hit cntl/alt/delete, it shows it as not responding. |
156294 | Using setitemstatus() function to change the status of a new row from NewModified! to DataModified! doesn't work properly : the status of each column which was DataModified! becomes NotModified!.
Development: The test case does a RowsCopy into another DW, the rowstatus is newmodified! (as expected) and the columns are all datamodified!. When reporting the status of the columns we are making the ASSUMPTION that if the row is NEW and there is SOME value in the column it is datamodified! The test then sets the rowstatus to datamodified! ... this actually does nothing to the columns status. When we report the status of columns now, we make the assumption that if the row is NOT new and there is no ORIGINAL data associated with the column then the column status is notmodified! Remember, we look at original column values as kind of an undo facility and if there is nothing to undo then the data isn't modified except of course in the above example where a row status of newmodified! forces the column status to be datamodified!. This is 'intended behavior' |
156295 | n a datawindow with a column col1 with password attribute and another column col2 with the ddlb edit style, the data in col2 is lost after calling modify() function to change the background color of col1 and col2. |
156299 | 16 bit only: PB menu: double click on first menu item is incorrectly interpreted / behaves as double click on Control menu, and closes application. |
156302 | Rich Text Datawindow. Turning ruler on using the Popup Menu after the datawindow has been painted and previewed causes incorrect numbers to be displayed for left margin. Some cases, -2 inches, others -22 inches. |
156303 | Rich Text Datawindow in painter. Fields with fixed width and data that have trailing spaces (or _). The underlined spaces don't show up in preview. The underlined spaces are truncated at the field width. |
156304 | In VGA resolution, a rich text datawindow page break doesn't move down when inserting lines of text above it. Like any word processor, the page break - denoted by a dotted line - should move.
Workaround: Go in and out of Print Preview and notice the dashed line (page break) is now in the correct place. |
156308 | VCI Grid in a Window: After populating a VCI grid programmaticly, turning redraw off, filling in the data, and then turning redraw on, the data does not appear visually until the user clicks in the grid. |
156312 | Using oracle 7.2. Customer has number and float datatypes. In pb, datatypes show extra precision at the end. If they use decimal zero, then everything works ok, but they need the decimal places.
They have table with column defined as number (table created outside PB). In Oracle, this is floating point with precision 38. In datawindow painter, comes up as float. Some numbers come up with extra precision at the end, and that column cannot be updated. |
156313 | Treeview ItemExpanding is triggering Itempopulate on last item even though return 1 was sent to prevent this.
PER DEVELOPMENT: have reproduced the above-described behavior. However, the behavior is correct since ItemPopulate is called before ItemExpanding. Therefore the return value of ItemExpanding can't be used as a means to prevent the tree population. In order to prevent the tree expansion and population both methods have to use the counter ii_countit. |
156315 | Connecting to MS SQL Server using named pipes and the explicit name of the server (instead of the dot) is not working (error 10003, login incorrect) |
156318 | Using RPCFUNC to return array from PL/SQL table is giving page fault in pbrte051.dll at 0137:99754c53. Array of strings or numbers gives same error. |
156325 | Can not move or create windows when SetRedraw=False.
PER DEVELOPMENT: Functions as designed. This is the purpose of SetRedraw(false) SetRedraw=FALSE should only be used at the start of a performance sensitive piece of code. A SetRedraw=TRUE should follow the performance sensitive section. |
156327 | GPF in MSVCRT40.DLL in Win95 when the default printer is HP 5L (driver hppcl5g.drv) and doing a print, then some dot notation inside to a numeric column in a datawindow such as:
long ItestID double dtest lTestId = dw_1.GetItemNumber(1,"test1_id") /* long in datawindow */ dTest = dw_1.GetItemDecimal(1,"amount") /* number in datawindow */ lTestId = dw_1.GetItemNumber(1,"test2_id") /* long in datawindow */ where test1_id, test2_id are null. GPF's on the last line. |
156331 | If the argument to the timer function is larger than documented range (0 to 65) then it seems to work with the large argument in 32 bit Powerbuilder, but not in 16 bit Powerbuilder. 16 bit Powerbuilder seems to use the first two digits of the argument instead. For example, if you code Timer(300) the timer event fires every 5 minutes in 32 bit Powerbuilder, but in about every 30 seconds using 16 bit Powerbuilder. Not yet known whether it is a bug that 300 works for 32 bit, or will we add an error message that the argument is invalid. Or possibly documentation is incorrect and 300 should work now in 16 bit. WORKAROUND: Use an argument to the Timer() function which is within the documented range of values, 0 to 65, and an instance variable counter to count interations of the timer event, and execute the script when the desired iteration is hit. As in the example, if you want the Timer Event script to fire every 5 minutes, use Timer(60) for the timer function, and add a counter which is incremented each time the timer event fires. While the counter is less than 5, just return from the Timer Event script without doing anything. When it reaches 5, reset the counter, and execute the rest of the timer event script. Arguments to the timer function that are within the documented range of valid values behave the same whether running 16 or 32 bit Powerbuilder. |
156333 | When using SaveAs() to save a DataWindow in dbf, dBASE3 format, long (memo type) columns are being truncated after 255 characters. |
156334 | SaveAs with Dbase3 format has 2 problems
1) It doesn't respect definition of decimal fields : the decimal part is lost 2) When Windows decimal separator is comma it saves decimal number with comma but dbase wants a dot. |
156335 | using cumulativesum in a datawindow graph produces wrong result if for one abscisse several occurences are returned by the select statement |
156336 | After populating a Date field in a DataWindow and opening a Response Window, the date field is highlighted up to where the moouse cursor is and continues to be selected and deselected by mouse movement only until it's clicked. Happens in 16 bit Powerbuilder only running on the Windows 95 platform. |
156337 | Powerbuilder ignores the Windows setting (hh:mm) for time when using [time] format in edit masks or in display formats
156338 | Documentation states keywords inside Edit Masks and Display Formats are fully interchangeable. They are not: [date] is only valid for an edit mask, and [shortdate] or [longdate] are only valid for display formats. |
156340 | Printing RichText Presentation Style datawindow objects. All hyphens ("-") are translated to a line break regardless of the type of the printer when you print a Datastore with it's object being of type RichText presentation style and with WordWrap ENABLED. This does not happen if you use the same dataobject and a datawindow.
This does not happen if DISABLE wordwrap. |
156341 | It seems that a DataWindow that is set up to print in landscape mode occasionally determines the number of pages to print incorrectly, resulting in the trailer band overprinting the header band on the last page.
Per Development: |
156343 | Sometimes, a column in a DataWindow containing multiple lines will word wrap differently in the datawindow painter print preview than what is printed.
PER DEVELOPMENT: Unfortunately this is not a bug. It is true in 4.0 and 5.0 and Panther as well. The problem is that even in print preview we are painting to a different (not a printer) device and the font sizes and spacings can be subtly different. So it would be surprising if they DID wrap exactly the same. Moreover, in this specific example, we are using the Win API call "TextOut" to write the text and we are sending it the same parameters in preview as in print so, someone downstream from us (GDI or the specific print driver) is making further adjustments before it gets on the paper. A Datawindow print preview is an approximation of how it will look on the paper and cannot be expected to be exact. |
156344 | Problem: A variable of type any is assigned a NULL date value. It is passed by value as an argument type any) to a function. Inside the function, it appears as an argument of type any, not of type date. When it is passed by reference, it shows as a NULL date inside the function |
156345 | Using SYC database interface, sql syntax errors are not consistently reported by the script painter even though "Display Database Warnings" script property is set on. You will get errors until the script compiles successfully, but then if you make changes to the script which include invalid sql syntax, you do not get the error messages anymore. Also tested using ODBC to SQL Anywhere and O72 to Oracle 7.2, and those db interfaces continued to report syntax errors. Could not reproduce the problem using those two interfaces. |
156346 | 5.1_103 Oracle: stored functions called as RPC not returning return value properly. Similar bug reported in 402747: 5.1 is not returning anything if integer return value is returned to integer, is returning 0 if integer return value is returned into a long. Not database specific.
This is behaving somewhat differently: If number return is returned into an integer or a long, 0 is returned if the stored function is standalone. If the function is part of a package, different incorrect numbers are returned depending on whether integer is returned into an integer or a long. In both cases, stored function does nothing except return 10. |
156350 | Solaris PB 5.0 running slow under Unix. |
156351 | Customer has a nested dw with filter expression set. When previewing the datawindow filter is ignored and all the rows are retrieved for the nested datawindow. Only reproducible with PB versions after 4.0.05. |
156353 | When running Powerbuilder from the network and generating machine code, several developers jobs can collide because .h, and .pch files get written to the \CGEN directory on the network drive. The first build works fine but all other builds fail. This can be extremely inconvenient.
Enhancement: The ability to set an environment variable or setting in the pb.ini file to redirect the placement of the .h, .pch files to the local drive or some other drive so multiple developers don't get collisions. WORKAROUND: If you create any machine code executable logged on locally into the actual FILE SERVER machine on the network - the one containing the PB software - the .h and .pch files will be created ONCE. After that, all users accessing the network software remotely to create executables will no longer have this problem. |
156355 | Importfile: Argument for which row to start import is ignored if the file name is left empty string to have user select the file from dialog. If the file name is provided the row number argument works correctly.
Per development: This is working as designed. CR was revised to go to documentation instead. If this is correct behavior, we should add a note in the ImportFile documentation. |
156356 | If a client breaks a connection abnormally, such as via NT Task Manager End-Task or WIN95 Task Manager, NO clients can connect to the Server application. Error 52 Distributed Communications WINSOCK_RECV_ERROR occurs.
The only way any subsequent connections can be made is by shuting down/restart the server application. |
156362 | In DPB if you try to generate a log file whose name is 8 characters in length, and a file with the same name plus additional character(s) at the end of the name already exists on disk, the contents of the file is actually overwritten. Happens for both client connection object trace, and server transport trace.
**This only happens on WIN95 PER DEVELOPMENT: This is a problem with WIN95 explorer. The rename to a long file name is leaving the DOS file name as the old one. If the different names are all specified from Log=, then everything works properly. |
156363 | win 95 and win nt 4.0
32 bit {pb 5.0.02_11, pb 5.0.03_35, pb 5.0.04_31} Page breaking on a preview of a datawindow is sporadic. Open datawindow ds_report_annual_airlift_main. Preview dw. At the bottom of the first page see ATL HOW. One line (USMC) appears below and there seems to be enough room at the bottom of the page to continue but the rest is continued on the next page. I canot event preview the dw in nt 4.0 . The app is sucking up resources big time. Normaly it can take about 2 mins to preview , and every time you preview the dw it takes longer and longer until you run out of memory |
156364 | String datatype on a column with editmask of ##### (numeric), if you type in 12345, then highlight 123 and replace it with a 2 you end up with 25 instead of 245. If the datatype is number instead it works. The DELETE key normally deletes characters to the right of the cursor. But when something is highlighted, it should not act this way, it should replace characters. It still delets one character to the right of the hightlighted text. |
156365 | HTML Editors require the LibList path name to be followed by a semicolon. If the semicolon is not there, the editor will hang. This occurs with Microsoft FrontPage and Microsoft Control Pad. Powerbuilder delimiter should not be required? |
156368 | SetItem and ImportString used on a datawindow handle a value of an empty string ("") differently. SetItem results in an empty string value in the datawindow column, ImportString results in a Null value in the datawindow column. The setting of "Empty String is Null" on the datawindow column does not make any difference. |
156375 | PBSYC interface : When trying to create a datawindow based on a stored procedure which has an argument of type int, gets the error "implicit conversion from datatype 'VARCHAR' to 'INT' is not allowed. Use the convert function to run this query." |
156385 | When you save a datawindow in the dw painter, Pb doesn't save the width attribute defined for a col. header. It occurs only with a grid datawindow. |
156390 | Long varchar column on a dw. Has Auto Vert scroll turned on. If the height of the column is changed slightly, the behavior of DW when the Enter Key is pressed changes. It looks to me as if the column must be high enough to display at least two lines in order for the Enter key to work within the same datawindow row/column. |
156395 | dividing a decimal by integers is giving a wrong result. |
156396 | After assigning a row of a datawindow with a decimal column to a structure with a decimal field using dot notation, the decimal field behaves like an integer : any value you try to put in the field is rounded to an integer. |
156397 | 'Data Truncated" error fetching a blob from DB2/NT through ODBC > 32k bytes through a stored procedure. Using SelectBlob does work but this requires explicit privileges on the underlying table - a security issue. If a stored procedure is used, users need only have execute privilege on the package associated with the stored procedure. This prevents users from accessing the sensitive data from any means other than the stored procedure
Fetch: SQLSTATE 01004 [IBM][CLI Driver] CLI0002W Data Truncated . SQLSTATE 01004. |
156408 | Hebrew/Arabic - In 4.0 and MS Hebrew/Arabic versions, you can use CTRL+Shift and ALT+Shift to switch between Hebrew/Arabic and English. In PB, this does not work correctly Win95 or Win 3.1. In Win 95, it will change character sets and direction the first time, but the second time you use it, it only changes the character set. In 3.1, they do not work at all The Hebrew/Arabic and English buttons do not work properly in either 3.1 or Win 95.
PER DEVELOPMENT: microsoft bug - notepad gives same behavior |
156412 | In function painter, it's not possible to give the precision of an argument of type decimal : DECIMAL{n} is not authorized as a datatype of an argument. Only DECIMAL is authorized. |
156415 | Library Painter open in two windows, changes made while in one instance of Painter not reflected in the other instance of the painter.
Is this a bug ? Trying other Windows products, most refresh, some do not. For example, Explorer will refresh the file list when changes are made to directories, but File Manager does not refresh if two windows are open viewing the same directories. |
156420 | PB 16-bits only : on a graph control, calling the insertdata() or adddata function() after calling reset(all!) produces a memory leak. If occurs only when the categoryvalue argument is specified. |
156423 | Problem: Changing value of a reference variable in debug mode will cause gpf |
156425 | Autoinstantiated NVO passing bound array of type string, with values defined GPFs. Removing autoinstantiate and coding creates /destroys works fine. |
156426 | Solaris - SYC not working for distributed applications for a threads safe driver.
PER DEVELOPMENT: New driver added to 503 code base SYD it is a thread safe version of SYC. syd - needs to be in the vendors list in the .pb.ini. SYD is used just like SYC except SYD is listed as the DBMS. |
156430 | I can create a composite dw with two crosstabs with retrieve arguments, but I cannot add a crosstab with retrieve arg to an existing composite. I get an error message "Crosstab nested report has retrieval arguments and can only be used in composites". It is a composite, so the error message doesn't make sense.
WORKAROUND: You can include multiple crosstab datawindows with arguments on a composite, you just can't add one later, so you have to create a new composite that includes the crosstab you're trying to add. |
156432 | Calling MessageBox from the endeditlabel event is causing a stack overflow.
Developer: This one isn't a bug, it's one of a class of "bugs" that we call the "good old messagebox" problems. Basically what is happening is that one event is triggered when a control loses focus and that event causes the control to lose focus which causes the event to be triggered which causes the control to lose focus which causes the event to be triggered which causes the control to lose focus which causes the event to be triggered... ad infinitum, as nauseum. The real point is this: don't use the messagebox to send messages from focus-sensitive events, rather send text to a status object (sle, console window, etc.) |
156433 | pbm_dwnkey event : The Numeric keypad's "period" key is not generating a pbm_dwnkey event. (KeyDecimal! does not fire this event)
WORKAROUND: Editchanged event is triggered for each keystroke in the datawindow. Check if KeyDown(KeyDecimal!) = true to trap numeric keypad decimal key. |
156434 | MDI Interface, Placing comments using " /* ... */" in the middle of a SQL Statement is being Interpreted incorrectly. |
156439 | Using GetRow() function with datastore. In 5.0.02 it would return 1, in 5.0.03_22 it returns 0. |
156443 | Auto-incrementing double columns default to a value of -1.082593065378032E+51 instead of the appropriate number. The value is correct when you re-retrieve the rows. |
156454 | N-up datawindow: computed columns defined in the footer band are not working correctly. Move them up to the detail band and then they display correctly. |
156459 | If pbm_dwnkey event is triggered, and within that event script parent.ue_pbm_dwnkey is triggered passing the arguments to pbm_dwnkey directly, you get a gpf in PBRTE050.DLL. If you declare additional variables local to the pbm_dwnkey script, assign the input parameters to the local variable, and pass them to the parent.user event, the gpf does not occur. The problem and workaround are better shown in the below example:
Specifically, if you think of the events as functions: //// the following causes a gpf dw.pbm_dwnkey(keycode key, unsignedlong keyflags) { parent.ue_pbm_dwnkey(key,keyflags); } ////changing the event to this works around the gpf: dw.pbm_dwnkey(keycode key, unsignedlong keyflags) { keycode lkey unsignedlong lkeyflags lkey = key; lkeyflags = keyflags; parent.ue_pbm_dwnkey(key,keyflags); } The user event ue_pbm_dwnkey is correctly defined to expect these two arguments. |
156461 | Structure assignment from datawindow buffers causing crash when data is fully populated.
str1[] =[1,1,5,4] |
156467 | String concatenation causes memory leak on Windows 3.11 platform. |
156477 | Using dot notation to assign value of string dw column to an array of characters.
Debugger shows the full string being assigned to the first member of the array, other members null. In other words only one character should be held for the first element, but instead you could have about 40 characters held. This should NOT be correct behaviour If you specify a character array of length 1 then only one character is held. This is correct behaviour. |
156478 | In an inherited user object, overload a function uf_get() which returns an ANY value. From uf_get() function of the descendant, a call is made to the function uf_get() of the ancestor using the SUPER pronoun : it doesn't work. It's the descendant function which is called so it loops. |
156480 | ODBC trace does not generate a log file, either running ODBC 2.0 or ODBC
Works OK in 4.x and 5.x with either ODBC 2.0 or 3.0. |
156481 | Enhancement: Protect attribute based on expression isn't being enforced on newly inserted rows when the user tabs off the row and the datawindow control (and it should). The protect attribute for a particular column should be set to 1 and protected but if you tab off to another window control and tab back, you can still put focus (an edit control is created).
Workaround: (works for some). Filter() or Sort() directive in the losefocus event of the datawindow control to force the datawindow engine to re-evaluate the Protect attribute. NOTE: This generally is a problem on datawindows that are completely protected except for new rows inserted. The developer generally wants to immediately protect the new row when focus moves off the datawindow control. PER DEVELOPMENT: THIS WILL BE CHANGED TO AN ENHANCEMENT REQUEST: In the user's app, the protect attribute is being set when tab'bing to the second DW, BUT, you can still mouseclick back to the newly inserted row and still change the data. This is because everything else on the DW is protected and we have not completed the "editChange"/"editUpdate" processing, there is no other editable field to change to until another row is inserted. At that point, the protect attribute is in full force. If you use insertrow() with the commandbutton, mouseclick on the newly inserted row, there is no current edit on the DW so we set an appropriate edit control window over the column. Type some data Click or tab away from the column and click or tab back we have an edit control and it's already there ... basically set the focus and that is that. This is where the customer wants us to have evaluated the protect attribute and disallow access to the column. Insert another row. Click on the same column as above, again we have an edit control and it is in the right place so we just set focus. Click in the newly inserted column, we NOW have to move the edit control, go through editUpdate/editChange, the protect attribute is evaluated and enforced from this point on. So, we ONLY evaluate and enforce the protect attribute for a gob on a DW if the edit control is moving to a new place. I would be VERY shy about changing this order of events for fear of screwing up other customers or having a BAD impact on application performance as a result of too often re-evaluating too many expressions. |
156482 | Graph object on datawindow causes a severe memory leak either when you resize the sheet the datawindow is on or when you click on the datawindow. Seems to be worse if the Properties "Data" tab page has Rows:Page set. |
156485 | Passing an incorrect column name to the GetItemString function does not fire the datawindow error event. PB goes directly to the system error event so it is not possible to trap the error and give the user another chance to enter a correct column name.
If you use dot notation and enter an incorrect column name, the datawindow error event does fire, so it is possible to halt error processing and allow user another chance to enter a valid column name. Customer would like the two methods of accessing the data to handle errors in the same way. |
156493 | The ALT+(some shortcut key) combination does not supress normal keyboard behavior in a DDLB and adds the shortcut key character to it, under some circumstances.
PER DEVELOPMENT: Fixed in 12/16 libuser patch |
156495 | GPF when saving a window that has script which references a constant variable declared in a uo, within a global variable of that uo class. I.E.:
Create a custom user object uo_globals. Declare and instance constant integer in the user object. Declare a global variable in the application, uo_globals guo_globals. In the script of a window, reference guo_globals.instance_constant_variable. Close the script painter, respond yes to the "save changes?" prompt. Close the window painter. You may gpf here, or you may need to open the window and script painter, make change, and close both (script and window painters) a few times in order to generate the gpf. |
156498 | In pb 4.0 the MONEY field in Sybase can be previewed with 4 decimal places, ie .5555. In pb 5.0 the MONEY field in Sybase can be previewed with only 2 decimal places and it rounds the data up, ie. .5555 --> .56. The Sybase MONEY field is intended to round to 2 decimals and have storage for 4 decimals.
PER DEVELOPMENT: Cannot be fixed in 5.0 or 6.0. WORKAROUND: Use StaticBind=0. |
156501 | An editmask window control for a date which uses a spin control will allow an invalid date to pass. If you have a date editmask defined as mm/dd/yy and you use a spin control on the mask, you can type in, for example, 03/31/97 and then, using the mouse, position the cursor over the month and click the spin increment to increment the month the 04. Now the date shown is 04/31/97 and you can tab away from the control with no error.
Workaround would be to add date validation yourself to the modified event of the control. Per Development: This is not a bug. A spin control editmask does not have the capability to catch this situation. By comparison, an editmask of mm/dd/yy with 03/31/98 can catch the '04' when typed into the mask because we can guess that you think you intend to input that data. A spin control must allow the '04' because you MIGHT be passing through to '05'. We also have to allow this because you MIGHT spin the 31 to 30. An editmask does not get control when it loses focus so it cannot check the final contents, this must be done in script for an editmask on a window. In a Datawindow however, the DW engine will catch the bad date. |
156502 | A memory leak occurs when using modifydata() function on a graph control |
156506 | After smoketesting ActiveX/OCX instantiation for a period of time, painting and other problems occur. Fonts change, icons in the list box disappear, dialog box flashes, insert control tab goes away |
156509 | PB 5.0.0x 16bit ONLY: Has a window with a custom uo on it. If you modify the uo and add a new control such as a cb, save the uo. Open the window with the uo on it and error: "PowerBuilder Application Execution Error (R0023). Application terminated. Error: Cannot assign object of type ... to variable of type ... at line ... in create event of object ..."
Workaround: Regen window before opening. Fixed in 6.0 only. |
156511 | The name attribute of the ProfileRoutine object returns "DB Start" and "DB Stop" when in reality they should read "DB Connect" and "DB Disconnect". |
156517 | The colors for text object and line object do not match using dwmodify for RGB(255,255,160) |
156519 | 5.0.03 regression. Works in 5.0.01 and 5.0.02. Using datawindow dot notation on both sides of an equation causes an error during machine code compile: Example:
idw.Object.col1[1] = idw.Object.col2[1] will cause a "symbol 'ot_get_data_any' has not been declared' error" during compilation. Workaround: Cast the right hand side to a variable type other than ANY. long temp temp=idw.Object.col2[1] idw.Object.col1[1] = temp |
156520 | Table Painter: Backspace key not working properly for some extended attributes: Header and Comments field. |
156523 | Table Painter. Can't click in the first column (the one with the arrows) to move from row to row: OK on Mac. Haven't tested yet in Unix. |
156524 | Database painter: Part of painter bar icon remains when toolbar changes: |
156529 | Using SetRow() function with row argument in dw control. At runtime if you click on a different row and the same column, the itemfocuschanged event fires once. If you click on different row, different column the itemfocuschanged event fires twice.
Workaround: If NOT using PFC: Use GetRow() and use that return value with SetRow() instead of the 'row' argument in the dw control. |
156530 | RTF Control. CopyRTF() / PasteRTF() and Savedocument() cause problems because the control doesn't handle negative numbers correctly for First Indent (fi), Left Indent (li) and Right Indent (ri). You can see this clearly in 16 bit when you InsertDocument(), then CopyRTF/PasteRTF from one control to another. SaveDocument() also seems to save the formatting for the margins incorrectly.
PARTIAL WORKAROUND for Copy/Paste: Use the clipboard. rte_1.SelectText(1,1,0,0) rte_1.copy() rte_2.paste() |
156532 | 6.0_114 Halt Close in close event of window isn't closing all windows in app.
This is happening when running from jogger in development environment. However, for an extremely simple SDI app (2 main windows opened in open event of app, only other code is Halt Close in close event of first window), it works if I run the app when I first come into PB, but if I open another app and run that app, then go back to the problem one and run it, only the first window closes. Cannot recreate using 6.0. |
156533 | Scrolltorow,getrow on shared / protected column not working. Returns last unprotected row....GetRow/SetRow inconsistent possibly depending upon whether you scrolled up or down.
Test case has a datawindow where all columns in certain rows are protected. Row Protected: 1 Y 2 Y 3 Y 4 N 5 N 6 N 7 Y 8 Y 9 Y The following is coded via command buttons. Enter a row number in the sle, and click on the command buttons in sequence. Function: Argument: Return: ScrolltoRow 2 1 SelectRow 2 1 SetRow 2 1 GetRow 4 (first unprotected row) ScrolltoRow 8 1 SelectRow 8 1 SetRow 8 1 GetRow 0 ScrolltoRow 2 1 SelectRow 2 1 SetRow 2 -1 GetRow 2 ScrolltoRow 8 1 SelectRow 8 1 SetRow 8 -1 GetRow 8 Notice the inconsistent behavior of GetRow and SetRow. |
156536 | Using getitemdecimal on a NULL column gives into either a LONG or Decimal variable causes a gpf in machine code. Works in the development environment. |
156537 | 16-bit install: PowerBuilder lists 13 native drivers and Infomaker lists 14: PB is missing Sybase SQLServer DB Lib. |
156541 | SYC is not recognizing output parameter coming back from System 11. |
156542 | Enhancement. "Select declared Cursor" dialog in Powerscript "Paste SQL" toolbar Icon should give user a warning (no global or instance cursors defined) instead of putting up an empty (and dead) "Select Declared Cursor" dialog.
This would direct the user as to what to do next. There is a lot of confusion about the interaction of the Paste SQL icon, the DECLARE pasted into Powerscript from this dialog and the "FETCH CURSOR" syntax drawn from the Instance or Global Variable dialogs. |
156546 | Pipeline Paradox to SQLAnywhere. Using Intersolv 2.12 32-bit Paradox driver. Paradox datatype of 'ALPHA' is defaulted to tinyint, resulting in message 'Bind parameter value for ':2' is too big (14)', and then the column is created as tinyint with width of 1. If you change to varchar, it's OK. In 5.0, the datatype defaults properly to varchar. |
156548 | 6.0_114 SYC 32-bit: Problems connecting: getting page fault in either libct.dll at 0137:022fc1b5 or kernel32.dll at 0137:bff798ea. This does not always happen on the first connect, but will consistently happen after a few tries.
Using Open Client 11.1 |
156556 | Composite report. After migrating from 4.0 to 5.0, the datawindow no longer correctly displays. In 4.0 a datawindow nested inside a composite and sized 4 inches wide (purposely) in the painter would clip data at exactly 4 inches in the x-direction. In 5.0, it expands the full width (8.5 inches). This seems to be a change in behavior. |
156558 | NT 4.0 only. Composite dw with dashed lines, when printed lines are solid. Does not happen on Win 3.11 or Win95. |
156561 | OLE 2.0 datawindow tied to the VCI formula one worksheet OCX on tabpage_2 of a tab control on a window. CreateonDemand is OFF and selectedtab=1. You can insert a row on the datawindow on tabpage_2 - when tabpage_1 has focus but you can't actually access a method of the OCX until the user clicks on tabpage_2 and fully instantiates the OCX..
The error you get if you don't click on tabpage_2 is R0039 - Error accessing external object property. |
156562 | Edit Mask Spin Control with script in a User Event mapped to pbm_enchange. With a MessageBox function coded in the event, the dialog box can not be dismissed and the Edit Mask control counts up uncontrollably. |
156564 | Original issue 322771: Oracle: string output parameters not being returned from stored procedure. This is now OK in 5.0.03, but still a problem in 6.0_114. Getting ora-00900, which is happening when trying to declare even the simplest procedure. |
156565 | Enhancement. Slight filter dialog changes. Put horizontal scrollbar on column list and get rid of the < > = + - that takes up room and gives you only 15 character column names. This is the "Filter expression" or "modify expression" dialog used throughout the product.
Development: This is a 6.0 change only. Should also fix the dialog in the datawindow OCX to have the same wide properties for the column list. |
156568 | Closing the last window of an app from outside of the app is not killing the process |
156569 | The Handle argument of window event pbm_DropFiles always gets value of 0 |
156572 | Problem Description: Loss of Precision caused after using GetItemNumber ()
Loss of Precision caused after using GetItemNumber () on the results of a fractional-number [ a Decimal(3) field created by division of a decimal (real) (dividend) number (with NO precision defined), by an Integer divisor ] Below is one example of a WORKAROUND for the loss of precision problem. ================================================================= // MODIFIED Script for event Clicked for command-button cb_1 // ..... the "MAKE-FAIL" command-button // Script is in file TEST.PBL in PT418639.ZIP // \\YIPEE\PTFILES\TEMP // ... shows just ONE example of a workaround (by Suren Raju) // ... for PTrack Issue 407694 // --------------------- ============ decimal lc_decimal, lc_result integer idivisor, ipower, idigits, ifactor, iroundpower, iprecision dw_1.AcceptText() lc_decimal = dw_1.GetItemNumber(1, 'decimal') // For this example-case, we want to divide an integer by with 3 digits, // ... say we have chosen a divisor of 100,that has 3 decimal digits // ...that is, the divisor has: idigits = 3 idigits = 3 ipower = idigits -1 //Power to which 10 is raised, to divide the number idivisor = 10^ ipower // Divisor = 10 raised to power 2 = 100 lc_decimal = lc_decimal / idivisor dw_1.SetItem(1, 'decimal2', lc_decimal) dw_1.SetItem(1, 'decimal2', lc_decimal) lc_result = dw_1.GetItemNumber(1, 'decimal2') // To neutralize effects of Loss-of-Precision., in the dividend-result // lc_decimal = lc_decimal /100 // We decide how many decimal places of precision are required, for e.g // If 2 places precision required,we use 10 raised to power(idigits=)3 // ..multiply the "wrong" dividend created, by 1000,then ROUND, and // ....then divide again by the same number, namely 1000. // // Must ROUND to "ipower" digits // ..So, we round lc_result to 2 positions(iroundpower =idigits - 1= 2) iroundpower = ipower ifactor = 10 ^ idigits // ifactor = 10 ^ 3 = 1000 st_message.text =String(round( (lc_result *ifactor),iroundpower) /ifactor) // This causes the accurate numerical result to be strored in .. // .... the result-field: LC_RESULT // Help Information on the ROUND function // Round ( x, n ) // Argument Description // x The number you want to round. // n The number of decimal places to which you want to round x. // ....Valid values are 0 through 18. ============================================================================== |
156575 | SYT: page fault in libtcl.dll at 0137:923c036d when disconnecting in script. Works fine in 5.0.03_25. libsybdb.dll and libtcl.dll are dated 09/04/96.
NOTE: This works fine in NT 3.51, but fails in Win95. Cannot recreate using 6.0. |
156577 | New flat toolbar support has problems in DW painter: When you click the Preview button, the painter enters Preview mode and displays the Preview toolbar which is shorter than the Design-mode toolbar. Unfortunately, the Design-mode "Preview" button remains displayed, some distance from the end of the Preview-mode toolbar. |
156578 | A computed field defined in the summary band to show percent of the values in the crosstab detail does not work, even though the same expression is used to create a computed field in the detail band, which works. The first column's value is correct, but subsequent columns in the summary band just show the same value as in the first column, not the correct value for the next column. |
156580 | Gettext() on a large text column (2000 characters) only brings back 512 bytes plus 4 unprintable characters using a dddw edit style whereas getitemstring() brings back the entire string. NOTE: Both Gettext() and GetitemString() bring back the entire string correctly when the column is of a regular edit style. |
156581 | When a datawindow is saved to a PSR fil,e after dynamically destroying a datawindow column using Modify(); then no data is displayed when the psr file is assigned to the dataobject property of a datawindow. In InfoMaker the report is corrupted aswell when you double-click the psr file. |
156587 | 16 bit Powerbuilder only: When a treeview becomes very large (2000+ items) the tree does not display on the window when expanded. Scrolling up and down with the tree levels expanded may cause it to flash occasionally, so you can see there are items there, but you cannot really look at them - they don't stay painted when the scrolling stops. No problem with 32 bit, only can reproduce using 16 bit.
PER DEVELOPMENT: 16 BIT LIMITATION: Under Windows 3.x (16-bit) a limitation for the amount of objects in a tree-view exists because the implementation is based on the usage of standard windows API calls that use integers internally. |
156588 | Getting page fault retrieving a blob from Oracle LONG datatype. Win95 is giving page fault in MSVCRT40.DLL NT 3.51 works fine. |
156589 | Steps to create with foreign key:
1) Open a table that has foreign key on a not-null column (I used employee in PSDEMODB which has a foreign key for department - dept_id). 2) Right click the foreign key and select definition from the popup menu. 3) While on the definition window, click on the SET NULL radio button (the bottom one) to change the referential integrity rule. 4) Click OK. This causes a database error: Integrity constraint violation: column 'dept_id' in table 'employee' cannot be NULL After clicking OK, the foreign key disappears. PER DEVELOPMENT: There isn't a way to 'fix' this issue without a hefty redesign. The 'right' answer would be to issue these 2 Alter Table statements to 'Edit' a currently defined key regardless of the database we may be connected to in one transaction. Unfortunately, some databases do not support DDL to be executed within an already existing transaction. And some other databases (or at least older version of them) do support creating a Primary Key that has a Nullable column. (This would be a db design flaw to many people, but the older servers only provided a Primary Key as a Logical constraint, not a True database constraint.) Basically what this means is that this Logic should be 'pushed down' to the individual drivers and if they supported DDL within a transaction, this issue could be fixed for those DB Servers. (But only those DB Servers) This issue will be added to the list of items to consider for a possible later release, but it will not be resolved 6.0. |
156590 | Oracle: cursor fetch of varchar2 into string is giving garbage characters at the end of the string (it's being filled out to the maximum length of the varchar2 regardless of the length of the data returned.)
This is OK in 5.0.02. |
156596 | Application migrated from 4.0.06 to 5.0 and beta 6.0. Date editmask columns are not wide enough to display the entire date when they are tabbed to (the edit control is not wide enough) Problem occurs only on 32 bit machines, not on Win3.11 machines.
Most likely this is either a difference between installed fonts on the two different platforms, or operating system behavior differences in creating the controls, but submitted to development as possible bug. WORKAROUND: Manually change the datawindow column sizes to be wider, or the fonts to be smaller. In general because of machine os and font differences it is best to create controls slightly larger than necessary on the source machine in order to avoid this problem in the future. Probably related to bug number 33621: gpf when migrated editmask is too short to display data. |
156598 | When previewing dw_1 in attached pbl and then trying to import a text file, An " Import File Failed " message occurred. Does not occur in 5.0.03 but occurs accross NT4.0, NT 3.51 and WIN95 in 6.0.
Developer: Cannot be reproduced using PB 6.0 build 149. |
156604 | The <dw>.SetSqlSelect() function alters the table to be updated.
Workaround: After calling SetSqlSelect(), reset the value of <dw_control>.object.datawindow.table.updatetable to the the proper value. |
156605 | GPF in pbshr050.dll @ 0009 093D or 0924 when using dot notation and string concatenation AND any of the columns contains a NULL value... Win95, NT 4.0 GPF as well. Sometimes win87em.dll @ 0001:08c9.
Example: Assuming the dot notation operand is NULL dw_1.Object.Field2[1] = dw_1.Object.Field1[1] + "\" GPFs dw_1.Object.Field2[1] = "/" + dw_1.Object.Field1[1] works OK |
156608 | IDT - version 1.0 win 95 32 bit
When using the PBCGI050.EXE Web PB component with Netscape Fastrack Server Win 95, 32 bit 5.0.04_7.. IDT. Instead of PBNS2050.DLL, you have to place your IP address in the location field of the PbWeb.ini file instead of "localhost". If you use "localhost" you cannot connect to the Application Server; you get the message "Error: Could not connect to PowerBuilder Server 'pbwebtest'". |
156616 | Using the popmenu() function to display a menu on the rightmouseclick event of an OCX (ctgauge). After clicking the right mouse button, the menu appears. If you click on the OCX with the left mouse button to close the popup menu, then every control becomes disabled. |
156620 | Problem: Datawindow painter does not always choose the primary key. Instead it sometimes chooses one of the unique non-primary keys. Clicking the primary key command button in the DataWindow updates dialog also identifies the non-primary key columns. |
156625 | GUI defect that occurs when using the System Options dialog box. |
156626 | SQLAnywhere: new table with column of type tinyint: extended attribute of format and validation is showing choices for a character-type column, not a number-type column. In pbodb60.ini, there is a section: |
156627 | Column labels appear vertically when RTE DataWindow is previewed on Solaris platform. |
156629 | Leaving a 'datastore', or user object of type 'datastore', undestroyed by the end of the application open script causes strange behaviour in the developmemt environment. Other object types do not seem to cause the same behaviour. Nor does leaving an object of this type undestroyed in other scrips seem to cause the same problem. Only in the application 'open' event and only in the development environment. When this is done an application script does not seem to terminate even if no objects (windows included) are opened in the script. Subsequent attempts to save the application object within the same Powerbuilder session result in an error message. |
156631 | Timer function problem
Timer(1) does not work in an event that was posted to from the window open event. It returns an error code of -1. |
156635 | f you use a user function for the Value in the crosstab definition and its name exceeds nine characters you get a gpf in PBDWE050.DLL. Workaround is to use shorter function names. |
156638 | Using Query mode in a datawindow, you cannot clear a numeric column from the where clause by deleting the entered value. The query changes the where clause to " = 0 " instead of removing it. If you delete the critieria for a string column, that column is removed from the where clause. WORKAROUND is to use dw_1.Object.Datawindow.QueryClear = "yes" but customer is unhappy with this because he doesn't want to clear the entire query, only certain numeric columns. |
156641 | Machine code exe build on NT is taking long time and resultant exe
crashes |
156642 | Retrieve into OLE presentation style datawindow, to Excel worksheet (Office 95) from table with 1101 rows, only 1000 rows are put into the spreadsheet. |
156659 | Graph type dw. 32-bit Machine code Exe is not working, development ok.
User clicks on bar of graph, supposed to change fill pattern of selected bar. Works in development and p-code but not in machine code exe. This is fixed in 5.0.03. |
156668 | *** BRC 6.0 *** matt s. took to look into
PB 5.0.03_25 Win95; severity: 5 When testing a time or datetime display format, the error messages for invalid hour and minute are inconsistent. The hour error message says: "Hour not between 0 and 23", which is accurate if the word 'between' is taken to be inclusive. The minute error message says: "Minute not between 0 and 60", which is inaccurate since 60 is not a valid value for minutes, but 0 is. Steps to reproduce: 1) Click on the database painter button in the toolbar 2) If the Select Table window appears, click cancel. 3) Select 'Display Format Maintenance...' from the Design menu 4) Click New 5) Set the Type to time 6) Choose a type format such as h:mm:ss 7) Enter 24:00 as a test value and click test, click OK on error messagebox Enter 23:60 as a test value and click test, click OK on error messagebox Although the error message suggests that 60 would be a valid value for the minutes, it is properly rejected as being an invalid time. The same goes for the seconds value. |
156670 | Multiple nested reports stacked vertically in the detail band (5+) no longer preview correctly in the datawindow painter. The top nested report - overlaps -or slides up into - the header or group header so the first 3-5 lines are cut/chopped off in the first nest (report1 below gets chopped off).
[Group Header] <report1> <report2> <reportn> [DETAIL] NOTE: This assumes there is room for the row containing all the nests to fit on one page. |
156671 | Solaris - Using the SetRowFocusIndicator function and setting the focusindicator to FOCUSRECT! It doesn't seem to completely box the entire row in. It only outlines the left side and the top. |
156676 | Running 16 bit Powerbuilder, run debug session on PBLs on the network. You are able to check in and check out from the source PBL from another machine (or PB session) with no file locking happening. If you are running 32 bit PB and try to do the same thing, we lock the PBLs and other users cannot change them while application is being run. We should be locking them from PB 16 bit as well as 32 bit.
Note: The original fix has been backed out due to problems reported with sharing violation errors if exes/pbls/dll's where on a Novell network. Please see bug #45791. *See faxback document 2069 which recommends using a copy of the source PBLs for running and debugging rather than running of the "master" copy of the source control PBLs. |
156682 | Unable to instantiate a datastore in the ConnectionBegin event of a DPB server application. Receive error 52: Distributed Communications Error: WINSOCK_RECV_ERROR. |
156685 | ENHANCEMENT: Support for formfeeds inserted anywhere in the datawindow - placed in a text control on the datawindow - ~f (for formfeed). After this, the next record or piece of data should start at the TOP of the next page - today the behavior is that it is shifted down on the next page. |
156690 | Unix - Doing a SetItem to a column into rows already retrieved into a DataWindow causes a Segmentation Fault after around 1300 SetItems.
Development: Cannot reproduce in |
156692 | Datawindow of type RichText in PrintPreview mode, a Retrieve() scripted in a command button, not in an open event of window. The Retrieve() won't refresh the datawindow in PrintPreview mode. This only happens in Rich Text DataWindow, Tabular refreshes fine. |
156693 | Setting the Control Menu property of a window off is ignore when you make a machine code executable file. The Control menu appears anyway. Doing the same thing with pcode works without a problem, i.e., the Control menu does not appear on the window. |
156695 | Len( ) function is documented to return NULL if it is passed NULL. Space function is also documented to return NULL if passed NULL. In the simple cases this works, but if you call Len(NULL) and then use the return of that to pass to Space( ) you get a runtime error.
SAMPLE CODE THAT WORKS: // Set i to Null and use it as argument to Space() function. // name is correctly set to NULL as a return from Space() string name long i SetNull(i) name=Space(i) //////////////end////////////// SAMPLE CODE THAT CAUSES A RUNTIME ERROR: // Len() function should return NULL when passed NULL, according to the documentation. // So i should be NULL after i = Len(NULL_VALUE) but when Space(i) is called // you get a runtime error. string name long i SetNull(name) i = Len(name) name=Space(i) WORKAROUND: after i = Len(name) change to i = Len(name) if IsNull(i) then SetNull(name) else name = Space(i) end if |
156697 | O73 driver: Can't add or edit an O73 profile with the new interface: getting assertion failure: file dbprmdlg.cpp, line 2204. then a runtime error in pb60.exe after choosing Abort. This happens as soon as I click the buttons 'New' or 'Edit'. I can connect if the profile is already there, and was able to edit the pb.ini file to add new profiles. Did not have the problem with any other driver. |
156699 | In NT 4.0 only: If you have an application selected that is in a large pbl it takes a long time (depending on the size of the pbl) for the application painter to open compared to Win95 - same application. |
156701 | Restoring MKS SI 7.2a library from the project painter, get error "Error C0114: Error scanning object source entry: w_genapp_toolbars." |
156702 | This is from 327526: OK now in 5.0.03_25. Original issue was: Oracle driver appears to have a limitation when return value from stored function is a string longer than 1024. However, in 6.0_122, using embedded SQL, I can't get back a string return value no matter how short the string is. |
156704 | Picking File New from the Project painter GPFs. |
156705 | MSS Async=1. PB is not timing out when a query is run against a table that is in use. |
156708 | Help button doesn't work on Source Check Out dialog where you choose destination library. Problem occurs with any source mgmt interface, but only happens under Win 95 or Win NT 4.0. |
156712 | Line, rectangle, oval ect... controls/objects do not show up in preview mode until saved.
Fixed in 6.0. Will not be fixed in 5.0. |
156713 | Datawindow plug in. When using 'Microsoft Challenge Response' on the IIS server properties, the dw plugin does not work. (Authentication Protocol). Using Netscape 3.0, it paints the PSR file then GPFs. |
156714 | If you comment code by using the "Comment" toolbar button in the script painter and then use the Undo menu item to try to undo the comment you just added, all of the commented script will be removed, not just the comment // chars. WORKAROUND is either to click Undo again, which brings back the script, or use the "UnComment" toolbar button instead of the Undo menu item in the script painter. |
156717 | Win 95 32 bit pb 5.0.03_7
Grid DW with a computed field. Wants Rowfocuschanged event to be fired when customer clicks on the computed field. Clicking on a non - computed field gets the event to be fired. Workaround: It does not matter on the style of the dw.. You can get focus to a computed column. So create a new computed column and put the computed column over the computed field to trick the viewer so as to get focus. Maybe use the send to back attribute or transparent attribute to hide the computed column from view of the user so as he will only see the computed field instead. There is no other real workaround that you can use. |
156718 | Oracle 7: declaring stored procedure in script is executing the stored procedure. (original ptrack 332049 for 5.0 is fixed) |
156719 | Distributed PB. Limits of data that can be transported back and forth between client/server. Arrays are declared unbounded on both client and server sides. This is similar to bug number 33373 but developer believes it is not the same problem.
Application retrieves rows into array of structures which is passed back from the server application. Retrieving 4,000 rows OK, Retrieving 4,500 get the msg below. The ERROR MSG : "This Program has performed an illegal operation and will be Shutdown." " If the problem persists call the program Vendor " The arrays are declared unbounded on both the client and server side. FIX PER DEVELOPMENT:Problem was passing any array of more than 4007 elements (give or take). By passing that may mean from client to server, as the return value from the server, or returned through a reference arg from the server. |
156724 | |
156729 | When calling a DB2/OS390 stored procedure, customer receives -302 SQLCODE error if the stored procedure contains an inout char parameter. Exact error: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2] SQL0302N The value of a host variable in the EXECUTE or OPEN statement is too large for its corresponding use. SQLSTATE=22001. |
156731 | Listview with 1000 items. After populating the columns(using AddItem) and then deleting (using DeleteColumns, DeleteRows), memory is leaking about 8k-16k bytes each time a cycle is performed. |
156732 | When you add shared variables, then click the dropdown list for shared variables, the previously declared shared variables are duplicated. |
156737 | Properties for dlls which have version information show language as Japanese and Product Version as a vertical bar. Some dlls don't show version tab at all: pbch60.dll is one.
The product version should not have displayed in this box and has been removed. The Language has been corrected to show English (United States), or the applicable language depending on the build. |
156740 | |
156742 | Fix made to rc files in painters/userobj to change helvetica to MS Sans Serif so that the calculation of property sheet size is correct. |
156743 | When decimal seperator is comma and the currency symbol is several characters (at least 3), the edit mask must contain at least 1 more character before the decimal seperator than the number of letters in the currency symbol in order to work properly. |
156748 | In a datawindow, has defined an IF expression for the backgroundcolor attribute of a dropdownlistbox column. The display of the color is incorrect : the background color of the dropdown list itself is the same for all rows : it's the color corresponding of the FALSE part of the IF expression. The IF condition works only for the edit control of the ddlb column. |
156749 | Setting the Resizeable property of a bitmap object (Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Oval, and Line) on a DW Control does not work properly in the DataWindow Painter. The property dialog doesn't set the property - you can see it both in the dialog and the exported source.
Workaround: Place Resizeable=1 in the exported source of every drawing object (rectangle, line, oval, rounded rectangle) you want resizeable.. then re-import and don't change the setting again via the property dialog. |
156753 | win 95 and nt 4.0. 32 bit pb 5.0.02
The SetTransPool Function does not behave as expected when acting on the timeout value specified in the third argument. This featured is being used as part of the WEB PB piece of the Internet Developers Toolkit. This test app uses the SetTransPool function in the Application open event with the settings (2, 2, 10). Time out behavior such as an error saying "Pool limit exceeded" is expected on the third simultaneous connection after a wait of 10 seconds. SetTransObject later fails with a -1 return value. |
156756 | Blob in a datawindow that is from Paintbrush - Windows 3.1 applications use MS Paintbrush to modify blob--and it works OK. When using Win 95 with its Paint tool "Microsoft Paint" or MSPAINT.exe, it does not allow the user to modify the blob. Some of the menu options are not available ( such as "Paste From" and "Copy To" on the Edit dropdown) when MS Paint is started from inside the application by clicking on the blob column in the datawindow. Running Microsoft Paint outside Powerbuilder shows these options.
Makes it very difficult since you can't read files off the disk to modify them and update into the database. Word works fine. |
156759 | 5.0.03 REGRESSION. Machine code compile of simple RPCFUNC fails.
CGEN: Compiling 'D:\TEMP\424807.c' D:\TEMP\424807.c(646) syntax error before '_23NULL'; probable cause: incorrectly spelled type name D:\TEMP\424807.c(646) syntax error D:\TEMP\424807.c(655) declaration statement follows an if statement |
156762 | Toggle between query and retrieve and back to query causes access violation 0xc0000005 in pb050.exe at address 0x115jcd2b. Many conditions have to be met:
1. There must be a DDDW edit style with no row 2. You must provide a value the first time 3. The first query must return no row 4. You must clear the value when going back in Query Mode using QueryClear |
156764 | "search" behavior in a dropdown datawindow is different than in a standard dropdownlistbox. For example, if you have the names "Andy", "Brady" and "Brian" in a dropdown datawindow, when you are on that column and type the string "Bra" you would expect the default selection to remain on "Brady", but it goes to "Brady" for "BR" and then pops up to "andy" as soon as you type the "A". If you try the same steps using a standard Windows dropdownlistbox, typing "BRA" correctly leaves the selection on "Brady". |
156766 | When the property wordwrap is checked and you resize the RTE control, it is firing the modified event and setting the modified property to TRUE. Shouldn't the modified property be related to the content of the RTE control being modified? Submitted to development for determination: bug, or intended behavior ? |
156767 | fixed in panther, pbvm60.dll |
156770 | Panther build 122 - 32 & 16bit, regression from 5.0.03. Painting a Custom visual user object on a window not working. In window painter, select user object from control list and click on window. Screen blinks, but you can't see the user object. If you don't move the cursor and double click your mouse, the properties display for the user object that you can't see. |
156774 | Default setting on command button seems to be dependent upon order in which the settings are changed when there are two command buttons. Change the current default to false first, then the new one to true, and it works. Change the new one to true then the old one to false does not work.
It's not that changing the default setting does not work, but it seems to be dependent upon the order in which the settings are changed. If in the painter cb_1.default = true and cb_2.default = false, if you change the setting in script, the following does not work: cb_2.default = true cb_1.default = false. However, if you code it this way it works: cb_1.default = false cb_2.default = true It's possible that this is a Windows internal processing restriction, but if so it is not documented in PB documentation. Solution Per Development: This works in 6.0, no plans to put a fix in 5.0x. |
156775 | For an Nup style datawindow, if the datawindow result set includes columns which have been removed from the display, you cannot tab off of the datawindow unless the number of rows in the n-up is a multiple of the number of rows per detail band defined when the datawindow is designed. If no columns have been removed from the display, any number of rows can be tabbed through and then off of the datawindow.
For example, in a 6-up datawindow, you must have inserted 6 or a multiple of 6 rows, or when you try to tab through then off of the datawindow, you get "stuck" on the last row. This does not occur if all columns defined in the result set are included in the display. |
156778 | Customer is consistently getting the error message, "GPF in pblib050.dll @ 000f:00004490". Generally using overloaded functions where the decendent has more arguments than the parent it's overloading. |
156779 | 16 bit only: Repeatedly initializing instance variables arrays eventually causes a gpf in PBSHR050.DLL. Test was with several large arrays, initializing them over 1100 times.
Development: Fixed in 6.0.00 in pbcmp60.dll and pbvm60.dll. Cannot be fixed in 5.0 becaues it requires a regen of the application. Code Before (which caused a memory leak): Instance Variable: integer ii_dw_field [250] Script: ii_dw_field = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28 ,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102} FOR li_count = 1 TO ii_NumberOfFields i_panelfields[li_count].field = ii_dw_field [li_count] NEXT Code After With Workaround (no memory leak): Instance Variables: integer ii_dw_field [250] integer ii_dw_field_x [250] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102} Script: ii_dw_field = ii_dw_field_x FOR li_count = 1 TO ii_NumberOfFields i_panelfields[li_count].field = ii_dw_field [li_count] NEXT |
156780 | |
156782 | Commandline function was also returning exe's fully qualified pathname under some platforms |
156783 | If the script in the script painter breaches the 64K limit by one character, when you exit the script and return into the script painter the script disappears. |
156786 | Concatenating blobs seems to have a limit in 16 bit which doesn't correspond to the available memory (main + swapfile). "Out of Memory", "Insufficient memory" error results.
Solution Per Development: If you have 16Mb of space and you try to build an 8Mb blob by concatentation you will have a problem. Here's why: at some point you have a line like blob = blob + new_bit well, towards the end of the loop blob has some size (X) that is getting rather large: X = X + 32K Now, in our internal representation of this, we have to build the value which is the result of (blob + new_bit) before we can assign it to blob. So we have this temporary value of size (X+32k), and we have the old value of blob which has size X. As X gets close to 8Mb, the total amount of memory required to process that line in the tight loop gets close to 16Mb--and that's not even dealing with the memory the OS requires, other running apps requires, and the Powerbuilder runtime environment requirees... The point being: you are actually running out of physical memory in all the cases listed. |
156794 | OLE2 presentation style dw badly broken. When you preview a datawindow, system hangs. |
156796 | Profile Painter -- DBParm dialog. StaticBind checkbox not working properly: stays checked. Not database specific. |
156797 | NR in pather build 135. No changes made. |
156801 | Cust would like to be able to scroll to a specific item (row) in a listview in report mode. i.e. he would like an equivalent to the datawindow scrolltorow() function but forlistviews (when running in report mode). |
156804 | Repaint problem during drag and drop of a Command Button with no drag icon on a DataWindow control. Changing the DragIcon property of the Command Button from None! to anything else in the DataWindow dragenter event will generate garbage on the screen. |
156808 | Datawindow with multiple calculated columns included in the select statement. When migrated from 4.0 to 5.0, you cannot preview the data: you get a gpf in pbdwe050.dll. You also cannot modify the datawindow source, you get a gpf in pbshr050.dll.
DB connection is through PBSYC050. The datawindow source select statement is: SELECT extract.centre_code, extract.centre_name, extract.buscat_description, SUM(location_gla), SUM(month_1)/SUM(location_gla), SUM(month_2)/SUM(location_gla), .... FROM extract GROUP BY extract.centre_code, extract.centre_name ORDER BY extract.centre_code ASC, extract.centre_name ASC, extract.buscat_description ASC The calculated columns map to a decimal(18). WORKAROUND: Connect to PBSYC050 using StaticBind=0. GPF is caused because the computed column SUM(month_1)/SUM(location_gla) results in a decimal column with 77 digits of precision. When staticbind is on, we don't allocate enough space for this value and our "fetch" overwrites memory. This works without a problem when migrated to beta 6.0, build 143. |
156814 | Nested reports. Using .object notation to modify the nested report to change the text attribute of a piece of static text on the nested datawindow corresponding to the first master row of the retrieve causes a gpf. In Win95, it's in pbdwe050.dll 0137:115d731a
Syntax: dwobject ldwo ldwo = dw_1.object.d_employee[1] :d_employee is the nested report ldwo.object.emp_id_t.text = 'Red' :emp_id_t is text field header |
156815 | In a MDI application, when hiding at the same time the sheet toolbar and the frame toolbar, the MDI client area is not correctly resized : the space corresponding to the toolbars is not freed up |
156816 | Profile Painter ODBC: ODBC trace is showing incorrect information in sle for trace file if no trace file specified. |
156817 | The copy in the new registration PBL is registered but the one checked out in work pbl gets copied to the new work pbl and the user may have to delete the one in the work pbl before checking it out in the new release |
156818 | Profile Painter Sybase SYC: System 11 checkbox does not stay checked. |
156819 | Profile Painter Sybase SYB and SYT: Release 4.2 checkbox does not stay checked. |
156820 | Profile painter NET and MDI have a checkbox on Syntax tab that says Format Arguments in Sc. I couldn't find doc on this, but one Folio entry said Format Arguments in Scientific Notation is only for ODBC. Is this dbParm supposed to be for NET and MDI? It won't stay unchecked, and sometimes when I checked and unchecked, the DBParms got garbled: StaticBind would say '00', for instance. Can't reproduce consistently, but the main question is whether this DBParm is applicable. |
156823 | If a developer gets a 'File I/O' error when trying to check in an object, the checked out status icon disappears in the working pbl, but remains in the source pbl. You don't see this happen right away, but only after the library painter has been refreshed. If you view checkout status from the library painter menu you'll see that it still looks to be checked out to the work pbl, but if you try to check the object in again ( when you know you won't get a file i/o error) you will get a message that the object has not been checked out by the current user.
Same problem arises if you get a File I/O error when trying to clear check out status. |
156824 | SCC interface has an "Advanced" button on the Source, Configuration dialog. Need latest Object Cycle SCC provider, mside020, in order for this to work properly. |
156826 | Only happens in 16bit:
Customer is using Oracle 7.3 driver(PBO73050.DLL) & DBParm=DisableBind=0 (default). If she does a select using a host variable other than decimal (long or integer), and its value is greater than 127, no records are found, and she gets a return code of 100. This does not happen using PBO72050.DLL *NOTE: This only happens if you try to bind the variable to the SQL statement. If you set DBPARM=disablebind=1, the correct # of records is returned. |
156827 | |
156828 | |
156830 | When calling an object function and Posting it, when the the keyword DYNAMIC is introduced to the call, the parameter passed to the function is not recognized.
Per Development: The user is posting a function that passes a parameter (a local variable) by REFERENCE not VALUE. It's passing the parameter by REFERENCE, even though the keyword REFERENCE is not explicitly used because the keyword DYNAMIC is being used, and that's the way it works in PB 5.0x. This is not something that can be changed in PB 5.0x. |
156831 | Cannot create primary key using odbc for a table in System 11. The dialog in the database painter is missing the primary key tab. ODBC driver is sysybnt.dll version 2.12.000. Looks like missing information in pbodb050.ini/pbodb60.ini |
156834 | overlapping DW composite nests |
156852 | Solaris - MDI app - Frame menu is disabled when, from frame menu, open Response Window. From there, OpenSheet a Main Window and close Response Window. From there, CloseParent. Works fine on Windows platform. |
156858 | In 16-bit Powerbuilder when performing a dw.SaveAs function with no arguments, entering a filename with no extension causes the SaveAs function to return a -1.
This may be a bug, or just may be that we need to add a check for a file extension or at least document that a file extension is required. Probably not a 16 bit vs. 32 bit difference in Powerbuilder, I think it's the operating system difference that when running on a 32 bit OS, the extension is added without the user having to explicitly type it into the file dialog. |
156861 | Change border color of static text control - the border is not repainted with the correct color until the control is covered and uncovered. |
156865 | Cannot change the title of the graph dynamically using dot notation or dw.Modify. |
156866 | The secure mode runtime activex was not being successfully built because the makefile (MAKEFILE.S) built the typelib (pbrx.tlb) in the wrong place and with the wrong name. |
156883 | Profile painter: at VGA resolution, much of the text is getting chopped off. Not database specific. |
156884 | RTL - Hebrew cannot change the alignment of columns in a DW at runtime |
156892 | Reference to computed field in if expression for format property of a column on a datawindow causes a GPF. Ok if computed field is referenced for a different property, or if reference is to a column rather than computed field.
Customer has datawindow with columns id, fname, lname and a computed field called test. On id column, has if expression defined for Format property: if (test = 0,"#","#.#") This causes a gpf when the datawindow is previewed. But you can reference the computed field for other property expressions, such as Visible: if (test=0,1,0) works fine. You can also reference a column instead, for the Format property: if (fname>"A","#","#.#") works fine. |
156897 | Cannot create catalog tables if the only means of access is odbc
when connecting to sybase server 11 Per development: This could not be reproduced at the time of the bug report. There were other fixes made in this area which they believe fixed this problem. |
156901 | Signed onto ObjectCycle via SCCAPI connection
Selected an object Selected Source/Register menu item Received following message: SCCAPI - ObjectCycle Operating System Error 3 occured performing Create File This does not happen when connect via ObjectCycle connection |
156904 | SLE backcolor property cannot be changed in machine code exe, but works fine in p-code or development environment. |
156907 | Datawindow grid : when a column is selected you can type but the changes will only be reflected when you will deselect the column |
156915 | ORACLE 7.3
Customer is getting ORA-01001 error having to do with invalid cursor. Customer is executing a stored procedure and passing a NULL argument to populate a datawindow. This only happened on number type arguments (works fine with char, varchar, ...). |
156916 | RTL Hebrew - LIKE queries do not work in 5.0.02 or in 6.0True in Win 3.1 as well |
156918 | Solaris & Windows - The same Icons that appear normal in a Picture Control appear fuzzy when used in a Treeview or Listview control. Note these custom Icon's were created on a MAC and moved to Windows. |
156919 | Distributed Powerbuilder: Server method is unable to access the 15th argument passed to it, and results in "Error 35 Calling External Object Function <functionname>" on the client. |
156920 | Using dot notation or modify to use object.datawindow.selected property does not highlight the range as documented in Help. Only the columns listed as beginning and end of the range are highlighted. Columns inside the range, but not at the boundary, are not highlighted.
According to the doc, the selected property is used to select a group of objects: "In the list you designate a group of objects by specifying range of row numbers and a range of objects in the format:startrow/endrow/startobject/endobject" In the example, if you specify startrow/endrow/start-with-column-one/end-with-column-three then column two does not end up being selected (highlighted), only column one and column three. Reported for using dot notation. Using Modify() instead and gets the exact same results. WORKAROUND: is to use more than one group, specifying all columns as either a start or end of the group: startrow/endrow/col1/col2;startrow/endrow/col3/col4 |
156922 | Run-time error 19 when any variable containing a button enumerated value is assigned to a button variable. |
156933 | Passing a negative 1 integer to the space function in PB 5.0.02 causes a PowerBuilder Application Execution Error(R0016) error: maximum string size exceeded at line 3 in clicked event of cb_1 of w_test. |
156938 | Moving an OCX around in the dw painter causes an outline of the ocx to be drawn instead of the OCX moving itself. This is NT 4.0 specific 32 bit., win 95 works fine. The problem occurs on PB 5.0.03_11 and 5.0.04_7. |
156939 | Time function does not return the same results for microseconds depending upon which syntax is used. Details below.
There is a bug with Syntax #3 of the Time() function. Using syntax#3 to set a time to "lt_time = time(04,37,29,695)" results in "04:37:29.000695" (this is the bug). Using syntax#2 to set a time to "lt_time = time("04:37:29:695")" results in "04:37:29:695000" which is correct. PER DEVELOPMENT: This is design behaviour and has to do with the format of the parameter. When the parm is an integer it represents the number of microseconds, whereas when it as a string it is intended to function as a rational fraction. Ie. 12:12:34:345 means 34.345 second after the 12th minute of the 12th hour, which means 345000 microseconds. Transferring to documentation group, the documentation for Time(string) should be more explicit about this. |
156944 | Drawing controls rect and oval are not displayed in Preview In window painter, |
156948 | The IsNumber() function returns a false in the development env. but NULL in machine code exe when passed an EMPTY string. |
156951 | Using Source Integrity (MKS) as the SourceControl provider for Powbuilder, you are unable to perform a TAKE operation.
Error: "MKS Interface Error: Invalid Arugement" |
156958 | Hebrew PB. Toolbar: repaint problem after clicking Script button. |
156959 | Using public synonyms with Oracle in a dw involving the synonym and other tables, the DBName in the DW contains only the column names and not the table/synonym names for ALL tables/synonyms involved in the join.
**This works in 5.0.04 & 6.0 |
156960 | Library Painter - Memory leak discovered in Source Register function. |
156961 | A pbl which looped while calling a property set would hang. |
156966 | "pbctl050.dll caused a GPF @ 0137:11c37039 and has caused an invalid page fault". This occurs on win 95, pb 5.0 32 bit.
Issue happens when you add a tab control to the ancestor window and the goto the descendant(child window) and save the changes there you will get the above GPF |
156984 | *******5.0x Regression Bug
File Handling function. Trying to do a file open on an unqualified file. It is coming up as a #1 instead of the actual file handle. A workaround is to specify the full path name where the test.ini file is. In my case I put in in the pb4 directory or the pwrs\pb5i32 , both of which are specified in my path. The "fix" is a change in the default behaviour of version 5. As a general rule we don't put changes to default behaviour in maintenance releases so the problem eill be addressed in PB 6.0 |
156986 | DESCRIBE statement causes PB to crash or freeze. |
156988 | Embedded SQL referencing a nonexistent table in the Window script painter doesn't compile. The same SQL in the Application script painter compiles. Get error: Database C0038: SQLSTATE = 42000 [SYBASE] [ODBC Driver] Access violation: More than one table is identified as 'xxx' |
157011 | When using getdatavalue function to get the value for x , a gpf occurs when return value is a datetime. |
157016 | Background color for datawindow column behaves differently depending on how the expression in the "background" attribute has been written. |
157017 | Need to check to see if application object is a 6.0 application. Otherwise, PB 5.0 GPFs.
Three ways to bring up a new application: 1) Application Painter, File Open, ... 2) User double clicks on an app object in the Library Painter 3) User selects an app object in Lib Painter and chooses the Entry Edit |
157027 | Sybase {pb 5.0.02_11 and pb 5.0.04_7.} 32 bit . Using the script in the sql painter "SET ROWCOUNT 1" and return (a line break) and using CTLIB {SYC} no rows are returned. If using DBLIB the first row is returned as assumed. |
157029 | Enhancement. Oracle Number(30) causes incorrect data in datawindow retrieve. Need datawindow to handle this.
development: This is a documented limitation in the datawindow for numeric types. 18 decimal places. |
157030 | Oracle. The DB painter does not show relationships (from the sys.all_constraints) when the table info is retrieved using public or private synonyms. |
157039 | When entering @ and | in a RTE control, the combination of keys pressed to enter these characters, appear to be shortcuts to change the line spacing. |
157040 | Solaris - Customer is using rsh command to call a pb exe. The exe then calls the run command from a DataWindow using a computed field from a user defined function. PB core dumps with a segmentation fault. |
157041 | Solaris - PB 5.0.03 - The postscript output will have a line "/#copies xxx def" where xxx is a large number. e.g. /#copies 11476 def. Has a computed field on the DataWindow calling a function object. Will produce many pages of output.
PER DEVELOPMENT: Fix for 47588 fixed this issue. |
157043 | There were bugs within PB's code and within the VBSCRIPT.DLL version 1. Version 2 of vbscript.dll must be used for the Window Activex to work properly. |
157051 | Using a spin control on an editmask datawindow column, with a code table with display and data values. If you change rows within the column by clicking with the mouse, when you change one row, click on another, and try to change that value using the spin control, the next increment of the spin control is one increment greater than that of the row/column you just left, rather than one greater than the current value of the row/column you just moved to. If you move through the data using the tab key instead of clicking with the mouse, the problem does not occur. |
157053 | Informix native drivers for 16 bit are loading in low memory. This has been true from 5.0- 5.0.03. About 40,000 bytes are loaded in lower memory from PBIN5050.DLL. Doesn't happen in 4.0.07. |
157060 | Short Description: RTF win nt 4.0 only. transparent spots appear in Dw painter
The customer inserts an rtf doc into dw-any charac that are tabs or indents show up as transparent. happens under 32 not 16 bit pb. |
157062 | Whether a change in the "Allow Dashes in Identifiers" option is checked or not checked you cannot add dashes to your script.
PER DEVELOPMENT: Fixed in 6.0 only. |
157064 | Build 138
If you click the delete (clear) toolbar button, the button stays down and the delete action is not performed. You cannot delete entries using the preview mode if this is broken. To reproduce: 1. Create a datawindow 2. Preview the data and then select a row and click the delete button 3. Notice that the button remains depressed and the delete does not happen. |
157070 | NT 4.0 only. Development environment datawindow painter doesn't save "Landscape" orientation in the 'Print' dialog. If you preview a datawindow in development and go into 'Printer Setup'/Setup and change orientation to 'landscape', it switches back to 'portrait' when you look at it again... This does work at runtime
Works if you save the landscape setting in the dataobject and if you use dw_control.modify("datawindow.print.orientation=1") August 12, 1997 - Works fine in 5.0.03 final and 6.0. Definitely a problem in 5.0.02 |
157072 | |
157074 | Regression issue. Several functions of the Formula One OCX do not work from PowerBuilder anymore. Examples include TextRC (Row, Column, NewValue) and NumberRC (Row, Column, NewValue). When executing, PowerBuilder gives an error:
R0034 Error: Incorrect number of parameters calling external object function textrc at line... |
157079 | If you open a new user object (tested with Class...custom) and declare a uo structure, save the uo structure as test1, and save the uo itself also as test1, when you go back into the uo painter to edit test1, the structure test1 is gone.
Workaround: don't use the exact same name. |
157085 | Solaris - Windows Meta File (.WMF) crashing application. |
157087 | For a treeview w/ enough rows that it scrolls off the control, if you click on the last, partially visible row, the clicked event will give you to handle to the Next row, not the actual clicked row. The actual clicked row will be highlighted/selected. |
157088 | PBSCC050 - SMS_Register function should check to see if an entry already exists in the source mgmt database. This can happen if the PBL entry loses its registration status due to bad error recovery. If so, display messagebox:
"%s already exists in the source management archive. Register this PBL entry anyway. |
157099 | Assigning the ParentWindow pronoun in the clicked event of a PopUp menu to a local window variable and then posting an event on it allows the editing of a listview item's label, causes the edit field to remain on the listview and strange results to occur when attempting to edit the label. This occurs only if the user first selects a listview item, then right clicks to bring up the popup menu.
*** Workaround ============== Here's the original code it the menu item: W_TESTLV lw_temp lw_temp = This.ParentWindow lw_temp.lv_testlv.EVENT POST ue_rename () if you replace it with the following: ParentWindow.DYNAMIC EVENT POST ue_rename() Everything works fine. |
157102 | When attempting to connect to DB2 through the Sybase Netgateway native driver on 16 bit (WFW) PB, if you cancel from the SystemOwner dialog you will GPF in USER.EXE. |
157103 | Shared (Network) database profiles are not appearing in the Database Profile treeview dialog. |
157105 | Series graph printing symbols as black squares when printed from NT 4.0 using HP Laserjet 3si and HP Laserjet 4si printer drivers. Reported for both InfoMaker and PowerBuilder. Appears to depend upon the complexity of the graph because some graphs print without a problem. Not reproduceable on Win95. HP Laserjet 4M also appears to work fine on NT 4.0. This may turn out to be a printer driver problem, but is being submitted for evaluation by development. |
157108 | Dynamically opening and closing a tab page in a tab control using syntax 2 causes a gpf in PBRTF050.DLL when you've done enough iterations. 16 or 32 bit.
FOR i=1 TO 50 tab_1.OpenTab(iu_with,"u_with_tab" ,2) tab_1.closetab(iu_with) NEXT j=8 <- dies here at next write to memory after exiting the loop. |
157115 | Fixed handling/expansion of Windows long file names to correctly handle UNC paths on both NT and 95. |
157116 | Solaris If .odbc.ini and .odbc.inst.ini are not in the users home directory and the user tries to connect to the database, no error message is returned and pb hangs. If those files are in the users home directory, the database connection is fine. |
157117 | MS SQL Servert 6.5 - Executing a Subselect statement inside the Db admin painter gives the following error: "Incorrect syntax near the '(' ". IF using ODBC. Native drive MSS works OK. |
157118 | Using CREATE USING with a string variable when the value of the string variable does not exist (meaning the object it references does not exist), PowerBuilder gpfs in PBRTE050.DLL when there is code in the Systemerror event - even if it is just a comment. If there is no code in the systemerror event, the proper error message is displayed and control returns to the Powerbuilder development environment. |
157119 | Opening two different sheets which share the same menu. The activate event of sheet1 sets the toolbar.visible property to true, the activate event of sheet2 sets the toolbar.visible property to false. If you open both sheets from the frame and toggle between the two sheets, the toolbar buttons shift way over to the right and sometimes some of them are not visible when you click on sheet1 which sets the toolbar back to visible.
This problem does not exist using Beta 6.0, build 155. |
157120 | Nested report data is not shared when the nested report needs the value of a base report retrieval argument. |
157124 | Data Dynamics Activex called Activebar does not show on screen when application or window is ran.
157125 | You cannot create a DW using "syc" as the DBMS. The system crashes and closes down PowerBuilder
Unable to recreate in build 153 |
157128 | While in the DataWindow painter, if multiple header objects are selected, when you click on the bold, italic, or underline icon, a GPF occurs. If only one header object is selected these properties work fine. |
157130 | Resize is a border option for the user object property sheet. |
157142 | Background of the NT Desktop is displayed in a grid dw with a title bar |
157148 | IN7, IN9 Interfaces. DB Painter shouldn't let you try to drop a system generated index |
157153 | PROBLEM/BUG DEFINITION: Using decimal input parameters to a stored procedure on DB2/MVS results in a loss of precision. Input 888.23 is inserted as 888.00. Input parameter is bound as a SQLNumeric not a SQLDecimal. |
157156 | MDI frame with control in client area, resized per faxline 2336. When open a sheet, only toolbar appears, should be two. Minimize then maximize application, both toolbars appear.
Solution Per Developer: When using mdi custom, managing the mdi client area becomes the responsibility of the pb developer. Put the script code for the frame resize event in the toolbarmoved event also. There is no resize on the opensheet , but there is a toolbarmoved event. |
157158 | PB GPFs when calling SetSeriesStyle to a series with the name '' under Win 3.11 and hangs under Win 95 |
157170 | Win95 only. GPF using Microsoft Web Browser control during simple access to methods such as "navigate"
ole_1.object.navigate(""). works fine in NT 4.0 but GPFs under Win95. The GPF is in SHDOCVW.DLL @ 0137:715159ff. NOTE: This no longer GPFs in or 6.0.00. PBROI050.DLL combined with 5.0.03 solves the problem as well. |
157171 | Informix 7.1. PBIN7050.DLL driver 32 bit using TD1 client software. "Row changed between retrieve and update" with bind variables off. No problem with bind variables ON. Also, ODBC to Informix 7 worked with or without bind variables.
Similar to bug 41850. |
157174 | Copying an array by a array2 = array1 statement does not preserve NULL values. Originally reported in combination with GPF problem under bug number 41165, but this portion of the problem still remains in 5.0.04.
Code that fails: int array1[5] = {6,7,21,9,10} int array2[5] array1[1] = 1 array1[2] = 2 SetNull(array1[3]) array1[4] = 4 array1[5] = 5 array2 = array1 //This incorrectly sets the values of array2 to {1,2,21,4,5} instead of {1,2,null,4,5} //The same problem existed for bounded to unbounded and unbounded to unbounded //array assignments. WORKAROUND: Instead of array2 = array1, code: for i = 1 to upperbound(array1) array2[i] = array1[i] next This works fine and preserves all values correctly, including nulls. |
157181 | Problem with function overloading in userobjects. At runtime when an overloaded uo function is called, the ancestor's function executes instead of the descendant's function. |
157183 | Problem Description: microsoft internet browser control does not work with PB
: Trying to use MS web browser control OCX. If you put the control on a window, then try to get the OCX properties, the popup menu goes away and nothing else happens. using the script ' string ls_web ls_web = "" ole_1.object.Navigate(ls_web)' in the doubleclicked event of the OCX will cause nothing to happen. You cannot double click the control |
157191 | Windows 95 Only. For DataWindows with the Prompt Before Printing property set, the Print Properties dialog box does indeed come up, but if nothing is changed and OK is clicked, Nothing Is Sent To The Printer! If something is changed, the print works fine. |
157203 | Data Pipeline - destination connection is Oracle 7.x database. Table contains all primary key columns. Doing an UPDATE and INSERT in the pipeline, some of the data in the text file are duplicates. When the pipeline executes, the following error message occurs: "ora-0001 unique constraint violated"
This works in 6.0 Work around is to have a non-key column in the table. |
157204 | Datawindow always has a scroll bar when using the datawindow plugin - regardless of the width you define for the client space in the html file |
157207 | Enhancement. Powerscript should check the syntax and datatype of the "INTO" variables.
// emp_id is an integer column from sql anywhere string string_var SELECT emp_id into :string_var from employee; will compile since the "emp_id" column and table "employee" exist but the Powerscript editor won't check to see if the "INTO" variables are compatible with the host variable :string_var. Dynamic SQL has the same type of issue and would be even harder to check. Powerscript leaves it up to the developer to make sure the datatypes between Powerscript and the database match and are compatible. // Dynamic SQL example string sqlstring, ls_var int li_var sqlstring = "Select emp_id from employee where emp_id = 105" ... open <cursorname>; fetch <cursorname> into li_var; or fetch <cursorname> into ls_var; both compile - and both actually work too in Wintel platforms - go figure - no runtime error. |
157208 | When using Select * from table1, table2 and table1 and table2 have the same names for "n" columns (for example 2 columns each) these columns will be unnecessarily repeated in building the datawindow, the datawindow created will have the following datawindow columns:
table1.col1 table1.col2 table1.col1_1 <---- these should not be there. table1.col2_1 <---- these should not be there. table2.col1 table2.col2 It should be: table1.col1 table1.col2 table2.col1 table2.col2 NOTE: This is not database specific. Recreated with Sql anywhere. |
157210 | After running the application, if you then edit an object, you cannot save it (you get a save failed message). |
157211 | Control-Tab allows invisible tab pages to be selected. The top of the tab page with the label text doesn't show, just the contents. |
157217 | NT 4.0 problem only: Rich text control: if you change the font to a non-truetype font, and make it italic, the text display becomes garbage. Can only be reproduced on NT 4.0, other platforms are okay. |
157222 | Application hangs or crashes when passing around 8000 characters to Web.PB |
157233 | DB2 using ODBC. SELECT statements involving aggregate column functions (e.g., sum, count) on columns that contain null values fail to retrieve results in PB with the following message
Select error: SQLSTATE=01003 [IBM][CLI Driver] SQL0000W Statement processing was successful. or SQLSTATE 01S01 [IBM][CLI Driver] CLI 0165E Error in Row |
157234 | GPF in the C-Code generation step (after full rebuild done) for 16 bit machine code in the project painter.. During creation of the DLLs (after the regeneration is complete and the process is just creating C-Code), it GPFs. This occurs in the project painter. From the Library painter the problem DLL (tracked down by seeing where it dies in the C-code and seeing what object it was compiling) builds fine. |
157239 | Performing a Registration Directory, filtering out objects so only those of a particular older, version appear, and then performing a TAKE operation on a single object (or all objects), does not bring back the previous version object -it brings back the latest version (i.e. the tip object); when using PVCS.
The desired object of the previous version should be created - the tip object should not be created. |
157240 | Win 95.. pb 5.0.04 or pb 5.0.02 32 bit
Customer is trying to assign an array of float variables from an external function. He has declared a bounded array of either double or real and has the same problem: R0047:Array expected in ANY variable at line ### in Open event. When he uses an array of strings, this works fine. DOUBLE FloatArray[2], fl_dec OleObject obj obj = CREATE oleobject obj.ConnectToNewObject("MFCAutoItem.AutoItem1") FOR i = 1 to 2 FloatArray[i] = 1234567 NEXT IF (obj.SetFloats(FloatArray)) then messagebox("successful", "", Question!, OK!) END IF FOR i = 1 to 2 FloatArray[i] = 0 NEXT // Error: Array expected in ANY variable when using DOUBLE // you must use safearrays when passing arrays using OLE // automation FloatArray = obj.GetFloats() The floatarray(safearray) is of data type float, if it were of string or integer there would be no problem. |
157252 | Win 3.11 or 16 bit under NT 3.51. Printing in landscape cannot be achieved by changing the orientation with Modify() or by saving "landscape" for orientation in the dataobject. Win 3.11 uses whatever is in the Print Setup dialog and this is currently the only way to change orientation (PrintSetup()). Happens on a postscript printer driver. |
157254 | Trail Footer property of a composite report isn't saved in PSReport with saveas function |
157255 | After declaring a cursor in Powerscript, Powerbuilder seems to convert the cursor name to lower case, even though it's declared in uppercase in script. You can see this using ODBC spy. It's a more generalized ODBC issue. |
157261 | Win 95 only
32 bit { pb 5.0.02, pb 5.0.03, pb 5.0.04_39 } Keywords:: RTE, DW , print and print preview Problem description:: Customer is using an RTE dw. If the inserted text fields are too long the text does not wrap onto the next line. Instead the line has no blank spaces between words! In print preview you can see the first line "squashed" together. There are no spaces between the words as you would normally see in the dw design mode. |
157265 | N-up dw - expression determining whether a column is visible, if visible, it can still be tabbed to. In tabular datawindow, if column is invisible, it also cannot be tabbed to.
WORKAROUND: Use the same dw expression for the Protect property, and now you cannot tab to the column when it is invisible/protected. |
157272 | Datawindow using retrieval argument of type TIME prompts user as TIMEARRAY during retrieval. If you pick a retrieval argument of type "TIME ARRAY" it prompts you for a retrieval argument of type TIME. Same in 4.0 and 5.0 so it's been in the product for awhile. |
157278 | In a C++ classbuilder userobject, unable to call the following Microsoft Server 6.x API calls that provide user-supplied message and error handling:
dberrhandle((DBERRHANDLE_PROC)err_handler); dbmsghandle((DBMSGHANDLE_PROC)msg_handler); Error under 5.0: "The instruction at 016a23b5 referenced memory at 00001645, Memory could not be read." Error under 6.0: "The instruction at 0x03063f64 referenced memory at 00001645, Memory could not be read." |
157304 | In query mode can't build a sql statement like :
Select ....... where emp_fname LIKE 'A%' AND emp_fname LIKE '%B' |
157312 | Small behavior problem in the setitemstatus(). Setting the row status to datamodied! and column status of the PRIMARY key to datamodified! (with the update characteristics of the primary key set to DELETE and INSERT during key modification) should always do a DELETE and INSERT. In this case, setitemstatus() of the primary key column and row status to datamodified! results in an UPDATE statement being generated.
Workaround: after setitemstatus() of row and primary key to Datamodified!, must do a setitem() of the primary key column to itself (same value). This will generate the DELETE and INSERT. Solution: This issue will not be fixed at this time. There is a reasonable workaround and the fix has the potential for breaking a large amount of customers already using this functionality. |
157314 | When pressing a key with focus on a datawindow a GPF occurs. It only seems to occur when all of the following are true:
1. the datawindow contains a dropdowndatawindow that is editable. 2. there are rows in the filtered and/or delete buffers of the datawindow 3. there is code in the datawindow's editchanged event. Unfortunately, we have many datawindows like this and have not found a workaround yet. The code consisted simply of a comment, no actual programmed activity. |
157315 | Line graph displayed using 16 bit powerbuilder results in very bizarre display. It's fine using 32 bit, and it's better using 16 bit Powerbuilder on a 32 bit machine, but running 16 bit PB on 16 bit machine, you get a very strange picture. Problem occurs with several line graphs displayed on the same window, and does not occur for most line graphs.
Per Development: |
157320 | In the DataWindow painter the Graph and Picture Button objects names are showing numbers after obj_ |
157335 | Panther 147 - Unix (HP-UX) - DataWindow -> StoredProcedure / Query
-> Crosstab : clicking on "Data Source" in the PainterBar causes "X server error..." to display on stderr. Here is the complete error message displayed on standard error : X server error, Message reported is: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter) There is no "fatal" event that occurs after the above error is displayed. This behavior has yet to be tested on Solaris and AIX. ******************************************************************************* [BSmith] This bug was reported again but in Solaris It is as follows PANTHER - B103. REGRESSION SOLARIS ONLY When creating a Quick Select DataWindow the following Console Message appears: X Server Error, Message is: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter) Steps to recreate: 1) Create a New Quick Select DataWindow. NOTE at the current time unable to create a SQL SELECT DataWindow. As soon as you click the OK button after choosing the Presentation style, the above message appears 4 times. |
157343 | Getting an Out of Memory error when trying to modify the sql statement of a datawindow to a size > 32k (32768). Customer notices that the limit seems to be 32k.
We currently have a 64k limit for Modify() and 32k limit for Describe() of the "" attribute. Development: For architectural reasons , only fixed in PB 6.0. |
157345 | Follow-on to bug 41608 - Informix 7.11, 32bit TD1 software. Getting "-761 INFORMIXSERVER does not match either DBSERVERNAME or DBSERVERALIASES" when trying to connect to a second server on the SAME host. Seems to work OK when connecting to different servers on different hosts.
PER DEVELOPMENT: Worked with customer and found subtle mistake in profiles being used. Under more usual circumstances this would have been obvious, but it took some investigating in this situation. No further problems here. |
157350 | According to documentation, a shared variable should persist when objects are closed, and even if all instances of an object are closed. So when you open a new instance of an object, the shared variable value should remain set to whatever it was when the most recent prior instance was open. This works for user objects which are not autoinstantiated, but when the user object is autoinstanciated the shared variable value is not maintained when all instances are closed and then a new instance is opened. |
157360 | Pipeline painter/Informix 7.x driver. When creating a pipeline from an Informix table using the IN7 (PBIN7050.DLL) driver, all columns to be piped are shown "NOT NULL" in the painter dialog, when in fact only a few should be. Destination database type isn't important.
Workaround: Before saving the pipe, edit the definition created by the pipeline painter so the "NULL" checkboxes match the source (Informix 7.x) table for each column being piped. NOTE: Requires 5.0.04 version of PBIN7050.DLL to use the new functionality of reading the registry "setnet32.exe" entries and using host@dbservername syntax in sqlca.servername. |
157361 | Enhancement. Informix 7.x (PBIN7050.DLL) driver. File/Save Rows As... "SQL Syntax" in preview mode (datawindow or database painter) does not save the CREATE syntax correctly for the driver. When this SQL is executed in the DBA Notepad, you receive a -201 Syntax Error.
The Save Rows As... bugs are: -datetime columns, YEAR TO FRACTION(5) isn't generated. -integer columns are converted to FLOAT. -primary keys, the "NOT NULL" attribute is NOT generated. -decimal(5,2) becomes the default decimal (16,2) -smallint becomes FLOAT. -real becomes FLOAT. -money(8,2) becomes the default decimal (16,2) -varchar(10) beomes char(10) Workaround: 1. Object/Export Syntax to Log in the DB painter. This saves the CREATE syntax correctly - unlike the Save Rows As.... Save this syntax without the INSERTS into the PBCatXXX tables. 2. Preview table in DB painter. Save Rows As... SQL. Take out the CREATE syntax since this is messed up. Cut and Paste the INSERT SQL (for the rows to be inserted) - this syntax is OK. 3. Add the two files together. Development: Currently this generation does not involve the database drivers. In a future release, we could leverage our "Export Syntax to Log" functionality to generate vendor-specific syntax here as well. |
157363 | Window painter bug. General Property page of a datawindow control has "Title Bar", "Control Menu", "Minimize", "Maximize" checkboxes.
"Title Bar" should be linked to the other three. You can't have the Control Menu, Minimize, Maximize Buttons without first having a title bar on the datawindow control. Notice if you right mouse on any datawindow control, you'll see "Title Bar" checked OFF but the "Minimize", "Maximize" and "Control Menu" are still enabled but they shouldn't be. If you play around with it enough, it eventually acts correctly but not with a newly-placed datawindow control. |
157364 | SaveAs of graph control on window to PSR report produces invalid psr file. Is this a doc error, also, should SaveAs return an error if this is attempted ? SaveAs of graph datawindow to PSR is fine.
Probably PSReport! should not be allowed as a saveas format for a graph control on a window, but the documentation indicates that this is a valid format. WORKAROUND: Use a datawindow graph object instead of just a graph on a window. |
157375 | GPF when building the instance image. |
157384 | Customer is seeing a performance degredation with the native Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 driver (MSS). He does not see the same performance problem with ODBC with relatively small result sets.
Development: Microsoft has made huge improvements in their ODBC driver to offer built in networking etc right in the ODBC driver. As a result, the Microsoft ODBC driver is not like traditional drivers (like Intersolv) where the ODBC driver is a layer on top of the native software. IT IS A MYTH that ODBC must be slower than native protocols. Intersolv's driver is slower since it sits on top of the native SQL Server drivers. NOTE: PB Desktop does not allow access to the SQL Server ODBC driver. |
157394 | Window PlugIn containing a datawindow with a bitmap on a datawindow picture control will not display the bitmap although the same bitmap displays on a picture control on the window used for the plugin. (this means the bitmap actually resides in the .PBD but the window is displaying it and the datawindow is not). |
157412 | Comparing to two dates with different microseconds pb says they are the equal.
datetime ldt_1, ldt_2 ldt_1 = Datetime(today(),Time(3,36,12,45)) ldt_2 = Datetime(today(),Time(3,36,12,89)) sle_1.text = string(ldt_1,"mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss.ffffff") sle_2.text = string(ldt_2,"mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss.ffffff") mle_1.text = "Notice that the only difference is in the microseconds portion of the 2 datetime variables" IF ldt_1 = ldt_2 THEN messagebox("equal","If you see this message PB thinks that the 2 datetimes are equal even though they are not. Congratulations you've reproduced the bug") ELSE messagebox("not equal","Looks like the version of pb you're using doesn't exibit the bug behavior") END IF See also bug 43835 |
157413 | DataWindow painter GPFs if you select all items and attempt to change the font point-size. |
157423 | Regression/migration issue, 4.0 to 5.0,6.0: Using 4.0, pressing the tab key while editting in a mle control fired the key event of the window, and changed focus to the next control. Doing the same in 5.0 and 6.0, the key event is not fired, just focus changes. Is this a bug or change in behavior by design ? PER DEVELOPMENT: |
157429 | 16 bit. Large GDI leak printing a datawindow with multiple graph objects set to Foreground. Can lose 10-15% of system resources when printed.
NOTE: There are several other graph object printing bugs. 40131 was a problem with a graph object in the detail band and set to foreground. 42432 was another similar one - both fixed in 5.0.03. This bug is different and wasn't fix until 5.0.04. |
157431 | |
157440 | In the menu painter, if you add a new menu item to the parent menu, then when you open the inherited menu item and press save it gives you compiler errors. |
157445 | In the menu painter, if you are in the script painter and select the object browser you will get an assertion failure and then a gpf.
Development: Cannot recreate in 6.0 build 156. |
157449 | Print a datawindow wich contains horizontal pages gives a wrong result on paper.
The preview works fine. On paper, the first column values of the horizontal pages are shifted to the right. The printer is an HP 4si. |
157459 | fixed in pbsys60.dll. |
157463 | Adding an OLE server - the "display as icon" would be ignored. It will always display as content. |
157465 | GPF in PBRTE050.DLL 0001:97DC when opening up a decendent menu in the menu painter that has the same name as a menuitem in the ancestor menu
Example: m_ancestor - ancestor menu m_decendent - decendent Opening m_decendent when m_ancestor has a menu item colliding with global menu object m_decendent causes the GPF. It's generally with migrated applications since the painter now checks for this case. Migration and regeneration doesn't catch this. Very hard to track down. |
157475 | Pipeline to Informix using the IN7 driver creates syntax that causes -201 errors with an incomplete table with no indexes or primary key flags showing and preceded with a dot (example '.employee') when executing in development.
When you use 'USER ID' - in the profile painter as "informix" (owner of the catalog tables) for example, the data pipes fine. The USERID is required ONLY AT RUNTIME for most of the native drivers as a feature that allows runtime overrides for generating prefixed sql. |
157476 | Save Log As... in the DB painter for Informix 7 (IN7) saves incorrect or un-executable syntax for the DBA Notepad . You get -201 errors.
Workaround: Set USERID in the profile painter to be the owner of the tables. You shouldn't have to do this in development. |
157478 | If you edit a shared database profile and save a copy locally the treeview will not update until you reopen the dialog. |
157493 | Assertion failure message when generating application with template
PER DEVELOPMENT: Problem caused due to pb.ini having the read-only attribute set. Fixed after making the file read+write. |
157496 | Application Painter : Select Application Dialog : When Opening a existing application, no applications are displayed in the Select Application dialog. When you click on Open Application icon and select a PBL, the Select Application dialog appears, but in this dialog, the application list is empty. The Application Library list also contains only a library icon and no library name. To select the application you need to click on the "Other" button and re select the library. |
157500 | Library search path not being saved because PB.INI was read-only. |
157502 | Problem: Inconsistent bahavior of toolbar icon when asociated menuitem is made visible and then invisible. In some cases the toolbar item will still work, in others it won't. This scenario is bad programming practice because toolbar items should be made invisible if the associated menuitems are made invisible. |
157508 | |
157516 | Client continued to listen to pipe when Disconnected from server only if server host name was specified. |
157518 | Window properties minimize / maximize are different on different OS's. Bug or doc problem ? On Win95 and NT 4.0, Control Menu must also be checked to have minimize button. On NT 3.51 and Win 3.11, you can have minimize alone. Doc and behavior only ties property to Title Bar. |
157520 | If you put a object on a tab page, Change the border, Cut and Paste the object on the window and then drag it back to the tab control, the border changes to box.
PER DEVELOPMENT: Shadow borders only appear on their parent window. Moving a control over a tab page only moves it over the tab page, it does not make it a part of the page. The tab control and listview are siblings in that situation. Not a bug. |
157521 | If you drag a groupbox, line, rectangle, round rectangle, or oval onto a tab control in order to see it you must send the tab control to back.
PER DEVELOPMENT: This is not a bug. It is expected behavior. The group box, and indeed any control, is not part of the tabpage unless it is created on the tabpage. Note that you cannot drag a control off the tabpage either. This is by design. |
157535 | Win95 Only. Using custom user events pbm_windowposchanged, pbm_windowposchanging on a datawindow with a titlebar works correctly in NT 4.0 and the events fire multiple times while dragging the datawindow but only fire ONCE in Win95 and only when the datawindow is dropped after dragging. |
157536 | |
157550 | O73 DBMS appears with O72 profile dialog.
Per Development: Original problem fixed. Also, unlike NT, the Oracle 7.3 API (OCI) for Sol/HP/AIX does not provide a call to invoke thread-safe mode, therefore no checkbox. We'll have to take Oracle's word that these APIs are thread-safe by default. |
157589 | win 95b. printing to a printer using the dw preview pb 5.0.02, pb 5.0.03 pb 5.0.04
There are problems at the moment with windows 95 plus. If the customer uses the above workarounds he is all set. The combination Win 95 and Novell network driver is failing the printing of a dw to a printer queue. If you do one of the following, it works fine: - use an earlier version of Win 95 - use the Microsoft Novell client instead of the Novell Novell client - print from PB something else than a dw (a script or an object) - redirect the queue to a port and print to that port instead of directly to the queue |
157616 | Problem Description:Customer is trying to display bitmap in a dw. It shows as the path to the bitmap instead of the picture.
Customer is trying to display bitmap in a dw. Has a dddw, which has been mapped to several bitmaps from parent dw. The property of the column object has set to Display as Picture, and for the edit style (DropDown Dw), the property has set to Always show List. When list is displayed if any of the items get focus, it shows as the path to the bitmap instead of the picture. |
157623 | When a DataWindow is shared with data from a DataStore, deleting a row behaves differently than when data is not shared. After a row is deleted, the current row always becomes 1. Also, sharing data with another DataWindow, if a row is deleted from the secondary DataWindow, the current row is changed to 1. |
157626 | Using a stored procedure to update the database. The DBError event has some arguments, two that are being used: SQLDBCODE & SQLERRTEXT are not getting populated when a database error occurs. SQLDBCODE = 0 and SQLERRTEXT is blank.
If you do a regular datawindow update and a database error occurs, the DBError event fires and SQLDBCODE & SQLERRTEXT are populated with the correct information. |
157627 | 16 bit Powerbuilder "PVCS Interface Error - PVCSGetArchiveInfo Achive File was not found" and "PVCS Interface Error - PVCSCreateArchive: Unexpected Error (219). PB 16bit, NT 3.51/4.0, PVCS 5.2.20
PER DEVELOPMENT: Verified NAB in and Please check your islv.ini file living either in the windows directory or dir defined by system variable ISLVINI. |
157629 | SaveAs of Crosstab to PSReport!, the report does not show date retrieve argument displayed in the footer (in a computed field). If the datawindow is Freeform instead, the date retrieve argument in the footer saved to PSR shows up just fine.
The same problem occurs if the computed field referencing a retrieve argument is in the header. |
157631 | SaveAs with PsReport format generates a wrong file name when using a name with special characters like 猷� |
157634 | The SYB, DBLIB interface does not return a valid SQLDBCODE for a divide by zero; however it returns a valid SQLCode (-1), that an error did occur. The SQLDBCode should be 3607 which returns properly if using the SYC, CTLIB interface |
157640 | While application is running, in development or exe, changing system fonts, color, etc... through Display Properties -->Appearances-->Selected Items and then applying changes, the ddlb's on the opened window that 'Allow Editing' constantly flicker and eventually a page fault (WIN95) or Dr. Watson (NT4.0) will occur. |
157641 | When retrieving a datawindow for which the filter expression contains "col like '%%' ", the PC hangs or PB crashes. |
157644 | 32 bit PB. Connecting using Informix I-Connect to 7.2 server(s) on both Unix and NT. Getting errors switching back and forth if the default server in setnet32.exe is the NT 4.0 server. " -25596 Informix server value not listed in SQLHOSTS". Doesn't get any error switching back and forth if the Unix server is the default server in Setnet32.exe on the client. |
157645 | |
157657 | PB 6.0 build 153 on Solaris. Saving log file in the Database Painter fails with "Can't access this folder - path is too long" error message. |
157658 | 5.0.03 INSTALL. Setup is installing the 32 bit version of PBTYP050.DLL for 16 bit deployment. This causes several errors in 16 bit executables:
R0014: Error opening dll library pbtyp050.dll for external function Workaround: Use the 5.0.02 16 bit PBTYP050.DLL for development. They should be 974k. The 32 bit versions are 964k. NOTE: The maintenance release for 5.0.03 on the Web site will have the correction as will any new CD's that are built. Affects customers who received the first set of CDs. |
157659 | Messageboxes in close event on sheet can mess up frame menu such that it contains the previous sheet menu when closing the very last sheet rather than its own frame menu. (the frame and sheet have different menus)
Development: This was fixed with other changes to the runtime. |
157661 | 5.0.03 Regression. Receiving R0034 app error - Incorrect number of parameters calling ColText function when using the VCI Formula One Workbook with PB 5.0.03. The same code works in 5002. |
157665 | |
157669 | RPC function call using a decimal value as decimal{6}, where the actual size is 14,6 loses the last 2 digits of precision on an INSERT in the stored procedure. 1234.123456 gets inserted as 1234.123400. |
157673 | If a whole pie graph is one category then a vertical line appears in the graph. How do we remove the line?
Workaround: in this situation, if you can change the graph line color to be the same as the color of the category, it doesn't show. |
157676 | UNIX ONLY scroll bar has disappeared in the "Select Application Library", and "Select Bitmap" (Inside Menu painter) dialog box. There could be more Browse type windows affected. |
157678 | |
157679 | SaveAs() - ex. dw.SaveAs() which saves a file as a PSReport! will cause a leak with virtual memory(VM). It's worse on NT 3.51 where virtual memory goes up very high with the first SaveAs() call. NT 4.0 is better.
Watching the resource monitor on NT 4.0 you notice that resources move up about 10%, but never fall back down the way it should. It appears that resources are being taken up but never freed. |
157680 | Need the ability to have Bitmaps referenced in picture controls on a datawindow to be saved with a PSR. Today, users have to supply PSR + BMP file(s). This is a datawindow enhancement that applies to plug-in and plain PSR alike. |
157684 | Makefile specified the wrong .odl file for the secure mode Window ActiveX. |
157689 | Enhancement. NUP Datawindow doesn't support placing blob columns. For each row, you get the same blob object that is contained in the LEFTMOST row. |
157690 | All versions/maintanance releases of pb 5.0 up to and including pb 5.0.04 32 bit WIn 95 and win NT
Using LibraryImport in a distributed server app always fails if their is a client connected and you are trying to import into a pbl that is in the server's library list. LibraryImport will work with a standalone application and should work in a distributed application . According to development it should work but something is going wrong From Development (8/20/97) This is an architectural problem that cannot be fixed until 7.0. transferring as an enhancement |
157692 | When the amount of text in an MLE is greater than 32K, the mle. Position() and the MLE.SelectedStart() functions don't work correctly. Loading 63466 characters into the MLE worked, but trying to load 63467 characters, the MLE went blank.
Developer: Cannot be fixed in 5.0 because it would require a migration |
157697 | For a column on a Label style datawindow, although Width and Height are listed on the Expressions property sheet for a column, nothing entered there changes the width or height of the column. There is no conflict with the size of the data, either value entered for the width and height easily fits within the label itself.
This may be a limitation of the Label datawindow style, but it is not documented. Also, the expressions property sheet for the label datawindow column does not include other properties that can apply to a column, so just the fact that width and height are listed would imply they could be modified. (Example, the Visible property, valid for columns in most datawindow styles, does not appear in the expressions property sheet for a column on a label style datawindow.) Possible workaround: Use an n-up datawindow presentation style. |
157715 | Window with 3 sle. Type some text into the first SLE, hit tab and keep typing and hit tab again still keep typing. Only the first and the third sle are populated. This problem is dependent on the performance of the UNIX box. If the code on the modified event of the SLEs is small (or the UNIX box is very fast), this problem doesn't appear.
Development: Bristol layer fix. |
157726 | Problem: Access and updates to windows instance variables is inconsistent. Command buttons have access for private variables and those with readaccess set to protected or private read. |
157737 | Checkboxes for 5.0.03 now have the Win95 style but the 3rd state is shown as a dark grey check with an almost white background. Similar to the "checked" state which uses a black check and white background. The checkbox needs 3D and third state checked in properties.
Confusion between checked and 3rd state. The window control - correctly - has a dark grey background with a slightly darker grey check - like VB 4.0. WORKAROUND: We're not picking up the default Buttonface color. For NT 4.0. -Go into Display settings -Appearance Tab Folder -Item: 3D Objects (dropdown) Notice, the color default will be buttonface. Click Apply and the next time you preview the column, the 3rd state will magically show correctly. For Win95, it's slightly different. Simply clicking apply doesn't work. -Go into Display settings -Appearance Tab Folder -Item: 3D Objects (dropdown) -Change buttonface to some other color like Red and "Apply" -Change Red back to buttonface and you'll see the 3rd state correctly. |
157751 | There is a problem with the SumForCategory column in a bar graph DataWindow. It will always display the value of the first catagory as opposed to the value of each category. |
157755 | Workaround: If the max errors is set to anything but one, this problem will not occur. Changed code to propagate error as in pb5.0.03. |
157761 | Datawindows using date or datetime columns sometimes show incorrect data or ?? when retrieved. Happens most often when a datawindow is built against a database using date and deployed to a database that uses datetime.
Development: For datawindows to be transparently used across databases, developers must set staticbind=0 in their SQLCA.DBPARM (script) or database profile painter. Unfortunately, the default for any connection is staticbind=1 (do not re-bind result set). No fix is planned. We will try to document this better so users migrating from one database platform to another will be aware of this requirement. |
157762 | Enhancement. Datawindow long text column with embedded linefeeds and formfeeds or carriage returns does not translate character codes <nl> <cr> <ff> to the printed output or print preview in this case.
Development: This is not a feature of the datawindow currently. Users could use ole1 blob column or some other way so saved data with embedded control chars can be interpreted corrrectly. |
157766 | 5.0.03 regression. Scrolling with the thumb knob and resizing the sheet causes display problems. You can't scroll to the first row and the bottom of the datawindow shows blank space. |
157773 | Function painter losing scripts when objects passed in through an argument are not in the library list.
This happens, for example, when an argument to the global function is a user defined object (structure, window) contained in a library not on the library list. (could be an object function too) The message you'll get when you try to re-open the function:w Open of function f_anymath failed. Possible Causes: 1. Object has been deleted. 2. Its ancestor has been deleted. 3. An object it references has been deleted 4. Object was created with a newer version of Powerbuilder. Migrating after adding the missing PBLs containing the missing objects does not fix the problem. If you export the object or global function, you'll see there is no script in it. |
157775 | PBLIB050 & 60. PBNative Source Clear Checkout Status always returns false internally. This results in log message "RC=Failure" instead of "RC=Success". |
157777 | Solaris - NO scrollbar on Database Profiles when there are more profiles than can fit in the display area.
Fixed by patch received from Bristol Technologies |
157781 | Stored procedure with result set to a datawindow works fine, but when ASYNC is turned on, the retrieve does not get cancelled until the first row comes back. ASYNC does work properly when the SQL behind the datawindow is a select statement. |
157787 | Allow a Page Break function with Nested Reports |
157789 | comparing dw buffers in powerscript using the dot notation leads to an error at runtime : Array comparison: type not handled, file otquery.cpp line 456 |
157793 | |
157794 | Fixed for beta 4. |
157795 | Fixed for beta 4. |
157797 | Setpointer Function does not work under PB4 or PB5 working under win95. Both 16 bit and 32 bit .
Workaround: Use External function calls (The following are 32 bit calls) Function ulong LoadCursor(ulong hi, ref string str) Library "USER32.dll" Function ulong SetCursor(ulong hCursor) Library "USER32.dll" Function ulong SetSystemCursor(ulong hCursor,long ll) Library "USER32.dll" Function ulong GetCursor( ) Library "USER32.DLL" Function ulong CopyIcon(ulong hInstance, ulong hIcon) Library "USER32.DLL" |
157800 | SOLARIS - AIX ONLY - HP WORKS. Display area of the Database Profiles popup becomes blank.
Developer: Fixed by patch recieved from Bristol Technologies. |
157802 | Calling the FileOpen() with an empty/null string for the argument causes a gpf, rather than returning a -1 (Regression) |
157804 | This bug only occurs when there are multiple dropdown buttons on toolbars and one is dropped. |
157805 | ***** 5.0.03 REGRESSION *****
In 5.0 thru 5.02 when an oracle stored procedure was pasted the datatype (double) of the stored procedure was pasted correctly. In 5.03 the datatype is defaulting to (decimal). If you have coded a variable as a double and passing it to the RPC call it will now give an error "referenced arguments do not match definition:" Workaround: Change the data type in the RPC declaration from "decimal" to "double". |
157810 | Problem involved use of signal() and the system() call inside of a threaded application. Fix was made in WindU to use sigaction() instead of signal() so that the system call would work in PB. |
157811 | Text in toolbar items now etched(when items disabled) such as when in the debugger.
Color changes are tied to 3d system color changes; were tied just to window text changes. |
157826 | Just upgraded from 5.0.02 to 5.0.03. External function call worked in 5.0.02, with 5.0.03 customer getting gpf with external function call to FindWindow (16bit) findWindowA (32bit). gpf: pbrte050.dll at 014f:10b4f390 or runtime error: R0010 "Unsupported argument type in DLL function FindWindow (or FindWindowA) at line # in clicked event of object...
Changed 5.0.04 and 6.0 to allow NULL string variables to be passed to external dlls. The windows API calls expect a NULL C pointer and there's no other way to provide that except SetNull. ***NULL doubles and decimals, etc will still be disallowed. |
157829 | In the Examples for 6.0, when you go into the multiple toolbars example and open a sheet, then click on the DropDownToolBar you will get an access violation. The other problem is all the toolbars on on top of one another, not side by side as in 5.0 |
157831 | Build 162: In the PB Example 6.0, when you run the Populate DDLB example from the Sql Embedded Example you will get an Access violation. |
157837 | With PBDBMS=0 and SQLCache set, an insert statement form script that fials with a duplicate key returns 100 as the SqlCode. If Sqlcache is not specified, it returns -1, as expected. |
157838 | Problem: When doing merge of data into rich text edit object with insert fields (by using the DataSource function), format specified on dw is not applied to input field values. If you apply a format change to the column in the RTE and print, the print clears your formatting. |
157846 | Fixed in build 174 of PB for HP. There was a function that was not being exported correctly in on HP. The fix is in (aka dll). |
157858 | Regression pb 5.0.02 to pb 5.0.03 32 bit
OLE control's datachange and viewchange events do not get triggered. This is critical to deployment and upgrading to 5.03 The events: ViewChange, DataChange, Close, Rename, and Save are all optional events which the OLE server may or may not implement. There are also no rules about when the OLE server should call these events when they even are implemented. Hence, the problem is with the OLE server, not PowerBuilder. This is general to pb but in this particular case there is a regression occuring This issue is now fixed using pbroi050.dll from pb 5.0.04_36 or later. |
157861 | Enhancement. Informix - native drivers. Today, char() fields are padded out to their maximum size and varchar are not. This causes problems with update statements and editing data. The enhancement would be to right-trim the char() columns |
157864 | On UNIX, the modify event is not triggered after an item is modified in a drop down list box (DDLB). This works fine on the Windows version. |
157873 | DPB. Trying to update a datastore in the server application. Two fields in a datastore contain numbers. When the datastore update() function executes, an insert statement is generated with one row in created. The insert fails with an ORA-1400 b/c two numeric fields that are defined as Not Null are (null). |
157880 | PB 6.0 build 162 (v2), Sun Sparc Solaris
From the table painter, a properties sheet can be accessed which has a Foreign Key tab page. The New button on that page is grayed out, although it can be activated by double-clicking. Steps to recreate: 1) Enter the table painter (with a new or existing table). 2) Go to the properties sheet. 3) Go to the Foreign Key tab page. The New button is grayed out. However, if it is double-clicked, it works. The button should not be gray, and it should work with a single click. |
157881 | Problem: Floating DropDownDatawindow
Opening a dddw (one of several) on a grid, causes the Drop Down portion of the first DDDW to display away from the drop down arrow. The items in the DDDW cannot be selected. Workaround: Do not Modify() column color |
157883 | Cannot select a specific printer from Solaris PB Help when Help is called from within Solaris PowerBuilder. Running hyperhelp outside of PowerBuilder does allow you to select a specific printer. |
157887 | |
157895 | ReselectRow sometimes returns 0 instead of -1 as documented when row cannot be reselected. Against SQL anywhere, -1 was returned when I shut down the engine, but using Oracle 7.2, 0 was returned when I disconnected my network connection. For these two db's and MSS, 0 was returned when the row was deleted from another PB session. |
157905 | NT 4.0 is calling the wrong dialog in GetFileOpenName() function call. It should be using the Win95-style dialog...for File/Open like Wordpad. |
157907 | The function OpenTab() accepts a user object of type "tab" as an argument. This causes OpenTab() to GPF since it's really expecting an object of type userobject rather than tab. Migrating to 6.0 gives:
(0001): Error C0174: Type of actual parameter cannot be ancestor of formal reference parameter type. PER DEVELOPMENT:We won't be fixing this in 5.0--the compiler flaw that allowed this behaviour in the first place has been corrected in 6. |
157910 | Informix 7.x driver (IN7) doesn't support autocommit= false.
Solution: Logging was not turned on for the database. |
157914 | ddlb - disable and re-enable -> works like a normal combobox. |
157916 | Nested reports containing dropdowndatawindows display fine in development and runtime but not when saved as PSR files. From 5.0 on, they show DATA values only instead of display values.
Related to "Saved Data" in the dataobject since similar behavior is seen with DDDWs when you save data in the PARENT data object. Workaround: For the DDDW column, you must join the table and column for the Display value into a second datawindow - one you use just to use Save As.. ".PSR". |
157917 | Appears that tabpage.picturename uses only the 32x32 icon (large icon view). Using a 16x16 only icon shows up as an 'X'. |
157918 | Vertically stacked ddlb columns with "always show arrow" on (freeform) in a datawindow cause the lowermost ddlb to not drop when using the arrow. Works fine when clicking on the edit control part of the lower ddlb column. The distance required to work correctly seems to be about 25 units in the y direction between the two ddlbs. |
157922 | Changes to a descendant is impacting the ancestor in such a way that you have to regenerate it to have the app running. |
157923 | Getting the following error in 32 Bit & 16 Bit while executing a Local External RPC to a MS SQLServer 6.5 stored procedure, sqlca.sqlcode = 201 and it's sqlerrtext is: 'Procedure sp_bill expects parameter @my_input, which was not supplied'. But this parameter was supplied.
DEVELOPMENT: Cannot recreate - fixed during 6.0 beta. |
157925 | Dot notation for copying data from one datawindow to another doesn't work with certain conditions. It appears to be related to a datawindow with a datetime datatype. When I take out the datetime, it doesn't GPF on assignment. This example uses PSRs for both the source and destination dataobject.
Workaround: Insert an empty row in the destination datawindow control first. dw_1.dataobject="test.psr" ds_1.dataobject="test.psr" dw_1.insertrow(0) = |
157929 | CopyRTF then PasteRTF, first of one other datawindow row, then a second row from the datawindow results in the second row being in the richtext control twice, instead of having a copy of both row 1 and row 2. |
157931 | Changing current directory causes PB to not find ini file. This, in turn, causes great heartache when things continue to go wrong.
PER DEVELOPMENT: Fixed by a different issue's code change. |
157962 | *** 5.03 REGRESSION ***
32 bit Short, Win 95b ( plus) - Development pb 5.0.03 keywords:: ole automation .. office 95.. win 95b problem description:: If you preview a dw that is OLE style (Excel Spreadsheet) you hang if you try to exit the preview. This does not happen on my machine. Only happens with win 95B (upgrade version of win 95) and office 95. With pb 5.0.02 32 bit the DW does not hang I use office 97 and win 95 Gold. I get no data retrieved although it states at the microtab section at the bottom of the DW that 30 out 60 rows retrieved. There is no problem whatsoever with NT 4.0 |
157964 | If you place a dw in the header band of a nested dw, the dw in the header band only prints on the first page. This also occurs in preview mode. When you click on the Next button the State is being dropped. |
157969 | PB doesn't release memory after a destroy of a nvo. |
157992 | DataWindow sort order--- if you have a string with a dash in it, the DataWindow will not sort it correctly. DataWindow seems to be ignoring the dash. |
157994 | I get an error message when I try to create a new table.
The steps that I do to make this occur is: 1. Hit the table painter icon. 2. Select new. 3. Name the column. 4. Give the table a data type. 5. File --> Save. 6. Name it. The error message reads: { Create Table Definition Stop! The following syntax pattern provided in the pbodb60.ini file is incorrect: Column Element. } I tested the same steps on this version in Win95 and NT4 and nothing abnormal. |
157999 | When Windows settings has been set to International, a "," replaces the decimal. The Editmasks in datawindows do not work properly at all. The Editmask in question is [currency(7)]
PER DEVELOPMENT: This specific problem dealt with importing text files with currency data. The files had been exported in US currency and were being imported with settings changed to another currency which used the comma decimal separator. The problem is that given a particular countries settings of decimal points and thousands seperators there is NO WAY we can tell or translate from a text file stored with another countries settings. This is ONLY a problem for text files, a DB wouldn't actually store the '.' or ',' in the data. USA 119,989.27 International 11.998.927.00 instead of 119.989.27 or sometimes you cannot type anything in at all as numbers spread all over the mask. POSSIBLE WORKAROUND: if the mask is ###,###.00, then this mask works fine with international settings, so long as this format is acceptable for the various international settings you may be using. This is the danger of using text files for import. Having different decimal separator settings does have an effect. |
158002 | PB 6.0 : Build 162 v4 (beta2) : HP-UX : Oracle 7.3 Connectivity : Unable to connect to a Oracle database using the O73 driver using the "Thread Safe" option. After setting up the profile, when I try to connect, PB will core dump after displaying the following message on the console:
/lib/ Unresolved symbol: opinit (code) from /pwrs/pb6_162/pb6/bin/ IOT trap (core dumped) |
158007 | Bduquette - 01/06/99 - reopened - history of cr is listed after the following description
Short Description: When adding text to window controls, controls (check boxes, |
158010 | pasting '02/97' in a datetime edit mask with format mm/yy doesn't work using Crtl+Ins |
158015 | In the database painter, a primary key can be added for any columns. The primary key doesn't seem to do anything - columns in the primary key can have duplicates or nulls.
PER DEVELOPMENT: This is not a bug for syb, 4.0x Dblib Database servers. The primary key implementation was not 'really' supported in this version of the servers. The 4.0x servers only used the sp_primarykey stored procedures for documentation/user intent puposes. The 4.0x server did not enforce any constraints, as constraints & rules were not available in the database itself in the 4.0x version of the Server for a primary key. If one uses MS SqlServer 6.0 (or higher) the primary key constraint is supported and enforced as expected. (ie. If one executes the steps above in SqlServer 6.0 or higher,, then one will receive the error messages: "8111 Attempting to define a primary key constraint on nullable column in table.") This excerpt is right from the MSDN: "calling sp_primarykey and sp_foreignkey simply creates entries in the syskeys table and Microsoft SQL Server does nothing more with them." That is if one executed a sp_primarykey in a 4.21 server in ISQL (ie. No PB), the database would not enforce the primary key 'rule', where a dup column or null values, would be created by the DB. I have included more information per the MSDN Article below ================================================== The following is in the MSDN Article, 8/12/96, Migrating your Database from MS SqlServer 4.21 to 6.5: Syntax to Create a Table and a Primayr & Foreign Key ============================================ CREATE TABLE Article (ArticleID PKID, ArticleType TypeCode, AuthorID PKID, Title StdDescription NULL) exec sp_primarykey Article, ArticleID exec sp_foreignkey Article, Author, AuthorID Here we have created the two tables, declared a primary key on each, and declared a foreign key in the Article table. Unfortunately, defining these keys does not mean that the database will enforce them! In version 4.21, primary and foreign key declarations are for documentation purposes only; calling sp_primarykey and sp_foreignkey simply creates entries in the syskeys table and Microsoft SQL Server does nothing more with them. To enforce the primary keys, a unique index must be created: CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX XPKAuthor ON Author (AuthorID) |
158018 | PB 6.0 : Build 162 v4 (beta2) : HP-UX : Oracle 7.3.2 Connectivity : Unable to connect to a Oracle database using the O73 driver. After setting up the profile, when I try to connect, get assertion failure and a core dump. |
158026 | SYB. Executing a pipeline to replace the destination table corrupts the destination table.
Steps to recreate: 1) If employee_copy exists, drop the table. 2) Create a pipeline to copy the employee table to employee_copy. 3) Execute the pipeline. 4) Change the option to Replace. 5) Execute the pipeline. If you open the table in the database painter, it will show up as having no columns. |
158027 | Microsoft Web Browser does not retrieve websites if the URL contains frames. This works ok in Visual Basic. |
158030 | Activating and OLE style datawindow by double clicking it (INProc activation), and then single clicking it will deactivate the OLE program. This occurs only if the datawindow resides in a dynamically created window. |
158040 | Casting the Datapoint argument as Double in the First Impressions OCX, causes PowerBuilder to crash only in the machine code executable.
Customer's Code: int i,j i = 0 j = 0 for i = 1 to 4 for j = 1 to 4 ole_1.object.datagrid.setdata(i,j,double(i*j),0) next next WORKAROUND - Change the Code to the following: int i,j double d <--------- i = 0 j = 0 for i = 1 to 4 for j = 1 to 4 d = i*j <--------- ole_1.object.datagrid.setdata(i,j,d,0) <--------- next next 12/11/97 Update from Development: Workaround is to assign the double to a variable and use that variable in the OLE call. (see above). Development will be looking into possible means of correcting this architectural problem in a future major release, it cannot be addressed in a maintenance release. |
158045 | Powerbuilder only accepts one method to refer to bookmarks using Word 97. The index number is the only method that works:
i.e. acitvedocument.bookmarks[2].select However the Microsoft Visual Basic for macros, allow for the reference of bookmarks through their names as well. i.e. activedocument.bookmarks("temp").select which the above does not work in Powerbuilder Error: "Error calling external function bookmarks at line xx in event xxxx..." |
158054 | **** 5.0.04 Regression ****
Database=Oracle 7.3, DBMS=O73. Only happens on 16bit with O73 driver and numeric columns and DisableBind=0 (default). Inserting NULL into numeric column causes a gpf in PBO73050.DLL. |
158061 | Win 95 and win nt 4.0
32 bit only {pb 5.0.02_11, pb 5.0.03_35, pb 5.0.04_31} panther version 186 keywords:: OCX .. mapocx from chigago Corp. Problem description:: The OCX ( Mapocx.ocx ) is a control from Chicago Map corp. This OCX will register in the registry but PB cannot display it on a window. No OCX properties can be displayed for it. It is completely non functional within powerbuilder. |
158064 | PB 6.0 beta2 build 162v5 on Solaris. The cursor is not correctly positioned when adding columns through the table painter so the user is forced to manually position the cursor in the ColumnName field as they add each new column to a table definition. Verified that this is not the behavoir on PB5_230i.
To recreate 1) after connecting to a database, go into the DB Painter and select menu options Object...New...Table. 2) Upon arriving in the table painter, your cursor is in the ColumnName field and you can immediately type the first column name - do so. 3) Tab to the DataType field and assign a datatype to the column. 4) Hit the enter key. You are now presented with a new column template for defining your second column. If you begin typing, the characters don't show up anyplace - none of the fields has focus. ColumnName should have focus - it does on Intel and in PB5_230i on Solaris. |
158070 | Posting an OpenSheet PowerScript function call from the frame open event, and using the global sheet variable for the sheetrefvar, GPFs in 6.0.
Workaround: Per Development (11/10/97): |
158074 | Under certain conditions, arrow keys do not work as expected in a listview control on a window.
When opening a window with a listview control, the 3rd item in the listview is selected. When trying to arrow from one item to another, using the keyboard arrows, the up and down arrows do not work correctly. If an item is selected using the mouse (clicking on it), the arrows then work fine. Create a window with a listview. Add 5 items to the listview arranged as shown above. Add the above code to the window open event. When the window opens, you can see that the 3 rd item is selected. If you type the up arrow the focus does not change (If you were at the 1st item the up arrow would not move you up, there is no place to go up from item 1). If you type the down arrow, focus does not change. (If you type the down arrow for item 1 it would move you to item 3, but since item three already has focus, nothing appears to change. At this point the focus and the internal index are both at item 3 and the arrows work fine from this point on. |
158087 | Datawindow painter resizes nested reports too small when you use "Modify Report" to modify a child report and return to the main report. More noticable with freeform reports as children. |
158088 | Problems with quotes when using SaveAs() function to save the contents of his DW to a text file.
Development: Not a bug. We saveas .txt files the way we (i.e. dw) would want to read them back in ( if one was to do an importfile on the file). Therefore, let's say you have a .txt file with the following three lines: "ABC" ""ABC"" """ABC""" and that this file was being imported into a dw with one column. The column value for row 1 = ABC (we read quoted string contents and throw away the quotes) row 2 = null (we read the first quoted string which is null and ignore the rest) row 3 = "ABC" (we have special logic to understand that these are quotes that matter to the string) |
158104 | OS and version of PB: win 95 and win nt 16 and 32 bit pb 5.0 5.0.02, pb 5.0.03 pb 5.0.04
Keywords:: modify , describe, datawindow "incorrect syntax at line XXX" Problem description:: When you do a modify on a variable that has been associated with a describe function you get an error. "Incorrect syntax at line XXX" Eg ii_instance = dw_1.Describe("DataWindow.Table.Select") then do a modify dw_1.Modify("DataWindow.Table.Select='ii_instance") you get an "Incorrect syntax at line XXX" This is not database specific. The modify function should be able to use the syntax from the describe. Also using a specified sql statement for a syntaxfromsql command that is valid should be valid when applying the same statement to a modify. Instead the result is "Incorrect syntax at line XXX". This should not be the case. The modify statement should be able to recognise the syntax. |
158113 | Problem: When passing a blob as a parameter to an Oracle RPC function, the blob does not reach Oracle correctly. |
158129 | Setting SQLCache to a positive number in the DBPARM is causing data not to be piped using a pipeline to Oracle as the destination (O72, O73). If you take out the reference to SQLCache in the DBPARM, it works fine. |
158134 | *** REGRESSION 5.0.03 *** 32 bit PowerBuilder w/ ObjectCycle 2.0
Checking out objects to 'work' pbl, after a certain number of objects an error occurs: "cCheckout Object : client rpc error out of memory" and objects if using NT3.51. Problem only occurs with PBEOL050 and Object Cycle 2.0 on the Win 95 or NT platforms. Not a problem in Win 3.1 or in PB 6.0. Fix requires changes to both PBEOL050.DLL and OCC020.DLL. |
158138 | PB 5.0.03 UNIX CDE : popup windows cannot be minimized. If you check the minimize (or maximize) check box, the popup window doesn't display these boxes. |
158144 | PB UNIX : Drop-down list box colour attributes are ignored when ddlb is allowediting |
158150 | for database objects that may be referenced with prefix of owner two requests:
1.) An option to control whether or not an owner prefix is used 2.) An option to control what value for the owner prefix is applied, if used. |
158153 | Hebrew is not supported in rich text edit control. There is no RightToLeft property. |
158156 | **5.0.03 REGRESSION**
Operating system and version of Powerbuilder win nt 4.0 only, 32 bit only . pb 5.0.03 and pb 5.0.04. Problem description.:: Printing from a dw printpreview in landscape mode. When the user prints in the print preview of his datawindow 400 pages of the same data are printed out instead of 1. Also when you run the window the same thing happens .Normaly there is one page of data from the dw that should be printed. Instead there are around 400 pages being printed out of the same data. This only happens when newspaper columns are set to 2. when they are set to 1 there is no problem. 10-21-97:: Adeering . I tested out pbdwe050.dll on the win nt 4.0. This dll is from build 65 of pb 5.0.04. I optimised the pbl and did some checks to see if pbdwe050.dll would break anything else. It did not. I will now give this dll to the customer. |
158171 | a datawindow with an OLE database blob column : when closing the OLE server window after having activated it by doublecliking, the refreshing of the datawindow is not correct. |
158173 | Menus - Setting the Visible property of a Menu item in the Open Event of an MDI Frame Window causes the Menu to become corrupted. Menu items from one menu will overlay menu items next to them when a Sheet is opened using OpenSheet. Although there are two work arounds described below, submitting this as a bug since the original application was developed on the Mac platform and worked. After moving the app to the Windows platform, the menus didn't work properly. |
158176 | Return from making changes in the application script painter. A prompt to save appears. After selecting No, another prompt to save (incorrectly) appears. |
158178 | B 6.0 beta3 build -believe it is build 180. Misspelling in error message in the MDI native driver.
The word "structure" is misspelled in the following string "Unable to find an available protocol driver strcuture". PER DEVELOPMENT: Confirmed that this error is coming from the server; thus, we cannot fix this misspelling: sqldbcode 20012, 'Unable to find an available protocol driver strcuture.' |
158187 | Problem returning large amounts of data from dpb server back to 16 bit client. This happened in this case where an unbounded array of structures was passed by reference to the server and the server loads up the array with a bunch of data. The structure has 26 fields and there are 1500 elements in the array.
This issue only occurs with 16 bit clients. Problem fixed in 5.0.04, but still a problem in 6.0.01 |
158189 | Windows with lots of command buttons, delays between the painting of each button. |
158196 | PB asserts when inheriting from a window or user object that has controls on it. This does not happen on solaris. |
158207 | |
158215 | PROBLEM: When passing an array of datetime values to an Oracle function, the values as referenced in the function are the default date values, indicating the arguments are not reaching the function. |
158224 | **** 5.0.04 Regression **** 16bit ONLY
Getting error message, "System error sharing violation on drive <X>:". PowerBuilder is installed locally but the pbl's are on the Novell network. If the pbl's are brought local or an NT server is used this error does not occur. |
158225 | ListView in Report mode. If the entire list does not fit within the display and you scroll down to the bottom of the list, then minimize the window on which the list is displayed, and then restore the window, the column headings of the listview become corrupt and are not readable. |
158227 | Printdatawindow for an RTF style datawindow doesn't work when running 16 bit under Win95. Works fine with 16 bit under NT 4.0. Tabular, etc other datawindow styles print fine. 5.0.01- have the same behavior. |
158228 | Opening a response window from the doubleclicked event of a datawindow and then closing the window results in the inability to edit data until the datawindow is clicked. |
158240 | Using the Left and Right mouse buttons in script sometimes causes a GPF. For instance, the following:
1. Hold left mouse down. This does not happen in 6.0.00 and beyond. |
158243 | |
158245 | When you are in the script painter for the application and you exit you have to maximized the application workspace in order to get your toolbar and menu commands back. |
158250 | Microsoft Access 7.0 datasource. PB gives the error "[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access 7.0 Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1." when using a "query" (like a view in PB) as a source for a datawindow during retrieval.
MsQuery 32 bit gives the error "syntax error in from clause". Seems like a driver issue. |
158258 | 5.0.03 Regression: dw PageCount() in a computed field of a datawindow object used as the dataobject for a datastore. The computed field should tell how many pages would be printed out. Worked in 5.0.02, in 5.0.03 and later, pagecount() always returns 1 (for only one page), regardless of the number of rows in the result set. |
158260 | Enhancement Request - Options for Objects Menu item within DataWindow painter sorted in alphabetical sequence. Additionally, options for Controls Menu item within window painter sorted in alphabetical sequence. Not sure what logic is used for placement, frequency of usage (?), but alphabetically would enable quick scanning and location of appropriate menu choice. |
158266 | Unable to access the EntryID property of a MailRecipient Object.
Error: The Property 'entryid' was found in class 'mailrecipient', but insufficient rights are available to access it. |
158268 | Informix I-Connect 7.02. (IN7) Customer gets error message after deleteing a row and saving changes and using DBParm=DisableBind=1: "Row Changed Between Retrieve and Update", "No changes made to database". NOTE: Same error occurs if you modify a row and try to save the change. |
158270 | trace from Powerbuilder shows Error -201 (rc -1) : SQLSTATE = 37000 when trying to execute Informix stored procedure through ODBC
Solution: Documentation bug in Online help: ODBC DECLARE and EXECUTE DECLARE logical_procedure_name PROCEDURE FOR procedure_name ({@param1 = value, @param2 = value2, ...}) {USING transaction_object}; ---> For ODBC parenthesis should not be used - |
158276 | Using Oracle with O72 or O73, OR8 driver causes the error "select error: column lists do not match" previewing a datawindow when there is a retrieval argument in the select statement and there is a blank DBPARM. Even though staticbind=1 is the default, using staticbind=1 in the DBPARM explicitly causes this error to go away during preview.
In general, when this retrieval argument issue was investigated in other drivers, it was mentioned that users should use "staticbind=0" to re-describe the result set - effectively forcing the developer back to 3.0/4.0 behavior to get rid of binding problems. NOTE: When DBPARM is left blank (meaning staticbind should default to "1") we can still see in the trace that a DESCRIBE is done on the result set and yet we still get the error "Column lists do not match". Staticbind=1 should be the default. |
158279 | Solaris - Seen directly in the Window painter. Use any Window object. Right-click on the Window. Select Properties, then Position. Note there is no representation of the window in the space provided. Therefore, you can't size the window manually within this area as you can do on the Windows platform. |
158285 | EditMask scroll to the right always in Hebrew and Arabic 6.0. Changing the alignment has no effect. By the way, English scrolls to the left and alignment has no effect there either. |
158286 | Using ModifiedCount() in the rowfocuschanged event of another datawindow fails when both datawindows are doing sharedata with a parent datawindow.
Example: Datawindow "a" is the parent and shares with "b" and "c" In the rowfocuschanged of "b", there is the function call "c".modifiedcount(). This causes a GPF in PBDWE050.DLL 0137:11589d1d when a row is deleted from the parent or "a" datawindow. Workaround: Easy. Put the Modifiedcount() in a posted event from the rowfocuschanged event in datawindow "b" |
158310 | ***Regression****
OS and version: win nt 4.0 , win 95 32 bit and 16 bit {pb 5.0.03} Keywords:: External function call Problem description: Customer is trying to make a call to an external function she wrote. Customer gets the following error "Unsupported argument type in function ml_net_addconnection in herdll.dll". This error message did not appear in pb 5.0.02. This issue was fixed with pbrte050.dll w.r.t pb5.0.04. I also tested this out in pb 6.0 build 235. A -1 error is returned, but all the custoemr wants is to be able to use this function call ml_net_addconnection |
158312 | Problem with Excel embedded in an Ole object. The save event in the OLE control never fires if using Excel--Office 97. This works with earlier versions of excel.
This works in 5.0.04_76 & 6.0 |
158316 | In the Hebrew 32-bit version, running under Hebrew enabled Win95, Alt+Shift and Ctrl+Shift work to change the keboard and orientation in an EditMask on a window. Running Arabic 32-bit under Arabic enabled, it only works to change from Arabic to English. If you are in English it will not change to Arabic. |
158321 | Orca problem with Import directive contained in a PB Comment. When he has the following in script, he gets compiler errors. Recreate in any application script:
/* //* */ This is a problem for the customer because of Orca. The Orca import //*, when enclosed in a comment block, causes the compile entry import function to hang. Errors: C0035 Unclosed Comment and C0031 Syntax Error. Workaround: Go through the file and globally replace any '//*' with, '// *'. |
158329 | Problem: Export to Syntax for MS SQL server does not separate multiple constraints with commas. This causes an error when export file is executed. |
158332 | Unable to use the Primary key word when referencing the Selected property of a datawindow object.
Error: "Error accessing external property selected at line 'x' in 'y' event of object 'z' " Workaround: Since the dot notation defaults to the Primary buffer, the workaround is to omit the keyword: i.e. DO NOT use dw_1.object.columnname.primary.selected, but dw_1.object.columnname.selected or dw_1.object.columnname.current.selected |
158335 | When opening named pipes over network limit is 17.
PER DEVELOPMENT: This is not a bug. The limitation is established by a configurable registry parameter which defaults to 17. The Registry value is as follows: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Lanmanworkstation\parametersMaxThreads Add this parameter in the registry and set = to desired limitation. Tested this on 2 client machines and it fixed it on both. |
158341 | Script painter "paste" dropdowns (for Select Event, Paste Global, Paste Instance, Paste Argument, Paste Object..). There is no horizontal scrollbar in any of the "Paste...." dropdowns making it difficult to work with PFC and it's long names in, for instance, the "Paste Instance" dropdown.
PER DEVELOPMENT: No plans to address this issue. Future releases may make this obsolete. |
158357 | ISUG Enhancement Request e15_053:
Allow AutoSize on bands other than detail. Often it is desirable to use the detail band only for summarizing data and it is never displayed. The actual data is displayed in group footers with totals. If the data is a large variable text, there is no way to adjust the height of that band. |
158360 | The dbparm dbtextlimit cannot have single quotes around the value to make a successful connection. This is contrary to documentation. |
158366 | *** 5.0.03 Regression *** R0039 error. Error accessing external object property object at line xx in function xxxx of object xxxxx. Cannot access a column name (or an attribute like HTMLTable) in a nested DataWindow via dot notation. |
158380 | 5.0.04 PBEOL050 CheckIn for Object Cycle interface allows optional version label assignment. If label is already associated with a previous revision of the object, SMS_CheckIn returns FAILURE. However, object really was checked in successfully. This puts PB and ObjectCycle statuses out of sync. |
158383 | Window editmask control modified events. If you programmatically change an editmask,
em_1.text = "0" the modified event doesn't fire until you put focus on an editmask then force a losefocus by way of clicking or tabbing. The documentation states: Modified event doc: When a control has been changed AND loses focus (becomes inactive). This makes it harder to change data in a window editmask programmatically since the modified event will fire sometimes when you don't expect. |
158388 | When you go into the properties of a response window and check maximize, minimize, resize and control menu. These properties are not used in runtime. |
158392 | Win 3.11 only
16 bit only {pb 5.0, 5.0.02_11,pb 5.0.03_35, pb 5.0.03_41} Keywords:: Rich text edit control,, bad display text format, copyRTF Problem description:: This is win 3.11 only. both 16 and 32 bit PB on win 95 or win nt 4.0 have no problems. Customer is using a RTE control. He retrieves a column from the database that has all of the rich text formatting codes. A single quote or ** appear in the display of the RTE . If you check the text right after retrieving, there is no single quote or **. It is only when you issue a copyRTF that the problem occurs. Happens in development and in run time also. |
158398 | Problem Description: When migrating from pb 4.0 to 5.0 a wrapping effect is caused from printpreview to the next page
It appears that PB 5 calculates the 1/1000th inch differently than version 4. Creating a dw on version 4 and migrating to 5, the paper size goes from 8.5" wide to only 8". This is causing pages to wrap. |
158402 | ***** 5.0.03 Regression ****** 16 & 32bit PowerBuilder
There seems to be a difference in PBRTE050.DLL in the deployment kit vs. \sys32 or \sys (dev) directory. The dll in \pb5i32\dk in some cases will cause a page fault in PBSHR050.DLL@0173:1111198e. PER DEVELOPMENT: New deployment kits available on ftp site. Files: and |
158409 | Using SetSeriesStyle syntax 3 (to specify the properties for data markers in a series) on the second embedded graph control in a data window cause a gpf in pbrte050.dll at 0137:10b35074. The setseriesstyle is called in the pbm_dwngraphcreate just as the documentation for setseriesstyle() mentions.
Moving the code out of the pbm_dwngraphcreate event gets rid of the GPF. 6.0.00 and 6.0.01 work fine. |
158411 | Function Painter Does not compile on save or exit when a function argument of a user defined object type (structure, window) is not in the library search path. Access violation. |
158415 | Regression - Importfile and ImportString functions have a memory leak. PB5.0.0 and 5.0.01 worked fine |
158418 | The coltype property on a numeric column in a crosstab datawindow returns character when accessed from the RetrieveRow event. It is correct from the RetrieveStart and RetrieveEnd events. |
158423 | Solaris web.pb and distributed PowerBuilder - calling a server print function from a distributed client does not work. Either gets a segmentation fault or just doesn't create anything. If you call the print function on the server, it works.
Customer has coded some print functions on the Server app. When called from the Server, these print functions work fine. However, when these Server print functions are called from the Client, they fail. |
158425 | In powerscript, if you use describe() together with evaluate pagecount, you'll get a GPF if a group is defined, and the property 'reset page number on group break' is set to true. |
158443 | **** 5.0.03 Regression ****
Using "ShowHelp ("help file",Topic!,topicnum)" fired from command button. Works in development and p-code but not in machine code executable...Error displayed: "Topic does not exist, contact your application vendor for an updated help file (129)" |
158445 | A CrossTab datawindow - at run time calls CrossTabDialog() function, brings up CrossTab Definition window, click OK. It brings up the datawindow, but there is no data in it.
(This worked in PB 4.0.0x) Workaround: Retrieve data first using Retrieve(), then call CrossTabDialog() function. |
158448 | MS SQL Server 6.5. Customer has a text field in database. If data in field is more than 4K, error msg: "Data conversion resulted in overflow." textsize on the database is large over 32k, and they are using the dbtextlimit dbparm. I checked the db @@textsize value and it is > 32k |
158449 | RButtonDown event of datawindow control - xpos, ypos arguments are in pixels although they are documented as returning PBUs. |
158451 | If you call an Informix stored procedure using an RPC call. Error 0232 will occur if there are character arguments. |
158458 | displaying a computed field on a label-style DataWindow, causes a GPF |
158480 | ISUG Enhancement Request e15_055:
Back in version 5 you were able to run your app with the Debugger and utilize Ctrl-S to step through each line. Now you have to use the mouse to click on a toolbar icon. I know it can't be that hard to bring back this nice time-saving feature. |
158485 | When a treeview has a horizontal scroll bar; when you move the scroll the bar so that the squares that expand and collapse the treeview are hidden and double click a level item to collapse it, the scroll bar disappears but the the treeview does not shift to the right and the squares remain hidden. (5.0 only) |
158486 | |
158491 | In a dw which uses HorizontalScrollSplit to split the screen in two, wants ability to set focus on a column in the right-hand side of the dw. |
158495 | The ALT key is ignored if held down when choosing menu items. |
158496 | The api function globalMemoryStatus doesn't work well with NT 4
PER DEVELOPMENT: If you try calling this from a C program you get the same results. This is not a PowerBuilder bug. |
158503 | Metafile in inverse mode bleeds beyond the borders of the picture control on a datawindow object. Inverts fine in Paintshop pro. |
158522 | Unable to nest transaction in a SQL Anywhere database with database chained mode OFF and Powerbuilder AutoCommit set to true. However this works properly with the Sybase Adaptive Server ODBC Driver
Workaround: Create a separate transaction object with AutoCommit=OFF and use this one to handle transaction processing. |
158523 | Source Control --> ObjectCycle 2.0
User has been set up as with the Role of a user and can clear the registration of an object even though a message is given stating that 'User does not have permission to invoke function cDeleteObject' |
158526 | PB 504 when a userobject is opened on a window using the OpenUserObject() Function, the constructor event does not fire.
Developer: Already fixed earlier in 6.0 |
158555 | DataWindow numeric EditMask issue; the cursor goes one position too far after hitting the decimal point.
971104 SLIE - Not reproducible with US settings. Can use Norwegian, Swedish or German settings to reproduce, where comma is used as decimal separator. |
158570 | Clear() function does not clear out the oleobject from an OLE control
- does not occur under 5.0.04_71, 6.0.01_339 |
158595 | For Oracle stored procedure with date parameter PB uses default date format 'DD-MON-YYYY' - When NLS_LANG set it causes error ORA-01843 not a valid month (month abbreviations are different in other languages). |
158597 | Problem with datawindow columns with an editstyle of editmask [currency(xx)]. If you enter some digits and the tab off (or click elswhere), the column loses the leading digit. Problem happens in German(standard) and French(standard) Regional Settings. |
158620 | GPF when using Disconnect in DBERROR event of the datawindow and there is a database error such as "invalid column".
In 16 bit, the GPF is in PBSYC050.DLL @ 0003:39ce (5.0.03) and in 0003:3a9e ( and PBVM60W.DLL @ 001B:17ae in 6.0.01 build 314. Workaround: Use Postevent from the DBerror to do the disconnect. |
158628 | 16 and 32 bit Net Gateway gives 'Data Conversion Resulted in Overflow' when building a datawindow from a view and returning to design mode from the SQL Painter. |
158640 | Customer gets back ' garbage ' data when previewing a datawindow in a certain column only. If you only include one column in the columns definition of the crosstab, then this error will occur. |
158642 | Win 95, Win NT 4.0
32 bit only {pb 5.0, 5.0.02_11, 5.0.03_35, 5.0.04_41} Keywords:: NVO , bad resource performance, create,destroy Problem description:: Customer creates and destroys a matrix of NVO's and the performance is effected as a result. I tried this out using 2 NVO's. I found the following result as the customer and the TSE # of nvuo CREATE (sec) DESTROY (sec) 1 1 1 2 3 4 You cannot run this app in 16 bit mode on any platform as you will result in a gpf in pbshr050.dll. Checked with resource monitor on NT 4.0 , and there is no major memory loss. All memory is freed up when you stop the application. In powerbuilder 4.0.07 there is no memory loss. SOLUTION: This is as designed in all PB versions 5.0 and later. When you declare a static array we must initialize all elements of the array. In 4.0 the initialization would be done the first time you access each element of the array. Therefore in 4.0 you pay the price throughout your app where in 5.0 you pay for it up front. Use dynamic arrays to get around this. |
158649 | The editmask autoskip feature works incorreclty when the last character entered in to the editmask is upper case. It should tab to the next control, but instead, it tabs to the previous control. |
158651 | Isdate() returns true with some strange combinations of slashes.
1997/////-...8///-13 |
158655 | Deficiency. SQL Painter for Script - INSERT, UPDATE icons for adding embedded SQL. SQL Painter allows you to paste columns into script that won't satisfy "not null" field requirements (ie required fields). |
158660 | Security Enhancement for InfoMaker/Powerbuilder. The pb.ini or im.ini file (.pb.ini file in Solaris) stores the username/password to connect to the database. This can potentially create a security risk.
Possible workarounds: |
158676 | Rich Text Datawinw (RTF DW) Importing a file into RTF apostrophies
are lost. Copying and pasting in and out of RTF, fonts and styles are also lost or do not appear. |
158679 | Problem description:: Datastore issue. When assigning a dw object to datastore, if dw object has edit styles on columns, gets gpf. Pbshr050.dll at 0009:000024fb.
This issue has beentested in both win 95 and win nt 4.0 . Pb 5.0.04 build 54 fixes this problem. Note when running the debugger you will see the dataobject been assigned to the datastore but will result in a gpf in pbrte050.dll. If you apply the above dlls the problem will not occur. |
158683 | R1039 type mismatch accessing external object property "data" if a timestamp column is being copied using |
158691 | In the Debugger, using PFC as an example, if you expand the user objects list, find pfc_n_cst_tvsrv_datasource and expand it. Then, select the of_setleveldata function (3rd from bottom of overloaded functions, the one with all the arguments). Doubleclick on it to open it in the source code window and get a GPF. The user cannot set a breakpoint.
Development: Fixed around 6.0.01 build 360 with other debugger fixes. |
158693 | ODBC leak in runtime executables with connect/disconnect. Worst with server executables (either Web.pb or distributed). |
158697 | *** 5.0.02 Regression *** Still broken in 5.0.4_67
Footer band of composite report overlays the trailer band of a child report if it's at the bottom of a page. |
158702 | Enhancement Request: Correct GUI for Checkboxes and radiobuttons in DW
Can we PLEASE have a property to control the background colour of 3D checkbox and radiobutton edit styles in datawindows so we can provide the user with the proper visual cues when columns of this type are readonly or disabled. (see checkbox and radiobutton window controls.) If the datawindow is the preferred interface control then we should have at least the same functionality as the window control provides by version 6. This behavior would have to include the protect = 1 or taborder = 0 attribute effectively showing the "disabled" look as well. |
158703 | Crosstabsum() or crosstabavg() in a crosstab datawindow GPFs when building the crosstab. Although the documentation shows a correct format with one column:
CrosstabSum(1, 2, "@year") the customer is using several columns but it shouldn't GPF |
158725 | PFC sorting on column headers using of_setcolumnnamesource(2) doesn't seem to work on columns added after the datawindow was originally saved. Clicking on the headers - inserted by the user - associated with the new column(s) don't work.
This is not a bug.. With any newly added columns to a tabular or grid datawindow, you should place a static text above the column in the header band. The problem is: this static text representing the header has NO "name" attribute and that's what makes the sorting on headers work. When a datawindow is newly created, any columns automatically get headers (grid, tabular) with the name <columnname>_t as their "name" attribute. Ex: 1. "dept_head_id" column is added after the datawindow was originally created. 2. A static text placed above "dept_head_id" was typed in as "Department Head ID". This static text has no "name" attribute - it's NULL - and that's what the of_setcolumnnamesource(2) uses. The naming convention would be: <columnname>_t Name attribute: dept_head_id_t << name of the static text in header associated with dept_head_id Text attribute: "Department Head ID" or anything you want |
158727 | Enhancement. GenerateHTMLForm function should process columns with DDDW edit style |
158729 | Windows 3.11. dw_1.print() to show the cancel dialog doesn't work with 16 bit under WFW 3.11. dw_.1.print() should default to "TRUE".
ex: dw_1.print(true) Workaround: Use dw_1.print(true). You must explicity set the flag to get the cancel dialog. OK on other platforms. |
158731 | 16 bit PB. GPF in pblib050.dll when doing an export and then an import of certain objects (from 3rd party vendor, FileMark) in the library painter. These gpfs did not occur when using PB 5.0 or 5.0.01.
GPF in pblib050.dll when you try to import the exported file. 5.0.02 - pblib050.dll @ 0000058c 5.0.03 - pblib050.dll @ 00000416 5.0.04_48 pblib050.dll @ 0000058c |
158736 | PBMotif 6.0 build 189: Foreign Key name assigned by user is not
preserved, PB always reverts foreign key name to '[foreign key 1]'. This system generated name is invalid and subsequently causes errors when user attempts to modify foreign key definition. THIS IS AFFECTING TEST AUTOMATION SCRIPTS... PER DEVELOPMENT: This is not a bug. Syb 4.0x did not support foreign key (or primary keys for that matter) assigned key names. Please bug number 44811's description for more information on syb 4.0x's support of foreign and primary keys. (This information is also available in the MSDN.) This behaviour is the same in 4.0x, 5.0x and 6.0x. Since the database didn't provide/save a foreign key name, the PBSYB*.dll driver was coded (and only this driver, I double checked), to give a default foreign key name of '[foreign key 1]'. The driver was also coded to give a default primary key name of 'primary'. This is true only for this dialog and only for the SYB driver 4.0x. |
158737 | Problem: Informix 7 native driver does not appear as an option when installing the deployment kit from the PB 5.0.03 maintenance CD. It does appear with native drivers when installing the PB development environment |
158750 | Private instance variables having the same name in ancestor and descendant is not allowed eventhough the scope should be limited to the object itself and hence there should be no conflict. |
158751 | Datawindow date Editmask should beep (and not allow entry of data) when validating certain dates rather than skipping onto the next portion of the date. US or European format has the same problem. |
158752 | Datawindow plugin to look at psr file. Can print report once but after saving the psr (Right-mouse on plug-in and Save Rows As...Powersoft Report) and reloading the newly saved PSR, printing this new report is truncating information instead of saving exactly as shown.
NOTE: The display of the new report is fine. It's the printing that's truncating the data - so you must printout the psr. Computed fields are moved. Numbers are cut off as are characters. Using the report painter in Powerbuilder and the "Save Rows As..." Powersoft Report using a PSR EXACTLY duplicates the PSR for viewing and printing. |
158755 | User events mapped to pbm_command do not have wparam and lparam as arguments like
every other windows event does. Workaround: Use message.longparm/wordparm. |
158757 | Unable to position a control within a tabpage via the position property sheet. The x,y fields are disabled. |
158761 | Description of of_SetColumnNameSource(2) in both sort and filter services needs more information to clearly show when this works (only with simple and extended filter dialogs - not with the default filter or sort dialogs) and that you need to use "of_setdefaultheadersuffix" as well. Users expected the default filter dialog to work with option 2 of of_setcolumnnamesource(2) to use "headers" in the default filter dialog.
ex: dw_1.of_Setfilter(TRUE) ii_rc = dw_1.inv_filter.of_SetColumnNameSource(2) dw_1.inv_filter.of_setstyle(1) // Can't use "0" for default dialog, this won't work. dw_1.inv_filter.of_setdefaultheadersuffix("_t") // need this too. dw_1.inv_filter.of_SetFilter(ls_null) dw_1.inv_filter.of_filter() of_setdefaultheadersuffix() function call must be used to tag what it should look for as a header. If you use of_setdefaultheadersuffix() and you've change what the header is called. For instance: 'dept_id' will have a default header name text object called "dept_id_t" If you modify any of the text field "names" in the header on the window (or it doesn't find one for the corresponding column), it won't work. If you keep all the defaults, in the example shown above "dept_id", if you use the extended filter dialog, the column in the "columns" tab will be referred to as "Department ID" - ie what is called the "label" in the extended attributes or the "text" attribute of the header "dept_id_t". Basically, internally a mapping table is built that carries all the information so of_setcolumnnamesource() works correctly. Datawindow column database column header ========================================================= dept_id department.dept_id Department ID PER DEVELOPMENT: NOT A BUG: DOCUMENTATION ERROR. |
158772 | OCX controls and OLE style datawindows, do not appear in Composite datawindows when they are located within the nested reports |
158778 | Performing an UPDATEBLOB statement before an ESQL SELECT statement against a text field in a different Sybase table results in text being truncated
Workaround: ========== Instead of an embedded SQL SELECT statement after the UPDATEBLOB, perform a SELECTBLOB instead and use the string() function to convert the results |
158780 | 4.0.07 (released version) and the date 02/29/2001 was accepted as input.. dd/mm/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy. It does give you an error when you try to tab off but 5.0.04 and 6.0 don't even let you enter the "1" of "2001" |
158782 | Problem: Numeric display format shows truncation/rounding if number contains more than 15 significant digits. |
158805 | Changing the font properties of a static text object on a datawindow results in the size of the static text object changing from what the user specified. This does not occur for a static text object on a window.
WORKAROUND: Whenever font properties are modified the user has to resize the object to be the size they want. |
158826 | Grid dw, H Split Scroll, clicking on split bar of scrollbar brings scrollbar thumb to the far right under certain circumstances, leading user to think they are viewing the right-most column, even when they are not. |
158844 | Changing datawindow column attribute Focusrectangle with modify() on a column with existing edit style of radio button causes the data value to be displayed. PB seems to convert the edit style to one that does support the focusrectangle attribute ie edit style "edit" (radio button does not support focusrectangle), then applies the value to the attribute. |
158860 | Datawindow Print Paper Size using the Print Specifications property dialog shows (using HP IV) the following values at the bottom: UNKNOWN - 44 thru UNKNOWN 67.
This seems to be a development environment issue only. This dialog is available by using Right-Mouse on a blank area of the datawindow in design mode and choosing Properties/Print Specifications and selecting the "size" field in the "Paper" groupbox. |
158869 | Painting/Display Bug. Exporting objects from Library Painter.
When Exporting object from the library painter, the "Export Library Entry" MODAL NON-RESIZEABLE response window height is based on the size of the PB application window. You can shrink the PB application so that the response window becomes unusable since its height it too small to see all the controls on the window. The only work around is to return to the library painter, resize the PB application so the response window height will resize so you can see all of the dialog box. |
158872 | Dot notation for datawindow computed fields on the secondary datawindow not accessable when using shardata. They return null. Getitemstring() does work against the secondary datawindow computed field, though. |
158879 | Exporting sql to log from a SYC data source to an ODBC datasource produces an activity log with ??? characters for some of the data types.
Solution: Added support for special datatype support from the pbodbxx.ini when we export syntax. |
158901 | PB 6.0 build 203v4, Unix
The Browse button on the Database Preferences window crashes PB. 1) Enter the database painter 2) Open the Database Preferences window (Design>Options) 3) Click Browse You get the following error: Can't access this folder. Path is too long. Then PB crashes or hangs. |
158937 | Initializing a numeric array using certain expressions works in pcode but causes a gpf in a machine code application. Using division and modulo fail. Addition, subtraction and multiplication work okay.
The uploaded test case has buttons to click which demonstrate the behavior. Each button has the same basic script except for how the initialization is done. ////////// int li_Index, li_Count string ls_Out int li_Elements[] // division and modulo fail // addition, subtraction, multiplication succeed li_Elements = {1 + 2} li_Count = UpperBound (li_Elements) for li_Index = 1 to li_Count ls_Out += String (li_Elements [li_Index]) if (li_Index < li_Count - 1) then ls_Out += ", " end if next mle_1.Text = ls_Out ///////// |
158944 | **** 5.0.03 Regression ****
Composite dw with one report object. Criteria property for the report object does not get recognized, if one is specified in the dw painter. It will retrieve all rows in the table. |
158947 | Modify Crosstab statictext results in GPF in PBDWE when the crosstab displays sum() for group in trailer band. Works fine if there you delete the sum() from the group trailer. Similar to bug 43743 which has been fixed. |
158963 | GPF when attempting to import certain .srw files in the Library Painter into a pbl when in the 16 bit development environment on a Win 3.1 machine. The actual error message is: pb050 caused a gpf in module pblib050.dll @ 0006:2548.
Solution: Not an issue in 6.0 since there is no 16 bit dev env anymore. This will not be addressed in 5.0. |
158969 | When Clicking on a PictureButton, a shadow dotted line is drawn on the right and bottom side of the button. When the control looses focus these shadow lines remain. |
158974 | In the DataWindow painter, setting a column's property in Properties/ Edit/ EditMask: check Spincontrol, Read Only checkbox becomes enabled. Check this, click OK. When you return to the same properties Read Only checkbox is unchecked. |
158994 | Datawindow filter problem in runtime. Named computed fields are not available in filter dialog at runtime even though they are available in the datawindow painter Rows/Filter dialog. |
159003 | A datawindow containing group headers and set up for newspaper columns - when, say you have 2 columns as in a phone list - not always previewing or printing if a particular group overflows from column 1 to column 2 when in a COMPOSITE datawindow. It works fine when previewed outside the composite. |
159013 | Summary band total in a group presentation style report only sums the first section of the group. This computed field was created by modifying the expression and clicking on the field. So the field is available on the list, but it is calculation is not summing the entire field.
This is NOT bug 45421. It's just not calculating the sorts at the correct time. Workaround: Invoke either Sort() or Filter() and possibly GroupCalc() at runtime (or in painter) to repaint the computed fields. Use whichever one is less destructive. Per Development: The group 1 computed field is the sum of a computed field in the detail band. However, I did find a work-around for the test case. The work-around might work for the customer and other aggregate issues. dw.SetRedraw (false) I created a user-defined event called "group_calc", in the window. I gave it the script: dw.GroupCalc () When I ran the application, the totals displayed correctly because of the double calculations. I turn Redraw off to avoid a "display blink". |
159015 | Database Profile - ODBC: In database profile, Deleting PB Catalog Table Owner causes application error oxc0000005 0x1057c1d8 (NT4.0), page fault pbdts60.dll@0137:1057c1d8 (WIN95). |
159049 | DBHandle() can return a negative number. There are PFC functions that call dbhandle(), but cannot handle a negative return code. Whenever there is not enough memory to connect to the db a random negative number gets returned. |
159051 | Memory leak assigning a string after some string manipulations. |
159052 | Scripting in the datawindow editchanged event when using ResetUpdate() causes a GPF in PBDWE050.DLL 0021:1188 (win 3.11) when trying to type a character. The datawindow contains an expression for the protect attribute of if (isrownew(), 0,1). Even a comment in the editchanged event can cause this problem.
Cannot recreate in or 6.0. Possibly related to bug 43735. |
159053 | If you assign a TrigEvent datatype to an any datatype, you cannot assign the Any datatype back to a TrigEvent Datatype |
159058 | Assertion failure error when creating a tabcontrol with more than 5 tab pages and properties of Perpendicular Text, Bold Selected Text, and Left and Right tab positions in build 244.
This problem does not occur in builds 247 (6.0) or 301 (6.1). |
159106 | If you instantiate PowerBuilder Secure Window control (pbrxs60.ocx) on window, click on it and delete it via delete key - toolbar icons, window outline goes away and PowerBuilder closes with no message.
Only happens if both nonsecure and secure versions are present on the same window. Does not happen if you rightmouse click and cut. Does not happen if only one control is instantiated and deleted. |
159108 | Trying to run Pipeline painter from Powerbuilder command Line. Can open Painter but the Library and New Parameters does not seem to work.
pb050.exe /p datapipeline /l c:\cir\print_50.pbl /N PB60.EXE /P datapipeline c:\cir\print_50.pbl /o test |
159110 | ENHANCEMENT. Properties toolbar (right mouse click) for the application in the application painter. The 'General Tab' does not permit entry or modification of the comment. It's greyed out.
Workaround: Use Library Painter entry -. properties (Right mouse button) does allow entry or modification of application comments. |
159124 | Setactioncode (2) or return 2 (accept the value) in the itemerror event of a datawindow control places a huge number 2011642850 when the user tabs off. 3.0e and 4.0.07 placed a zero (0) in the field. Works fine in 6.0.
Developer: The itemerror event is telling DWE to accept whatever value was entered in the column. In a numeric column if you enter and force acceptance of the character "N" it may convert to a large number. Likewise, if you force acceptance of a null string it will convert so a number depending on the system conversion routines. Any assumptions DWE makes about what to leave in the column is likely to be wrong for someone. |
159125 | Using the SCC interface to PVCS. During the registration process for objects, the customer selects cancel. The archive bit for the object is set to registered even if the process is cancelled.
The Cancel option, when selected on the PVCS registration dialog, should return SCC_I_OPERATIONCANCELLED from the SCCAdd call. The archive bit (the drum icon) is displayed for all objects (including the canceled objects). Solution Per Development: PVCS_SCC.DLL returns SCC_OK even though the user clicks CANCEL in their dialog. This will be fixed in PB 5.0.04. ===================================================== Pre-Released fix for Powerbuilder 5.0.03 or greater Library Painter and Source Management for PVCS ===================================================== Date: January 10, 1998 ===================================================== The zip file '' contains two maintenance DLLs for Powerbuilder Enterprise 5.0.03 for Windows 95 and Windows NT. They are compatible with the 5.0.03 and 5.0.04 maintenance releases. To install, rename your existing source control DLLs PBSCC050.DLL and PBLIB050.DLL to *.old. Then copy the new PBLIB050.503 and PBSCC050.503 to the directory containing the development environment DLLs and rename them to *.DLL. These DLLs contain fixes for the bugs listed below. Some are related to Powerbuilder library painter general bugs, others are specific to the Intersolv PVCS interface PBSCC050.DLL. URL for download: =============================== NOTE: These fixes are already integrated into the Powerbuilder 5.0.04 maintenance release and in Powerbuilder 6.0. INTERSOLV has supplied a URL to download their fixes from the Intersolv web site. Customers can obtain a copy of the "INTERSOLV PVCS Version Manager Source Code Control (SCC) Interface Version 5.1" at: ===================================================== 12/15/97 TSE test results update: Intersolv Issue: Noticed that the PVCS SCC dialogs have problems when run using Large Fonts. |
159135 | Enhancement. Would like to be able to set a string editmask (window control or datawindow) in and out of overtype mode.
The current default behavior(s): * numeric EditMask - insert mode Use of SetMask(StringMask!, "mask" ) switch an editmask from insert to overtype mode. |
159151 | New datawindow button "type" attribute cannot be "described".
dw_1.describe("button_1.type") returns "!" dw_1.describe("button_1.text") returns the correct button text. |
159158 | Using 2 global functions in a computed field in an if(b,t,f) expression. IT paints fine while horizontally scrolling in the datawindow painter but it truncates data at runtime.
NOTE: Global functions in computed fields generally will slow down painting of the datawindow due to the amount of activity in the global function. |
159166 | Querysort with a datawindow with retrieval arguments does not append the "ORDER BY 1" DESC to the final where clause. Works fine if there are no retrieval arguments.
Workaround: Must modify the SQL and add the order by BEFORE the retrieve() |
159173 | Using ODBC, cannot return output parmameters from stored procedures when declaring and executing stored procedures in script. This functionality does work if one uses the RPC method. Originally reported as a problem only with DB2 and ODBC, this problem has been researched by Development and extends to all ODBC drivers that have the capability of returning output parms.
This issue has particular urgency for DB2/MVS users as the only way one can get the SQL code back from a DB2/MVS native stored procedure is to send it to the client in an output parm. Also, no output information can be sent back to the client (again unless one uses RPC's). |
159178 | Sheet in MDI does not have 3D Border in MC exe when resize set to false. |
159179 | Problem: Dashed line borders on a datawindow Rectangle, Oval and RoundRectangle objects do not display properly. The Specified color displays as dashes but the spaces between the dashes is black, not the background color. For example, if the color was red, the line appears as an alternating red and black dashed line, not an alternating red and white dashed line line as one would expect. |
159180 | Computed field defined as sum of datawindow columns isn't calculated
immediately after one column has been changed. |
159183 | SaveAsAscii saves an empty file if used for a grid datawindow, although the return code reports success. The same function call used to save a tabular datawindow works fine. |
159198 | Icons cannot be associated with an application or minimized sheets in a MDI application. |
159200 | **** 5.0.04 Regression ****
Modifying properties on datawindow columns with EditMasks causes a page fault in PBDWE050.DLL@0137:115e0906 (for 32bit), @000b:00001865 (for 16bit). This happens using using Modify() or dot.notation. Developer: Already fixed in 6.0 |
159217 | += Dot Notation Error. In PowerScript, a script that uses the += notation to add up a group of numbers will fail if those numbers include a DataWindow field referenced by dot notation.
As tested, it works with GetItemNumber, constants, and variables. However, when adding the numbers, it inputs the first dot notation-referenced variable, then doubles it in each dot reference thereafter, ignoring the value. decimal counter // all values in column_1-n are "1" counter += dw_1.object.column_1[1] counter += dw_1.object.column_2[1] counter += dw_1.object.column_3[1] counter += dw_1.object.column_4[1] Instead of counter=3, counter is "8" Using other variable types for "counter" makes it worse: Type Value long - 0 real - -5,41817766932997E+23 double - -7,74025381332799E+22 |
159227 | Comparison of negative integer constants and long values yields wrong results.
CONSTANT integer ci_value = -1 long l_local l_local = ci_value if l_local = ci_value then MessageBox( "Result" , True ) else MessageBox( "Result" , False ) end if will always return False. However the values are the same ... |
159228 | Short description : my_struct [] = dw_2.Object.Data.current.Selected. Upperbound (my_struct []) return always 0 when dw_2 shares its data from another primary datawindow. (dw_1.sharedata (dw_2) |
159229 | In a datawindow with a group defined and an object in group header,
GetObjectAtPointer gives a wrong object name in some circumstanses. |
159230 | GPF when switching to another application using Alt-TAB and when changing the background color of a column in losefocus event of DW-control. |
159231 | The escapement property is making the text disappear when between 1800 and 3600 because the rotation center is not properly set. |
159232 | Adaptive Server (SQL Server 11.5) does not allow stored procedures that declare local variables that begin with '@@' to be created. It appears that '@@' is now truly for Adaptive Server variables (i.e.@@error and @@version). pbsyc.sql needs to be changed to support this.
The error message you will receive: "The name @@objname is not a valid local variable name". Solution: The following patches below contains the fixes to the stored procedures. Development mentions that you should upgrade to Adaptive Server 11.5 before running the scripts. If you're not running Adaptive Server, you don't need to do anything. In order to convert the existing stored procedures used by Powerbuilder 5.0 and 6.0, users should execute the following scripts in ISQL to re-write the stored procedures Powerbuilder uses. For Powerbuilder 5.0 users For Powerbuilder 6.0 users |
159242 | 16-bit. Problem with spaces in currency fields. Under Windows Control panel, if you use a space (where there was formerly a $) for currency symbol, all datawindows will hang when a window is opened. |
159243 | Alignment of computed fields not working in 6.0. Although the preview is correct when using the properties sheet to right-justify the computed field and often this also matches up with the painter bar right-justify button being pushed down, when you re-open the datawindow, the graphics show LEFT justification - even though it previews correctly.
If you force a change using the property sheet, the text in the computed field will move so it "looks" right-justified but only until you close the painter. When you re-open the painter, the problem will exist again. NOTE: The preview is fine, it's just a painter issue with startup. |
159257 | Panther Build 218 Win95 and NT4.0. Panther crashes after using LinkTo and then closing the window.
To Reproduce: 1. Create a new window. 2. Add an OLE object, word97. 3. Create a button with the following script: ole_1.linkto("c:\some word file") 4. Run the window. 5. Click on the button. 6. When the linkto is complete close the window. Pb will gpf. It doesn't matter what OLE object you use or the manner in which you close the window (script, alt-F4, etc...). |
159270 | 6.0 build 248 RC3. Recursive function calls kill the stack at about 1185 calls.
PER DEVELOPMENT: Each recursive call adds to the stack. Since the stack is finite and cannot be changed, you will always eventually run out of space. This limit may change from release to release and there is not much we can do about it. We will keep this in mind in the future releases to see if we can increase the limit. |
159283 | Using ShellExecute() 16 bit call in a 16 bit PB development environment under NT 4.0 causes a GPF in NT 4.0 but not in NT 3.51 trying to bring up Word 95. GPF is in PBRTF050.DLL in 000c:1406 in NT 4.0 but not in NT 3.51 trying to bring up Office 95's version of Word.
6.0 build 250 GPF is in PBVM60W.DLL at 005B:15D6. |
159286 | Issue relating to embedded SQL INSERT statement against Informix ODBC driver. When using a PowerScript CHAR variable to fill an Informix CHAR(1) column, PowerBuilder puts no quote around the value. Quotes are generated when running the same code against Sybase SQL Anywhere. |
159288 | Save Rows As SQL generates incorrect syntax for most Varchar columns, numeric columns and for dates.. It almost seems like it's saving Generic column definitions.
Oracle (O73) ----------------- Column Type Save As Syntax Date datetime Varchar Char Varchar2 Char Number (5,0) Decimal (16,0) SQL Anywhere --------------------- Column type Save As syntax varchar15 char(15) numeric decimal(16, 0) integer float smallint float double float long varchar char(32767), tinyint float System11(SYC) - Use alldatatypes on tsdata. --------------------- Column Type Save As Syntax varchar(10) Char(10) int float smallint float tinyint float real float text char(32767) bit float money decimal (16,4) smallmoney decimal(16,4) smalldatetime datetime Informix 7.x using IN7 ----------------- Column Type Save As syntax decimal16_0 decimal(16, 0) integer float smallint float real float money16_0 decimal(16, 0) varchar10 char(10) serial float interval char(0) Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 ---------------------------------- Column Type Save As syntax varchar10 char(10), int float, smallint float, tinyint float, real float text char(32767) bit float decimal10_2 decimal(16, 2) numeric10_2 decimal(16, 2) money decimal(16, 4) smallmoney decimal(16, 4) smalldatetime datetime identity integer float |
159289 | 6.0 Build 247 RC3. Application painter doesn't check if datawindow painter is open (with changes pending) when creating a new application. It does check when the window painter is open with changes. "Cannot change the application or create a new one when another painter is open. |
159293 | Short Description: Restart function not performing correclty
Restart not functioning correctly. It states in the on line help that restart is normaly called from the idle event of the application object. Using it here closes down db activity but will not retart the app as it is suppoesed to do. Calling it from any other event will not close down db activity and restart . Definition is "Stops the execution of all scripts, closes all windows (without executing the scripts for the Close events), commits and disconnects from the database, restarts the application, and executes the application-level script for the Open event" |
159314 | MDI Frame menu options visible property changed to TRUE in script if security check passes. Frame opens w/appropriate menu options, OpenSheet, uses MDI frame menu, the submenu items under one menu option are also seen in the menu option to the left of it. |
159317 | PowerBuilder GPFs with nested statements that involve methods or properties of an OCX. Reported originally with MapObjects but can recreate with Visual Components OCX. For instance, with the VCI Formula One Workbook Grid Control, you can recreate the GPF by using the statement in script that populated the Grid Control. Here's the statement:
val = string ( theRecs.Fields.item(theRecs.tabledesc.fieldname[i]).Value) ) "theRecs" is an OleObject associated with MapObjects. The user is getting a value out of a Dbase table to place that value into a string and into the Grid Control. It GPFs whenever the value out of the table was a long or floating point number. Workaround: Break up the statements. long lnum string gridText lnum = theRecs.Fields.item(val).Value gridText = string(lnum) For the MapObjects example: mapLayer.GeoDataset = dataConnect.FindGeoDataset(fileName) "mapLayer" is an OleObject associated with MapObjects, as is "dataConnect". This is what I had to do to get rid of the GPF: OleObject geoData geoData = CREATE OleObject geoData = dataConnect.FindGeoDataset(fileName) mapLayer.GeoDataset = geoData . . . DESTROY geoData |
159326 | Using return 1 in the sqlpreview event does not stop processing for a user object of type Datastore. It works when using a datawindow control.
Development: 4.0 had the behavior of correctly putting up a "datawindow error" messagebox when the dw_1.Update() returned a -1 - when the user coded the SQLPreview with a "setactioncode(1)" (stop processing). 5.0 had the regression where update() no longer returned a -1 with "return 1" in the SQLPreview. This has been fixed in 5.0.04. Users should remember to code a "return 1" in the DBerror event to supress the "datawindow error" messagebox when cancelling an Update() with a 'return 1' in the SQLPreview. Cannot recreate using 5.0.04 and 6.0 Beta. |
159342 | **** 5.0.04 Regression ****
Run datawindow with nested report in dw painter or runtime will cause a page fault in PBDWE050@0137:115f3b8c (in 32bit) @004:00004bb8 (in 16bit). This happens under the following: Nested report has a value in Criteria Property AND Detail Band Autosize Height is checked on NESTED REPORT. Take one or the other off, and it will not cause an error. This also happened in 5.0.02. Works in 5.0.03 and 5.0.04 through build #48. |
159356 | When the key is set to clustered, it is written to the database as clustered, but when we reopen the table again in PB, we show the key as NON-Clustered. |
159357 | "Export Syntax to Log" for Views with Computed Columns is incorrect
The name of the column is not defined |
159359 | Database painter: MSS 6.5, attempt to Alter Table to change primary key from non-clustered to clustered results in database error 170: Incorrect Syntax near 'Constraint'.
WORKAROUND: Easy - delete key and recreate as clustered. |
159367 | Query Mode datawindow GPF "invalid page fault in pbdwe60.dll @014f:0087d11f. This occurs on every Query Mode data window with a dddw and always show arrow property.
CANNOT RECREATE using build 230. |
159421 | Instanciating an OCX that uses licensing does not work correctly in 16 bit. |
159422 | Problem: Generating HTML from a grid datawindow causes gpf in pbdwe60.dll. |
159424 | Beta 6.0 buids 203 & 230:
The following code will GPF (PBVM60.DLL@0137:00688a74) at runtime if one of the datawindow columns is of type 'decimal' and one of the values in that column is a NULL: struct =[x1,y1,x2,y2] NOTE: This problem does not seem to happen if other datatypes are used and have NULL values. |
159429 | Powerbuilder w/Object Cycle 2.0 - Customer tried to create a New Release and use the option: MAINTAIN EXISTING VERSIONS. However, Object Cycle did not copy all of the history nor did it maintain the registered status of some objects. So they had to re-register the objects. The version history still cannot be seen. |
159430 | A computed field causes a GPF on printing or print previewing a Richtext style datawindow if the datawindow has no row within it after the retrieve |
159432 | When you create a DW with a varchar column with a width of 1000, and add autosize=true, it looses it background color and 3D lowered border in preview. When it gets focus, the cursor behaves oddly and there is no background color. |
159434 | Hiding rows in a datawindow by setting height to zero for certain rows will cause the vscrollbar to stop functioning. Resetting the row heights to the original height does not fix it. Keyboard arrows, pageup and pagedown all still work.
Fay: Verified it works correctly in 6.0 Build 247 |
159438 | 5.0.03 regression. Messagebox in clicked event of a radio button behaving differently from 5.0.02 to 5.0.03 when the frame is minmized and restored from the taskbar. Maximizing the application from the taskbar seems to be triggering the clicked event of one of the radio buttons. |
159439 | Problem description:DW date/time format not functioning correctly with retrieval arguments. The problem is that the first number of the 6 digit fraction of a second is been converted to a "-" instead of a number when retrieving data into the DW from the database. |
159440 | Panther build 220, NT4.0. PB crashes after using excel automation followed by a call to LinkTo. This doesn't occur on Win95.
To Reproduce: 1. Create a window with an ole object (Excel '97 worksheet) and a button. 2. Add the following script to the button: int rc ole_1.Object.Application.Range("A1:E5").Value = 100 rc = ole_2.linkto("add your file name here.xls") parent.title = string(rc) 3. Run the window. PB crashes when it gets to LinkTo. I have tried this with Word '97and there was no problem. It seems to only occur with Excel '97 |
159441 | Panther build 220, NT4.0 and Win95. PB is having many problems with
activating Excel OLE objects. Using Win '95 and Office '95: Offsite activation is OK, Inplace is broken. Using Win '95 and Office '97: Offsite activation is OK, Inplace is broken. Using NT4.0 and Office '97: Both Offsite and Inplace are broken. To Reproduce: 1. Create a window with and OLE object (Excel file) and two buttons. 2. Label one button Offsite and put the following script under it: ole_1.activate(offsite!) 3. Label the other button Inplace and put the following script under it: ole_1.activate(inplace!) Run the window and click on the buttons. You will notice the strange behavior. Parts of the spreadsheet will be missing when you try inplace activation (headings for the rows and columns). When you try offsite activation Excel will come up but without the spreadsheet. The behavior is rather unpredictable. |
159446 | GPF when trying to connect in development (Clicking the Running Man) to the Sybase System 11 server using an INVALID Servername using SYC or at runtime - but the runtime problem requires several tries.
PER DEVELOPMENT: Applying 11.1 server appears to clear up this problem. |
159449 | 6.0.00 Regression. Accessing the HTMLTable property on a grid datawindow GPFs. The datawindow has a computed field in the summary band which seems to cause the problem.
3/25/98 FBASHAW: Verified fix in Build 385. |
159453 | I am creating a stored procedure, using the DB Admin Painter by issuing the following command:
create procdure proc_role2(in @role_type as /* (Using Ms SqlServer) */ Select count(*) from employeechar(10)) or create function DBO.proc_role2(in @role_type char(10)) returns integer /* Using Sql Anywhere */ on exception resume begin return(0) end; The create procedure works correctly, but when I go to the DBA Notepad and review my syntax using the Design/Procedure window, one letter at the end of every line is truncated. Why? PER DEVELOPMENT: Cannot Recreate in 5.0.04, build65 or |
159462 | After destroying dynamically a column in a DW and save it to a psr, when you try to relaod the psr you get an assertion failure. |
159479 | Problem with edit mask : mask type is date dd-mm-yy
After highlihted "mm-yy" characters in the edit-mask and using the editmask.cut () function, you cannot insert more than 2 characters after the "first cutted position". |
159490 | 5.0.03 Regression. Passing an unbound structure with a decimal{n} to a function and populating it with an unmodified datawindow buffer with:
// ds is a datastore str = actually CORRUPTS the datawindow buffer (on the right side of the assignment) for the decimal values. Doing a GetItemDecimal against the datastore in the decimal field (if it contains a number like 0.22222 - GetitemDecimal returns 28131743735386124.) Solution: There was a somewhat related structure bug with preserving nulls fixed around build 30 in PBRTE050.DLL. Using 5.0.03 with PBRTE050.DLL fixes this problem in the runtime environment. |
159491 | Real columns in a datawindow don't store the exact number that was entered into the column |
159495 | Customer places version 4.1 of VCF132.OCX onto his window and runs his application. When accessing one of the menu items he gets " Error acessing external object function OdbcConnect."
Verified that the application does work correctly in pb 5.0 and pb 5.0.02. Solution: Developer: The PowerScript syntax was incorrect and earlier versions of PB did not care. Specifically an example like: g_ole_f1book.ODBCConnect(pConnect, true, pRetCode) // wrong should be g_ole_f1book.ODBCConnect(ref pConnect, true, ref pRetCode) //correct |
159504 | 6.0.00 Regression. when you do a SaveAs(), it does not display correctly when the .PSR is assigned to a dataobject or viewed through the plugin.
NOTE: This works FINE in 5.0.04 final. Conditions: The PSR shows ONLY THE MAIN datawindow rows - EVEN THROUGH all rows are saved in the PSR for the nested objects (you can see this by viewing the PSR in the report painter in Powerbuilder or InfoMaker. If you take out the group, viewing in browser and dataobject assignment shows nested datawindow. |
159508 | Enhancement. HTML Form generation - want GenerateHTMLForm function to include DropDown DataWindow data as OPTION elements in the SELECT structure.
The current implementation only includes a single OPTION element. |
159524 | Print Definition Table does not increment the page counter
When I print the Table Definition of a table from the Database Painter it prints well except for the page counter, the first page prints: page 1 / 5 the second: page 1 / 5 the third: page 1 / 5 |
159525 | Using an inherited command button and a clicked script using Importfile() with a null file name causes a NULL object reference R0002 runtime error. Using a regular command button puts up the 'select import file' dialog correctly.
//script for clicked event of command button inherited from a user object command button. string ls_string setnull(ls_string) dw_test.importfile(ls_string) <- null object reference. |
159543 | Problem description:
Comments: The ctdate OCX will not not show year 2000 when it is specified in the Date/Time properties of the control panel. The properties from the control panel are "M/d/yyyy" for short dates and "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy" for long dates. When placing the ctdate ocx on a window in Powerbuilder the ocx will display 1900 instead of 2000 |
159562 | Want to use a datastore with the pipeline start function instead of having to use a datawindow |
159567 | Out of Memory error when returning blob via RPC call from DB2/NT using PowerBuilder 5.0 32-bit, Windows 95 or NT 4.0 when blob is < 32k.. Hangs NT 4.0 if blob > 32k.. |
159579 | FillPattern Enumerated datatype assignment does not work when a variable of type FillPattern is used for coding the assignment change via SetSeriesStyle. Other enumerated type variables or arrays can be used in other situations, and doing an if test such as if (fillpattern_variable = Diamond!) then, will pass as true if the value is initialized to Diamond!. A variable or an array of type Alignment can be used to change the alignment of a statictext control, etc. so other types of variables and arrays of enumerated data types do work correctly.
WORKAROUND: You can easily use an if or a case statement to code around this: If i = 1 then setseriesstyle(..., Diamond!) else setseriesstyle(..., Horizontal!) .... |
159583 | Printing a bitmap using postscript to a file does not work. |
159596 | When attemtping to select a zero decimal computed column from Informix 7 using the native driver (IN7 ) the result is "garbage data"(i.e. values other then zero are returned).
Select *, 0.00 test from <any table>; This should not bring back values other then zero. |
159598 | In 6.0.0_220 ONLY:
Informix I-Connect 7.02. (IN7) Customer gets error message after deleteing a row and saving changes and using DBParm=DisableBind=1: "Row Changed Between Retrieve and Update", "No changes made to database". |
159605 | Beta 6.0_203 RC1
MDI Frame Window does not open Maximized if using machine code .exe. In development and p-code it works fine. *This works in 6.0.0 Build 230. |
159606 | Multiple copies of Word97 are being instantiated when using ConnectToNewObject("word.application") or ConnectToNewObject("word.basic") - when word is already been started.
Per development: The fact that the behavior changed from Word95 -> Word97, when it was purely using the Word OLE automation |
159615 | Retrieval Arguments of type array ( string array,number arrays, etc) always give "Expression is not valid" in composites. Also, nested reports allow mapping of non-array columns to array retrieval arguments causing a runtime error during retrieve "Retrieval argument <n> does not matched expected type". |
159621 | The use of the Evaluate function in a dw.Describe is causing the group trailer line to appear on top of the last line of data. Use of GroupCalc corrects for this case, customer claims it does not work for every case. |
159628 | If you have an expression on the background color of a child datawindow in a composite datawindow such as:
if(describe('DataWindow.Print.Preview')='yes',0,255) you will get a GPF when previewing. |
159632 | Child datawindow of Sharedata() datawindow pair fires rowfocuschanged event when window is closed and user has not done a shareadataoff(). The destroy of the child datawindow probably should not trigger any other events during the destroy. |
159638 | Datawindow event pbm_dwnprocessenter fires multiple times if the column is stretched to look like multiline. This causes problems if you're trapping the enter to send a tab (faxline 2003). |
159654 | User is using sharedata between a datawindow and it's dddw edit style in one of the columns (using getchild, etc). This is so when deleting a row from the primary datawindow, it also deletes the row from the dddw since they share buffers. |
159663 | Doing an InsertDocument() of an RTF document containing a graphic causes a gpf in PBRTC60.DLL. |
159686 | PrintDatawindow function does not print all pages for a datawindow of type CrossTab. Pages are missing. Occurs only under Win95, using 16bit.
Workaround: Do not print the datawindow as part of a printjob. Use PRINT() instead |
159694 | Sybase System 11, DBMS=SYC:
The application is doing a declare,execute,close on a stored procedure within a FOR/NEXT loop for about 1000 times and it checks for memory usage. Customer says that there is a memory leak and the application dies. |
159724 | SCC Interface with PVCS. Strange results when running Differences report. Occasional GPF. |
159725 | PBORCA_CompileEntryImportList is giving c5 although the same entry is imported successfully using PBORCA_CompileEntryImport |
159733 | REGRESSION. Panther Build 220RC2. NT 4.0 and Win95. InsertObject() followed by closing the window causes pb to crash on Win95. On NT4.0, pb is closed down along with the window.
To Reproduce: 1. Create a window and add an ole object along with a button. 2. For the script under the button put the following code: int result result = ole_1.InsertObject() parent.title = String(result) 3. Run the window, click the button. 4. Click on the Insert Control tab of the Insert Object dialog and select your favorite OCX. 5. Close the window. If you are on Win95 it will crash. If you are on NT4.0 it will close down pb. Either way you are stuck. |
159735 | REGRESSION. Panther build 220RC2. NT4.0. After using LinkTo (on an Excel file) and then attempting to activate the file does not work.
To Reproduce: 1. Create a new window with an OLE control and two buttons. Label the buttons, LinkTo and Activate. 2. Add the following script to the LinkTo button: int rc rc = ole_2.linkto("c:Your excel file") parent.title = String(rc) 3. Add the following script to the activate button: ole_1.activate(Offsite!) 4. Run the window. 5. Click on the Linkto button, the click on the activate button. You will see excel startup but it is transparent. There is no file in excel, instead what ever was on the screen when excel came up is now where the file should be. This is kind of hard to explain but, you will see what I mean after running the example. |
159751 | 32 Bit Only - Oracle 7.3 - passing a null value as a date argument of a datawindow based on a stored procedure : on win95, the PC hangs under some particular circumstances.
The particular circumstances seem to be : - using a MDI frame - opening a sheet in layered mode and doing the retrieve from this sheet - the retieve with a null value must be the first action |
159753 | *** Regression *** of Issue 342747, bug 34413. The allignment "right" of a computed field is not saved in the dw. |
159769 | Choosing certain fonts on the font ddlb of the rich text (RTE) control doesn't seem to work. Most fonts work but found that I was unable to choose several fonts including: Marlett, Symbol, MS Linedraw, and Wingdings.
They always default to some other font after the ddlb drops "up". NOTE: Microsoft Word 7.0 finds these fonts fine and paints them correctly when using them. |
159773 | GPF exiting window after menu items are made invisible. Problem is related to making toolbaritems invisible (ToolbarItemVisible property) and making the related menuitems invisible.
Workaround: Make all the toolbaritems invisible, then make the menuitems invisible. Fixed in 6.0.01 Build 332 and after. |
159803 | Report view listview using "button header" attribute to allow sorting by just clicking on header causes repaint problems if you scroll to the bottom of the listview and click on the column header. It causes the row underneath the column header to bleed through. It seems like PB doesn't take the height of the header button into account in scrolling and leaves a blank space at the bottom of the listview. |
159807 | Problem description: **Regression with 5.0.03 and UNIX.** Printing a dw with newspaper columns using Postscript or PCL will not work in pb 5.0.03. It causes PB to hang.
In powerbuilder 5.0.02 you could print out a DW using postscript drivers or PCL drivers and now in pb 5.0.03 you cannot do this. You still cannot do either in pb 5.0.03 or pb 5.0.02 with PCL drivers. In Wintel, it GPFs in PBRTE050.DLL in 5.0.03 and 5.0.04. Fixed in pb 5.0.04 build 66. The dlls to fix the issue are pbcmp050.dll pbrtf050.dll pbrte050.dll pbrtc050.dll pbroi050.dll pbdwt050.dll pbdwp050.dll pbdwo050.dll pbdwe050.dll pbdwd050.dll pbshr050.dll However if you print out more than 1 page to a printer you will core dump. Verified this with the developer. Also if you print more than 1 page to a file you will have no problem. |
159814 | The match() function. (Possibly just Doc update needed?) Match('', '^Z*$'), this statement returns false. Customer says this should match the empty string, but it returns false. He argues that empty string is a valid value. |
159834 | Hebrew - PVCS Regression. (5.0.04 under Hebrew-enabled Win 3.11) Get gpf at pbpvc050.dll @ 0001:1010 when trying to perform a check-in.
Workaround: Replacing the pbpvc050.dll with one from 5.0.02 resolves the problem at the moment. |
159837 | Only on WIN 95. Edit mask numeric ###,##0. Typing is OK. Calling long (em_1.text ) returns 0. Doesn't occur on WIN 3.1. |
159838 | GPF in PBSQL050.DLL at 0137:1251d3bb when creating a new datawindow with Quick Select and going from datawindow design mode to graphical mode in the SQL painter by clicking on the SQL icon. The DBPARM must also have SQLQualifiers=1 set in DBParm.
Happens in 6.0.01 as well (build 332). GPF at PBSQL60 at 0137:00c0371b |
159844 | New! Datawindow buttons have strange behavior. They stay down or depressed if you hold the mouse down on one datawindow button and then move onto another datawindow button. The first button stays "depressed". |
159846 | Idle event with messagebox scripted then HALT causes the application to go down in 5.0. Same behavior in 4.0 - the event kept firing with the messagebox there - even if you didn't respond to it - but the second firing executed the HALT after the messagebox in the idle event script and closed the application. |
159850 | First Impressions Chart control: script in timer event to modify the chart. Works fine in development and p-code, causes a gpf in machine code executable.
WORKAROUND: Use p-code |
159852 | Problem Description: OLE dialog box does not display correctly in IE4
After installing Internet Explorer 4.0 , customer is experiencing problems. He gets strange behaviuor with his OCX controls dialog box. A GPF occurs when he goes into the system browser of pb. If he goes to the OLE tab & dbl. click on the OLE custom controls he gets a gpf. Invalid page fault in module pbroi050.dll @014f:11922269. ( not reproducable on all machines ) Also, if you go to the window painter, click the ole insert button, click Insert Control (for ocx's) you see just a thin line where you should see a box with a list of registered ocx's. |
159854 | Informix(7.20) database is started in ANSI mode. In script does a SELECT INTO and gets error -
-766 : String must be null terminated. IF database is not started in ANSI mode or DisableBind=1, this error does not occur. Error occurs when Selecting a char column. With INFORMIX-ESQL/C, if you use a host variable in an INSERT statement or in the WHERE clause of an SQL statement, and the database is ANSI compliant, the string must be null terminated. This is not a problem if using Informix 7.23 TC1. |
159890 | The second line below produces an error message in PB 5.0.3 (c_fld is the name of a string-type computed field on the datawindow). Shouldn't both lines below work?
dw_1.object.c_fld.expression = "''" // does work (single quotes within double quotes) dw_1.object.c_fld.expression = '""' // doesn't work (double quotes within single quotes) |
159894 | Build runtime library from library painter causes GPF when building machine code when a reference cannot be found after generating 'compiler error' messages. Compiling to p-code generates error messages,but does not gpf. This problem was brought to attention as a result of ORCA PBORCA_DynamicLibraryCreate() calls that were GPF'ing. Please make sure that both approach avenues point to the same origin of the problem and the fix will have effect on both of them. |
159927 | 5.0.03 Regression. Stack Fault when dragging an object (user object, data window, etc.) over a picture object.
No longer occurs in 5.0.04 or 6.0. Fixed by other drag and drop fixes. |
159943 | Bulk loading a Treeview 100 times and then clicking on a row of the treeview causes a GPF in PBSHR050.DLL 0024:2e53 in In 5.0.02, 5.0.03 - GPF PBSHR050.DLL 0024:0BCD. In 6.0 16 bit, it gpfs in PBVM60W.DLL @0027:2D8F. |
159949 | External dw. Does a SetSort and then a Sort on one column which has same value in all rows. Sort moves the first row to the bottom of the dw even though all values are the same. User expects that the row order should be unchanged. |
159960 | Pointer property saved with dw object for the detail band is not retained.
WORKAROUND: If you remember to re-set this property whenever a change is made to the datawindow, the pointer setting is saved. It is only when the datawindow is re-opened that the pointer setting is somehow lost as set to blank. If, for example, you use the Ibeam! pointer setting, if you remember to go into the band object properties and re-set this whenever a change is made, it will "stick" until the datawindow is re-opened in the painter. |
159986 | Header of datawindow composite included in another dw composite is prewiewed only on the first page. When printing the datawindow, all headers are OK. |
159997 | 4.0 to 5.0, 6.0 regression ? Or change in behavior ? Computed field which calls a global function does not call the function if the computed field is not visible for some reason, whether because the band is pulled up to cover it or the visible property is turned off. In 4.0 the global function was called. The calculation/ occurs when the object is painted, and this may be a change we made on purpose to improve performance, but not found in migration doc, or other docs. Would like clarification. |
159999 | You can reference a constant on a nonvisual user object without having to instantiate the userobject first. The constant is declared as an instance variable. You shouldn't be able to do this.
PER DEVELOPMENT: By definition, constants are available at compile time. The object does not need to be instantiated for the compiler to know what the value is. The reference MAY be replaced at compile time rather than incur the cost at runtime. |
160011 | When printing a large series of datawindows within a printjob (or printing the same datawindow multiple times), blank pages start to appear between pages after a certain point. (i.e. after 50 copies are printed) |
Some complex OLE controls were having load problems |
160022 | Regression from RC2. Trace information appears not to be working as of RC3. Profiler Utility code has not changed, yet no information is now displayed. This is a problem on all platforms.
Fixed in 6.0 Final |
160040 | RichTextEdit control. Repetitive copyrtf, clear, and pastertf to a RichTextControl eventually GPFs or hangs the machine in Windows 95. Possible memory leak on Windows 95. |
160042 | When an Oracle private synonym is accessed by a user that has rights to, but does not own, the synonym, no columns appear in either the DB or dw painters. |
160045 | graphic presentation of ddlb and dddw are slightly different. Customer would like them to look exactly the same.
When you run an application which includes a window which contains a dropdownlistbox and a datawindow which has a dropdown datawindow, there is a vertical line appears just to the left of the arrow on the dddw. It is not present on the ddlb. Enhancement request. |
160061 | Datawindow with outer join leaks memory when doing iterative retrieves. |
160066 | REGRESSION Powerbuilder 6.0v235v2(release candidate 3) When deleting a column from a database in the table painter, it only allows the first column in the table to be deleted. Tested with informix and ODBC SQL Anywhere
1)connect to a database 2)go to table painter 3)open a table 4)delete any column besides the first and it only lets you delete the first column Development: Cannot Recreate. |
160068 | 16 bit only GPF when attempting to Drag and Drop with a treeview. GPF in PBSHR050.DLL 0023:1399 or 0023:1387.
Product Support Engineering: GPF'd from 5.0-5.0.03. and 6.0 in 16 bit work fine. Possibly fixed by bug 44418 which was fixed in PBRTF050.DLL. |
160069 | SaveAs function does not convert ";" into ";;" when saveastype is SYLK! . Reported for Japanese version but also reproduced in US version. Reported in 5.0.02, but reproduced in 5.0.04, and 6.0.
WORKAROUND: Just prior to SaveAs() function call, alter the data in PB so that all semi-colons are changed to double semi-colons. Now the .slk file can be successfully opened in Excel, and the data will be correct. |
160079 | Datawindow with expression on column that changes background color. This effects the edit control background color incorrectly when the column has the password property set on. |
160103 | GPF occurs if SetRedraw (TRUE) function called within the rowfocuschanged event of a datawindow when a row is deleted whose row number is less than the row number of the current row. The crash does not occur for SetRedraw(FALSE) calls in the datawindow's rowfocuschanged event.
WORKAROUND: Crash does not occur if the script is posted to a user event. |
160112 | ORCA: Doing an open session and close session kills a Excel OLE executable out of memory. When he tries to destroy the Excel object it give him a gpf. Ct has a test appl. that opens a OLE Automation session, it then calls the ORCA open session and close session functions and then tries to destroy the OLE Automation session and either gpf's or hangs the application. |
160125 | Win95 only. 5.0 only. Using SendMessageA() or Send() from application "a" to close application "b" visually closes the application but the application remains on the task list (Control-Alt-del) and a memory monitor shows the stub still in memory with the runtime DLLs RTE, RTF, ROI, SHR.
Ulong l_handle, l_class long rtn SetNull(l_class) l_handle = FindWindowA(l_class, "Close Me") // "Close Me" is in the titlebar. rtn=Send(l_handle, 274, 61536, 0) WORKAROUND: Using the Powerbuilder Post() function works fine but only closes the first instance.. Post(l_handle,274,61536,0) NOTE: This works fine using NT 4.0 and 5.0.04 32 bit Powerbuilder applications and in 6.0 even under Win95. March 13, 1998 - PSE Update: Putting the PBRTF050.DLL from on top of 5.0.04 also solves this problem. |
160129 | In Powerscript editor, using alt+Z to enter a polish character (z with a dot) with a polish keyboard, the undo command is executed |
160136 | Enhancement. When using autosizeheight and autovertical scroll on a text column, the column acts like a single line edit (SLE) and doesn't wrap if there are NO spaces in the text string. |
160142 | Date column which allows nulls, datawindow has an editmask defined for that column of mm/dd/yyyy. If you highlight the column and use the "Cut" menu by Right mouse clicking, when you try to click on any other row or column in the datawindow, behavior is incorrect. In 5.0.04, you get a validation error saying, for example "2408-71-09 does not pass validation" Using 6.0, you can move focus off the column without getting a validation error, but a date is entered in the column you left, and it is unclear where that value comes from. The value varies. In one case it left 01/01/1900, which might seem to be a reasonable default, but in another case it left 01/02/1965 in the column. |
160143 | **** 5.0.04 Regression ****
OLE2 Style datawindows not working properly, some hang PowerBuilder, some do not hang, but return no data (even though the status bar says that rows are retrieved). |
160150 | Small bug in SQL Painter. WHERE clause problems with painting "is null" for a column value. Although there is a 'right' way to do it described below, the WHERE tab allows the user to create a clause with a syntax error - leading to the problem.
The bug is that the painter should make sure it has the correct number of left and right brackets. Ex: Column Operator Value (dept_id = "n" OR dept_id IS NULL) Notice the user has placed ' (' and ' ) 'around the entire WHERE expression. This causes an error in the syntax. The below syntax is what the user desired but did not get. WHERE (dept_id = "n" or dept_id IS NULL) The correct way to paint this in the WHERE clause tab is: The correct way to paint this is: Column Operator Value and/or dept_name = 'N' OR dept_name IS null |
160159 | Customer has a problem with saving a datawindow to a text file using dw.saveas().
If his string column contains a double quote, PB will add double quotes to the string in the text file as follows: Dw column: Size 2x4" by 8 feet SaveAs Text!: "Size 2x4"" by 8 feet" If I SaveAs HTMLTable! or Clipboard!, no extra quotes are added to the string: SaveAs HTMLTable!: Size 2x4" by 8 feet SaveAs Clipboard!: Size 2x4" by 8 feet Though the text with the extra double quotes imports back into the datawindow fine, the customer is using the text file on a website, and the extra quotes are causing problems. It's interesting to note that only the Text! format seems to add the extra quotes. If I remove the extra quotes in the text file (Size 2x4" by 8 feet) and import it back into the datawindow, that also imports fine. So why does PB add the extra quotes? |
160161 | The print setup dialog does not allow impersonnation (to give to the application other rights than those of the currently connected user). The PrintDlg SDK function does allow it. |
160164 | Please rename the argument called 'message' for the user event pbm_mouseactivate. At the moment this causes an informational error message ''c0146: The identifier 'message' conflicts with an existing global variable with this name.'' |
160167 | Changing Language input locales settings while having text highlighted in a RichText Control causes an Application error:
"The instruction at 0x115abc1 referenced memeory at 0x00000004. The memory could not be read" |
160168 | In a editmask of date or datetime, mm/dd/yy an invalid date, such as 01/00/97, automatically converting to 01/01/97 instead of producing an invalid date error message.
Also, an editmask of yyyy/mm/dd will automatically change 1999/02/30 entered by the user to 1999/02/01 without any error message. Entering 0000/00/00 is also allowed and does not produce an error message, even when the database column does not allow nulls. The same problem occurs with a mask of mm/dd/yy. When 02/30/97 is entered and you tab away, it is set to 02/01/97. |
160173 | Memory Leak with DOT notation. In a loop, using dot notation to set the contents of a datawindow to the same as a structure, the datawindow loses memory every time through the loop but it is released once pb shuts down.
dw_1.Object.Data.Primary.Current = istr_1 This leak still occurs in and 6.0.01 build 347 16 and 32 bit. |
160178 | Having an active NVO OLEobject of type MS Word running, and activating offsite, MS Word through an OLE control, the instance of word through the OLE control takes the NVO's handle. When you shut down the application, Word is no longer running, however Powerbuilder still assumes that the NVO OleObject is valid, but performing any Word functions will result in the following error:
"Powerbuilder Application Error R1038: Name not found accessing external object property at line X in <event nameof <object name>" If you use Excel, the above does not occur. |
160195 | SetChanges() does not return the correct return code : In the test performed SetChanges should have returned a code = 1 (all changes accepted) but instead returned a value of 0 which is not a valid return code.
OK in Wintel. Broken in Unix in 6.0.00. |
160226 | 5.0.04 - Doing a datawindow Create from syntax where a column's format expression calls a global function, f_format ( ). After Create, calling Describe ( "DataWindow.Syntax" ). The syntax from the Describe converts the expression from "[General]~tf_format()" to "f_format()", thus the format doesn't work. This only does not work if the function is not in a library of the current library list. |
160239 | **** Fix for Final - QA
************************ dreedy 10-29-97. recreated this problem on HP using build 245. ************************ Pb 6.0 build 245 on Solaris. A database problem with an app has been encountered on build 245 that cannot be recreated using build 235v4. The app hangs or terminates when doing what appears to be doing a pretty simple update statement but the issue might be complicated by the fact that this update follows an updateblob to the same row/same table. Generally the app hangs - sometimes when I kill the app, I see a "bus error", sometimes a segmentation fault and sometimes the user error "-1DBProcess is dead or not enabled" is returned to the PB session. Cannot recreate this problem on Solaris using build 235v4 and cannot recreate this on Windows. Also, problem occurs when using SYB (open client 11.1) to 4.x server, not when connecting through SYC (open client 11.1) to 10.x server. To recreate, 1) copy the pt479921.tar.Z file from /net/corvette/user3/ptfiles/qa directory. 2) uncompress file and run the app in blob.pbl. 3) Change the DB name in the DBMS drop down list box to "SYB" and hit the Connect button. The app will try to connect to oregano (pbqa,sa,troy) and uses a table called qa_blob. 4) After the connect is successful, hit the CB entitled FileRead/UpdateBlob. This is where you will hang. |
160241 | **** Fix for Final - QA
6.0_245 REGRESSION: SYT page faults in Libsybdb.dll or kernel32.dll on SelectBlob. SYC and SYB are OK. SYT was OK in build 235. To reproduce in uploaded example: (blob.pbl/control.pbl for 5.0, blob6.pbl/control6.pbl for 6.0) 1) Check blob.ini for connection parameters. 2) Run app: in bottom window, choose SYT in dropdown 3) Either Click DoAll or click the Connect, File Read, SelectBlob commandbuttons in order: will page fault on SelectBlob |
160247 | |
160251 | Using a crosstab datawindow with several columns for the columns list in crosstab definition : at runtime, after putting the datawindow in static mode, the texts defined in header[2] have the name you gave at design time, so several objects have the same name. Texts in header[2] are not correctly named dynamically |
160252 | dw_ctrl.Object.DataWindow.VerticalScrollPosition = ..." doesn't work with a datawindow wich contains a crosstab dataobject. The scrolling indicator goes back always on the top. The attribute HorizontalScrollPosition works fine. |
160254 | ISUG Enhancement Request e15_079:
In PowerBuilder, accelerator key shortcuts can't be defined for Tabpage headers. We need to have this be an automatic property, functioning the same as other objects (text, checkbox, radiobutton, etc.). |
160261 | Getting SQLSTATE 01004 [sybase] [odbc driver] data truncated error using a string retieval argument in the select statement (Select :str_arg from employee) but not in the where clause because the datawindow builds the column as a Char(1). Later, when entering more than 1 character for the retrieval argument, you'll get 'data truncated'. You can also get 'column lists don't match' with staticbind=0, disablebind=0 in the DBPARM.
Here's what does work 1. Exporting datawindow and changing retrieval argument column to Char(20) or so and using staticbind=1, disablebind=0 (defaults) 2. No export. Staticbind=0, Disablebind=1 gets rid of all errors still keeping the char(1) column for the string retrieval argument. |
160263 | ProblemDescription: Distributed Powerbuilder. Getfullstate(), Setfullstate() does not work properly when called from the client but will work from the server.
Calling a getfullstate() and setfullstate() on a server will retrieve rows from the database. However calling the same functions from the client app will show that rows are retrieved but they do not APPEAR in the DW. Solution: User Error. The reason why you only get the column headings etc., is that the uo references SQLCA, which is global variable in THE SERVER APPLICATION SCOPE, thus when accessed in the uo via a remote client, it's un-initialized, retrieve fails. |
160275 | OLE presentation style is not working properly with Word 97 |
160283 | 6.0 build 245 - Unix (Solaris, AIX, HP-UX) - Migration - Attempt to migrate a read-only PBL results in PB either crashing (seg fault) or hanging. |
160284 | Posted events behave differently in 6.0 than they do in 5.0. Pending events that were posted are not getting executed during a yield() call. |
160286 | Accessing the dwo.type property from an event in the datawindow causes an application execution error (R1041) when clicking on a datawindow command button. |
160302 | Need to modify \dblib\msg\pbdblib.c DbLib_DecrConnects() to aassure that the entire task array is Cleaned Up. This is especially true for our blob processing where more than one connection is used to process the Blob().
Review Syc0_DecrConnects() for more information on how to implement/fix. This is related to the modifications as a result of Issue: 446659, 479932 & 479921. |
160307 | *** 5.0.04 REGRESSION *** Informix 7.2 (PBIN7050.DLL)
If you define a table with a multi column primary key when you go into Alter Table mode you will only see the first column. |
160312 | GPF when migrating the PFC Quickstart application from RC2 (Build 220) to Build 244.
Fay: It migrates fine in Build 247. |
160318 | Regression bug with dynamically created menu items and garbage collection.
11/12 Fay: Verified fix in Build 250. |
160324 | 6.0 build 248 RC3. GenerateHTMLForm does not create tables of embedded nested datawindows. Even if I used Grid datawindows, it still doesn't save the nests. |
160330 | 6.0 build 248 RC3. Data Admin Painter microhelp The design menu of the database admininistrator painter has bogus microhelp.
ODBC Table Security - datawindowchild Maintain Users - editmask Maintain Groups - graph SYC Change password - integer table security - editmask |
160344 | dw.modify column width to zero, then dw.modify margins, then dw.modify column width to a larger number (eg. to reset to original size) causes some datawindow display info. to be lost. Column headers are lost. If either 1) col width is set to zero, margins are NOT changed, and then column width is set back, or 2) col width is set to some small number, but > 0, margins ARE changed, and then col width is set back, then the problem does not occur. |
160351 | Oracle 8.0.03, DBMS OR8 (beta) - Problem: I connect as "SYSTEM. In the database painter, when I select table owner.tablename I get error "OCI-22303 - Type PNAME_T not found. The table contains a column of type ""."PNAME_" not found.
This occurs because the current user is not the owner of the object data type. |
160370 | Change in datawindow clicked event behavior - could significantly effect migrated apps. Probably this is a deliberate design change to pass through to documentation, but we need development input: The clicked event of an editable column is now triggered when column has focus, i.e. within the edit control. This is a change from 5.0.
Prior to 6.0, the clicked event of a datawindow did not fire if the click occurred in the edit control. In 6.0 and later, the clicked event is fired from within the edit control. This could potentially change behavior of a lot of migrated applications. However, similar behavior to this has been a long time enhancement request, and this change was probably implemented intentionally. (See ptrack 147255 and many several similar issues. Note however that not all events are "passed through". For example, the mousemove event does not fire when the mouse moves in an editable column which has focus.) The Objects and Controls manual for 6.0 still still states that the Clicked event occurs when the user clicks a noneditable field or between fields in the datawindow control. (p.60) This is not true in 6.0. Need to fix documentation. |
160407 | SQL Painter truncates long columns names in graphic mode. The Type can also be truncated. Unix Solaris only. Wintel platforms are fine. |
160420 | SetChanges : Following scenario causes a problem. Please note this is the normal scenario that will be executed by an application in case of "Deletes".
1. Delete a row from target dw, 2. GetChanges (on target), 3. SetChanges (on Source), 4. Update (on Source), 5. GetChanges (on Source) 6. SetChanges (on Target) 7. GetChanges (on Target): This returns 1 modified row, which is not correct. No rows were modified. 8. SetChanges (on Source), 9. Update (on Source), In the above scenario, when step 9 is executed, you will get an error from DBMS because Update tries to delete an record with empty key values. |
160431 | ReselectRow( ) and property Rows to Disk ON cause a GPF |
160433 | Browser restores instead of staying minimized if a PB application is run from development environment. Other painters do not behave this way.
May be by design, but will be submitted for development determination. |
160434 | Unable to set the right margin when using a pre-made RTF document with input fields |
160435 | Problem Description: Customer cannot invoke methods from his Powerbuilder automation server.
When the call to a function in the server arrives back to the client, the parameters are invalid. He gets an error "Error calling object function op2 in clicked event of object cb_2 of main_wnd" |
160454 | roblem: Using dot notation to change the text in a static text control inside a datawindow causes "Error 39 error accessing external object property text." |
160463 | Application using third party software and OCX. Application runs fine in development and in P-Code (32bit). Built and ran a 32 bit machine code exe, Page Fault PBSHR050.DLL@0137:1111198e or PBVM60.DLL@112bfddf occurs when ZoomOut is selected. Code sample of where the error occurs:
Oleobject rect rect = ole_map.Object.Extent rect.ScaleRectangle(1.8) <--this is where it blows up. The ScaleRectangle() is a method for the Rectangle object in the ESRI software. |
160466 | Opening a window that contains an OLE object in a dw causes a GPF. Only in Office 97 ( Excel 8.0 ) |
160477 | Distributed PB. An object reference variable on the client machine which is passed by reference to a remote object is rendered invalid when the client disconnects from the server. |
160478 | Problem: Cannot tab to command button in datawindow. Can't get rid of focus outline for datawindow command button. |
160481 | In NT 4.0, the Window Painter hangs when clearing an OLE control from window in a 6.0 app migrated from 5.0. |
160483 | Problem: If a column is defined as an integer in a SQL Anywhere DB, the corresponding datawindow data type is number. If you enter 1,000 in the dtawindow, the value is treated as 1 by the datawindow. |
160491 | Dialog box for the datawindow object properties is too large when viewed at a resolution of 800x600 (using large fonts), and at 640x480
The same problem exists for graph properties dialog. |
160504 | Currency(7) editmask on a numeric column deletes the currency symbol if you type in a '.' or ',' Depending on the Regional settings, it should beep if you type the thousands separator and blank out the editmask if you type the decimal separator but leave the currency symbol intact.
$99,998.00 If you highlight the entire mask and type '.' (US format in control panel), it should leave you with $.00 with the cursor to the right of the decimal point. |
160518 | There is a problem in 5.0.04_67 filtering and re-retrieving a disk resident datawindow. The steps are retrieving, applying a filter, and retrieving again. The second retrieve causes the following GPF:
PB050 caused an invalid page fault in module PBSHR050.DLL at 0137:111119a5. Problem does not occur if the datawindow is stored in memory, or if the filter is not applied. |
160528 | *** 5.0.04 Regression *** Using a datawindow or datastore, do a Retrieve() which comes back with no rows, and you call the Sort() function a gpf will occur in PBDWE050.DLL@0137:115e91fbl(32bit), PBDWE050.DLL@000c:00000c55(16bit).
Workaround: You could check the return on the Retrieve() function and IF not > 0 don't process the Sort() function. Fixes uploaded to: // (for 32bit) or (for 16bit) |
160529 | *** 5.0.04 Regression *** CheckBox in N-Up Datawindow Style
In an N-UP Datawindow the column edit style is checkbox. The first checkbox will be checked when you click on it. If you click on the second one, the third checkbox is checked, not the second. If you click on the third checkbox, nothing does not get checked/unchecked. Fixes uploaded to: // (for 32bit) or (for 16bit) |
160535 | If you call the messagebox function from the clicked event script of a datawindow, and when running the application the user clicks twice on the same 'cell' of the datawindow, you cannot get focus out of the datawindow and the clicked event script keeps firing, continually displaying the messagebox. Even if you tab out and you see the focus rectangle on another control, if you try to do anything with the mouse you get the messagebox from the clicked event again. |
160539 | Problem occurs in Powerbuilder 5.0.0x & 6.0: In the Database Preferences Use Powersoft Repository is unchecked. Create Pipeline object, destination database does not have PBCATXXX tables created on them. If you are logged in with admin privileges the PBCATXXX tables get created, even though you specified not to use them. If you try this same scenario but are logged in as a user without admin privileges you get an error (in Oracle): ORA-01031 - Insufficient Priviledges; because it's try to create the PBCATXXX tables.
Also happens using Sybase System xx and SQL Anywhere. *****WORKAROUND****: In the PB.INI file, go to the database profile section. Make sure it's the section with the same name you defined in the database profile. Add: NoCatalog=1. Per Developer: This will not be addressed in any maintenance release of 5.0 or 6.0. There is a viable workaround available. |
160545 | Problem: When you open the library painter the driver name is not included in the title bar. If you click to a different drive, it will show. |
160587 | Zooming from 10 to 400 gives GPF when composite has 2 reports in the 40 first PBU's |
160590 | Nested Datawindows
Retrieval arguments of value NULL, are not passed correctly to nested datawindows; they are converted to an empty string '' or as numerical zero 0 with numerical parameters. In particular for stored procedures, NULL is a valid value for an retrieval argument. |
160595 | Listview with Extended Select set on. The list does not take up the entire control,i.e. there is white space at the bottom. If you click on the blank space and drag the mouse diagonally, you see a lasso line until you let the mouse up. If you click the blank space and move the mouse ever so slightly, in just the right way, a little of the lasso line remains in the blank area and does not go away. |
160599 | Memory leak when doing dw.modify |
160602 | Using the old Put_Line function calls for creating Oracle stored procedure source datawindows gives a ORA-6550 error when using dates as input arguments. This worked fine in 4.0. |
160604 | 5.0.04 release. The plugin DLLs NPDWE050.DLL, NPPBA050.DLL aren't stamped with the correct versions. File/Properties shows version 5,0,0,0. |
160615 | Difference from 5.0. In the User Object painter, when you select an external user object, On the Property Sheet, General Tab, Click Browse next to the DLL Name, you will get a Select Custom Control DLL Browse window, Press Help (this wasn't in 5.0) and nothing happens. |
160619 | When you are in the window and dw painter and you select an OLE Object, You get the Insert Object Tab Dialog, Click on the Create from File Tab and Select Browse, Click Help, Nothing Happens. |
160630 | Library Painter bug on searching. Seems to return inconsistent results and doesn't find everything depending on the string you give it. For example, it only finds the first entry in variables in some cases although more than one variable will match. |
160635 | Problem: The Mod() function with arguments (10,.1) returns .1 not 0 as expected. |
160636 | Datawindow Painter is renaming all columns everytime customer adds or removes columns from the SQL Painter. With many computed fields, you will receive the following error message:
"Compute expression: <expression> is no longer valid" Because the column objects are named differently now, the above error message occurs |
160647 | ** 6.0 Regression** The increment ++ and decrement -- operators don't work with instance decimal variables.
Fixed in 6.0 Build 314. |
160648 | Problem: The += assignment shortcut does not work for numeric (double) and decimal data types. |
160651 | 6.0.00 - If you encounter a migration/regen/import compiler error and you have a comment on line 1 startingwith the multi-line comment delimiter /*, this compiler does not count these lines. The error message will reference a line in the script that is within the comment section. If you start with //, or the /* is on line 2 or later, you are OK.
This also causes a problem using the debugger. If the comment section starts with /* and it's on the first line, when you go to set breakpoints they may get set on the comment line or not set at all. Workaround: If using comments starting with /* put it on the second line. Or use // instead. This has been fixed in 6.0.01. |
160653 | 5.0.04 Regression issue: The driver doesn't prevent concurrent users from updating a table although the option is set to warn the user in the dw painter. The error message "Row has changed between retrieve and update" doesn't appear when it should. |
160657 | Unable to call a distributed Powerbuilder function that accepts an arguement of type ANY, that contains a decimal value, passed as ReadOnly, more than one time without receiving one of the following error messages:
R-19443 "Application Terminated: The request caused an abnormal termination, the connection has been closed" or an error from SmartHeap Library: "MEM_BAD_POINTER" These errors occur only under the WINSOCK driver. If you use the LOCAL driver, the errors do not occur. The errors also do not occur if passing the variables by Value instead of ReadOnly. Workaround: ========== Pass the arguements by Value |
160674 | 6.0 REGRESSION - Using RichText presentation style dw with demo db sometimes puts an 'e' before the field {} (i.e., the "street" and "phone" columns when using the Powersoft Demo DB). This did not happen using pb 5.0 and the 5.0 demo db. |
160677 | 5.0.04 REGRESSION ISSUE.
Short Description: a gpf is caused in pbdwe050.dll when printing a window containing a label report I tried out different types of Dws , tabular, freeform etc and found that only label types of datawindows cause the problem. As for print preview, the datawindow of type form is always in print preview. Print preview>print in the datawindow will also GPF in pbdwe050.dll. script to print the datawindow from the window is long job job = PrintOpen( ) // Each DataWindow starts printing on a new page. PrintDataWindow(job, dw_1) PrintClose(job) Workaround:: One workaround is if you have infomaker. Put a command button on the window and scipt the following.. dw_1.saveas("",PSReport! ,true). Then save the file. Goto windows explorer and open the psr file ( which will automatically open up Infomaker ) and print from there. |
160695 | Datawindow Object command button has a property on the General tab: Original Size. If this is checked, click Apply and OK, save the datawindow. Then go back into the properties and notice the Original Size checkbox is unchecked. |
160737 | PC hangs or GPF occurs at the end of an application after retrieving data in a composite datawindow. Reports must have retrieval arguments and the second report is retrieved before the first one |
160740 | Picture controls and picture buttons are displaying bitmaps differently between development and runtime. In development, the bitmaps with Property: Original Size checked appear 'off center', you can't see the whole image of the bitmap. If you run the application/window, the bitmap fully displays. |
160765 | DDDW with Null code value and corresponding display value. The corresponding display value could be selected and would remain in place when user tabbed off column. This worked using 5.0.02 and 5.0.03. No longer works with 5.0.04, 6.0. Did fix for 44410 possibly change this as well ? That bug related to dddw's with Nulls, but in that case was incorrectly matching a NULL with ZERO. In this case, the code value is NULL. There is a row in the dddw with a zero value, as well as the row with the Null value. |
160766 | 5.0.03 Regression. Problem with newspaper columns when using more than one column on a 2 page report. 5.0.03 printing using NT4.0 causes 14 pages to be printed instead of 2. and 6.0.00 appear to be OK. |
160776 | ** 6.0 Regression ** Assigning a structure from a row in a datawindow fails if the structure contains an array[n] of character and the corresponding datawindow column is char(n). Opposite direction assignment also fails. |
160793 | PBLIB60 - Source, Compare Differences doesn't currently write out the OLE binary data of an object. Currently, it only writes out the source component. Therefore, it will not compare properly with the version in the archive.
This is not a problem in 5.0 because Compare Differences is a new 6.0 feature. |
160799 | The SaveAsAscii function has several problems:
1) The default quote character used to wrap values is wrong. The default should be no character at all, but is instead the double quote charater, ". 2) When the datawindow is an external datawindow with rows entered from the dw Painter, SaveAsAscii generates an empty file. A tabular datawindow with retrieved rows does work with the exceptions noted in this issue. 3) Header values which contain a ~r~n because they are on multiple lines are written to the file incorrectly. The break in a header needs to be differenciated from the lineending break. This problem is detailed in issue 447254, but the problem is clearly seen in the file created by the sample app for this issue. |
160807 | 5.0.04 Regression - A datastore is shared with a datawindow. When doing a setitem in the datastore, the corresponding column in the datawindow is not refreshed. |
160810 | A datawindow containing a timestamp column and a stored procedure datasource from a Sybase System 11 database, changes the timestamp column to a char(0) column if you click the SQL button and bring up the Modify Result Set Description window. This results in Select Error on subsequent Previews |
160820 | Beta 6.0_251 - DataWindow with labels in Group Header Band scroll with vertical scroll, so they disappear before the group is finished scrolling up.
*This does not happen in 5.0.0x |
160823 | Beta 6.0_251 - DDDW not dropping down when clicking in cell area (not on arrow). Need to doubleclick or use arrow.
Works fine in 5.0.0x. |
160853 | A second saving of a window object causes a GPF (see Dr. Watson Protocol) at c0000005 0x10b14a3f |
160863 | Panther build 251. Constructor event of autoinstantiated uo's doesn't fire if you open and close the debugger. |
160882 | Using key press to "scroll" through items in a ddlb or dddw style datawindow column, if you press "m" and there are multiple values beginning with "m", only a few of them are displayed. Very similar to bug number 37085, although may not be exact duplicate. |
160885 | PB for Solaris. Accelerator keys (Alt + <letter key>) is not working in an mdi app with no sheets open. |
160890 | Problem: The ResetUpdate() function overlays the Original buffer with the contents of the Primary buffer. If a column used in the update where clause was modified, updates to the affected row will then fail. |
160891 | PB 6.0 - Occurs with Office 95 or 97. Application contains datawindow with an OLE DB column (word doc's). When application is run and window opens a Retrieve() is done. A page fault will occur during Retrieve(), PB60 caused an invalid page fault in
module PBVM60.DLL at 0137:110e80ad. The dw previews fine in the dw painter. |
160895 | oipuoiupoiup o upoiupo uoiu o;iuopu uoip uop |
160896 | *** 5.0.04 Regression *** If the values passed through the DATE() function are in this format: Date(1997, 11, 31) Date("11/31/1997") - - which are INVALID dates, they both return an invalid date 01/01/1900 but when compared they are NOT EQUAL.
Workarounds: Pass the dates without quotes, or pass both dates with quotes. |
160897 | Special character used in Europe causes error on update. "102 Incorrect syntax near '-'
It's the reverse of the ` character (the character goes from right to left instead of left to right. (I can't show you the character here since the Update() fails when we use this character in a datawindow.) |
160899 | When changing the background color of the field with radio buttons using Modify(), the radio buttons become disabled and clicking on them doesn't choose them. The code is in the itemfocuschanged event.
If you put all the Modify() statements in an event posted from the Itemfocuschanged event, everything works fine. NOTE: You have to capture the row and dwo arguments so the posted event can use them with Modify(). |
160903 | Beta 6.0 - Insertrow() in PB6 triggers a RowFocuschanged() and ItemFocusChanged() event.
5.0.03 and 5.0.04 do NOT. |
160946 | Using a Visual C++ dll which builds its own connection to Informix and disconnects when it is finished. Also has a connnection through the Powerbuilder application using SQLCA. Using the dll in the Powerbuilder application, however, it seems to confuse Powerbuilder into thinking that the application has disconnected when a disconnect is done from the dll. Checking server, however, the connection from Powerbuilder is still there. |
160950 | Unable to pass an ANY or a Decimal arguements as ReadOnly to a distributed function with console=1 and Level=1 set on the server.
You will immediately receive a SmartHeap Error: MEM_BAD_FREE_BLOCK If you do not have the tracing parameters set, the error does not occur. The error does not occur if you are using the LOCAL driver - only WINSOCK |
160956 | Text column formattting is incorrect in DW preview, print preview and print. Word-wrap problem in DW preview, truncation in DW Preview, Print Preview and print. |
160969 | Pre-release 5.0.04. GPF connecting to SQL Anywhere 5.503 under 16 bit PB. DBL50W.DLL 0001:F488. Bringing up engine gives "an error occurred loading WL50??.DLL".
PER DEVELOPMENT: Cannot reproduce. Further investigation indicated possible problem with one specific build. Later builds are fine. |
160976 | REGRESSION 5.0.04 and 6.0
For DBMS's that use binary timestamps. Can not update DWs that include timestamp column. Timestamps are not retrieved correctly, so second argument to TSEQUAL is not provided (empty) or is wrong. The error you get on update of System 11 (example) is: Incorrect syntax near ')'. No changes made to database. UPDATE pt486776 SET sometext = 'Row 333' WHERE id = 1 AND tsequal(timestamp, ) |
160981 | 6.0.00 Regression. A dimensioned Blob instance variable on a user object or window causes a GPF in PBVM60.DLL during assignment. Using a local variable works fine. This works fine in 5.0.04.
blob{2048} ib_blob /* instance variable GPFs, local variable is fine */ ib_blob = blob("whatever") /* GPFs on this line. */ Using an undimensioned blob variable works fine (such as "blob ib_blob") Originally reported as a Security.PBL regression. |
160995 | Expression on a rectangle does not work past page 1 of a nested report.
If you define an expression on the height attribute for a rectangle. it works fine in an individual dw. If you nest this datawindow in another one, this expression doesn't work. |
161005 | Datawindow is not redrawn when rows are inserted as a result of a dot notation assignment. |
161030 | You can open a Structure that is under version control, change it and save it even though it's not checked out. You cannot do this with a window, uo, function or menu. |
161031 | Rich Text Control not using application printing settings such as Landscape in PrintSetup( ). Looks like bug number 34686, which was fixed in 5.0.03 build 15, but this still does not work, both 5.0.04 and 6.0 |
161033 | When using a Rich Text Control and the function Replacetext()
rte_1. ReplaceText( "~r~n" ) Using a <cr><lf> works fine but when you just replace using a <cr> carriage return "~r", you get aGPF (Illegal Operation Message: PB050 caused an invalid page fault in module MSVCRT40.DLL at 0157:10236fca.). |
161036 | Want SaveAs HTML to work for nested and composite DWs. |
161049 | Oracle 8.0.03, DBMS = OR8: In the database painter, if I access a table with more than 16 columns in the primary key, when I double-click on the primary key icon, I get error:
"You can combine only up to 16 columns into a composite index". When I double click on the index icon, only the first 16 columns are shown. Oracle 8 supports 32 columns in an index. |
161051 | Focus does not return to "launching" window when response window is closed. Strange behavior - response window is opened from a control on the window. When resp. win. is closed, I can tab through all of the controls on the window, but I cannot close the window from the X close control box, and I cannot type into the sle which is indicated to have focus. I have to click once on the window before it appears "enabled".
This was reported for 16 bit, but the problem occurs using 32 bit as well. |
161098 | Gpf pbrtc60.dll when you repeatedly turn on/off Header/Footer option from a properties tab of Rich text datawindow presentation style. |
161132 | Unbounded array of structures, last element of struct is unbounded array of decimals, passed by value to distributed server function, the upperbound of the decimal array within each structure element is garbage on the server side. PB shuts down after distributed error 55. |
161133 | 1) SetFullState does not show vertical scrollbars if the target datawindow has a different dataobject than the source datawindow.
2) SetFullState does not distinguish between datawindow objects that have computed fields and those that do not if the SQL Select statement is the same Workaround: Set the dataobject for the target datawindow to be empty before calling SetFullState() i.e. dw_2.dataobject="" |
161138 | RowfocusChanged event does not fire after performing a Sort() on a datawindow
Workaround: Maintain a boolean variable for the Sort. Set it to True after you perform the sort. In the rowfocuschanging event, check if it true - if so, trigger the RowFocusChanged event and set the variable to false. |
161142 | RowCount () always return 0, when datastore is instanciated in a UO defined as variable types in the application painter |
161146 | 5.0.04 Regression: 16bit ONLY - ACCESS Database, SINGLE datatype. Adding/modifying columns of this datatype, if you type in a 0 (zero) and save the data a GPF will occur in PBDWE050.DLL@000F:0393.
Per Development: |
161149 | *** 5.0.04 REGRESSION ***Datawindow - Tabular style. Set the number of newspaper columns to 2 or greater. In print preview mode, page down to view subsequent pages, any manipulation of vertical scroll bar takes you back to page 1 with the data for page 1 displaying. |
161154 | Retrieve error using 16-digit keys: Table with numeric(16,0) primary key in SQL AW. Retrieving a record into datawindow or query object give erroneous results for certain values.
WORKAROUND: Per development: |
161156 | Sheet list on top-level menu moving over one position to the left when a menu item is hidden. (causing a re-create of the sheet menu)
The symptoms: - 1 menu used for frame and sheets (no menus on sheets). - the default top-level menu item is where the sheet list should reside. - The Opensheet call is not using a hard-coded location for the sheet list - instead defaulting so it should always be one from the rightmost top-level menu item - "Window" in the example below A configuration like the following: File Edit Window Help Open Sheet Hide Help Show Help -------------- Exit After opening a sheet, the window list under "Window" shows (for example) "sheet1". After using Hide Exit and then Show Exit, the sheet list shifts from the top-level "Window" menu item to under the "Edit" menu item. It has effectively shifted one to the left. The menu script opening the sheet is: OpenSheet(w_sheet, ParentWindow) Once a sheet is open, the menu list should show up under the same menu item consistently as long as that item (window) isn't hidden if the default is taken. Once all sheets are closed, the sheet list should then again appear under the top-level menu item - default is one from the rightmost item - for whatever the frame menu looks like when the first sheet opens. For example, if "Help" is hidden before a sheet is opened, the window list should show up under "Edit" until either "Edit" is hidden or all sheets are closed again. Then the behavior reverts back to whatever frame menu was open just before the opensheet. |
161160 | Column of char(2000) on a datawindow that is of dddw edit style with allowedit ON and a limit of 2000 causes a GPF when you use a datawindow object (dddw object) whose display and data values are much smaller in size - ie 50 characters. |
161170 | Problem: Datawindow resize event does not fire. |
161196 | Problem: Problem passing an array of dates to an Oracle pl/sql table. Problem seems to be limited to Oracle 7.2 databases regardless of the PB native driver. |
161201 | Regression: Selected rows in a dw become unselected after a sort. And, row 1 (which is the current row after a sort) is selected but not highlighted. Row one should not be selected, the rows before the sort that were selected should still be selected. |
161203 | Getting data truncated errors when retrieving data from Red Brick database in data manipulation. |
161211 | 5.0.04 Regression - OpenSheet with position argument of 0 puts windowlist under wrong menuitem if menuitems are made invisible. |
161223 | Memory leak calling a function in a PB OLE automation server. |
161260 | Cannot set margins using OCX on a window in Word or on an OLE-based datawindow.
Development: This is not a PB bug. This is normal behavior for Word. Word paints an ole object that sizes to the number of lines you have written by the width of a normal page (8.5 inches usually) on a document. You will notice in the window painter that if you type a few characters into Word and save it you will get a a document that is the height of a t. In DataWindows you are asking Word to paint that long skinny line into a smaller control. Word accomodates, but scrunches its fonts as a result. You can duplicate the effect in the window painter. This may appear as a regression but it is not. The code that was there before was actually the regession. The code was incorrect and was recently modified to correct this. The |
161292 | Enhancement. Make the ddlb edit style similar to the dddw edit style. Add:
1. Width of dropdown property (PercentWidth) 2. Horizontal Scrollbar- Hscrollbar DDLB in a datawindow - Unable to Vertical Scroll when trying to select an item that overflows the column width. With a dropdowndatawindow, you have two controls over this behavior, the "Width of Dropdown" property (100%) and the "Horizontal Scrollbar" property. There are no such properties to turn on for a ddlb edit style. |
161312 | msmapi32.ocx (5.0) causes a GPF when running a window (5.0.04 or 6.0.01) |
161313 | In PB 5.0.0x, the odbc engine did not issue a SQLNativeSQL Operation. In 6.0, it appears that it does. However SQLNativeSQL is an ODBC Level 2 operation - not a core operation; it is unlikely that every driver will support this operation. The customer's InfoHub ODBC driver does not support SQLNativeSQL and everytime they try to declare Procedures within powerscript they are unable to do so. In 5.0 they were able to do this without incident. |
161319 | RTL - Add R-to-L support for Grid and N-up DWs Grid, N-Up need rtl layout. |
161321 | RTL - Tab controls need R-to-L support. |
161322 | RTL - ListView and Treeview need R-to-L support |
161323 | RTL -DayName and String(Month()) - need an ENUM to display the correct language. |
161324 | RTL - Need a date routine to handle dates in the Hebrew and Arabic calendars. |
161325 | RTL Need a dual font dialog with fonts for English and Hebrew/Arabic in all text |
161326 | RTL - Expose the FontCharSet and DefaultFontCharSet properties. |
161342 | Solaris - When printing over 100 images/records PCL to a printer, the application terminates with a segmentation fault. |
161343 | 6.0.00 Regression. 16 bit executable GPF in PBVM60W.DLL @ 0054:2559 or 0055:261F or 0055:205C when a window is opened and contains a treeview or listview. This also occurs when using OpenUserObject() using a custom visual user object containing a listview or treeview or OpenTab() using a custom visual user object for a tab page which contains a listview or treeview.
NOTE: Affects InfoMaker 6.0 to since the Open Forms/Open Reports/Open Pipeline dialogs in the DEPLOYED executable in 16 bit use listviews. InfoMaker 6.0 16 bit users need this fix if they're deploying executables. It should be OK in development. |
161359 | The pbm_mouseactivate event has an argument: ''message''. This conflicts with global variable of the same name and gives an informational warning. Conflicting variable name The pbm_mouseactivate event has an argument: uint message. This creates a conflict when the object is regenerated. |
161360 | Shared objects having references to other objects causes GPF on application exit. |
161363 | Datawindow synchronization problem on datawindows with date and datetime fields. |
161375 | GPF when assigning data from one datawindow to another using dot notation syntax: = when graph style datawindows are used and the destination datawindow buffer is empty. Works for other datawindow styles such as tabular and grid.. For 16 bit, the GPF is in PBDWE050.DLL @000B:0BE1 or in 6.0.01 GPF in PBDWE60W.DLL 000B:0B78. Workaround: Insert a blank row in the destination datawindow before the assignment. |
161387 | 5.0.04 Regression. Pre-release build Closeuserobject() with a custom visual user object which has a Visual Components Spellchecker OLE control on it, closeuserobject causes a gpf in Kernel32.dll. Win95 or NT4.0. This also GPFs or brings the development environment down while closing the window.
OpenUserobject(uo_visualspeller) CloseUserobject(uo_visualspeller) You can get the same GPF placing the custom user object directly on a window and opening and closing the window. This also GPFs or brings the development environment down while closing the window. Open(window_with_uo) Close(window_with_uo) Product Support: This happens with all Visual Components Controls. They are all listed under this bug. |
161390 | 5.0 or 6.0. Having the NT 3.51 setting from Control Panel/fonts/True Type set to "Show only True Type fonts in applications" causes Powerbuilder to GPF when entering any painter if you have incorrectly installed True Type Fonts that are used in the application.
Workaround: Reinstall corrupted or missing fonts. |
161401 | Treeview labels with a length of greater than 259 will fail on GetItem and return code of -1. |
161435 | *** 6.0.00 Regression *** DataWindow column property Border = Underline. In preview or print the line is much thicker/darker than in 5.0.0x. |
161462 | Populating a Composit DataWindow from a PSR fails with the error "load of nested report failed". |
161468 | If a pipeline is executed from the painter and there is a database integrity constraint violation error, it is not being reported back to the user when COMMIT=ALL is set. If COMMIT=10, or 1000 or one of the numbers the error is reported back. When ALL is used, there is no error. The execute pipeline works fine, but on the status bar it reports READ: 0, WRITTEN: 0. The only way to find that there was an error is to put a trace on the database interface. |
161486 | ** Occurs under 5.0.0x only
In a datawindow for a nested report, if the header can fit at the bottom of first page, but a row cannot, the header gets printed on the bottom and is re-printeded on the next page. The header on the next page overlaps the row data |
161499 | Passing unbounded structures by reference to an external function call causes the following errors:
Under Win95 GPf in PBVM60.DLL @0137 : 112bf90b under win95 Under NT 4.0 The instruction at "0x112bf914" referenced memory at "0x112d000c". The memory could not be read. Under 6.0.01_385, the function may sometimes be called once (not always). Subsequent calls will result in the above errors. |
161501 | Text object on datawindow object gets resized to original placed size when changing color thru Properties tab. This doesn't happen if you change the color through the painter bar dropdown menu. |
161508 | The OLECLASS and Template properties of a TableBlob object in a datawindow are ignored. |
161511 | EXCEL - SaveAs() when field > 255 characters is being truncated (Excel) and CSV. |
161515 | In certain cases a response window is non-modal in 6.0 |
161522 | Datawindow: SaveAs to Excel5! format fails to save rows with Time or Timestamp columns.
Workaround: SaveAs to Excel! format instead. This works successfully. |
161533 | 5.0.04 Regression (build 70 beta). Cannot open a datawindow from the library painter. Instead of opening, an error dialog is displayed.
"Open of DataWindow <name> failed. The object was created in a newer version of PowerBuilder. " Workaround: You need to open from the datawindow painter. This is fixed in and will be in the final 5.0.04 release. |
161537 | Short Description:
RichTextEdit control - when printing multiple pages, the last line on a page gets ommited and does not appear on the subsequent page. ** Occurs under Windows 95 only Workaround: Use a slightly larger or smaller font, or set the bottom margin to 0.64 |
161548 | Problem: Required space for C++ Class Builder is not documented. You don't know if you have enough (73 MB) until the install fails. |
161552 | Problem: When you install Install Shiled from the PB 6 CD, you are not returned to the PB Install.
------------------------------------------------------- |
161553 | Problem: If you use File Manager and click on setup.exe from the PB 6.0 for Windows 95 and NT CD, the File Manager window remains in front of the PB 6.0 Install window. |
161556 | User has large number of ODBC drivers and versions. When they use PB 5.0.04 or 6.0, and use Configure ODBC, they don't get ALL the ODBC drivers in the dialog. Many are missing.
Workaround: You will not be able to Configure a data source using Powerbuilder or Infomaker if your driver list is long. Use the ODBC 32bit administrator. You'll be able to see all the drivers and configure a DSN using a specific driver.. Then do the following: 5.0 - go into the profile dialog and enter ODBC for DBMS and try to connect. The system will provide you with a list of Data Source Names. Pick the one you just configured with the ODBC administrator. 6.0 - Create a new ODBC profile. Use the Data Source Dropdownlist to pick the data source you configured with odbcadmin. Development: The dialog has a string length limitation that needs to be fixed. This happens only when you have a large number of drivers. |
161576 | 6.0 Regression: RowFocusChanged fires twice when doing an InsertRow() to an empty dw.
1/10/98 FBASHAW Fay Bashaw (PSE): Verified Fixed in build 337. |
161593 | Drag and drop of columns in a dw fails 1st time if a column is deleted |
161595 | The edit mask in datawindow query mode is not the same as in normal mode. For example, for dates, it always uses the existing date settings in the control panel.
Development: This existing behavior is the correct behavior. For PowerBuilder applications, you should be using [date] in the editmask and ensure there is a reasonable date format (yyyy) - 4 digit year in the control panel at startup by querying the appropriate sShortDate registry key. An enhancement would be to allow edit masks on columns to be preserved in querymode. |
161596 | Putting a Rich Text Datawindow into Print Preview either in the painter or at runtime via dw_1.object.datawindow.print.preview='yes' causes a GPF when the datawindow contains no rows. |
161600 | Enhancement. Ability to choose method. Currently generatehtmlform defaults to the POST method. Have an option to choose between GET and POST. |
161601 | Comparison (=) of two ANY data type variables when both have ClassName of integer returns True when values are the same, but ClassName of structure returns False even when values are the same. Bug or behavior ? |
161615 | Memory leak when passing a blob variable to a function by value. When passing it by reference or read only everything is fine. Happens in compiled code only. |
161619 | Enhancement. String compares using dash (-) and quote (') don't have expected results. These characters are being ignored.
Development: Internally we use the lstrcmp function which in Win32 performs a word sort (which ignores - and ' ) and in 16-bit does a string sort. This is done to ensure that sort order of such things as "coop" and "co-op" will keep words together as you would expect (or that names with apostrophes would sort correctly with names that don't have apostrophes, etc) ... clearly, changing this sort order will most definitely break other users' applications. The only way that we could properly handle this is to introduce a new property that would optionally perform a string sort in Win32. This would be a new enhancement since it would affect the UI and documentation. |
161620 | Accessing a web.pb function can cause pbcgi60.exe to gpf and crash the distributed pb server also. The problem seems to be caused by the corruption of arguments passed to the nvo function. One of the string arguments passed has a length of -1. |
161621 | Enhancement. Would like the "new" Powerbuilder 6.0 debugger to have shortcut keys
(for step over, into, out of, etc.). The Powerbuilder 5.0 debugger had CONTROL-S for single step, etc and this was very useful and shortcuts, for most people are easier and much faster than using a mouse. |
161625 | A memory leak occurs when declaring a blob local variable. Happens in Compiled code executable only. |
161626 | Memory leak using Sign() powerscript function. |
161627 | Memory Leak using dot notation (accessing the value from a ds) with a string variable set to NULL |
161637 | **** 6.0.00 Regression *** Datawindow with many records requiring a vertical scrollbar. Clicking or sliding the scrollbar to the bottom of the datawindow, eventually you will not see any more rows of data. (It scrolls too far down) It should stop when the last row is visible. |
161648 | 5.0.04 and 6.0.00 Regression. SyntaxfromSQL seems to be erratic and inconsistent in how it's working in development and runtime with respect to dddw columns. Most drivers are affected.
The normal behavior should be (for native drivers such as PBMSS, PBSYC, PBIN7, PBO73) should be no SQLCA.USERID required in development but in the runtime, SQLCA.USERID should be populated for pb catalog table lookups. Without this runtime attribute filled in, often dynamically created datawindows are missing extended attributes (bold text, dddw edit styles) and sometimes the datawindows that should be updateable are not. 5.0.02, 5.0.03 tests in development and runtime MSS using dw painter with dddw edit style WORKS. IN7 using dw painter with edit styles WORKS. SYC using dw painter with dddw edit style WORKS. O73 using dw painter with dddw edit style works. (no sqlca.userid set) and 6.0.01 build 349 tests in development and runtime 6.0.00 - IN7 - development had problems Syntaxfromsql did not work not matter what for pulling in dddw attributes. O73 - using syntaxfromsql in development WORKS without USERID and WITH USERID. Difference in behavior. Looks like it's hardwired - shouldn't be. Workaround: In some drivers such as Oracle, prefixing the table names in the SQL string seems to work at runtime when the user is a NON-owner of the tables. (99% of the time, this is how this type of application would run) |
161649 | Pipeline painter incorrectly describes most varchar columns, numeric columns and date columns when creating a pipeline object for the destination database. It appears to be using generic column types (char, decimal) in the destination datatypes of the pipeline object when very specific varchar or number datatypes are required.
Oracle (O73) Date datetime SQL Anywhere 5.5.03 (SQL Anywhere 5.5.04 works OK) varchar15 char(15)
System11(SYC) - Use alldatatypes on tsdata. varchar(10) Char(10) Informix 7.x using IN7 decimal16_0 decimal(16, 0) Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 to 6.5 NO PROBLEMS Workaround: Export the pipeline and fix manually or fix in the painter. |
161665 | GPF in PBSHR050.DLL 0137:116380a closing a response window and opening a sheet in script. Only happens in Win95B.
event on a response window event pfc_close() // effectively "close(this)" to close response window. opensheetwithparm(..) // the response window is gone yet more script it here. The pfc_close should be posted or some other construct should be used but every other platform works except win95B so it should work. Workaround: Create a non-visual user object that handles the closing of the response window and opening the next sheet. This could be an instance UO on the frame that persists as this response window and sheets are continually opened or closed. |
161673 | Powerbuilder 6.0
Saving an N-up datawindow as html in datawindow preview causes a PB crash if the dw has not previously been saved. Error message as follows: The instruction at "0x7802c5b3" referenced memory at "0x000..." The memory could not be read. Does not seem to be a problem with other dw types. |